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ArgyllGran Report 24 May 2024 18:56

I always use a cross body bag, too. It leaves the hands free for other things, and lessens the danger of losing it.

Went to town this morning for a haircut and to stock up on groceries. The road there and back was so busy today!
It must be summer.

I hope you and OH feel better soon, Linda. It sounds like a nasty bug. Maybe all that rushing around with home improvements has caught up with you.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 24 May 2024 18:33

I always wear a cross body handbag. If I try to have it on my left shoulder, it is too painful.
OH did a bit of work on the bathrooms this morning , but it was too much for him, so he has been in bed all afternoon. I am better than I was at the start of the week, but I still can’t be bothered to do much. I need to get better quickly s half term is next week, so I will be in demand.


Florence61 Report 24 May 2024 15:05

Well today no planes have gone because of the fog so for that i'm grateful we did actually get away yesterday.

I only ever go down to Glasgow for hospital appointments or when i'm flying south and then I'm just passing through, I don't leave the airport..

nevermind, I managed to get a hairdresser to come here a week Monday and give my hair an MOT so that's a start .lol


nameslessone Report 24 May 2024 14:42

Probably better to get soaked than to be stranded somewhere.because of the fog.

Next time you go over is it possible to pre order some of your favourites looks at Marks, try them on and then claim refunds for things that don’t fit etc?


Florence61 Report 24 May 2024 14:28

Afternoon all.
Oh my goodness the fog has returned and cant see the rd from my window!

Flight was good and on time and as we arrived a bit earlier at the hospital, they did my scans earlier by 1/2 so that was a bonus.

MRIs took an hour and my neck was sore afterwards and i have a sore head today but I'm very tired too. I shall sleep better tonight probably.

We managed lunch out and to a few shops, but my legs were aching and i find it incredibly difficult to navigate a handbag on left arm, walking stick in right and trying to carry a basket around a shop isnt easy. I managed to Sparkles and got a couple of things and then I had to go and sit on a bench as was tired.

So shall have to surf the net for clothes and hope i find some summery things and some comfy cotton trousers that do not look baggy on me!!

And of course, the heavens opened and yes we got soaked several times, it never blooming fails. Worse at the airport as they have to push you in the wheelchair from the plane quite some distance as there is no lift from our gate to upstairs, ridiculous. So was soaking by the time we got into the terminal building.

Same when we checked in and was torrential by then.

Results will take a few weeks probably as last time was 5 weeks! Unless there is any changes, i wont have to go back anymore.

Im waiting on someone coming about the polytunnel so better get off here now.

Back later


Florence61 Report 23 May 2024 22:59

Andysmum, it was Glasgow I went to today.
Back safe and sound but very tired so will post about my trip tomorrow.

Just bucketed all day and we got soaked....again!!


Andysmum Report 23 May 2024 12:33

You have cheered me up!! OH has a maturing ISA and as he is away sailing, with no internet access, he has asked me to deal with it. I have just been digging out all his paperwork ready to have a go.

One thing his letter did say, Linda, which I have never seen before, was that if you want to withdraw the money, the receiving bank or building society has to do it. Whenever I have withdrawn funds in a maturing investment, the building society has put the money into my bank account.

I hope Florence has managed to get to Edinburgh. The weather is pretty wild and it is possible that flights have been cancelled.


nameslessone Report 23 May 2024 12:02

I got into such a muddle trying to do what was suggested that this time I just withdrew the money after the interest had been added.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 23 May 2024 11:57

I hope that Florence managed to get away and that the flight wasn’t too bad.
It is a much better day here in that it isn’t raining. It is cold and cloudy though.

We have had a bit of a head banging morning trying to close down a couple of maturing ISA bonds online. They really don’t make it easy for you to find a link to fill in to take your money out. Usually there is a very prominent button for you to reinvest your money with them, but finding the option to close the account and withdraw the money is hidden away somewhere to make it difficult. In this case there wasn’t any obvious maturity instructions at all even though the letters we got through the post said there would be :-( We managed in the end, but it took ages.


Florence61 Report 22 May 2024 19:13

Ty heres hoping


ArgyllGran Report 22 May 2024 17:41

I know how you feel about phones, Florence!

For many years I've used (and still use) an ancient little basic Nokia, and I love it.
I'll be in mourning when 2G is eventually done away with, and I have to stop using that phone.

I do have a smart phone but only use it I'm away from home, for the sake of having internet access.
It feels so big and heavy to carry around, compared with the lovely wee lightweight Nokia!

I hope you get away OK in the morning. And then home again!


Florence61 Report 22 May 2024 16:48

I got a call back from the council and she said no I don't need planning permission but will send the details in an email and then I can forward that to my housing manager.

Think she was being being picky and quoting me for one that would be on croft land.'

This is big at 2.2 metres tall, 6m long and 4 m wide but my garden is double that at least and is out of site at the back. Still waiting for the email from planning but nothing has been sent yet!

ArgyllGran, when I have changed my phone, it takes ages to get used to how it works etc. Guess i really don't like change at my age lol. Its fully charged now anyway so think its ok but shall keep an eye.

Quick tea of pizza and chips. Up at around 5.30am tom, taxi coming at 6.30 and judging by the howling gale we have at the moment, i don't see it improving.

Last time I went in mar, it was horrendous and there's me thinking oh well, its May we fly so should be lovely :-( :-( :-(

One can always live in hope it wont stop us from getting away and back home later


ArgyllGran Report 22 May 2024 16:22

[Oops - several posts on here while I was typing this, so it's a bit out of date - but I'll leave it! ]

I'm sorry to tell you it's already raining here, Florence. It's been threatening since yesterday, and finally began this afternoon. Not windy, though.
However, the garden certainly needs it after several dry sunny days, so I don't mind.
The rain's forecast to be heavy until tomorrow midday.

Changing your phone needn't affect the tariff you're on. Just transfer the SIM card.

I hope your plumber finally turned up, Linda. It's so annoying when people don't come when they say they will, and you have to hang around and wait for them when you could be doing something else.

Joan -
You will be having the rain at the moment too, I think.
I hope you can find indoor things to do. Have you got back to your cross-stitch, I wonder?


Andysmum Report 22 May 2024 16:17

I don't think you will need planning permission, unless it's huge! Following is from the website.


Build a shed, garage, greenhouse or other building at your house
Last updated 14 Aug 2023

You may want to add a shed, garage, greenhouse or other similar building to your house.

This guidance only applies if your home is a dwellinghouse. This means it's a house you live in and is not used as a business premise to any significant degree.

Permitted development
Before you do this you should first check if you need to apply for planning permission.

Most sheds, garages, greenhouses or other similar buildings do not need a planning permission application, because most meet a set of rules called 'permitted development'.

The permitted development rules for sheds, garages, greenhouses or other similar buildings are:

it's located at the back of the house

it's not used as a separate home to live in

it, and any other development, does not take up half or more of the ' rear curtilage' – this means half or more of the grounds behind your home

it's not higher than 4 metres at the highest point

any part that's a metre or less from the boundary is no higher than 2.5 metres

the eaves (the part where the wall meets the roof) is no higher than 3 metres

if the land is in a conservation area or in the grounds of a listed building, the building has a footprint of less than 4 square metres


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 May 2024 16:02

The plumber turned up just after twelve, at least he came. He is going to send a quote, but probably not this week as he is so busy. It will be extortionate whatever it is :-(
OH was just resting on top of the bed until the plumber had been, then he got in properly. He hasn’t wanted anything, so I bet he doesn’t want much for dinner. I am sure there will be something in the freezer for me.
It is still raining , it hasn’t stopped all day., so I haven’t been out. I will have to go down to the greenhouse at some stage as I didn’t water it yesterday

I remember that my sister had to get planning permission for her poly tunnel Florence, but that is a huge one and they live in a listed house.


Florence61 Report 22 May 2024 12:59

Sorry my landline rang re the poly tunnel and i'm now waiting on a call back from someone.

Might need planning permission according to one person because of the size but now waiting on another call who think not :-S :-S :-S

Fingers crossed I get it all agreed.

Phone is charging via the PC and although slower than a normal socket, it is charging. Normally a lightening symbol shows when its charging and its that which isn't there so maybe its just that.

My PC is driving me mad as the internet here has been up and down like a yo-yo and is so slow.

Right I haven't eaten today so better make a sandwich before i keel over lol.

Hope you plumber turns up Linda!


Florence61 Report 22 May 2024 12:48

Morning all. Wind is now howling and rain will follow. What a change in the weather and typical as i'm away tomorrow to the mainland for the day for me scans and the forecast there isn't that great.

My mobile phone is taking ages to charge and I really hope, I don't need a new one as i loathe changing phones. This model I have is no longer available grr. i know newer models come out nearly every week but I don't want an I Phone or one on a contract etc. Mine costs me £10 a month for a bundle and I have unlimited calls, texts and messages which is perfect. I get 7gb a month and hardly use it so nearly always 6 is rolled over which means I always have around 13 GB of mobile data available. This is handy when Im away from the house..


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 May 2024 09:25

Good morning from rainy Yorkshire. The rain is just coming down steadily, but it isn’t torrential yet which was forecast.
Eve was supposed to be going to Malham Cove on a Geography field trip today, but thankfully, it has been postponed.

The plumber was supposed to be coming at 9 am to give us a quote for the en-suite, but there is no sign of him yet. That is annoying OH is now ill and he is waiting to go back to bed. He usually takes to his bed when he doesn’t feel well, whereas I keep going during the day and go to bed after dinner .Whats the betting the plumber won’t turn up as it was a week since he made the appointment.


nameslessone Report 21 May 2024 15:58

When ‘my energy adviser’ asks me that question I never tell them ;-) ;-)

I have no idea what the loft insulation is as it is boarded ( and fairly full).We often open the loft hatch when it is really hot as some of the heat goes up into the loft rather than out of it. ( there is an escape vent from an old heating system)

Many years ago a colleague of OH had to race down to his mother’s in Wales as she was about to get the then free loft insulation and they were going to put it on top of the boards. So a sleepness night for him getting the boards up.


ArgyllGran Report 21 May 2024 15:09

How odd, Names!
Extra wall insulation ought to mean less heat coming in, as well as less going out.

Have you plenty of insulation in the roof space?
My loft is like an oven in hot weather, but the heat doesn't come down through the insulation layer into the house, which stays cool.

I know heat rises - but without the insulation, the house would be hot as well as the loft.