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Florence61 Report 9 Sep 2021 18:38

Thankyou for all your comments.
After careful thought,I have decided I'm going.Yes my mental health needs it as I do feel very isolated stuck indoors,no visitors not driving.

I shall take my stick as I need it for support anyway.

I don't suppose I shall see anyone from hospital or drs it's just me and my mind working overtime!
I'm paying for the taxi anyway out if my pension not benefits.

Might even put some perfume and lippy on,always makes me feel good.

Heres hoping daughter gets some orders and sells a few bits.Herviwn confidence needs a boost too.

Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 9 Sep 2021 18:26

Have any walking aids in full sight. Plenty of cushions to keep you comfy and to make it obvious that you need them. Be open and tell people you can’t get up and that you are just there to keep your daughter company.


Maddie Report 9 Sep 2021 17:21

go and enjoy and if you can borrow a wheelchair all the better


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Sep 2021 17:17

Have your cane with you, and in full sight, so people can see that you are indeed incapacitated.

Go and enjoy yourself.


maggiewinchester Report 9 Sep 2021 17:13

You're getting a taxi there and back, through necessity, not to try and fool anyone.
You haven't got anything infectious, so you're quite at liberty to go out!!!

Mental health is just as important as physical health - go out and enjoy yoursel!! %3A-D


Florence61 Report 9 Sep 2021 16:53

I have a dilemma so need your thoughts peeps.
As some of you know, i have a completely numb leg for the last month. landed in hospital for 3 days and an x-ray.
Yesterday was back to see consultant. Long story short, hes arranging an urgent MRI within 2 weeks.

Now I can only hobble with a stick indoors and cannot venture onto a bus as cannot climb up any steps at all. I could just manage to get into a taxi.

Daughter has booked a table in town for a craft fayre this Saturday from 10.30-4pm. She has created again a calendar of local views and is trying to bump up her orders.
She is also an Avon lady and wants to sell off some stock pre xmas and get some new customers.

She is desperate for me to be with her for support as not done this on her own before. She is partly deaf and would feel secure even if i only sit all day at the table and say nothing.

So if we get a taxi there and back which is ok, what if anyone from my gp or the hospital see me and wonder how it is i can get to town if my leg is so bad?

I am probably being paranoid. Its almost like if you are signed off sick and you go out for fresh air and you worry someone from work may see you and think you dont look ill!!

Tbh, i do really need a change of scenery and some conversation as i have been stuck indoors on my own.
Just not sure whether I should go??

Florence in the hebrides