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JustGinnie Report 22 Dec 2024 13:15

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and 2025 .

Hopefully next year will be a bit dryer and less stormy than this one has been/.

I am having internet problems atm which is a nuisance as I do messages to family at Christmas but hoping I shall still be able to at some point.

Take care and enjoy yourselves as best you can.



ArgyllGran Report 22 Dec 2024 12:43

That sounds lovely, Gwyn - really Christmassy!

Here, nobody would even think of planning an outdoor event at this time of year - it would be sure to rain!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 22 Dec 2024 12:19

In the far south east corner, we have beautiful sunshine at the moment so I do feel for you folk further north who have wild weather to contend with.
I hope it improves for all of you.
Yesterday morning was grim here, but it brightened up, the wind dropped and by late afternoon it had dried up, so we went, as hoped to an open-air carol singing event in a village not too far away. Proper carols were sung heartily by the many villagers and visitors of all ages in the courtyard of an old castle.
With the ancient parish church next door lit up by the lights of the castle's large Christmas tree, it felt that we were linked to generations before us, who might have sang the same words.


ArgyllGran Report 22 Dec 2024 12:12

Very wild last night here, too - and for the previous couple of days.

We had a power cut last night because of damage to power equipment by lightning, apparently, but it only lasted for about 30 mins, thank goodness, as they were able to divert us to some other bit of the system . At least that's what the follow-up phone call said!
There were two other brief cuts later, of only a few seconds each time, because they were working on the fault.

Today is much calmer, and not so wet.

I hope everyone's OK on here.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 Dec 2024 11:32

I hope that you survived the night Florence. The wind was absolutely raging here as well, there are trees down all over the place, but we seem to have survived unscathed. It has been very cold, but it is forecast to be double figures for Christmas Day


Florence61 Report 21 Dec 2024 14:06

Hi all
Just a quick hello to say, I am ok but the storm is still raging at over 70 mph. Some have lost power but so far we are still on!

Hope everyone else is ok and keeping safe <3

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Dec 2024 15:45

It is a drizzly day here Florence. I just noticed online that they are forecasting high winds for tomorrow and the Glow at Harlow Carr Gardens is cancelled tomorrow, so we were lucky it went ahead nd we could go.
The girls are both still ill, although Esme is slightly better and has moved downstairs to a bed on the sofa in the family room which is next to her mums study. As she hasn’t been at school this week, I collected the cards for her friends which she managed to sign this morning. I took them in and brought back a bag with cards from her friends and a little present from her teacher.
Eve is still ill, she has lost her voice. I hope my daughter doesn’t come down with it.


Florence61 Report 20 Dec 2024 10:29

Morning all
Well its breezy here and I guess in prep for another storm tomorrow with the promise of 80 mph winds....but up here we're well used to that and nothing we can do about it.

I have the last Tesco delivery of the year coming sometime this afternoon.

I ordered some new clothes and jumpers which came but sadly most of it is going back What is annoying as the pictures on line look so nice and then you get the goods and realise, they are not quite the same. The jumpers were far too baggy and stretchy, a dress just hung without any shape to it. Oh well at least Ill get my money back!

Hope your grandchildren are feeling better Linda? I enter lots of competitions but so far not been lucky but you never know, a win may come when you least expect it.

Hope everyone safe and well today and if you are in the path of the storm tomorrow, use today to charge up torches etc so at least you are prepared

I have a few pots at the front and in awhile, Im going to move them into shelter as dont want them flying elsewhere.

Just finishing off drying some towels too and then all the washing and drying is up to date.

Better crack on with me usual chores.

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Dec 2024 15:51

Oh dear Sylvia, having a visitor in the middle of the night must have been strange. You are wise to wear your alarm though, my mum always kept hers on. That was because her next door neighbour used to take his off and put it on the bedside cabinet next to him. One night when he went to the bathroom he had a big stroke. It took him five hours to drag himself along the floor and somehow got the alarm to call for help. That taught my mum a lesson.

Poor Esme was desperate to go to school today because of the Xmas concert, but she just wasn’t well enough.. I went to the school to take a carrier bag of presents for the class teacher and all of the many teaching assistants. I enter lots of advent competitions and one I saw this year was from the local garden centre. They were wanting people to nominate a local organisation to win a large light up golden deer. I nominated the school and I won. The deer is now by the front door with their Christmas tree, it looks really good and they are delighted with it.

I could do with winning something nice for myself. I have actually won a couple of travel mugs with some truffles, not exactly the biggest prize, but if good things come in threes I have my fingers crossed for “ the big one”. One year I actually won a holiday to Italy. It was good, but it was a Saga holiday and we weren’t quite ready for that, we still aren’t come to think of it.


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Dec 2024 03:34

Oh Linda, that was too bad about the girls.

We're at the start of another sequence of "atmospheric rivers". :-P

It began yesterday, with much rain overnight. Lovely sunny day today, but another one overnight tonight. Then a river on Thursday evening & night, Friday ditto, Saturday ditto, and also on Sunday.

A t least one day of clouds, but then a wet, wet Christmas :-(

The saving grace is none of them is stalling over us for days, so there is a breather in between, and hope that much of the water will drain away.

It is also warmer than usual, no hope for any cooler temperatures until some time next month. Even the nights are warmer than usual! I have the window open in my bedroom, had to throw off the duvet last night and find a light weight throw instead!

I made a mistake last night that I've been dreading!

We have to wear a Personal Alarm System (PAL ..... don't ask!) at all times. I wear mine on a neck cord, the alternative is a bracelet that you are not supposed to ever take off at any time. I obviously could take off my necklace, which I do to shower, but I sleep with it on. My dread is that I would at some point hit the alarm button while asleep in the middle of the night.

Well, I did it last night! :-D

The weird thing is that I had trouble falling asleep, had got up around 1 am, and then fallen asleep, but I was disturbed by something, and wke up when a light was turned on. Then the night nurse on duty in MLC (where OH is) came into the room :-0

"Are you OK?" "Did you hit your alarm?"

Bit of a discussion, then she assured me that it was OK, don't worry about it!

I must have only been asleep for a few minutes, because it turned out she came in at about 1:15 am

The nurse on duty this evening in MLC thought it was very funny when I told her!


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Dec 2024 20:46

Esme was too ill to go to Harlow Carr Gardens, so her daddy volunteered to stay behind to look after her . Eve decided to go even though she wasn’t feeling well. When Esme realised Eve was going, she started to complain bitterly. She wanted daddy to go and mummy to stay behind. As it was mummy who arranged it in the first place that wasn’t going to happen, so we left her shouting for mummy :-(
The gardens were absolutely beautiful with all the trees lit up and all of the Christmas lights. We went round really quickly which was a shame, but Esme was sending lots of texts demanding that mummy come home and Eve was struggling a bit. Anyway it was worth seeing, so hopefully next year we can all go.
I was supposed to be going to Esme’s school Xmas show tomorrow morning and to her Carol Service in the church in the afternoon , but unless she makes a miraculous recovery overnight, it looks like I will have the day off. It is a shame because she has been practicing the show for weeks and it looks like she is going to miss it.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Dec 2024 15:42

Are you going to eat all of the cupcakes Florence :-D

When we got to Harewood House, we discovered that everything was open after all. Not that it made any difference because the weather was so bad that we wouldn’t want to walk in the gardens. The display in the house was excellent, all the rooms were dark with different animated displays in each one. It was very clever and the trees and sparkling decorations were superb. They had hundreds of artificial candles everywhere. It was a totally different experience to the usual stately home where you look at the furniture and paintings etc. We have done the house in the normal way before, so didn’t miss that aspect


Florence61 Report 18 Dec 2024 12:50

Afternoon all
Oh Linda, that's not good is it! Every year when i was younger i always seem to have either bronchitis or tonsilitis so was always too ill to eat my xmas dinner even with it chopped up small. i grew out of those things though by my teens, it was just when i was around 8 or 9.

Its still blowing a hooley here and heavy showers. This weather is et to last until Saturday when a bigger storm is heading this way! My last Tesco is on Friday thank goodness.

I have just baked 2 dozen cupcakes and I'm waiting for them to cool enough for me to decorate with swirls of green icing, decorated with skittles to look lights lights on a xmas tree, well that's the idea lol.

Later on i have a small basket of ironing so may get rid of that.

Stay safe everyone

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 18 Dec 2024 12:08

Not looking good then Linda. I hope the girls can get rid of these bugs before Christmas Day.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Dec 2024 11:51

Both girls are ill now, Esme seems to have an ear infection, but they couldn’t get a doctor’s appointment until tomorrow. Then the doctors phoned back and said if they took her to a pharmacy she could be prescribe antibiotics there. So they got her out of bed and took her to a pharmacy only to be told that it is only antibiotic eardrops, not full antibiotics. In the meantime the dictirs have cancelled the appointment

We are just about to go to Harewood House, but I got an email from them to say that because if high winds the grounds and gardens are going to be closed, only the house and courtyard where the cafe and gift shop will be open,,That is annoying, but there is nothing we can do.

We are hoping that Glow at Harlow Carr would be cancelled this evening, but it looks like that is going ahead. The girls are probably going to be too ill to go, so that means someone will have to stay to look after them anc we will lose the money for the tickets if course.


AnninGlos Report 18 Dec 2024 11:35

So many bugs around this time of year. I have a cold at the moment, last one I had was in May.


AnninGlos Report 18 Dec 2024 11:34

Linda enjoy your day out. I bet the house looks lovely.
And I hope the girls will be well enough to go out too.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 17 Dec 2024 21:32

Thankfully, it hasn’t been raining here. I took Eve out for lunch and to visit the local church which has a Christmas tree exhibition. Well that is what we told her mum. We actually went to the local retail park so that she could buy her Christmas presents for the family .i.e. mum, dad, Esme , two uncles and an aunt. Not that she pays for any of them of course :-( While we were there, I also bought presents for Esme to give to everyone as well. Eve can wrap her own, but I will have a secret wrapping session with Esme. This is the third year I have done this, they really enjoy being able to give the presents. We did go to the church, there were a huge number of community trees all with sparkling lights, it looked beautiful. We didn’t have time to look at them properly, so we will probably go back again on Saturday

We are having a day out tomorrow, O H and I are going to Harewood house, we will have lunch, then at 2pm we have a timed entry into the house to see their spectacular Christmas decorations. We have to get back to my daughters for 5 pm because we are all going to Harlow Carr Gardens to see “ Glow”, that is the gardens all lit up. That is the plan anyway, but Esme has been off school for two days with her gastric migraine. She didn’t end up in hospital this time which is good, normally she would be over it quickly, but she also seems to have a bad cold, so was still ill today. Eve is also complaining about having a sore throat, some hope they will be well enough to go tomorrow because the tickets were expensive.


Amokavid Report 17 Dec 2024 15:50

Hi again Florence.
I have been watching a film this afternoon, nothing exciting, just a light hearted marital story, but it passed a couple of hours.

The rain here is not heavy but hasn't stopped all day & still on, it got dark much earlier today, almost an hour earlier than yesterday !



Florence61 Report 17 Dec 2024 15:16

Joan, if that's all you felt like doing then no matter. Maybe there's a film on this afternoon for you to watch with a cuppa and some cake?

I have finally finished in my bedroom and now sitting down with toast and coffee and the rain is beating hard against my living room window. So glad I'm indoors, best place to be in this weather.