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The Chit Chat thread

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Florence61 Report 8 Sep 2021 11:05 you not have any now?


AnninGlos Report 8 Sep 2021 15:15

Afternoon all, so hot here again 27 degrees although that is not as hot as yesterday when it went up to 30. But it feels hotter and the breeze is hot as well. we have been threatened thunder storms but no sig so far. I did an hour in the garden clearing one bed but got too hot so came in. It is not looking too bad out there but there are still things needing cutting back.


Florence61 Report 8 Sep 2021 17:28

Well folks, back from hospital appointment.
Surgeon was amazed to see me in a wheel chair until i explained that im completely numb from groin to toe!

He has urgently referred me for an MRI scan in Glasgow although how long is urgent, im not sure.
He did wonder if i had taken 2 small strokes whilst i was sleeping?? But otherwise because its affected 5 nerves and not just one in particular, hes not sure what caused the problem.

So a waiting game now. I shall need to tel patient travel tom for advice re flying without a mask or jabs and do i have to have a covid test before i go etc as i have no idea what the score is there.

The fog is thick here and oh my the blooming midges came out when i left for the hospital. They were in the transport and bit me something awful. Im still scratching grrr

As for my tea Joan, I think toast and marmalade , a yoghurt and a cuppa coffee as i have not much appetite today at all. Just need light food.

We must be the only corner of the uk without sun or heat today!

Ann, I think we need a good thunderstorm or a gale to clear the air here as although no sun, its clammy and stuffy even with the fog.

Going to play with my new toy after tea, my new shredder. Cant wait to see an empty basket of bills etc.

Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 8 Sep 2021 17:33

Scotland has announced having its hottest September day since 1906.

Obviously not the Hebrides :-(


Florence61 Report 9 Sep 2021 10:22

Good morning peeps
Names you made me laugh yesterday"Scotlands hottest day since 1906"!!
If we get 23 up here, everyone goes bananas saying its a heatwave and i say, well its warm but not hot lol

Definitely no heatwave today as its pouring hard but we desperately need to fill the rivers as they are very low. Strangely we are on thunderstorm alert as well??

Got a pile of ironing that needs my attention so best attack that soon.

Tried out the shredder last night and it did a good job but although it says can shred 6 pieces at once, it did get clogged. So 3 pieces max seems to work ok and now my basket is empty...yay for that :-D

have a good day all
Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 9 Sep 2021 10:26

Good morning all. Still very close here but supposedly cooler at 18 degrees. Can't say I feel any cooler though.

We had rain yesterday evening but I don't think it was as much as we needed. Forecast more for today and thunder storms too.

Have a good day all.


Florence61 Report 10 Sep 2021 14:30

Well what an awful day here. Thick fog and planes not able to land, drizzly and so chilly i have just put on the heating!!
Have packed the case full of daughters things for the fayre tomorrow and a good thing it has wheels as its quite heavy. taxi booked at "mates rates" as its my usual driver and normally sat/sun the charge is a lot more but shes only charging us weekday rates which is jolly kind of her.

Always try and use her as shes a single mum with 2 kids and self employed so needs all the fairs she can get but also she is a very king lady always willing to help me in and out and carry shopping to the door(when i was able to go to the shop).

Think I may have to make some veg and lentil soup today for later on. Daughter coming back at 6 with some crusty bread so that will go nicely.

Hope everyone else ok.No thunderstorms up here at all!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 12 Sep 2021 17:11

Good afternoon peeps.
Well after 3 days of dreadful rain, fog etc yay we have sunshine and dry today.So much so i had 3 lines of washing out this morning, all in and aired ready for ironing tomorrow.

Yesterdays craft fayre was a waste of time!! Hardly any advertising so very few people came into the centre.Its slightly on the edge of town but on the main rd. People that came just quickly looked and walked back out.only 9 stalls and think we all probably just covered the stall fee of £15 and a bit more.So disappointing as took ages packing the case, pricing up etc.
Anyway it got me out of the house, chatted to a couple of people so did feel good for seeing them, but daughter was so disappointed and no orders taken for her calandar either.

Havent made a meal today as appetite not good. had toast and marmite about 2pm.
Was thinking a bowl of pasta with grated cheese. Its filling too and wont take long.

Hope everyone enjoying their weekend and some good weather.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 12 Sep 2021 17:46

Aw Joan, you are so hardy but take care not to overdo it!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 13 Sep 2021 13:29

Mind you living here makes you hardy too! Yesterday with stick in hand,I had flower pots on top of the bins and was planting spring bulbs.I also managed albeit slowly to dehead the roses and dahlia pots.

I moved my pepper plant to shelter as the wind got up awhile ago.Its grown to the size of an egg but leaving it to see if it grows anymore.
Can I leave those plants outside over winter as im not sure?

Well the ironing is looking at me and won't do itself so better crack on.

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 13 Sep 2021 16:02

Hi everyone, cooler today but still pleasant and dry.
Been with OH for his review with the nurse and so far so good, the last test was much better re his diabetes levels and the blood test today is for his kidneys to check his sodium levels.

Also popped into pharmacy to pick up meds and booked in for our flu jabs, yes it's that time of year already.

Went in garden yesterday to tidy and found another 6 cucumbers of various sizes and a nice of of red tomatoes . Done well again this year with them. Also tried some (melon ?) cucumbers which grow to about a tennis ball size, had about 4 and 2 still on the plant. They taste exactly the same but are yellow skinned and round.

Can't help about the pepper plant as never had one.

Take care all.


Florence61 Report 13 Sep 2021 19:20

Ooh Just Ginnie cant think what those round cucumbers are at all. Never seen them that size.Nice surptise with the tomatoes too.

I planted seeds from a melon once and they grew like a trailing plant but never produced anything as really needed a greenhouse and warmth i guess.

Glad your OHs diabetic levels are good, always a relief to hear that.
Mind you after the huge pizza and chips i ate tonight as i was starving, im sure my sugar levels are way up high! But its the most i have eaten during last week as appetite wasnt good so im not worried about one meal being full of carbs.

Getting dark already here.The nights really are drawing in so quickly now. Got the soaps on so plenty on tv just now.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 14 Sep 2021 14:30

Afternoon peeps
Not a good day at all. Im in a lot of pain in my left leg and behind the knee. I can hardly bend it at all. Managed some ironing but standing too long was sore. Have just been plodding around today feeling rubbish. The weather is dire again too so that doesnt lift the spirits at all.

Im on my own all week until Friday as daughter away to her dads so i guess feeling rather lonely and no word from hospital yet for my scan.

Im sure my feelings will pass and tomorrow is another day. pain can make you feel so awful at times but have to grin & bear it.

Daughter is 24 on Friday and i shall be making her a vegan, chocolate heart shaped sponge complete with decorations. So i shall look forward to making that early Fri morning as she wont be back t'il teatime. Gonna make a small buffet too.

Fog is creeping in now and the hills are vanishing fast.

Sorry having a moan today hopefully feel better tomorrow.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 16 Sep 2021 16:22

Afternoon peeps.
Recovering from the worst migraine in months but its passing now.Tried to sleep yesterday but was coming out in sweats and the pain was awful.Eventually settled about 3am and much improved now just tired.

But I made some apple puffs today for the first time in ages.Just puff pastry cut into squares. I chopped apples and cooked them, then squashed with a fork so it was just puree. Into the oven sprinkled with some sugar and....couldnt resist eating one just now...very tasty indeed.

Got an early start tom as daughters birthday so a cake to make and decorate plus a small buffett with finger foods etc. Shes not back until the afternoon, so i have plenty of time to get it all arranged and the table.

I have ordered her a hamper from a company called Prestige Hampers. very reasonable too. There are flowers in a little watering can, bottle of sparkly, bar of chocolate and some free chocs too. Its coming on Royal mail and says its on its way so it had better turn up or else...

This afternoon, the wind is up quite high and the flower pots are getting a bashing. been thinking i should maybe move them to the shelter behind the bins as from now on the weather will be unpredictable.

Hope everyone else is keeping well.
Stay safe

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 17 Sep 2021 13:46

Good afternoon peeps.
Well its still stormy here and pretty dire! I cant get out to rescue my pots so they are getting a bashing!
Post finally came after none all week and guess what? daughters birthday hamper did not arrive. I am furious as I organised this on the 26 Aug in plenty of time.
So I tel the company and they said, sorry probably will arrive tomorrow but its on its way!
He offered me a 15 percent of my next order. I told the guy if that hamper doesnt arrive tom, you will be refunding me in full and seeing as you cant guarantee any arrivals, then i wont be ordering anymore from you.

He then said, enjoy the rest of your day grrrr I am so upset as this was her main present but nothing i can do about it.

But i did get my appointment for MRI scan. Its 29 sep at 12.30 so thats a good thing.

Better go and lay the table ready for later.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 17 Sep 2021 14:54

Aw Joan, gosh 30 years that is a long time ago.Was she quite young when she passed?

Wish we had some sunny dry weather for a change, but with the Autumn Equinox next week, it will continue to be windy until thats passed.

Managed to get everything done now and table all set. Found a couple of little bottles of sparkly in the cupboard and put in fridge. I havent had a drink in 2 years but just might have a wee sip later. Was told my meds wouldnt agree with more than 2 glasses of any alcoholic drink so 1/2 a glass should be ok.

Hope you manage to get the rest of your leaves all piled up Joan.
Take care
Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 17 Sep 2021 16:32

Dermot, this isn’t the thread for a discussion on the new Texas law. There are a lot of things going on in the world which do not raise an awful lot of interest in th UK, let alone on these boards.


nameslessone Report 17 Sep 2021 17:43

Given the nature of what is usually discussed on this thread I did’t think it was the place for your Texas topic.


Florence61 Report 17 Sep 2021 19:56

Oh my Dermot,cannot believe what I have just read!!
This thread is for anyone to have a chit chat about anything in general.You know,the weather,gardening,just what people are up to on a daily basis.
Any topic that requires a full discussion such as Abortion should be put on a separate thread of your own not here.

Abortion is a delicate subject at any time but seeing as this news item isn't about UK law,not sure why it would be of much interest to most folks over here.

Although I started this thread,I have created other threads where I feel a topical thread is required and suggest you do likewise with whatever discussion you want about Abortion law in Texas.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 20 Sep 2021 12:18

Good morning all although the weather here is awful.Foggy and raining so a day indoors.
Daughter's birthday hamper has just arrived although several days late, but she loved it. The plant was smaller than it looked but at least it had been well watered and so was still quite fresh.

A day of housework, stripping beds and washing etc plus some paperwork to catch up on.
Hope everyone else is well.

Florence in the hebrides