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Florence61 Report 8 Oct 2021 14:24

My how the weather can turn here so quickly. First thing the sun was out and it was a beautiful Autumn morning.

My neighbour who I have been getting to know and actually get on really well, invited me out to lunch at a new cafe a few miles along the road. I had been looking forward to this all week, so hair polished and smart clothes(forgotten what they are!) I was sitting waitng . Suddenly the mist came down and the sun was gone. So I took a light rain jacket with me and so glad i did.

We had a lovely lunch, real coffee and home made brown bread fresh was a real treat. By the time we left, it was lashing down!!

However with all the rain, my roses now have another set of buds on them so more flowers to come yet.

Going to plod on with my book whilst I'm in the frame of mind and see how it goes.

What's everyone else up to for the weekend?

Florence in the Hebrides


Florence61 Report 11 Oct 2021 18:59

Well what a surprising day! Started off as a boring , wet & windy monday morning. Put out the bins at 8am and got soaked! Still no sign of the lorry at 11am.

Sudden knock at the door and a cheery "hello". It was my good friend that i havent seen in a year due to me in isolation & her work as a carer. She was working up this way and popped in to say hello and grab a coffee with me for 1/2 hour.

I nearly cried, was so lovely to see her and have human interaction. i had forgotten what it was like to entertain.

Kitchen table full of xmas paper etc complete bouroch but she says never mind ill sit on the sofa lol.

She stayed nearly an hour and left. Bin lorry appeared in a down pour so had to don wet proof jacket and put them in the shelter as the wind was awful.

Next get a text from another work friend who is coming tom for lunch!! Eekk i said that would be lovely before getting into cooking mode making soup, tidying things away etc. Certainly kicked my backside into gear. Im making some muffins early tom morning as well. Soup is made now and always tastes better next day anyway.

Isnt it amazing how suddenly things can change your day, brighten up your life and kick the brain into gear.

Lucky i have the par bake bread rolls in my store cupboard.

So tom, up at 8am, quick shower then baking and get ready for visitor :-D :

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 12 Oct 2021 08:28

Good morning all didn't sleep well last night, woke at 0415 and laid there for a while, when it was obvious I was not going to sleep I got up and wandered around, back to bed at 0515 and half slept/dozed until 0715 when I got up. I have a friend coming for coffee this morning so that will keep me awake.

Florence that was a good start to your week, I hope the rest of it will be as good. :-) :-)


Florence61 Report 12 Oct 2021 11:19

Aw Ann, horrid when that happens. Were you worrying about something? I often have got up walked around, had a drink then resettled. Sometimes it works.
Hope you enjoy your friend's visit.

After my friend yesterday, I did sleep better last night. Just the interaction opened my brain listening etc.

Was up before 8, muffins all done & iced and everything ready for 11.30 when another friend is coming. So lovely to see people. :-D

Hope everyone else is ok thats looking in.

Take care
Florence in the hebrides


ZZzzz Report 12 Oct 2021 14:43

I have bought some new bedding and I've had to wash it a couple of time to get all the "dressing" out, does anyone else do that or is it just me lol.


nameslessone Report 12 Oct 2021 15:14

Not me. But I did see somewhere this morning that you should wash your new knickers and bras before wearing them, otherwise you could get nasty rashes and sores in places. :-S

Added. I’ve hunted it down and it is in the Daily Mail on line - the comments are brilliant.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Oct 2021 15:42

No, I don't wash bedding before using.

I remember my mother soaked new items before their first wash, - 'to get the dressing out', but not before use.

I wasn't aware that there is much dressing in fabric now.

If any of us had allergies or skin conditions I might pre-wash, but otherwise, no.


ZZzzz Report 12 Oct 2021 18:20

I have washed new clothes before wear for many years because of a skin condition but this new bedding has a lot of "dressing" it is ridicules.
I meant rediculas. :-(


Florence61 Report 12 Oct 2021 18:23

"Dressing?" What do you mean ZZzzz?


Florence61 Report 12 Oct 2021 18:29

I do wash all new clothes especially now with everything going on. But also, i wash new bedding because its always very creased the way its folded and packed tight.

I also put lots of softener in my bedding wash as the duvet cover and sheets sometimes feel hard..

Had a lovely 3 hours with my friend and munched our way through crusty rolls, soup, muffins and choccy biscuits.We put the world to rights and all is well now lol

Horrible mist came down about an hour ago, so quickly and its feeling chilly so have put on the heating.

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 12 Oct 2021 18:36

Hello all, hope everyone is well.
We have been busy finishing off the bathroom. Thing are never straight forward . Just before the new shower was fitted we found a leak from a pipe behind the toilet, got that fixed and all ok for the shower to be installed. All good with that then the toilet cistern stopped working couldn't get the same plumber to come (not answering) so found another one who came and fixed it and also fitted new basin taps as it had developed a drip. Hopefully that is it for now :-)
Cleared cupboard out and found half empty cans and bottles of shaving gel and shower gel.. Said to OH why not finish one oh he said I just like to try them all. :-D. Perhaps I should mix them all in a large bottle then he could try them all at once. :-D

Got a dentist app. for next week , check up well overdue.

Take care all.


ZZzzz Report 12 Oct 2021 18:42

Dressing is what my Mum called the starch that was on bedding when it was new and what the laundry used too.


ZZzzz Report 12 Oct 2021 18:48

JustGinnie, I would hide all but one of each of them, it would drive me nuts if I knew that was going on.


Florence61 Report 15 Oct 2021 12:54

Afternoon peeps.
Strange day here today. After 3 days of pouring rain and a howling wind which kept me awake, suddenly it's eerily very still & not a breath of wind! Very overcast almost thundery looking but by golly the temp has gone right down.

I opened the door about 9am and gosh, a really cold blast of air came in so i shut the door very quickly indeed!

I have been sorting out a few bottles in our bathroom and JustGinnie, I have on occasions taken 1 shower gel bottle and emptied a few 1/4 filled ones into it. I add a little warm water, give the bottles a shake and that gets all the gel out. Quite amazing how much you can save.. Daughter is terrible for having 3 different bubble baths open at once but she does use all of them eventually.

I need to strip my bed but energy levels are very low today and my finger joints for some reason are very painful.

I tel surgeon's secretary but my results are not back from Glasgow yet. As you can imagine, i am worried sick as i'm still completely paralysed on my left leg and desperate to know what has caused it.

Feel like i'm continually moaning but it's hard not to when you are so worried!

Trying to keep busy and not let the mind wander.

Hope everyone else ok.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 18 Oct 2021 18:30

Well that was the day that was as they say.Raining hard all day and so dark. Managed to write a few cards, finish off ironing etc but the day felt long.

Added a few things to my Tesco order for Thursday and thought i was doing ok until...daughter messages me to say she has cancelled the order as didnt think we needed much and could wait until the slot on the 30th october!!! Oh my, did i swear. Gosh so annoyed with her.

She says shes incharge of ordering but i pay for it!! Eventually she managed to retrieve it. I feel so blooming useless just now, i thought the order was the one thing i actually had control over...

Got my appointment to see surgeon 26 october but so far results still not back. I shall have to ring the day before to check first.

Hope all ok with everyone

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 19 Oct 2021 17:23

ZZzzz, I don't really mind about OH and his shower gel (so long as he does shower) :-D :-D

Florence the results seem to be taking a long time, Not that I know much about these things. I hope that they are there when you phone.

Admit I would have been mad about the shopping order as well good you got it back though.

Very dreary weather here atm ..

Dentist went ok no problems this time. :-D


Florence61 Report 20 Oct 2021 21:27

Glad all went well JustGinnie at the dentist. Yes well, if your OH didn't shower, that would be a worry!

Shopping coming between 2-10pm so a long day tomorrow waiting. Heres hoping it comes before 6pm. Hate having to wipe it all down, wait awhile and then start putting it all away. If it comes at 10pm it can stay on the kitchen table til the next day!

Its so cold here, about 5 degrees and about 1/2 hour ago, i heard a large rattling noise. Well looked out the window and it was massive hailstones battering the windows. Oh my such a fright we got with the noise.

It put the internet off and thought we may lose the electric but thankfully its still on for now. Wind is howling and has been all day with pouring rain.

Myself and daughter were so glad to be indoors and not have to go outside.
Tomorrow we are going to be baking all day. Not sure what yet but shall decide in the morning.Im sure scones will be a must and a fruit cake. Making soup and some bread rolls too...Comfort food lol

Hope everyone keeping warm

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 23 Oct 2021 09:51

Good morning all 11 degrees here but felt a bit nippy when I took the recycling to the bin. Nothing exciting for today except the Tesco delivery. Not that that is exciting, just necessary.

I am waiting to hear if my Granddaughter in law has had her baby yet, she was induced yesterday. I know that this usually takes a while but it would be good to hear from them soon.


JustGinnie Report 23 Oct 2021 10:18

Morning all, bit nippy here but a dry day.

Waiting for my shopping as well, mine from Iceland though.

Not much to do today well nothing newsworthy anyway just the H/W .

Waiting to be contacted for booster jab, our GP doesn't do them at his surgery so we had to go to a Vac. centre for 1 & 2. Not sure where we will go this time.

Ann hope you hear soon about the new baby.


Florence61 Report 24 Oct 2021 13:23

Good afternoon peeps.
Last few days has been awful. Storm 9 and torrential rain, the noise got really annoying!!

Tesco order came at 8pm so wasnt too bad and nothing missing.

Just now the sun is shining but the calmness of the wind was short lived as it has blown up again.
Been wrapping up xmas presents so nearly all done ready for posting. having to reconsider a smaller xmas tree as the one we have is 5 ft and quite wide and the lounge is half the size of what we had before. So been looking online and some smaller ones.

Ann hope the baby arrives safely and mum ok. Im sure you will let us know when you have news.

Joan, thats the problem, always just pop in and soon enough £20 gone lol never fails but they do have nice things that are hard to resist.

Nothing heavy for food today. Leftover mackerel pate and salad i made yesterday, desperately need to lose weight!

Tel Drs Secretary at the hosp on Friday but she never tel back. Will have to try again tom as appointment is on Tuesday and need to know if results are back.

Nothing really new here just now, rather quiet and not seeing anyone, just me & daughter plodding along.

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides