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Florence61 Report 24 Aug 2021 14:48

Afternoon peeps
Liz, lovely to see you posting again. How have you been? Thanks for the advice re the hedging. I am drawn to the escalonia and the hebes. My grandma used to have lovely bushes against a wall like Buddlia for the butterflies and she had 2 holly bushes as well. Her garden was full of wildlife. No fences but traditional stone walls 6 ft high so was very private.

Its another beautiful day here today and the plants will need a another good soaking tonight especially the fuschias and roses..

Just a cold salmon salad tonight and some fruit.weighed myself again today and another 1lb gone. Mustnt weigh again now until monday and see then how its going.

Washing all dry and ironed and housework up to date so feeling a long afternoon until i went into cupboard and emptied a few folders of....yes more blooming old bills.I thought i had got rid of them all and yet these are from 2015 onwards. So I have filled a huge carrier bag waiting to be shredded but...i have some empty folders now so a good result.

Hope everyone else enjoying some Vit D and long may it last.

Florence in the hebrides


**Ann** Report 25 Aug 2021 14:20

Afternoon everyone :-D :-D <3 <3

The sun is finally out in Wales at last! In fact it is quite hot now, hope all are well <3 <3


Florence61 Report 25 Aug 2021 16:48

Well what a change here too. Been foggy most of the day and very damp so i had to close the windows as feeling chilly.

I bought a dress in MandCo last week but didnt realise there was a split in the front right up to my thigh lol..A bit too much exposure for my liking. So this afternoon, i painstakingly unpicked both sides of the seam and then tomorrow will get my sewing machine running and resew it up. I pinned it for now and looks absolutely fine. It is black & mustard with some beige. Looks like big leaves etc. No zip and stretchy and its fits lovely. I did buy the necklace some time ago which is fab as it actually covers some of my scar.

I had my bowl of greek yoghurt and fruit for lunch and really need something more for tea but there is some left over cooked chicken and salad so going to make a sandwich to fill me up.

Ann glad you have the sun now but could you send it back as we were just beginning to enjoy a taste of summer lol.

Joan , i dont eat meat, but your evening meal sounds delicious, hope you enjoy.

Florence in the hebrides

Forgot to say. dr tel this morning and is getting a 2nd opinion about my xrays, will keep you posted on that.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 25 Aug 2021 20:41

Wish you hadn’t described your meal Joan. I am feeling really hungry now. Florence, you made me laugh - you described your chicken sarnie and then said you don’t eat meat lol. Lots going on in my life atm hence not posting much. I am very tired and depressed and so much to deal with, my partner’s mobility and memory are worse so I am having to do most of clearing and selling his father’s house as step mother died in Feb. Found out today that my youngest brother’s wife has been an alcoholic for last 5 years (we see little of each other as don’t live close but kept in touch with emails and calls). She is now hospitalised and will die if she doesn’t stop drinking! I was never close to her. They chose not to have children but always had dogs.
I am desperate to live alone but complicated situation means it’s not easy to make happen. Oh for a lottery win

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Aug 2021 09:24

So sorry, I seem to have killed this thread?


AnninGlos Report 28 Aug 2021 10:10

I will bring it back to ;life Liz.
I have not been on the thread for a while as I had daughter and son in law staying for five days. So lovely to have company but they have gone home now and sadly I am on my own again. (we are never satisfied Liz).
It was a good week and they got me out and about, shopping and to garden centres and for a walk along the canal.
I have stripped their bed and the bedding is washed and in the drier. (They left at 0700 this morning.
It is very grey and dull here this morning and only 13 degrees. I have housework to do, a lawn to cut and probably lots of cutting back to do as well but not inclined to go out in the garden until it warms up a bit.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Aug 2021 10:39

Thanks Ann. No, we are never satisfied but I understand why you would rather not be alone. Life is very unfair. I am glad you had visitors but it makes it hard to see them leave. Best plod on day by day till more visitors can make it and do as much as you feel up to when you can. It is very overcast and chilly here today.

My son was supposed to have his already postponed balloon flight today but I expect it’s postponed again. It was a birthday gift from his fiancée. She loves to treat him!

Hope everyone is ok and the weather will bright enough up over the rest of the weekend.



Florence61 Report 28 Aug 2021 19:26

Evening peeps.
Liz dont ever feel you have killed this thread if noone replies. Sometimes, i havent been doing anything much for a couple of days so tend to post when i have something to tell etc...
Today, myself and daughter went to town as there was an open day on the harbour front with stalls, live music etc. Overcast but the rain held off. Bought a couple of raffle tickets and some craft things for xmas pressies!
The queue for food was so long, we grabbed a table where we sit normally in the square and daughter ran to the chippy lol and within 10 mins came back with a very nice fish & chips.
We met one of her friends too as her hubby was working and she was on her own..lovely lass. She said im her 2nd mum!! nearly made me start crying when she said that, was really flattered.

So we did have a nice afternoon although the town was heaving with tourists so was wary of being in a tight crowd of people but we were able to space out. Got the 4pm bus home and have to say, i am exhausted. My leg and back ae very sore.

Still no word back from GP, but im staying put now as pain has crept in and im uncomfortable.

Had a lovely surprise yesterday. First a young man called from the local community hub with a welcome pack, a bottle of merlot and a box of biscuits. There are some spaces in the community polycrubs and at £25.oo a year!! You get 1/4 of the polycrub plus a raised outdoor bed to grow potatoes etc. Its 5 mins in my car up to the tunnels.
My old boss tel saying they had a long overdue retirement gift and could she drop it off after school. So she appeared about 4pm with a lovely ceramic planter filled with various plants, was a real surprise. She apologized for the delay citing covid etc...

Anyway was very lovely getting surprises :-D

Liz, i dont eat any meat as such but chicken and fish. I always say, i dont eat mammals and chicken are fowl lol

Hope everyone enjoying their weekend.
Stay safe all

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 29 Aug 2021 08:04

Good morning all on here. no sun here so far, grey sky and 11 degrees.

florence that has often puzzled me. can you explain the thinking behind not eating meat (i.e.mammals) But eating chicken.please? Is it more of a taste than moral thing?

anyway, you had a nice afternoon which is good. good to get a change in the what has become, boring day to day life of 'keeping safe'.

And two lovely surprises. Your move is working out well after all the worry of it. :-)


Florence61 Report 29 Aug 2021 14:17

Ann, its a bit complicated re the meat thing but my eating habits are also.
From the age of around 2, i couldnt eat anything with fat as it made me physically sick.But if i ate fish and only lean chicken from a roast that was ok. However, rabbit is lean and very much like chicken but we had a pet rabbit and the thought of eating her or any animal that gave birth to a live baby was a no no for me.

Chickens lay eggs not that i eat eggs but somehow, eating fowl did not seem the same thing. I could happily live without chicken if im honest but i have it sometimes.
I love animals and i have seen dead pigs, cows and sheep and it upsets me.

I dont wear leather shoes so a cow can still provide milk.Sheep produce wool which is used to make clothes. Its just me lol part moral part dislike of fat etc.

Mum was buying rabbits in the 60's from the butchers at 10 shillings a piece. She would stew it with veg and let us believe it was chicken caserole til one day, she let it slip it was rabbit!! I cried so hard and hated her for deceiving us especially as we had a pet one called mopsy. So refused to eat that anytime later.

As for fish and im having salmon today, i dont have the same feelings as i do for the mammals.

Doing the housework today as we were out all day yesterday. Daughters room looks like WW3 has started!!!Cloudy but dry and ive got washing out which is drying nicely.

Been working on a twig of a family tree last few days and made a bit more progress so happy with that.
Hope everyone else having a chill out Sunday.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 29 Aug 2021 20:22

Thank you Florence for explaining.


Florence61 Report 2 Sep 2021 14:16

Good afternoon peeps
well after 2 glorious days where all the bedding dried outside, its misty murky and chilly today.Grass cutter came and managed another cut.its growing daily even with no rain for 2 months!
he was going to give my car a run as ive not been able to drive since end of june but when he started or rather tried, the battery is flat...again So annoying as its a new battery.But hes bringing over a charger next time and offered to take it for a spin every 2 weeks until he stops cutting the grass,Was so kind of him to offer.

so think i shall have to make some scones next time as a thankyou.

ive been waiting in a queue for patient travel for last 30 mins trying to book transport for next wed hosp appointment but taking forever.I did try at 10am but never got through,says they are extremely busy.

my leg is numb now down to my toes and im using a stick indoors for support.I looked it up and gp said its 2 discs which have shrunk and they are pressing on the nerve suppling my front of leg and groin.Not sure though what can be done to sort it out?

hope everyone else is ok.
Im having smoked haddock tonight with the last of my new red potatoes, peas and salad, cant wait.

Take care all
Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 2 Sep 2021 15:41

Hello all, chilly here again had to put the heating on yesterday as felt so cold. Managed to get washing dry outside thankfully I hate having to dry it inside.

Been doing a bit more on family tree checking some info I found on paternal side. Had a hint come up on Ancestry for a cousin but the owner had my family mixed up with another of the same name so I had a lot more aunts and uncles than I should have. I came across the owner years ago on here and she tried to tell me my tree was wrong as I hadn't put all my grandparents children on when I pointed out I knew I was right as I had the info because I knew them and had the certs etc. she wasn't very nice. Lot of wrong trees on there so I always like to check and double check my info.

Take care all. :-D


Florence61 Report 6 Sep 2021 10:50

Good morning everyone
Well yesterday was just so depressing! Wet & windy all day although at 16 degrees not cold. My poor rose plants were getting a bashing but also a watering so one job less.Today its overcast still breezy but not that good.
My father in the south said last night .it was 27 degrees!!! Wish we could get some of it.
Daughter away for the week. I described her like a hurricane. as she breezes in, leaves a trail of mess and then breezes away! So I shall now gently potter clearing up the destruction.
Im still numb and hobbling but hosp on Wednesday.

I ordered an electric shredder yesterday so looking forward to that arriving soon

Very quiet here and haven't spoken to a soul since last weekend.

Hope everyone else is well

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 6 Sep 2021 11:33

good morning all. The weather here the past three days has been lovely, yesterday it was 26 degrees and got too hot to continue with the gardening. Probably just as well as my garden bin is absolutely full and won't be emptied until tomorrow.
I have just run my car engine Florence otherwise I will have your problem I really have had no need to drive my car as everywhere I have been this week I have gone with somebody else.

Joan it is more likely the nationwide shortage of HGV drivers causing the empty shelves as it is the same down here. It is not on line shopping because we can't get stuff either. It is drivers who found better paid jobs during the pandemic I think.


Florence61 Report 6 Sep 2021 13:51

I found my Kleenex ultrasoft tissues cheaper online, so ordered 12 boxes and also a soft brand of toilet rolls called Nicky.18 rolls £5.No delivery charges for either so just gives me a little stock as shelves here are quite empty too.
My sinuses are awful so a box of tissues barely last 2 days!!
Shame I can't get them on prescription!
If GP would give me oral steroids just 2 tabs a day would keep me sinus free,but they won't so tissues it will have to be.
I just sound like I have a severe cold all the time but that stops people coming to close so a good thing really.
Have cleared the kitchen table of all the bits & Bob's and looks so much better.
Having a sort out of baking cupboard as daughter's birthday on 17th and shall be making a vegan sponge.Just checking I have everything I need.

Cars....grrrr is all I shall say!!

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 6 Sep 2021 15:18

Afternoon all, it is a beautiful day here, housework done earlier as was cooler and yesterday I did the ironing which didn't take long so all done now till washing basket gets full again and then it starts again lol.

We have never had a car so have always travelled by public transport which can be a pain sometimes but means we don't have the problems that you car drivers have. I realise some areas have poor transport options which must be awful if you can no longer drive. Living in a very large city has some plus points as well as drawbacks.

We have shortages in our local supermarkets and it seems to be both in store and on line shopping . My online shop is from a different store to were I go for some fresh food that I like to pick myself and both have had empty shelves at times

I think the driver shortage is the main problem at the moment though . We really need to train more drivers and pay good wages as well.

Also HGV drivers should be on our skilled wanted list for workers to be allowed to come here to work. As someone with no knowledge at all of driving it would seem to me to be a highly skilled job.

Anyway have a lovely afternoon and evening. . :-)


Florence61 Report 7 Sep 2021 14:50

Good afternoon all
I had a nice surprise telephone call last night. About 2 months ago, i rang a friend who's hubby is a joiner to ask if he could possibly hang some framed pics for me.
She said yes but he was quite busy then back in jul.
Sunday i was thinking of ringing my friend to see when hubby could come when last night, the phone rang and this was him!
He came today and now i have all my pictures up on the wall. My Grandma's graduation, my own plus sons 3 grad photos and they look lovely.

A beautiful pic in the hallway plus my new picture of Heather MCcoo by Steven Brown.

Was also lovely to have some human interaction for an hour and exchange of news etc.He said i have an eye for detail as i made sure each pic was dead straight and all were same height Im sure he thinks i have OCD!!

He was here 1 1/2 hours and charged me £30 so dead chuffed with that.

Overcast and grey, damp and dismal so horrid day again. Anyone on here from south of the border please send the sunshine up here.

Right off for a coffee now and then some ironing.
have a good afternoon peeps

Florence in the hebrides


nameslessone Report 7 Sep 2021 17:04

Two months ! How big was the apartment?


Florence61 Report 8 Sep 2021 10:38

So did you go out and get your own cat after that Dermot?

Florence in the hebrides