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Florence61 Report 14 May 2024 14:40

Afternoon everyone looking in.

oh my the fog is awful and its very wet but the plants outside have sprung to life and have taken well, so I am pleased with all we did yesterday.

We decided to crack on with making more candle centrepieces. I had 6 left in the box and have just finished clearing up. This batch of pine cones was a little disappointing as a lot were quite small with less bigger ones and so we have now ran out...again.

I also needed another 6 red pillar candles so I have ordered some and then these will be the last ones.

My poppies, I have grown from seed are in a pot on the window in the lounge and now they are really growing well. They will be going outside but not until this dreadful weather has passed.

Linda, hope you have a nice lunch :-D

It all sounds as if your house is now coming together finally.

Joan, hope you are having a better day and that the sun is shining so at least you can sit outside with a cuppa and listen to the birds.

If anyone has the sun, can you please send it up here pronto :-D :-D :-D

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 14 May 2024 10:06

Good morning everyone. Well what a change in the weather, it is warm enough at seventeen degrees, but the rain is really coming down. Actually, I don’t mind because it is just what the hedge needs. It looks like it is going to rain all day, I hoped it,night pass over.
Later on, we are going to go to the local retail park which is only a mile away. There is a TK Maxx and they had some nice lamp shades. Two of the bedrooms don’t have a ceiling shade, so that will solve that problem. There is a nice furniture store, so we can look at the dining chairs. We still haven’t found any which we want. We have had a new table for ages, but are still just eating in the kitchen. I know the furniture store doesn’t have what we want, but it does have a very nice cafe, so if we happen to be there at lunchtime :-D :-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 13 May 2024 20:32

I am sorry that you had a bad day Joan, it is good that your daughter is so close and can come when you need her.

I just popped down to my daughters with Esme’s homework. Apparently they have been learning about clocks today and her homework was to take a photo of a digital clock and an analogue one. She took two photos of each type and my daughter put them on a pdf, but their printer isn’t working, so it was emailed to me to print out. I took it straight down and she attempted to copy the words analogue and digital under the photos. She made a good stab at the letters.I am sure she has a week to do it, but she was insisting that it had to be done tonight


JustGinnie Report 13 May 2024 17:51

Hello all,
Well it sounds like we have all been busy doing things in the garden or/and home must be the burst of spring weather . We haven't had any thunderstorms just had some showers here and there, I am hoping that the weather stays kind as I am not a fan of storms. I am not scared or worried by them rally just not a fan.
Florence I like my garden tidy but I can cope with it being mixed up. 1 of my in laws had an immaculate garden where everything was straight lines and matched on either side looked lovely but I couldn't have kept it like that. The lawn had perfectly straight lines as well.

Sorry you had a rough day, it is early days for you and waves of grief will hit you sometimes when you least expect them. Good that you were able to have your daughter visit.

Haircut day tomorrow for me.

Take care all



Florence61 Report 13 May 2024 16:02

Afternoon all

I am been a very busy bee today!

We went outside early this morning even though it was foggy but the sun kept peeping through and then it got warm. A real mixture and its still foggy now!

So set to work re potting plants into bigger pots with fresh compost. moving all the pots and rearranging them so its identical on both sides. My large Rhodendron is now in the middle of the window. 2 large pots, one at each end with rose plants in between. I also have fuchsias and smaller rose plants. took ages to sort but all done.

Then I had some pansies and other flowers that were still to plant up, so I sorted that all out. rearranged them either side so its all looks symmetrical. Cant abide it when all the pots are just anywhere, looks so untidy.

Daughter bought 2 ceramic pots with lovely plants like purple daisies but they are not daises and no idea what they are but they now sit either side of the hydrangeas at the front door.

After I had been standing awhile, I went indoors and left daughter to clear up everything as she made the mess!!

I had just managed a sandwich and a coffee when dad phoned. oh my on the tel for an hour as he scanned his old baby book and emailed all the pics page by page!

All received now and I look just like my dad when he was a baby aw.

Joan, so sorry you were not good yesterday. There will be days when you feel like this but there will be better days too. i'm so glad your daughter and granddaughter were able to come over for a bit. Do you not ever go over to their house for an afternoon for a change of scenery maybe?

I hate the storms for 2 reasons, if its a bad storm, we will lose power and also when the lightening flashes through the window, it is scary. Its ok when on holiday, you are watching it from a distance I guess but when its bad and you have to turn off your computer etc for fear of it catching fire, then that is not fantastic!

Your painting Joan sounds fabulous and I'm sure the shed etc looks lovely in that shade of blue. My fav colour apart from black is navy.

When my mum was younger, she remembered a story of a man playing golf. The lightening struck his club and he caught fire. All that was left was a pile of ashes, that story always terrifies me!

My goodness the day has flown by as we were outside for ages. Better start thinking about what to make for tea. i think a jacket potato and salad for tonight, easy enough to sort.


Amokavid Report 13 May 2024 14:24

Good afternoon.
We have a dry & bright day so far today, not much sun though & the breeze is a bit on the cool side, but I have managed to do some more painting of the various sheds & garden seats.

Small shed has now had 2 coats, & P shed has had 2 coats on 2 sides so not much more left to do.
Lot's of plants haave burst into life & starting to flower, I found a plant that I bought & planted up last year has burst into life, I thought it had died off soon after planting, so well chuffed to seee I was wrong.

I had a bad day yesterday, spent the afternoon & evening in tears, I felt really lonely & went to bed very early but had to get up again as I couldn't sleep.
Things seemed to go from bad to worse & I ended up phoning our daughter as I was so upset !

Daughter & grandaughter (12yrs)came over & we had a nice chat, they stayed with me for a couple of hours by which time I felt more relaxed & went to bed & managed to get some sleep.
I am feeling a lot better & more able today !

I hope all is well with everyone,& the storms didn't cause anyone any problems.
I am very glad that we didn't have a thunderstorm etc.



LindainHerriotCountry Report 13 May 2024 13:33

Oops, I forgot Florence gets worried :-D
I love it on holiday in Florida when you have a fantastic thunderstorm every afternoon


Andysmum Report 13 May 2024 12:28

Linda, I love a good storm too, but I don't think Florence shares our enthusiasm!

I remember in my teens, I was at a school half way up a hill and on the other side of the valley, roughly opposite, there was a thick wood. One day there was a storm and we were watching the lightning over the trees. If I remember rightly at least one got hit and fell down. A fantastic sight and far enough away not to be a danger. :-)


LindainHerriotCountry Report 13 May 2024 10:04

Good morning from the sunshine. According to the forecast, it is supposed to be foggy.

I have had a very lazy start to the day. reading my iPad in bed before I eventually got up. OH had me worried when he said that the window cleaner was here well before nine. Luckily he does the upstairs windows with a brush on a pole, so he couldn’t see me.

The sample tile which we ordered has finally arrived at the shop, so OH has gone to get that and has taken another car load of stuff to the tip. The plumber who fitted the bathroom is coming back on Wednesday to fix the very slight leak on the bathroom toilet. OH is also going to have a go at him about the vanity unit in the downstairs toilet. It fits into a recess with a small gap on either side. He hasn’t got it centred, so it is going to make the tiles look odd. As it is stuck in with mastic , I don’t know if he will be able to move it across . It is half a centimetre out, not a huge amount, but noticeable.

We are going back to the bathroom showroom today to try and finalise the order for the en-suite. All very stressful choosing wall boards etc and trying to keep the cost down a bit without compromising the look too much.

It was a shame you didn’t get the thunder and lightning Florence, I love a good storm


Florence61 Report 13 May 2024 09:07

Morning all from a misty murky village.

Last night it rained and when I say rained, it absolutely bucketed down, torrential. It was bouncing of the road literally! However we only had a couple of rumbles of thunder thankfully but there were others in other areas away from here.

Through the mist, the sun is trying to come through so it may turn out to be a good day after all. I have some repotting to do and really would like to do it outside as less messy than doing it on my kitchen table!

At least i wont have to water all the pots later on or maybe for a couple of days so that's saved me a job.

The cheap compost bags I ordered have finally been dispatched and are on their way so more jobs to do when they arrive.

I'm not a huge fan of BGT but i watched it last night and really enjoyed it as there were some very good acts especially all those children in the choir. Organised chaos but they were lovely.

Well off to the shower and to be extra careful today!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 12 May 2024 19:01

oooh its raining hard here too and there is also thunder and lightening around but only in the distance, think it was in the town areas.

Hope it doesnt get bad here but the sky is a funny colour, very stormy looking.

Had cold leftovers for tea so no cooking today :-D

Take care all


ArgyllGran Report 12 May 2024 17:55

Oh dear, Linda, what a hardship that will be for you, having to buy clothes!

As forecast, the pleasant morning has given way to heavy cloud, heavy rain, lightning and loud thunder.

I'd better cook something for tea quickly, in case the power goes off.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 12 May 2024 15:54

I know my ears are useless, but for the last few years, the sound balance on the Eurovision music seems odd to me. Maybe it is something to do with the way they cancel out the audience noise. The songs always seem different when you hear them later on the radio.

I went to Aldi this morning, then I have potted up the two hanging baskets and three wall troughs using the plants I bought yesterday. They will sty in the greenhouse for a while until they are established.

I have just cleaned the bathrooms, we are back to three again. It was quite nice when two of them were being replaced and I only had the en-suite to do. OH has just done the ironing. He thinks that I should buy some new black T-shirts as my current ones are getting old. Who am I to argue with him :-D I need another trip to M& S next week.


Florence61 Report 12 May 2024 12:44

Afternoon all

No northern lights here either!

I didn't really enjoy Eurovision this year. I felt its not so much of a "family" show anymore as some of the performances left little to the imagination. I wanted Croatia to win and didn't think much of the winning act nemo but that's just my opinion.

Its overcast and windy and forecast says thunderstorms later..eeeek hate them and get quite scared if they are bad ones.

Just pottering about tidying up. daughter changing her bedroom around again!

My bruise has expanded further down my leg but think the lump has reduced. Still very sore though to touch.

Right time for some lunch now and to be busy.

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 12 May 2024 09:36

We just gave our two sheds away, the main one had been painted in a very orange looking decking stain, not a good look.
We were out until midnight last night as we watched Eurovision at my daughters, but sadly there was too much cloud to see the Aurora :-(


ArgyllGran Report 11 May 2024 22:16

True! And it has a lovely non-leaking roof!


Florence61 Report 11 May 2024 21:04

haha at least you have a shed :-D :-D :-D


ArgyllGran Report 11 May 2024 19:51

That sounds lovely!

My shed is just boring brown woodstain.


AnninGlos Report 11 May 2024 19:15

Joan good choice. I have just had my arbour and hand rails on steps painted that colour. I love it.


Amokavid Report 11 May 2024 15:11

Hi again.
Linda, I'm sure he would have enjoyed helping with the painting but there's a limit in what I would want him to help with, I really didn't fancy BLUE gravel, LOL.

Argyll Gran, the paint is called Barley Wood, it's a deep blue, it's a bit darker than Royal blue, it looks lovely.
