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Florence61 Report 15 Nov 2024 17:08

Yep it sure will names!! Im sure there will be the usual protesters and in 2 weeks time, all the fuss will have died down as it did years ago when Sunday planes and ferries were introduced.

If you were a new mum and had run out of nappies on a Sunday, there would be nowhere to buy any, which in this day & age is ridiculous!

As for those who have said they will stop shopping there permanently, they are saying they would rather starve then go to a shop on a Sunday.

I'm a believer in choice .I don't judge people by their religion but if i want to shop on Sunday, i dont need someone telling me its wrong!

Lets wait & see how busy it will be!

Gales here all day so def an indoor day. But we are off out tonight to a local comm prize bingo, that's if we don't get blown away lol

Hope everyone was well & ok today


nameslessone Report 15 Nov 2024 15:43

I see from the news that Tescos has won and the Stornaway branch will be open on Sunday.


ArgyllGran Report 14 Nov 2024 20:08

Our nearest Post Office (7 miles away) , in a corner of a supermarket, is safe for the time being, thank goodness.
Although most of my banking is done online, I rely on the PO for depositing or withdrawing cash, as I bank with Santander, and the nearest Santander branch is about 90 miles away.

Our two nearest towns each used to have a Crown PO and two or three sub-POs, but now only have one PO each, in supermarkets.

Well done, moving all that soil, Florence! You deserve a rest.

Enjoy your visitors, Linda. I hope your mouth is more comfortable soon.


nameslessone Report 14 Nov 2024 16:20

I saw yours was on the list Florence. Our Crown post office in the big town closed years ago and our little local post master was overheard saying he would have to give it up as it was costing him money. That would be a huge shame as we have no banks or building societies any more. He kindly took it on into his shop when the Village post office shut a few years ago.


Florence61 Report 14 Nov 2024 15:24

Linda, i'm a veggie and sometimes the ones who invite for a meal, well in the past shall we say, have the "i'm only cooking 1 meal, if you don't like, tough " attiitude. So one time fed up with going hungry, i went to the supermarket and bough loads of veggie food which my children preferred to pork chops.

So when i dished up my food, the others looked on and said my food looked more inviting but they were offended that I brought my own!! I don't see why as we all sat down together. these days we don't all have the same tastes, so if we invite someone for a meal, i go out of my way to accommodate them whether they are GF, lactose free, veggie/vegan or whatever.

Maybe your sister thinks you wont have the food they like ? Or do they have special diets maybe?
Good you lost a pound but eating out doesn't always put weight on, just depends what you have.

I have just gone through the freezer drawers again!! I have no idea how things get mixed up unless someone else just shoves anywhere there is a space hmmm!

I have 4 blocks of pastry , 3 shortcrust and 1 puff but once I make mince pies, they will be all gone so a space there. I need an empty drawer for the turkey until xmas eve so food in that drawer needs to be eaten up very soon. Seems to be at least 6 breaded haddock, so can cross that off the next food order.

Anyway coffee time now and a look at the news etc.

Just read that our main PO is on the list for closure!! Oh and the ferry broke down again. We are really in a mess up here.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 14 Nov 2024 12:15

It is still a fairly nice day here, just a bit chilly.
You did well with the soil Florence, hopefully it won’t take too long to move the rest of the.
I went to Slimming World this morning after missing last week. I have lost a couple of pounds, I just need one more off to get back into my target range,so I don’t need to pay for the classes, but I need another four off to get back to my exact target. My sister and husband are coming on Saturday for four nights. She is insisting on bringing all sorts of food , she obviously thinks we don’t have real food around here :-( We are going out for a couple of meals as well, so that won’t help my weight loss .


Florence61 Report 14 Nov 2024 11:52

Morning all
No gardening for me today as its thick fog and very damp!!

Never mind as i have lots of chores to catch up on so not a wasted day.

I do ache a bit in my fingers and my shoulders today but the hot shower this morning helped.

Hope everyone else looking in is having a good day :-D

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 14 Nov 2024 08:24

Well done for getting most of it done Florence. I assume that what remains is not obstructing anything for you so can easily be left there?

Re Sharron, I am another one who didn't get to meet her. there were vague plans, she quite often visited Cheltenham )not sure if she had relative or friends there). She suggested we could meet up when she was next in the area, but it didn't happen.

Can't comment on who was dismissive as memory fails me as to who it was.


Florence61 Report 13 Nov 2024 16:00

Well we fairly shifted a huge amount of soil. When the guy said there was nearer 2 ton, I think i can believe that now. But we filled the raised bed and put soil in each bed in the tunnel but the mist and rain came and it got cold so we cleared up and came indoors.
My legs were aching and my fingers and daughters back was as well so was the right time to stop. At least i can get the plants in and the bulbs and if we leave the rest of the soil until next week, it will be fine. We have managed to cover it completely now with the tarp so it will keep dry.

i have just sorted out the laundry and prepped tea so now sitting for a well earned rest.
I can hear the wind outside and it looks chilly too and am so glad Im toasty indoors.

Linda, glad you got the stitches out but you still have to take care for awhile yet.

I got an appointment to see the surgeon for my cataract assessment today. Its on the 10 Dec at 2pm so finally i get to find out how bad my eye is and whether Im an urgent or routine case. To be fair, as I'm retired, non driver etc i expect, i will be put on the routine list. Whereas if i was working and a driver, obviously that would present an urgency for me to get it done asap.

it will be next year anyway and tbh at this late stage in the year, i don't want it done this side of xmas as too many things to do and I want to enjoy xmas not be in pain or blurred vision etc.

Right time for another coffee and then see to my tea for later.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 13 Nov 2024 15:51

ah names, I wonder? But maybe he still looks in??


nameslessone Report 13 Nov 2024 15:47

Don’t know if I am remembering this right but wasn’t a certain person very dismissive of her interest and knowledge, or was it just that he was dismissive of all of us.

I wonder what happened to him.


Andysmum Report 13 Nov 2024 15:07

Yes I think she was. I had quite a correspondence with her on the subject of tides and how they affected ships.


nameslessone Report 13 Nov 2024 13:39

Ah the battle cogs. Wasn’t Sharon planning to write a book on them.


SuffolkVera Report 13 Nov 2024 12:21

I think she would be amazed that we are all still remembering and talking about her 3 years on.

One of my regrets in life was that I never met her. In September 2021 she put a thread up about battle cogs sailing from Suffolk to the battle of Sluys and wanted to see where they gathered for the crossing but didn't know whether it would be Ipswich or Felixstowe. I told her it was Ipswich and we were hoping to meet but hadn't sorted a date. She was going to contact me later but sadly later never came..


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2024 10:58

I wonder if she was aware how many of us followed her posts.


nameslessone Report 13 Nov 2024 09:44

I think we all miss Sharon. With costs and prices ever escalating we could do with her recipes for making a meal out of nothing.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 13 Nov 2024 09:35

Time goes by so quickly, I also miss reading Sharon’s tales <3

I had my stitches taken out on Monday, it turned out that he couldn’t count and. I had six, not five :-( I feel better for having them out and can eat a bit better. The swelling is going down, but I still look like I have a dirty face because of the bruising. My gum is still very sore, especially over the part with the bone graft in, but that will get better over time. It is worse at night because of the pressure of my face on the pillow, but fine during the day. My next appointment isn’t for three months when they will take impressions for the permanent teeth and bridge. In the meantime with the temporary bridge, I am not allowed to bite anything hard while the implants heal. I haven’t been able to bite anything since I first snapped the tooth and bridge, so I am used to cutting everything into tiny bits . It is still far too sore to bite on, but hopefully I will be able to bite soft things soon. I look daft even cutting a sandwich into tiny bits, fine at home, but it looks odd in a cafe.

I see the weather forecast has very cold weather coming down from the Arctic next week with some snow in Scotland, as it is a nice sunny day today, I am not looking forward to that .


Florence61 Report 12 Nov 2024 18:23

Gwyn, we will be there for 10, public in at 11.
But the one on the 23rd is an early start as stallholders there for 9, public 10am so that means leaving here at 8.30am!!


Florence61 Report 12 Nov 2024 18:20

Aw 3 years is it? I still remember meeting up with her, Graham, Gwynn & her daughter. We had such an lovely time.

Hmm maybe thats' why i decided to make a veggie soup today!

Yep miss her stories of Fred and all his adventures. <3


LaGooner Report 12 Nov 2024 17:17

I still miss Sharon very much too. We had a lot in common and I so enjoyed her stories of Fred and his sausage sandwiches :-D.