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ArgyllGran Report 26 Dec 2023 23:21

That's a serious feast, Florence!

I always like leftovers. Today I've had carrots , roast potatoes, and pigs in blankets, all leftovers reheated with gravy.

Not that I've been very hungry, with this cough. As you know only too well, a cough can be exhausting, and I'm sore with the effort.
I've had enough of it now, and really need a less disrupted night's sleep.

But yes, the rain stopped, thank goodness, and most of today was sunny , though cold.

I hope everyone else who's unwell is reasonably OK - Florence's dad, Joan's husband, Esme and Eve.
How's the squirrel? Can't the RSPCA help?


Florence61 Report 26 Dec 2023 15:21

Afternoon everyone.

Well i hope you enjoyed your xmas feast yesterday. Daughter and I had a lovely dinner and was too full for the pudding lol.

Today we have been busy prepping for the lunch buffet tomorrow at 12.30 for 7 of us.

I have made tuna pasta with sweetcorn, potato salad with spring onions etc Cheese & pineapple, sausages on sticks, sour dough crusty baguettes, plus ham, dips, Indian selection, homemade coleslaw too. sausage and cheese rolls, pizza, snacks.

For desert there is a mixed berry fruit crumble topped with granola, peanut butter caramel cheesecake and ice cream for those that just want something plain.

Should be something for everyone lol and if not too bad! noone ever goes hungry in this house and there will be left overs for tomorrow for me. Out left over turkey, i bagged and put in the freezer for another day. i didnt over do on veg etc so there wasnt any leftovers there.

Joan, hope you enjoyed your dinner and managed to watch the tv.

I enjoyed call the Midwife followed by Eastenders.

Linda, the squirrel seems to have made itself at home but it needs to go back into the wild. I hope someone on FB can help you.

Sorry the girls are not well and hope you dont catch the bug. My brother was ill last night several times and now nephew is coughing and so is his wife! Also my son has a flu virus which has flawed him and he hasnt managed to eat anything for 2 days :-(

So it seems, bugs are everywhere. i had my fair share 3 weeks ago with a chest infection.

So as my legs were aching with all the standing since morning, Im now sitting awhile with a well earned coffee. Just the cheesecake to make.

AnnG, glad you are enjoying time with your family and you had a lovely xmas dinner. Sprout mousse eh? new one on me but it sounded quite nice.

Just Ginnie, hope you and hubby enjoyed your day. Glad he is getting on ok with his knee and making good progress.

Argyll Gran, finally stopped raining and the wind died down yesterday but now at 3 degrees today, its brrr and the wind sadly is picking up again as i think another gale coming tomorrow....whats new up here lol Glad you had a good day too.

Well better crack on as want to finish in the kitchen and clear up before it gets dark.

take care all

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 26 Dec 2023 11:38

Good morning, here is your squirrel update. It is still in residence in the log burner :-(
It is eating and drinking and sounds cross. They have appealed on the local Facebook groups to see if there are any wildlife people locally who would help. If not, they will have to wait for the trap to arrive tomorrow and see if that works. If it doesn’t the latest thinking is to try and construct some sort of tunnel from sheets to try and guide it towards the front door. There is a door from the lounge into a porch, then a door to the outside. If it can sense the light it might head in that direction . The problem is that one of the doors opens the wrong way, so blocking the light. If it got out into the lounge, it would be a disaster as there are skylights to attract it upwards and it is going to be covered in soot. Once it got into the beams they would never get it down

The others have gone for a nice walk, but I have drawn the short straw and have to stay behind. Eve is too ill to go and Esme wanted to stay here as well. She wanted grandma to stay and play. Luckily she had gone for a lie down to watch her iPad, so I am getting a rest. She is starting to cough as well, so probably has Eves bug :-(

We are heading home this afternoon with our son. He is going to stay with us until Thursday.We are coming back here for New Year. While we are enjoying ourselves,it will be nice to get back to normal. - I think I must be getting old


AnninGlos Report 26 Dec 2023 08:46

Good morning all. Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Day.
Joan I am sure the actual cooking of the meal helped to normalise the day a bit and I hope that you enjoyed eating it.
Our meal was cooked by youngest grandson with a bit of help from his wife who made sprout mousse which was very light and different and very nice.


agingrocker Report 25 Dec 2023 21:07

Merry Christmas everyone, hope you are all having a lovely day

Best Wishes to you all



ArgyllGran Report 25 Dec 2023 17:22

Happy Christmas, all!

Pouring with rain here, and I have a horrible cough, but it's been a good day with family company.

And plenty of leftovers for the Christmas sandwich!

Good for you, Joan - I hope you enjoyed your meal, and that your husband will be moved soon.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 25 Dec 2023 11:18

Happy Christmas everyone. Santa came here with an enormous pile of presents . Esme woke at 4am, but after half an hour she went back to sleep. We all got up at 7.30 am and I have been playing since then
I hope everyone has a lovely day


Amokavid Report 25 Dec 2023 10:36

Good morning everyone I hope everyone is well.
Not a white Christmas here after all, all our snow has gone now, thank goodness.

I didn't sleep very well last night because of high winds,very noisy & scary, eventually it abated at around 4-00am & I managed some sleep after that.
Goodness me Linda, a Squirrel, lets hope it can be caught soon so that the fire can be lit.
Florence, I hope your dad is improving.

I have spoken to my hubby this morning & he seems to be ok, he's more settled but soo hoping he will get moved closer to home soon.
I have got my wee Turkey joint in the oven, I felt I needed to make an effort re a Christmas dinner, but it's going to feel strange making such a meal just for me !.

Happy Christmas to you all & all the best for 2024.



LaGooner Report 25 Dec 2023 09:33

Happy Christmas to you all, have a good day <3


Florence61 Report 25 Dec 2023 09:33

Wishing everyone looking in on here today a very Happy Christmas <3

Florence in the hebrides :-D


AnninGlos Report 25 Dec 2023 09:11

Happy Christmas to everyone on here have a lovely day <3


MotownGal Report 25 Dec 2023 08:27

Merry Christmas to all you lovely people on Chit Chat <3 <3

Have a wonderful day <3 <3


Florence61 Report 24 Dec 2023 23:17

Oh Linda, this is one xmas you won't forget lol.


AnninGlos Report 24 Dec 2023 21:38

Well that is a Christmas story that nobody else will top Linda.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 24 Dec 2023 19:57

I bet no one can beat this. We settled down to watch a movie late afternoon. They have a log burner, so SIL decided to light it. He was just going to open the glass door, when he said that there was a squirrel inside. Sure enough there is. Every time we go near the door, it scrambles up onto a ledge at the back of the chimney out of reach. They can’t open the door to let it out because this is a barn conversation, so it is a very big room full of open beams. They have given it water and nuts from the bird feeder. It has drunk all the water and is eating. I have no idea how they are going to get it out. It will take some sort of trap and help from a wildlife expert , but in Xmas Eve that isn’t going to happen. All they can do is keep it fed and watered In the meantime we can’t have the fire on which is very annoying


**Ann** Report 24 Dec 2023 19:20

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year everyone <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 24 Dec 2023 12:58

Good thinking Linda.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 24 Dec 2023 12:11

I hope that everyone is OK this morning.
It s very peaceful here, the calm before the storm :-) After lunch we are going to my daughters, then it will be non stop playing :-(
Just in case we were tepmpted to set off early, I put a load of washing into the machine. It is now in the tumble dryer, so we can’t level until it is dry and folded way. A very good strategy I thought.


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2023 19:34

Joan glad you enjoyed your meal. I use a peeler but one with a thicker handle for arthritic hands.

Florence, I am so sorry about your Dad it is. Dry hard when you live away. I hope you can get down to see him after Christmas.

Linda enjoy your curry sounds nice. I think a lot if on line orders will be short of a few things.


Florence61 Report 23 Dec 2023 18:56

Well call me old fashioned but I have a sharp small veg knife and can peel very quickly with it lol