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AnninGlos Report 15 Jul 2021 21:05

Lovely day here in North Cumbria. We drove to Allonby and had a long walk along the sands, it was low tide. Back near the car we bought ice reams and sat on a picnic bench eating them and chatting for an hour or so. Real holiday weather. Hoping this weather will last. Although from tomorrow it will get more crowded up here.


Tawny Report 16 Jul 2021 07:45

I’m pleased you had a good day Ann.

Had the in-laws round for a pre birthday dinner last night and my father in law was more interested in trying to build my new fan than eat. 10pm and my living room was still 28 degrees but it was a very cool 23.5 degrees at 6.15am today. I have a first floor cottage flat with a west facing living room and garden which means my living room gets turned into a sauna every evening. After being attacked last year my smaller cat Mog finally got over her fear of going outside yesterday by visiting a front garden three doors along though I wonder if the heat had more to do with it. Meg spent her day on my stairs squawking at the birds that were too close to her territory. Strangely enough none of the birds landed. Going out for lunch today with my parents and then an afternoon in their garden watching my niece Lily dive in and out the paddling pool as it’s meant to hit 24 degrees today.


Florence61 Report 16 Jul 2021 10:22

Morning all
Off in a bit to hairdresser for s huge MOT lol
Still windy and not very warm! About 6 inches coming off today by and some highlights too.
Have a good day everyone

Florence in the hebrides :-D


**Ann** Report 16 Jul 2021 12:07

Afternoon everyone :-D :-D <3 <3

A mammoth task Florence…take a picnic
:-D :-D is way too hot here to do anything in the garden except water a few pots, the sun is so strong.

Enjoy your day everyone <3 <3

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 16 Jul 2021 12:12

I hope you're pleased with the hair, Florence.
You will be light-headed

It is REALLY warm here. I was working in the garden, but had to come in until the sun has moved round and it might seem a little cooler.

We have a weather warning for greater heat at the weekend.


Florence61 Report 16 Jul 2021 21:56

Evening peeps
Well there was so much hair on the floor I think you could have made a wig with lol

iooks ok but i think its a bit shorter than i wanted. I sent my pals a pic and they said i look "lush" and very glamorous hehe Never been called lush before, first time for everything i guess.
But yes i do feel a lot lighter as my hair not only was long but it is very thick and weighs heavy.
Hairdresser said i hardly have any grey!!! Was delighted to hear that.
The sun was out in town but now its mosty, windy and damp and im feeling a bit chilly too.

Joan, strip off..hehe the farmhands wont get any work done at all then. have you any vest tops you could wear to keep cool?

A basket of ironing to do tomorrow as not done much this week and if its fine shall strip my bed too.

Apart from that nothing exciting happening here just now.
So goodnight and have a good weekend

Florence in the hebrides


Tawny Report 16 Jul 2021 23:18

Night Florence I hope you have a good weekend.

I have a family barbecue this weekend as my niece Lyla turns two on Sunday. Three little girls between 5-2 enjoying a paddling pool in my parents (grandparents) garden.


JustGinnie Report 17 Jul 2021 13:03

Hello all, lovely day here . Washer just finished so another load to hang out. Been busy in the garden (well OH has ) changing things around to accommodate new table and chairs that I want.

Florence, a hairdo always makes me feel better, my hair is straight and during the lockdowns it grew quite long for me I finally had about 3" off and I felt great My hair is all grey now, it started when I was in my late 40s many years ago now.

Joan , it sounds as if you have quite a garden to keep up. A bit at a time seems the right way to go.

Enjoy the weekend everyone .


Florence61 Report 18 Jul 2021 10:04

Good morning everyone.
Wow Joan,you don't have a garden,you have an estate!Sounds huge and you are amazing at your age being able to keep it all lovely.

Well last night I bought a lottery ticket and was pleased to see I had 3 numbers which is a win of £30.But when I checked I won £107.00 . yippee.The higher prizes had rolled down.So chuffed.Its going into my big pot where the winnings are going til I can go on holiday and that will be my spending money.

The wind has died down but has been raining.Supposed to be a good week with warmer weather here,so that's an improvement.

Off to shower,dress and then sort out the paperwork etc plus strip my bed.

Have a good day all

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 18 Jul 2021 11:37

Joan your garden sounds amazing, we live in a very built up area and on a main road but we appreciate our garden even more so over the last year . We do have some trees around us that give a little privacy but not much. Pros and Cons with everywhere I suppose, we don't drive so rely on buses and we have those right outside our house every 15 mins or less sometimes.

Florence a nice little win to put in your holiday fund.

Happy Sunday everyone.


AnninGlos Report 18 Jul 2021 21:45

Joan you do have a big garden and you do work hard. But you will be able to keep working on probably the part closest to the house. I am five years older than you and have managed to keep my garden going on my own. The more you do the more you have the strength to do.
Florence I bet it was a relief to lose all that hair.


**Ann** Report 19 Jul 2021 11:47

Morning everyone <3 <3 :-D :-D

Too hot for gardening here this morning…although it is green bin on Wednesday and OH will no doubt cut the grass to make sure he gets his money’s worth by filling the bin to over flowing
:-D :-D

Enjoy your day whatever you get up to <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 19 Jul 2021 13:08

Good morning all, a very pleasant day here so far. The sun is shining but there is also some light cloud cover so not yet too hot. I have been so lucky to be up in the Lake District when the weather has been good, it makes a change.
I have been to Asda with daughter this morning and also into a newsagents/post office and all customers were wearing masks.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Jul 2021 13:14

I went to Tesco this morning and there were lots of idiots not wearing masks, despite the fact that the COVID numbers are going through the roof here


Florence61 Report 20 Jul 2021 18:23

Evening peeps
It has been a dull day but quite warm with lots of flies! Didnt put out any washing as wasnt sure if it was going to rain and of course it didnt..

Was just outside watering my roses and other pots and i counted 7 flowers now on my pepper plant so well excited.

My roses this year are their best yet, not sure if its because i am in the west and not the east maybe?? Gorgeous blooms in red, yellow & pink so far.

The fuschias are coming along nicely and i spotted a few sprinkles of red blooms there too.

Not felt very hungry today, just grazed on fruit, crackers and some nuts. Maybe make some cheese on toast later.

Hope the thunderstorms dont push northward as im quite scared of them.

Next week Factory shop is opening in a corner of our supermarket and i saw them putting things out on the shelves. Spotted wool...whoohoo dead chuffed with that.

Well my filing cabinet arrived and is now next to my black computer desk and looks really smart. i have transferred lots of paper and files already and emptied 3 boxes!!

Still more paperwork to go through but so much tidier now with my"wee office"!

Well time for a cuppa then feet up to catch my soaps. Holby City rules lol

Take care all

Florence in the hebrides


JustGinnie Report 21 Jul 2021 15:26

Very hot again today , I don't do well in the heat and I am feeling drained of what little energy I have. Hopefully the weather will be a little cooler at the weekend .

OH has decided to sort out his man shed so he can find room for more of his "might come in one day" bits and bobs. lol He is a hoarder of useless stuff but I am a get rid of it person. Opposites in most things lol.

Take care all.


Amokavid Report 21 Jul 2021 15:33

Good afternoon everyone, been overcast today but still very pleasant, still warm & no breeze, the sun is trying very hard to shine through just now .

More work done in the garden today, been working on the flower borders which have become rather unkempt with several large Ferns taking over.
I have taken off some of the lower fronds & raked out the dead stuff from underneath & swept up some leaves that had got tangled up amongst the shrubs etc, & I can now actually see the border edging at last.

The 2 borders are L shaped & roughly about 30 feet in total length, I am hoping to go to the local garden centre & look at the shrubs.

Almost finished the Rugosa hedge, about 4 feet to go, thank goodness, & I learned today that the hedge is actually some 90 Feet in length!! I will be glad to get it finished!



Amokavid Report 25 Jul 2021 12:21

Hello everyone, we have a wonderful sunny day again today, bit tooo hot for me but it's nice to see such lovely weather.
Our youngest daughter & her family arrived yesterday, so good to see them, the new baby (now 12 weeks ) is just gorgeous.

I was busy clipping the last of the R hedge when they arrived, so I was all togged up in my gardening togs! LOL.
They have gone to Cruden Bay beach this morning & other daughter & her family have gone as well, hope it's as nice there as it is with us, it's not far from us.

As we seldom see our youngest daughter & she requested Sunday Roast today, tis rather hot for that but I didn't want to dissappoint her, so I'm slaving over the stove putting together what she has asked for, LOL.

Hope everyone has got some good weather & are having a nice weekend.



Florence61 Report 26 Jul 2021 19:23

Evening peeps
Joan I hope you are enjoying the company of your family especially seeing the latest arrival.Lovely time for you.

Well i ordered some kitchen saver/tidy thingys lol Its a rack so i can put cups under and on top to save space in the cupboards. I bought 4 of them so spent the morning sorting out the baking, cups/glass and food cupboards. I now have tidier looking shelves and all the space is utilised.

I also drove the car to local PO as its just a mile up the rd. i was very nervous and of course it was foggy too but its a start. Im just so scared incase i take another turn whilst driving. Anyway baby steps today, bus to town tomorrow(its 21 miles so too far)

Got baking to do too as friend coming for lunch on Wed. making a light fruit cake and some vegan muffins with icing mmmn.

Still no rain and we are on amber alert as no rain for about 5/6 weeks now.Even the water level across the rd in the loch as dropped this last week!

So far though no thunderstorms here thank goodness, Im dead scared of them especially as i am here bymyself this week.

Hope everyone is well and staying safe.

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 27 Jul 2021 15:15

Hi, well that's my daughter & her family on their way home after their long weekend visit.
It was lovely to see them especially the 2 boys (4ys & 12 wks) the 4 yr old was full of energy & both me & hubby were shattered whilst he was here about! the baby was such a contented little soul, missing them all already.

We have had some rain this morning, I hope it doesn't spoil their journey home, it's just drizzling but enough for me to call a halt on my garden tasks!
I really need the weather to stay dry for a while longer so as to be able to finish off what I have started, I don't want half finished jobs going through the winter!
