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Florence61 Report 5 Apr 2022 17:42

So this is my last chair all looking nice & shiny

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 5 Apr 2022 20:10

Lovely chair, I like that style of dining chair.


Florence61 Report 5 Apr 2022 21:42

Aw Ty JustGinnie


Florence61 Report 9 Apr 2022 22:31

Well folks, I am all set for the visitors first thing on Monday. New sofa came today and its lovely, so pleased with it.
Making a chocolate sponge tomorrow with easter decorations and mini eggs.
Quick dust & hoover and thats it.

Im sooo excited, just cant wait. They are staying in Carlisle tonight so have plenty of time for the drive up.

I shall not be around until next weekend so everyone stay safe and keep well.

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 10 Apr 2022 15:13

Hope you have a lovely time.


Florence61 Report 15 Apr 2022 13:20

Good afternoon peeps.
Well I've had the most wonderful time with my family. Been taken out to lunch, eve meal and to places I haven't been to in months.
We have been lucky with the weather too. Little one who is 5 had the time of his life when an Alpaca kissed him on his cheek <3

Saw 2 peacocks with all their display of feathers, was so beautiful and they came right up close, amazing creatures.

So house all quiet now :-(

Just did all the ironing, hoovered etc and now resting with a cuppa.

Took lots of pics anyway and going to make an album of them as a keepsake of 2022.

So what have i missed all week then? How is everyone else?

Florence in the Hebrides

PS As they ate me out of house & home, my fridge & freezer stock has well and truly been depleted so next job is to get a Tesco slot asap lol


Florence61 Report 15 Apr 2022 15:27

Good luck with your painting Joan, lavender sounds lovely.I wonder what bloods they are doing? Is it his circulation maybe thats affecting his mobility or is it perhaps his balance?That relates to his ear?

Hope they found out something for you.

Children here have spring holidays which dont always coincide with Easter as up here they dont really celebrate it.Also now called spring holidays to be inclusive of those who have different faiths.

Getting colder here and overcast now and windy too so heating may have to go on later grrr.

Better get cracking, have a nice weekend

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 16 Apr 2022 11:00

Hello all, pleased that you had a good time with your family Florence. I have been with daughter for nine days and have seen quite a bit of great granddaughter age five and a short time with other great granddaughter almost six months. However, I was due to go home next Wednesday but won’t be going now as son in law has tested positive for Covid. This is a large house so he is able to isolate and we just have to make the best of the situation. Luckily I have no rush to go home so we have to wait and see if either daughter or I catch it from him.

Joan, hope you get the chance over Easter to get your garden jobs done.


AnninGlos Report 16 Apr 2022 11:00

Hello all, pleased that you had a good time with your family Florence. I have been with daughter for nine days and have seen quite a bit of great granddaughter age five and a short time with other great granddaughter almost six months. However, I was due to go home next Wednesday but won’t be going now as son in law has tested positive for Covid. This is a large house so he is able to isolate and we just have to make the best of the situation. Luckily I have no rush to go home so we have to wait and see if either daughter or I catch it from him.

Joan, hope you get the chance over Easter to get your garden jobs done.


Florence61 Report 16 Apr 2022 22:30

Oh dear Ann, i do hope you dont catch the Covid! But i can see how you dont mind staying a bit longer as you are in good company. If you were at your own house with Covid on your own, that would be awful.

So fingers crossed you will be clear and enjoy a few more days together.

Haven't done much today as had a migraine. I have been feeling sooo tired as the week was so busy and has caught up with me. Early night tonight.

My beetroot plants have nearly all died! The cold weather has meant my kitchen has been cold and no sun so a huge disappointment.
However i will plant 3 large red potatoes in the black cauldron instead as they grew well last year.

Its been blowing a gale all night and had to put the heating on as its really chilly. Hope you got outside Joan and got some of your jobs done.

Nite nite all

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 17 Apr 2022 16:18

Afternoon all.
Well its pouring here and really not a nice day!

My subscription runs out on Tuesday and I shall be renewing as per.

I have been transferring all the family pics from phone to PC this afternoon and have made folders etc. Took awhile but all done, deleted lots from phone se freed up space on there. I then put the folders on a USB stick so PC storage isn't full up either.

Better think about evening meal now. I have 2 salmon fillets in freezer which i think would go well with new pots and peas and some side salad as well.

Hope everyone having a nice Easter weekend.
Florence in the Hebrides


AnninGlos Report 18 Apr 2022 14:29

Good afternoon all sunny here with a cold wind. This morning daughter and I had a half mile (total) walk across the sandy beach at A,on y. Scotland was very clear across the Solway Firth but boy the strong wind was cold. It was a bracing walk.


Florence61 Report 18 Apr 2022 14:59

Good afternoon peeps.
Ann, bracing ?not quite how I would describe the wind here!!! gale force and heavy showers. A day indoors today!!

I sorted out my wardrobe as the bottom as it has become rather cluttered with empty cardboard boxes I didn't need anymore, so a good job done.

Have done some laundry but no energy to iron today so that can wait.

Getting 2nd covid jag this week so probably get me call tomorrow.

At least you managed out Ann.

I repotted my rose plants yesterday as they had become infected with Red Spider |Mite. Sadly 2 of the 4 plants have died! But with a clean pot and new soil, the other 2 might survive.

Off to be busy again.

Florence in the hebrides


**Ann** Report 18 Apr 2022 19:25

Hope you all have had a lovely Easter break <3 <3


JustGinnie Report 19 Apr 2022 18:31

Hello all, well we have had some very nice weather over Easter and have been tidying the garden, Have moved a few of the tubs around and got some ready for more planting.

Hope everyone enjoyed Easter and are all well.


Florence61 Report 20 Apr 2022 13:22

Afternoon all from a lovely sunny village.

A little chilly out of the sun in the breeze but a lovely bright day.

Unfortunately no mobile signal since before lunch and my landline keeps cutting out!!!

Hope it's fixed soon as i feel rather isolated with daughter away until tomorrow pm.

No word from team covid re my jag. Thought by now, I would have heard as they said it would def be this week.

All upstraight with chores etc so have decided to do some more on my novel as it's been awhile. Should get a few chapters done today as I have peace & quiet.

Shifted my seedlings to lounge windowsill to take advantage of the warm sun shining through and already, things are growing better.
The strawberry plants have recovered and growing well now.
Really need a greenhouse but just not suitable where I am.

Right better get me writing head on.

Hope everyone else having some sunshine

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 20 Apr 2022 20:01

Well about 2.30, my friend arrived which was lovely and we had a good catch up over a coffee. At 3pm, a voice shouted hello, nurse calling. It was the nurse who had called to give me my jag. She was so busy, she had no time to tel in advance.

Anyway, worked out well as nurse stayed 5 mins and my friend stayed 2 hours lol to keep an eye on me. So far no aches or pains but maybe tomorrow or might be lucky and get off with it.

Still lovely and sunny but a bit cooler now.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 21 Apr 2022 08:44

Glad you have had the jab now Florence I have had no side effects other than an aching arm with all four of my jabs so hopefully you will be fine.


Florence61 Report 21 Apr 2022 09:59

Good morning all.
Well I slept well but woke at 6am with a throbbing arm! Apart from that no other side effects.

Another lovely sunny day but chilly breeze too.
Got Tesco coming around midday but looking at the list, it would appear the last 4 things i added are not on the list grrrr. Im not sure what i did or didnt do but am cross i didn't do a final check of the list last night but nevermind nothing too urgent.

Got about 1000 words typed yesterday afternoon so quite pleased with that but not typing much today until arm stops aching.

Have a good day peeps

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 22 Apr 2022 08:20

Good morning all. Gosh Joan that paint is taking a long time. Hope you find some primulas they should still have some.

A grey wk dy. or I g here and feels colder which is a shame, it was so nice to sit in the garden on Wednesdsy but not today I am afraid. Son in law still testing Positive. Still early days yet, average seems to be day ten before a negative test.