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Florence61 Report 22 Apr 2022 13:00

Afternoon all.
Well back to the grey, damp misty & overcast normal spring kinda day! Def no use for sitting outside as really cold in the mist.

Where is the paint coming from Joan, not china i hope? I made a mistake as i ordered 2 battery press on lights. One is for the hall cupboard as no mains light in there and its so dark. You just stick it with the tape on the wall and press on when needed.
However the delivery date is showing end of May!!! And oh yes, its coming from a chinese city of all places and stupid me never noticed when i ordered it.

Oh well shall just have to be patient and hope they are not cheap rubbish. The spare one would do in a power cut during the winter. Actually Joan, when i get them Ill let you know how good they are as you may think about next winter and power cuts!

Just a few bits of laundry and washing floors today.
Arm is a little better so hopefully by tomorrow, it wont be sore anymore.

Have a good day everyone.

Florence in the hebrides


Andysmum Report 22 Apr 2022 16:44

Times have certainly changed!! I can remember when, if you ordered something from a catalogue you didn't expect it in much less than 30 days.

Florence, I have some of those lights. They are brilliant - in all senses - and we use them as torches. I've had them for years. They take 3 AA batteries but they last for ages. I don't know where they were manufactured, but I bought them at B & Q.


Florence61 Report 22 Apr 2022 19:08

Yes Andy's mum, I have no idea why i never ordered them before!

Lovely evening here and now very sunny but its brrr cold in the shade.

Just following a family member's plane en route to Corfu on the flight radar app. There's a webcam at Corfu airport and you can see the plane land live!! Should see it touchdown at 8pm our time 10 pm in Corfu.

So amazing thesedays with technology compared to say 30 years ago.


Florence61 Report 24 Apr 2022 15:59

Good afternoon all. Well Think I shall call today "Disaster Sunday."

After doing daughters bedding etc, I decided to strip my bed because the weather although a bit chilly is breezy and sunny, perfect for drying.

So took off the pillowcases and then walked around the otherside of the bed. I banged my head on the shelf and said"ouch!!" Good grief it was so sore. Next I knocked my knee against a box on my chair and now have yet another black bruise.

After what seemed like an eternity, I put my bedding on to wash and decided to have an ice cream cone with a flake. Not content, decided to put some chocolate sauce on too....well the sauce was running down the cone, dripping down my lips, stuck on my t shirt and also in my long hair arghhhh

Shouted for daughter who handed me a tissue. I ate the rest of the cone and then had to wipe my hair and change my t shirt. What next I said.

Well for tea tonight, its a jacketpotato with cheese, bowl of salad, sardines and some beetroot. In the cupboard was a jar of beetroot that looked empty so I opened it and poured the vinegar down the sink...only there were several slices at the bottom that I couldn't see! Oh my more cleaning.

All this and we haven't got to teatime yet lol.

So Have decided to call it a day with anymore chores and take a chill pill.

Hope everyone elses day is going well!

Florence in the hebrides

PS I dont mind if this gives you all a laugh, never a dull moment on a Sunday here . :-D :-D :-D


Florence61 Report 25 Apr 2022 14:16

Afternoon all.
Joan, glad you got the paint and managed to get a coat on. Im sure it looks lovely.
Hope you managed to get all your planting done too. Here its soooo cold, overcast but at least no rain for now!

Been busy doing housework and sorting out a few cupboards in the kitchen. The one under the sink was in a terrible mess but all sorted now.

Tidied freezer and now looks half empty but at least i can see whats what etc.

managed finally to get through to Patient Travel to book my transport for 5th may when hopefully i shall get the steroid injections for my knees and get some pain relief.

Sitting awhile now as legs were getting sore with a hot cup of coffee.

Ann, Are you any closer to getting home? Have you been testing yourselves?

Hope all is ok with everyone.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 25 Apr 2022 17:28

I am home now. We still all have coughs but I have never tested positive just negative and although they were positive, daughter and son in law are following gov guidelines which now state once that you have been positive for 6 days yo are likely to be less infectious so can go about as normal but try to stay away from people. We went to a local garden centre that was not at all busy, had a coffee sitting outside and wore masks. They go home tomorrow it is going to seem very quiet without them.


Florence61 Report 26 Apr 2022 12:27

Afternoon all
So the lovely team of grasscutters turned up today. One cut the front, one cut the back and 2 lads following with strimmers. All done in 20 minutes. Really looks good and the charge is ok, £10 each cut billed monthly.

Not a bad day as had out my superkingsize quilt cover and got it dry very quickly....just have to spend as long ironing that now lol!!

Postie just came and left me a letter to which i wanted to cry at when i read it. My appointment for my steroid injections on the 5th May has been changed to the 8th June. Yesterday I waited ages in the queue to book my transport so have just had to cancel it grrrr.

My knees are sooo sore and now thinking not too much longer, its another 6 weeks.
I feel noone cares really. Its like well, you are at home all day anyway so whats the urgency etc..

Anyway sent daughter to town with a list of things to do for me so that will keep her busy and make her feel important bless her. My lovely wool winter coat is going to be dry cleaned. never done it before but it could do with a refresh.

Run out of shampoo & hairspray too...never noticed how low i was getting.

Hope you managed to get some more painting done Joan. Its overcast again but dry here.

Ann so glad you are home now. At least you got out to the garden centre for a coffee.

Not sure what the afternoon will bring but pasta bake for tea...yummy with crusty bread.

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 28 Apr 2022 12:43

Hello all, I hope you are all well .
Weather here has changed back to winter I think, it is dry but feeling very chilly today.
I haven't been on much as have been in pain more than usual this week . Getting very difficult to walk atm and still waiting for GP app to discuss change of tabs My hands are very stiff and sore as well , feeling my age
Another bank hol weekend not that it makes any difference to us being retired .

Did anyone watch the DNA programme with Torvill and Dean. I knew a little about them anyway but I enjoyed the programme and felt they were very happy to find out about new relatives. Almost all of my paternal line were miners from the same area in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire as theirs were.

Heres hoping the weekend will be warmer and OH and I might get the garden planting finished .

Take care all.


Florence61 Report 30 Apr 2022 13:55

Afternoon Joan and everyone looking in
Well what a change in the weather!! gale force winds and torrential rain...after the lovely dry, sunny week we had this was a shock to the system. So indoors all day today and just usual chores.

Tesco coming later after 4pm. That will restock my fridge and cupboards etc for a wee while.

Joan, what a disaster re the prescription. I rather feel that the Dr forgot to put it through..hence it didn't show up on the system. Did you know that Marmite is a very good source of Folic acid? I was brought up on it and have it on toast or crumpets nearly every day. Would your hubby like it on toast to boost his levels or crumpets maybe?

Not sure what we shall have today for tea. I only had 6 crackers with garlic philly for lunch as trying to lose some weight.
JustGinnie, no i didnt see the DNA re Torvill & Dean. Sorry to hear you are having mobility it your legs or muscles that are the problem? Ive noticed more recently that my finger joints get sore in the evenings and when I was crocheting recently, I had to do short bursts and rest my hands.

Hope you get something sorted with some different pain relief.

I started a diamond art picture a few days ago and am pleased how quickly im getting on with it over halfway now but can only do about 1/2 hour at a time and then need to stand up as quite heavy on the neck looking down.

Hope everyone else enjoys the weekend although unless the weather improves, I shall be stuck inside.
Oh my battery light arrived today and is now stuck on the wall in my hall cupboard but what a bright. Was well worth waiting for and in a powercut, it will be good too.

Right off to be busy now.
take care

Florence in the hebrides


Bobtanian Report 30 Apr 2022 14:39

If you you don't mind me chipping in a bit, but how plans get thrown into disarray, had a hospital cardiac appointment for friday am..plan was to get this done and nip up to yorkshire fer the weekend...ha ha

consultant says I need urgent attention, some injections and tablets and observation....
so daughter who came down to be chauffer had to take wifey back home, and leave me here! now I have appointment for 11 am Sunday!!

to be continued, hopefully!


JustGinnie Report 30 Apr 2022 15:07

Bob hope all goes ok for you at your appointment on Sunday. Such a shame you had to miss your trip to Yorkshire.

Been a lovely day here and have been out and got a few plants and OH has planted them.

Florence I have both Joint and muscle pain although the knee joint is the worst I have noticed my hands getting worse. It is so frustrating when you want to do something or go somewhere and you know you can't. I'm sure you know the feeling well also.

Joan I hope the tablets have a positive effect for your hubby.

Have a good weekend all.


AnninGlos Report 1 May 2022 13:14

Hello All. Oh dear Bob, it is never ending once you get started with these appointments. still good that they found something that needs attention and they will now keep their eye on you. Hope J enjoys her holiday with your daughter and is not too worried about you. She is bound to be concerned though. Let us know how you get on with todays appointment.

Ginnie, when I was first retired and for the next 20 years we were both active and fit for our age. I used to think, OK so the next stage of our lives will be staying home and taking it easy in our twilight years. Obviously was not to be for my lovely OH, no twilight years for him. But I wonder if anyone goes gently into the next stage of retirement, it seems that, even though we have been actively enjoying retirement for longer than maybe our parents did we pay for being active as our legs, arms, hands etc have worn out and now we face pain, it may not be violent pain but niggly pain that can weigh us down. Hopefully we will still get good days which will give us the strength to get through the bad ones. And that we can also retain our sense of humour to continue to see the funny side of life. My parents were 85 (Mum) and 93(Dad) when they died. Mum was actually more or less fir and died suddenly. dad was in a residential home and for the last 6 years of his life not at all active, not ill but not that well. Not sure which I would choose to emulate.

Joan that was a pain with OH's drugs, hope they work for him anyway.

Florence what is your diamond picture's subject?


Bobtanian Report 1 May 2022 13:23

Right appt done, most enjoyable lunch with son and DiL.

we are to continue with injections and to take the tablets!! 10mg instead of 5...


AnninGlos Report 1 May 2022 13:25

Make sure you keeep taking the tablets then bob. Do you have to inject yourself or is it done at the surgery?


Florence61 Report 1 May 2022 16:51

Afternoon peeps.
Well the horrid rain & gales we had yesterday had gone away now. Still an overcast day but no rain and no wind.

Ann the picture is one of Steven Browns McCoo collection. Its the happily ever after of Mr & Mrs McCoo in their wedding attire.

Bob. so glad you got on ok and of course we don't mind you chipping in on here. Everybody is welcome here. Its nice to have some different news & views. If you dont mind me asking, what is wrong with your heart?

Ann before i had my heart surgery, i was fairly fit & active. I was working in the school and always on my feet. I had climbed 2 mountains the year before in wales and did so without effort. My plans were to carry on working until i reached state pension age...67 but obviously my heart had other plans!

Since my surgery and the 2 mild strokes which i recovered from, i seem to have had umpteen things wrong with me and since my mobility is virtually non existent with a paralyzed leg, I am frustrated daily with not being able to do the simplest of things.All of my joints are sore, fingers, hips and as for my knees....oh my they are
the worst. But I am only 60 and all of these things have happened since I had to give up work as before i never had problems with doing anything.

So retiring early for anyone thesedays means a much longer time doing less and more frustrated than ever being restricted in everyday things.

I do find things indoors to keep me occupied but not the same as going out for a walk, whizzing off to town and going shopping...those days are gone now.

I do really feel for all of us now stuck at home, disabled in some way.

So wish i could turn the clock back a few years as Im sure most of us also wish that.

So off to try & make a lime sorbet. First time of making so will let you all know tomorrow how it goes.

Enjoy the rest of the bank holiday weekend folks.

Joan if you are looking in, hope you managed to get the rest of your painting done.

Florence in the hebrides


Bobtanian Report 1 May 2022 18:57

I suppose I "could" do it myself but I am fortunate in having a very capable DiL... and is taking delight in the daily stabbings!!


AnninGlos Report 2 May 2022 11:01

:-D :-D :-D bob be careful you don't upset her then.


Florence61 Report 2 May 2022 13:28

:-D :-D :-D Yes she could be lethal with that injection!!

Afternoon peeps.
Well my lemon/lime sorbet worked well and tasted delicious. I am so pleased as never made it before. Couldnt help myself having a few teaspoons before bed last night and its so moorish mmmn.

Daughter away today elsewhere until next Monday so home alone. Done all my chores and now looking at a very tidy sitting room and kitchen.
Washing all done too just a small bowl of ironing.

Hoping to have a friend for lunch tomorrow which will be a boost. Might have to make a cake or some scones, we shall see.

Hope everyone ok and enjoying the bank holiday except here its just like a normal day but no post!!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 3 May 2022 16:19

Afternoon peeps.
Very cold and dull here today, heavy cloud makes for quite a depressing sort of day but its dry!

My friend is coming tom at 12 for lunch tomorrow now so I have made 2 fruit loaves which I couldn't resist having a slice of just now lol.

Threw the duster round and finished off the ironing so all up straight.

Just been online shopping and treated myself to some new undies and a couple of tops. Also managed to find some comfy looking sandals EEE fit in black suede. Fingers crossed they will fit.

Very quiet here today, no post for me and havent seen or spoken to anyone!

Off to prepare some salmon fillets with potatoes for tea, my favourite.

Hope all ok with everyone else.
take care

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 3 May 2022 16:53

Joan , its my Mrs Robbins fruit cake that is boiled in a pan but instead of using a round or square tin, i divided the mixture between 2 loaf tins.

Enjoy your fry up....comfort food.

Aw I didn't realise there was a strike! Hope it doesnt last long, highlight of my day seeing the postie lol

Florence in the hebrides