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Florence61 Report 17 Jun 2022 14:37

So GP came out and promptly ordered her an ambulance will be around 4 hours!! So SIL walking up to mums to pack her a bag etc...Mum says shes only going for a check up, well thats what she thinks.

To be honest, Im glad in a way shes going to hospital. This way, I hope they will thoroughly check her over with xrays, heart scan and sort out the fluid problem or whats causing it.

At least I was able to get this all sorted as brother is working etc but he stop at the hospital tonight on his way home to see what the score is.

I may be 900 miles away but i am good at organising things and

Last night the water went off at 6pm and wasnt back on until early hours of this morning. The pumps were faulty and then an airlock apparently. I had !/2 a kettle filled anyway so was ok plus i have flavoured water bottles x3 in the cupboard.

Weather here last night was blooming awful, a full gale, driving rain. Its dry just now but still very very windy and def noooo heatwave!!


nameslessone Report 17 Jun 2022 15:19


I do understand the problems of being so far away when things go wrong and hope your mother is OK. I used to have to give up the one day a week they my family were together to travel and do all the things the others with a whole 2 day weekend didn’t. Thank heavens your SIL is close.

Recently I was berated for helping the daughter of a friend of mine. The daughter lived miles away. I never did like the ******. Who had a go.


Florence61 Report 17 Jun 2022 18:10

Just a quick update. Ambulance finally arrived and shes away to local hospital which is only 3 miles away and 5 mins from little brothers house which is good.

Hopefully he will get in to see her and find out more a bit later on tonight.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Jun 2022 10:05

I hope your mum is OK Florence. If they admit her, she will probably be in for a while as they won’t let them out until a care package is in place and these days that takes ages to arrange. Not that she will want a care package as they can be so stubborn

Yesterday we were expecting the hot weather, but it never really materialised. It was quite hot, but overcast and windy. This morning it is much nicer, but a lot cooler.

My eleven year old granddaughter finally went for her first Covid injection this morning. She had just been called for it when she got Covid and children have to wait for three months afterwards before they can have the jab. She seems fine so far, little Esme is still waiting for her second one because she caught it just as she was due, so is having to wait as well.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Jun 2022 11:34

They have just come back and Esme had her jab as well. They said because of her special needs, she only had to wait a month, though that wasn’t what they said before. They had some spare vaccine, so they were both done together. That is one thing off the list. Esme has so many appointments, so my daughter is constantly having to take time off.


Florence61 Report 18 Jun 2022 12:13

Good morning everyone.
Well after spending hours on a trolley in the hospital corridor, she finally got seen. They took bloods, x-rayed her chest. They gave her a nebuliser which helped with her breathing. Then they prescribed 5 days of steroids, 7 days antibiotics and brother finally took her home at 1am!!!

They were not interested in her swollen legs as were only treating the problem she was sent in for ie...her breathing. She did have crackling on her lungs and a "slight misting".So discharged home and a full report being sent to GP.

I am so lucky up here in a smaller place. Mum would def have been kept in overnight up here not sent home alone at 1am. She hadnt eaten since lunchtime. Was only when brother went down to see what was happening around 9.30, he asked someone for a cup of tea for her and a sandwich as noone offered her anything!

So hoping the meds will improve her breathing and I suspect she will have to have a scan at some stage but last time she refused the MRI so have to wait & see.

Linda, thats good they have all had their jags now hopefully with no side effects.

On a lighter note, i was delighted to see several flowers on my strawberry plants today. When I saw them, I was so delighted as wasnt sure as this is year 1 if there would be any but so far, there are about 6 flowers..whooppeeee :-D

The sun is out but oh my its still blowing a gale. Was going out to the bin, but i shall get blown over so not venturing outside at all.

Have been beavering away on friends family tree so that has occupied much of my time this week . Daughter returning on Monday. I managed to get a Tesco slot for....7th Jul as no slots available earlier usual story up here.

Cant decide what to make for tea but i think pasta will be involved as need some comfort food today.

Hope all ok with anyone looking in.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 18 Jun 2022 15:12

Hi all, after the two glorious sunny days with yesterday reaching 28 degrees and being a little bit too hot, it is cooler today and although dry all morning it has been raining this afternoon. Not heavy rain but at least I think it is enough to water the garden. One of my neighbours is away and I am in charge of house and garden. She has 10 baskets, 8 troughs and 15+ pots to water. She is worse than me although she does not have a greenhouse.
sorry to read about your Mum's problems Florence and hope that the meds will have sorted the problem. Maybe she insisted on going home.

Linda good that the girls have now had the jabs that were due. :-)


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Jun 2022 16:56

It is bad that they turned your mum out a5 that time of the morning Florence, but not surprising for the NHS these days. I do hope she will be OK.

We had a walk into town this afternoon and went to the small museum which has some interesting things in it, then to a cafe of course as Esme loves her cafe culture. She wanted to buy a new book from the bookshop, but we went to one of the charity shops instead. While we were there we spotted a Mousetrap game which was almost new, so we bought it. We have just had good fun playing it. I remember it from when my children were little, but this version seemed to be less fiddly than the original


Florence61 Report 20 Jun 2022 09:33

Good morning peeps.
Well grass cutting day comes round so quick! So was up early today as its also bin day and always hope the grasscutters come before the bin lorry otherwise, all the grass cuttings will sit in the bin for another 2 weks!!

At the moment its dry and overcast, so fingers crossed it stays dry.

Im soooo excited as I have discovered 7 flowers on my strawberry plants :-D :-D :-D

Someone had said i might not get any as this is the first year after growing from seed, so even more delighted now.My yellow roses are all in bloom as well and also the dark red bush is about to flower.

Love it when everything is in bloom and so colourful.

My physio is tel at 10.25 to review how the steroid jags have been. So far the pain is far less so def an improvement and my sinuses are all clear which is the bonus. Love being able to smell my perfume etc and taste all my food..amazing.

Hope you get your water sorted soon Joan,

Linda, its amazing what you can find in charity shops and to be honest, to a young child, a shop is a shop and they get to buy something. When young they are so easy to please.

Have a good day all.

Ann, they didnt want to keep mum in unless it was an emergency, ie life or death. Spoke yesterday and she is still very breathless. I guess the meds wont kick in until later today hopefully.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 20 Jun 2022 14:33

Oh dear Joan, your poor hubby I hope he can come home soon. I expect they will want to make sure he is stabilised from the pain. The paramedics were right to send him to hospital though as they would want to be clear it was his angina.

This is not the first time recently I have read about people not being anything to eat or drink, that is awful as if you feel ill being hungry and or thirsty will make you feel so much worse. Hopefully he will have had something to eat now he is on a ward.


Florence61 Report 20 Jun 2022 16:11

Oh Joan, so sorry to hear this. At least he was admitted to a ward and there he will be observed regularly and see a dr. He is in the safest place but can understand your worries. Just like my mum, she never got anything offered to eat or drink either!! But tea time, he will get something im sure.

Maybe if it settles, they will let him home in a day or 2 hopefully.

Had a disaster with the computer. Deleted the browsing history as hasnt been done for months and it deleted all my favs!!! Have done a restore point but to no avail. Now having to go through all my regular sites from my book, sign in to all of them including Genes and save again to my favs.Oh well, has kept me busy but very annoying.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 20 Jun 2022 17:24

Sorry to read of your OH's health problems Joan.
It must have been so worrying in the night, but it's best that he is fully checked out in hospital, if the paramedics couldn't stabilise him.
Hopefully things will quickly settle down and he will be back to you to enjoy home cooking again.

I hope your Mum continues to improve and accepts treatment and care that is offered.
Such a worry when you live so far away. <3


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Jun 2022 20:13

I am sorry to hear about your husband Joan, but he is in the best place while they sort him out
I am waiting for news on my sister. She was supposed to be operated on at 9 am this morning, but she didn’t go in until 3 pm thus afternoon.She wasn’t even allowed to swallow any water, so she wasn’t happy. I FaceTimed her a couple of times this morning while she was waiting.She has had a brain tumour for a few years which they said was inoperable as it is in the middle of her brain.She had a biopsy done a couple of years ago and the hotspot in the middle was only grade 2, so they left it. Now it is much larger and the hotspot is probably grade 3 or 4. If they do nothing, she only has a couple of years. They can’t take it all out because it is too close to her speech and movement centres, but they hope it will give her more time by taking as much as they can. She had to be awake and talking for the part while they do it, so they don’t go too far. I am waiting to hear when she is back on the ward.


Florence61 Report 20 Jun 2022 20:46

Ooh Linda, hoping you hear soon and that your sister's op was successful. Im sure it would have been a few hours and then a spell in recovery. Does she have a hubby or children to let you know any news?Fingers crossed you will hear later.

Oh Joan, poor hubby. So a small heart attack, oh my days. Im sure the salad wouldnt have gone down too well, but surely there was another choice or a sandwich. Anyway, hope he gets a better sleep and is more settled once he has seen the dr tomorrow.

In the meantime, get yourself a nice hot chocolate or whatever you fancy and a choccy biscuit and put your feet up and chill. Try and rest so that when hubby returns you will be stronger and able to look after him. I know when you are the one left on your own, you worry but he will be ok and he is in the safest place.

Flick through the tv channels and see if there is anything to take your mind of things.

Gwyn, thankyou for your kind thoughts. Im hoping the meds will breakthrough tomorrow. She refuses to have any help. Even when i was last down and offered to do things like her shopping, she said, "I am quite capable." lol

What a week for us all, we all have medical things going on one way or another.

Stronger together, lets all try and be positive

Florence in the hebrides <3


nameslessone Report 20 Jun 2022 21:21

What a worrying time for you all.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 21 Jun 2022 09:28

My sister didn’t get out of theatre until 8.30 last night, so that was a very long op. She was still in recovery at 10.30 when her husband phoned me. He said that she was awake and talking. Although she was awake for the middle part of the operation, she opted to be sleep for the first and last parts as she didn’t want to be aware when they were cutting through her skull :-(
She told them to tell him not to come in until this afternoon as she wanted to sleep. He has tried four times this morning to get through to the ward, but hasn’t been able to get through. He is just assuming that she is back on the ward. Hopefully things have gone well, but she now has weeks of chemo and radiotherapy to face depending on what they found yesterday.

Is there any news on your husband Joan? I hope things are better this morning


LindainHerriotCountry Report 21 Jun 2022 11:03

I got a bit more news on my sister, she is back on the ward and is talking. She has been sick a few times, hopefully that is the anaesthetic, but they are going to do an MRI just to check as she also has some weakness in her right leg. The physios are coming to check her out.

Phew it is hot out there. My neighbours are away, so I am looking after the greenhouse and veg patch. I have been watering some of the smaller seedlings as we are not due any rain until the weekend


JustGinnie Report 21 Jun 2022 11:04

Hugs and thoughts to all worrying about loved ones.Hope you all get positive news soon <3


LindainHerriotCountry Report 21 Jun 2022 11:09

Thank you Ginnie, we all do seem to be going through a rough patch with Florence’s mother, Joan’s husband and my sister. If things come in threes then no one else should have problems!


Florence61 Report 21 Jun 2022 12:31

Afternoon peeps.
So glad your sister Linda is back on the ward and she is able to talk. Hoping the MRI will be fine and her leg will come back soon.

Joan, glad hubby has had his meds reviewed as seems a long time since they were looked at. I hope he does come home tomorrow and then you will feel relieved. Im sure you felt very lonely on your own. I had an Angiogram and not the most pleasant of things!!My arm was black and blue for 2 weeks after.

My mum is ok, still breathless but seemed brighter so thats an improvement.

Sending healing hugs for those that need them <3

Off to do a pile of washing/ ironing. Daughter came back yesterday, case full of washing! Place is upside down back to the usual.
So much for the summer solstice as we have another day of fog and misty rain grrr

Take care all
Florence in the hebrides