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Washing the kitchen floor

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Florence61 Report 23 Sep 2021 11:37

I have noticed that even after I have mopped my kitchen and bathroom floor with a well known product (Flash liquid),there are still spots of bits that don't come off.Splashes or drips of fat, etc when lifting trays from the oven or when daughter is frying eggs.

Can anyone recommend a different product that cleans all things off the floor as there are so many on the shelves to choose from?

I do use hot water to dilute the liquid as opposed to cold.

What does everyone else use?

Florence in the hebrides

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 23 Sep 2021 12:35

I tend to blot any drips or splashes of fat immediately with kitchen roll, then put a tiny amount of washing up liquid onto a clean corner of that paper and rub the area until it is dry.... Make sure it is thoroughly dry or it will be a slip hazard.

That usually sorts the problem until the floor has it's next all-over wash.


grannyfranny Report 23 Sep 2021 13:49

Flash is one of the best.


Dermot Report 23 Sep 2021 14:00

Feel free to practice on my kitchen floor.

Coffee & cake readily available. %3A-D


nameslessone Report 23 Sep 2021 14:06

I use Flash neat on difficult spots - you just have to ensure you rinse the area carefully.


Florence61 Report 23 Sep 2021 16:38

Yes ive used Flash for years and I also changed the mop head too as it was getting a bit old. I had thought about a bit of washing up liquid but didnt want to create loads of soapy bubbles.

Dermot plenty of coffee & cake here too lol..Good exercise though, maybe have a go yourself!

I was thinking maybe a small amount of cif on the hard to remove marks? I just cant work out where the marks have come from unless they have been brought in on our shoes etc from outside maybe?

Florence in the hebrides


Von Report 23 Sep 2021 17:04

Florence what covering do you have on the floor?


KathleenBell Report 23 Sep 2021 17:06

Astonish do an extra strength grease lifter which I think is for pots and pans but I'm sure it would work just as well on the floor.

Kath. x


Florence61 Report 23 Sep 2021 18:36

Von its a new lino but quite thick and good quality as opposed to a thin one.

Kathleen I have seen that Astonish and heard people raving about it and I wondered how good it was.

Shall have a rethink when i do the next shopping order and see whats available.
Thanks for all your suggestions.

Florence in the hebrides


maggiewinchester Report 23 Sep 2021 21:31

'Pink' is a good general cleaner - may work on the hard to remove bits.


Sharron Report 23 Sep 2021 21:33



grannyfranny Report 23 Sep 2021 22:00

The trouble with using 'ordinary' detergents is that they need rinsing off or they leave a sticky residue. So a special floor cleaner is best for floors. Maybe use a spot of neat cleaner afterwards on any spots?


Florence61 Report 24 Sep 2021 14:10

Well you learn something new everyday!
I looked in the hall cupboard to see what other cleaning products we have as we brought with us a huge surplus of various things when we moved.
I found a new bottle of CIF floor cleaning fluid.

With daughter away for the day, i took extra time to clean. So I turned the chairs upside down on the table and cleared the floor completely, removed bin, watering can by the back door.
I swept it all and then put 4 capsules of CIF into a full mop bucket of boiling water.

Starting at the back door, I mopped and scrubbed it hard all over, under the whole kitchen table, behind the door etc ending up with my feet in the lounge.

I put the heating on in kitchen for an hour as its underfloor and wow!!

An hour later. floor is completely dry and not a mark in sight..yay %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D

So I think firstly daughter only put in 1 cup of liquid, 2nd the water wasnt hot enough and 3rdly she didnt mop as thoroughly as me!!

However maybe the CIF was actually a better product than the Flash?

But its all clean & shiny now....til she comes home lol

Florence in the hebrides


KathleenBell Report 24 Sep 2021 14:17

That's great to hear Florence. I blame mops for my kitchen floor not being as clean as it used to be. When I was younger, fitter and more mobile with two good knees I used to kneel on the floor and scrub the floor until it was looking like yours does now.

Now I can only mop it and without a scrubbing brush it never looks quite the same any more

Kath. x


Florence61 Report 24 Sep 2021 14:28

Well, I do actually change the mop heads more frequently than i used to, say about once every 2 months. I find they get get sticky with soap etc. I have washed them in the washing machine in between to extend their life too.

I am suffering now so sitting down and no way can i even bend my left leg at the moment. However, it was worth it to get it properly clean.

I dare not say anything to daughter as she does hoover for me and hang out the washing and other jobs I cant do, so she tries her best.

I'm probably old school, if a job isnt done properly, then not worth doing!!

Florence in the hebrides

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 24 Sep 2021 15:01

I use CIF in a Vileda 123 mop that has a micro fibre removable cover .

I rinse the cover first in hot water before attaching it to the mop

As you mop you press a trigger and the solution sprays out and you the then mop

I have white ceramic floor tiles that have grooves on them and tried lots of different cleaning ways including a steam cleaner

Found CIF and the mop the most efficient