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What was your tipple..

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AnninGlos Report 3 Aug 2021 16:00

Tawny only the best malt whiskeys for you then I do like Dalwhinnie and Highlands Park but find Laphroig a little too harsh for my throat. A few Christmases ago my OH bought me (he didn't drink whisky) a box of the whole classic collection - I can't think of its name but it includes. Dalwhinnie, Lavulin, Talisker, Glenkinchie, Oban and Cragganmore the box full lasted a long time. %3A-D


Kentishmaid Report 3 Aug 2021 15:33

Unfortunately I had a misspent youth Joan so was often found drinking under age. I remember the landlord asking whose birthday we were celebrating and I was pointed out. He asked me my age, and then said not to bother telling him as he realised I had been drinking in the pub for some time while under age.

Tawny the tale about the whisky made me smile. My brother in law came home from abroad and had a bottle of Drambuie. I think I expected it to be like Dubonnet and was surprised that he only gave me a small measure. Got a shock when I took a mouthful, not pleasant,


Tawny Report 3 Aug 2021 15:20

The day I turned 13 I enjoyed a glass of Kir in Paris to celebrate my birthday. From around 14 if my parents opened a bottle of wine in the house I’d be allowed a glass. At 16 my parents regularly allowed me to drink wine and beer in the house. At 17 I started going to night clubs and would drink vodka and coke as all clubs would have it and now I drink either lemon or orange gin with diet lemonade. I also love a whisky either Knockando, Highland Park, Dalwhinnie Winters Gold, Laphroaig or Bunnahabhain.

In my misspent youth I tried Merrydown cider, Jugs of Old Rosie and MD20/20.

Mr Owls great grandparents were signatories to the temperance movement so as a result there was no alcohol in the house. When his granny Rosemary and her sister were getting to an age that they might bring a young man home their father bought a bottle of whisky so he could offer the young men a drink. Rosemary brought John back to meet her parents. Knowing John was used to drinking whisky was offered. After accepting the offer of a drink John was given a whole glass of whisky as Rosemary’s parents had no idea what measure to serve.


Kentishmaid Report 3 Aug 2021 11:23

I have never really liked blackcurrant drinks. Unfortunately we went to a posh do once and I took this glass off the tray as we went in, took one sip and almost spat it out. You've probably guessed, it was Kir Royale %3A-%28

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 3 Aug 2021 11:20

Only once did I have alcohol as a child.
We'd gone to Wales and I developed a cold.
Out came Gran's homemade elderflower wine, which was heated up and given to me to drink to ward off the effects of the cold %3A-0
I hated it.

At Christmas time, so that my sister and I felt included in the dinnertime drink, our glasses were filled with blackcurrant cordial, which then looked similar to the adults' wine.


Kentishmaid Report 3 Aug 2021 10:02

Those glasses might be worth a bit now Florence. Some Sloe Gins seem to be more alcoholic than others, there is one that English Heritage do that I particularly like, think that is probably made the old fashioned way

I'm not a great fan of gin, seems the 'in' drink these days, in a variety of different flavours.

For a while I took a liking to Bacardi Breezers, trouble was I had to add a shot of Bacardi to them to enjoy them. In the summer I would add a couple of scoops of Coconut ice cream and a shot of Bacardi to the Pineapple one and have an
alcoholic ice cream soda.


nameslessone Report 3 Aug 2021 09:54

What a deprived childhood! I’ve never heard of Cherry B. I loathed watered down wine.

As I grew older dad would do a Gin& It for me and no one could pour a Vodka and lime like he did. Could only ever manage one.


Florence61 Report 3 Aug 2021 09:44

Port & lemonade was what I was allowed only on "highdays & holidays" It was fairly diluted though and i was about 15. The next drink at 16 was a Chinano (Spelling? )and lemonade. Maybe at xmas a Babysham but only the one lol

Kentish maid, a friend of mine lived in sussex and collected sloe berries and made Sloe Gin which actually as a liquer was rather nice even though, I dont like Gin.

Florence in the hebrides

Edit; Last time I visited my mum, I found 6 babysham glasses from the sixties still in a box!


AnninGlos Report 3 Aug 2021 09:41

Yes I am talking about the late 50s. We did also used to go to one pub and have the home made wine they served, made on the premises I seem to remember. We went with friend as we didn't have a car in those days and they did. No drink driving laws either.


Kentishmaid Report 3 Aug 2021 09:30

Babycham and Cherry B are very evocative of a certain era aren't they Ann

Home made wines, they sound rather delicious, and can be notoriously strong. I like elderflower and have acquired a taste in recent years for Sloe Gin which of course used to be home made back in the day


LondonBelle Report 3 Aug 2021 09:28

Gin & Orange was my tipple %3A-D

I couldn't drink gin and orange cordial now, far too sweet ...yuk %3A-0

Give me a gin and tonic with ice and slice any day %3B-%29 %3A-D %3A-D


maggiewinchester Report 3 Aug 2021 09:18

Every Christmas, from about the age of 9, I was allowed watered down wine with dinner - probably because my elder siblings were allowed wine, and it was easier not to leave me out!
I enjoyed a snowball as well (probably watered down).

When we visited my gran, I was allowed a sherry glass of one or two of her home made wines - elderflower, nettle, gorse, etc. They were delicious - and strong! %3A-S


AnninGlos Report 2 Aug 2021 22:09

As a child no alcohol, my Mum was strictly TTotal, signed the pledge and stuck to it all her life. My dad liked a sherry or a whisky but I was given a black currant drink or pineapple juice.
As a 16 year old in the Naafi with future husband it would be baby Cham or cherry b.


maggiewinchester Report 2 Aug 2021 21:49

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


LaGooner Report 2 Aug 2021 20:28

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D %3A-D.


Kentishmaid Report 2 Aug 2021 20:05

When my son was a baby we used to go out for a drink on a summer evening and take him with us. I used to drink Guinness and if he dropped his dummy I would dip it in the Guinness to 'sterilise' it %3A-%29


LaGooner Report 2 Aug 2021 20:02

I also used to have most of Dad's Guiness much to my Mother's horror %3A-D %3A-D


Kentishmaid Report 2 Aug 2021 19:57

I remember trying brandy and Babycham once, never again

Cherry B was OK though


grannyfranny Report 2 Aug 2021 19:51

Babycham and lemonade. Then moved on to dry Martini and lemonade.
There was a drink I liked as a teenager called Biarittz, that disappeared soon after.
Pony was too sherry like for my taste. Drank a lot of Cherry B too.


Kentishmaid Report 2 Aug 2021 19:11

Can't beat proper Egg Nog LaGooner

Rum and black brings back memories Caroline, wonder if people still drink it?

Does anyone remember having a Pony? According to the web 'in the 1970s, Pony emerged as a brand of bastardized sherry '