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LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Apr 2024 18:59

It is very chilly here this evening. We have had a bit of an odd day. We decided to have a day off and drive to Ikea which is about forty minutes away. Just as we were leaving my daughter phoned and said that Esme was off school because she had earache. She had a GP appointment in the morning, but wanted to know if I could help out in the afternoon as she had online meeting from 2.30 to 4:30 :-(
So we decided that we could still go to IKEA but when we got there, the store was closed because all of their servers had gone down. They were trying to fix it, but didn’t know how long it would take. So we looked round some furniture stores and had a very early lunch. Luckily Ikea reopened in time, so I was able to get the things we wanted, plus things you didn’t know you wanted which always happens there :-

OH. dropped me of at 2pm so I could play with Esme. We played for an hour and a half, but then her pain killers were wearing off, so her ear was hurting again. The poor thing has a burst eardrum probably caused by an infection from the awful cold they have all had. She has some antibiotics, so hopefully will feel better in a couple of days.. She snuggled up on the sofa and had some more Calpol, but she wasn’t very happy until it kicked in. I foresee a bad night for my daughter and Esme if course.


Florence61 Report 18 Apr 2024 15:42

Afternoon all.
Ann, they came in small pots but I left them in those overnight and gave them a good drink. Haven't managed yet to repot as have been too busy but another day wont matter to leave them.

I had a query on a tree I had thought was finished but with some help think the query got solved but also has now given me new info and so I shall have to create another branch to enter the new info.

Well the sun came out and went back in so one of those days with a few showers as well. But I have the heating on as it is pretty chilly.

I have made a pan of lentil and veggie soup for tea with some par baked crusty rolls that need using up. Daughter is on route home so I'm sure the washing machine will be earning its keep.

You sound like you had a lovely walk Ann, it really lifts ones spirits when you can get out and about :-D

I have a trip out next Tuesday with my good friend so we are both looking forward to it. Bit of browsing, lunch, etc and I want to look in the supermarket too but it will be sooo good to get out of the house as its been months except when i went out to Glasgow and that was a disaster as I became very unwell the next day!

Hope everyone else looking in is well today

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 18 Apr 2024 13:05

give them a soaking first Florence.

The sun is shining here and blue sky with white clouds. Warm in the sun but a nip in the air when the clouds cover the sun. 11 degrees.

I have just been for a walk round the estates and through a small local copse. Took me 40 minutes walking so good exercise. Not many people about, just people with dogs. I did see a very small baby grey squirrel and the birds were all singing in the trees which are now in leaf and some with blossom so an uplifting walk. :-)


Florence61 Report 18 Apr 2024 10:01

Morning everyone.

Well the lovely sunny day we had yesterday didnt last as its raining, misty, cold and windy so back to normal i guess :-(

My replacement Red Robin plants have arrived and so they need to be transplanted into bigger pots today so that's one job to do.

No update on my Aunty last night so not sure if thats good or bad.

Hope everyone looking in is well and if you have the sunshine , can you send it back here at once please ty :-D :-D

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 17 Apr 2024 16:44

I really want to start buying plants Ginnie as this garden is totally empty, but it needs a lot of work putting into it and the inside of the house is more important at the moment.

We went to the bathroom showroom this morning and they had actually taken out the display we are buying yesterday, so that is going to be delivered next week. It is amazing value, we were so lucky to come across it. We have ordered some different taps for the bath which have a shower attachment. Stupidly they cost about the same as half the whole suite.
We have also chosen everything for the en-suite., so they will send us a full priced quote for that.
We decided to go out for a short walk this afternoon , but had to wait for a shower to pass over. Down one side of the house is a pathway with trees on each side which goes through some woods. We ventured down there, it comes out into a lovely country lane by the river. In the summer we can go to a nice cafe by the river. We did a circular walk coming back through an estate which obviously isn’t as pretty. If we turn the opposite direction on the country lane, it Leeds to a nice pub,so we will try that out one day.


JustGinnie Report 17 Apr 2024 13:21

Hello all,

Was very sunny here earlier but has clouded over now, not quite as windy today as it has been but quite cold.

Linda we have those boards in our shower and they are great for cleaning as you say no grouting . We have the ones with small speckles on of different colours.
Hope you find a plant you like when you are out and about.

The little roses I bought have perked up already and have some new shoots on . They are very small and I might get 1 or 2 flowers later but hopefully they will be good when fully established . I always look out for bargains like this from poundland as they don't look after the plants well and they end up being thrown away.

OH got his email to book for his covid booster he can go to the nearby pharmacy which is only 10mins walk away.

Take care all



Florence61 Report 17 Apr 2024 12:37

Afternoon all.
Well finally its a dry, sunny and lovely day with little wind....yay :-D

Sadly, I got word yesterday from my cousin to say my late mum's eldest sister is unwell and in hospital. She has a serious infection which led to her having fluid in her heart and lungs. Stronger meds helped but she is very up & down and the outlook isn't very good. However she is very strong and stubborn and this may pull her through even though she is 89!! So the family down south is all on tender hooks.

I have been busy with family tree research and now discovered something that has thrown me completely so having to retrace my findings to double check my results.

Im home alone until tom eve, so at least i have peace and quiet to get on.

Linda, you do make me laugh :-D :-D :-D hubby sitting in the bath in the garden oh my!! Hope you get on with finding a suite you like for your en suite, how exciting..

Right Im all behind today so off to get a coffee, some toast and take my meds.

Hope everyone looking in is well and ok.

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 17 Apr 2024 08:48

Good morning everyone.It looks sunny out there, but it is supposed to rain this afternoon.
I took a photo of OH sitting in the bath on the driveway, our daughter suggested we plumb it in as a hot tub :-D. It is currently in the garage with some very large wall boards which the previous people had put in instead of tiles. There will also be the sink and toilet to add to that. We will have to get a man with a van to take everything to the tip.
We are going to go to the bathroom showroom today to arrange delivery of the new things, we also need to choose some new taps. We aren’t having a shower over the bath, we are just having a hand held shower on a cradle on the taps. Not having a shower means we can just have a couple of rows of tiles around the bath to the same height as the basin. OH will do those once we have chosen some.
We are also going to choose everything to redo the en-suite, yet more pennies :-(. The current shower has the wall boarding as well. I think that is a good idea because there is no grout to go mouldy. The current stuff is white with a very feint grey mark which you can only see if you are really close to it. From outside the shower, it just looks like a plain white wall, so that is going to have to be replaced with something better.


AnninGlos Report 16 Apr 2024 15:23

Neither Linda. Well I did actually plant on some tomato seedlings but then decided to walk down the road with a few things for the lady who collects all sorted to disperse to various charities, then when I got back it started to rain. since then I have not really done anything, just messed around on here, done a bit of admin and had lunch. Sun is shining now but the urge to garden has left me.

I expect you can pay the council to take away the bath etc. Good job it is not your only bathroom.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 16 Apr 2024 14:41

So why was it Ann, garden or bus?

I went to the enormous Sainsbury’s supermarket this morning, it took me ages to find the things I wanted

The plumber is here and has taken the bath and shower out if the bathroom, it is now sitting on the drive. I assume that we will have to pay for a man with a van to come and take it away.
The plasterer is not coming until next Monday to skim the wall, then we van arrange for the new suite to go in


AnninGlos Report 16 Apr 2024 08:36

:-D Could have been anything last time then Sylvia but still you obviously survived. How strange to do it there, obviously they had been taught that.

Nice bright wind free morning so far. Might potter a bit more in the garden, or might go in to town on the bus. I shall see. Oh the choices!!


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Apr 2024 04:20

We also received our invitations to get our Booster shot yesterday (Sunday). I booked mine online for next Friday at a pharmacy near us. OH phoned up and booked his for tomorrow (Tuesday), early afternoon, same pharmacy.

I just decided I would wait a few days until the end of the week :-D

We've had boosters done at this pharmacy a couple of times before, so we know them. Our shots last October were really strange ............... we were in a hurry because we were going away in about a week, so we went to one of the big chain pharmacies/drug stores that sell all kinds of things because it had the earliest vacancies. It turned out they were employing specially trained pharmacists to do the double vaccination for Covid and Flu. It was the strangest vaccination I think either of us had ever had ....... right on the point of the shoulder, both flu and Covid in more-or-less the same place so only 1 plaster was put on. Our shoulders were really quite sore if we moved them in the wrong direction, and that lasted for several days. Then we realised that she didn't give us any printout of what vaccines we'd been given, but it was too late to go back and get it.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 15 Apr 2024 18:14

I hope you enjoyed your dinner Florence. We had some left over chicken from yesterday. There is still lots left because the extra large size was on offer for only 30p more than the large size. I will make some soup tomorrow.

I just got an email to book my spring Covid jab. I had lots of choices for the pharmacies in town, so I am going to the nearest one in a couple of weeks.


Florence61 Report 15 Apr 2024 16:36

:-D :-D :-D oh my god, really Linda!!! Who leaves their rubbish under the bath, that's unbelievable, Maybe it was the original plumber who put the bath in and he was having his lunch and was too lazy to put his rubbish in a bin..

Im gonna have to put the heating on as it really is chilly now in the house.

Hoping Masterchef is on tonight but cant remember tbh. You get some right characters taking part. Final of The Apprentice is also on this week Thursday so looking forward to that too.

Well, making a stir fry of something for tea to use the packet up otherwise by tomorrow, the veg will be not usable. I don't have any prawns though so better go and look for something in the freezer.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 15 Apr 2024 15:43

I am not surprised that you are tired Florence after all that work. There is some ironing to do in the cupboard, I suppose I had better do it :-(

Oddly when we were looking this morning, OH said, “ Do you remember when everyone had Swiss Cheese plants”. I know the sort of thing I want, I just don’t want to pay the exorbitant prices

OH is busy dismantling the bathroom in preparation for the plumber coming to take the bath and shower out tomorrow. There is a right mess under the bath and behind all of the boxing in, empty crisp packets, an orange tango can and lots of rubble. I know you can’t see it, but it offends his sense of tidiness


Florence61 Report 15 Apr 2024 15:16

How about a swiss cheese plant Linda?

Well the hailstones keep coming and the wind is stormy. Its howling through the bathroom vent and makes a racket.

I re-potted my Coleus into a bigger pot and it looks good. However the other plants seem to have wilted after repotting grrrr. I hoping they will settle overnight and root. I have no idea what they are either as daughter put the seeds into this pot and I cant identify the plants yet :-D :-D :-D maybe if they grow and flower, I shall know then.

Some more supplies for my crafting arrived and between us we have just painted 200 pine cones with a gold paint and 20 large slices of wood for the large centrepieces.

So after all that and the ironing I did before, I am now sitting with a coffee and having a rest as feeling quite tired.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 15 Apr 2024 14:05

I hope that you survived the coffee morning without throttling any one Hazel :-D

We decided to go to a local garden centre for lunch because it had a specialist houseplant concession in it. The lunch was fine, if a bit pricy, but the plants were ridiculously expensive, so we didn’t buy anything. I did buy some garden clogs though as I am ruining my leather ones on all the wet grass. They had two brands and one fitted much better than the other one. Amazingly, it was the cheaper ones which were best. That doesn’t usually happen to me.

I decided that I had earned the lunch out because I had been very industrious this morning. OH had put some of the silver reflecting sheets behind the radiators on the outside walls. He said that the radiators were incredibly dusty on the back. I have a special duster to get in between the gills. He was right, they had obviously never been cleaned out before. That raised a lot of dust, so once it had settled down, I had to dust all of the rooms as well.

It is very cold outside, but the rain has stopped thank goodness. This morning, it was just constant showers.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 15 Apr 2024 10:21

Good morning everyone. It is only just past 10 am, but I feel like it should be lunchtime. I was up and out early to take Esme for a doctors appointment before school, just an annual check up, a waste of time really given all the specialist appointments she has. We then took her to school and I dropped my daughter off at home.
As I wwas out and about, I continued to the local Boots branch to get some of my multivitamins. They are always on a three for two offer, but when I got there, they only had one box. The next delivery is coming tomorrow apparently, so that was a wasted journey :-(

I want to buy al large floor standing floor plant to go in the dining room next to the new dresser. The best place is always Ikea, but that is a long drive, so it is probably better to pay for a more expensive one locally. I need to find one of course and as I am not familiar with the local area that is not easy. I saw a large Yuma in Morisson’s yesterday That was good value at only £20, but I want a more leafy plant.


Florence61 Report 15 Apr 2024 09:12

Morning everyone looking in today.

The wind and rain kept me awake most of the night so not feeling the best just now.
It is about 4 degrees so very cold and def not opening the door to go outside.

I have a huge basket of ironing to do plus I have 4 plants to repot so that will keep me busy for awhile.

I complained to the seller of my Red Robin plants and sent pictures and they have agreed to send 2 more plants even though its over a month since I bought them. Hopefully the new plants will grow much better.

Treehunter, hope you enjoy your cross stitch and hope the "coffee moaning" isn't too bad.

Ann, yes sometimes, I have looked back if I was trying to remember a date as you say, its like a diary so can be quite useful.

I have just had an email from my cousin in Australia and he and my aunt use to live nr Bondi Junction In Sydney and used that shopping mall. Aunty died 3 years ago and he moved elsewhere but the whole story was frightening. Together with what's going on in Iran/Israel its a worrying time wherever we live at the moment .

Right coffee drank so off to be busy now. Shall look in later.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 15 Apr 2024 07:58

Good morning all. Wet here and very windy but 8 degrees so not too cold. Although the forecast did say there would be a wind chill. I thought we were moving forward with some nice weather over the weekend. Although the promised 'mini heatwave never did materialise here. so an indoor day today, no gardening.

Hazel, yes, go and brighten up the moaning coffee.

Joan I don't think anyone will miss the posts that you deleted. I vaguely remember you deleting before. I just leave mine, eventually they will disappear off into the ether. Strangely sometimes I have checked back on my previous posts on this thread If I want to check what I was doing on a certain day. Using it like a diary.