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SuffolkVera Report 20 Apr 2024 17:15

Good afternoon

I hope all those looking in are having a good day.

Going back a few days the hymn Kandj mentioned last Sunday was new to me so I had to do a bit of googling and listening to it on YouTube. I was quite surprised I hadn't come across it before.

It's been lovely to have a plant themed week. Thank you for that good idea Cynthia. It's been good to learn a little more about the meanings of the plants and the biblical connections. Before we moved to this house 10 years ago we had a very large garden and I could just picture how an acacia tree would have fitted in there %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 20 Apr 2024 09:46

Good morning %3A-%29

Emma I. Coston

If you’ve ever made a garden,
With a love to see things grow,
You will own that every morning
It was hoe, hoe, hoe.

Were you ever in a vineyard
Where the grapes were ripe and thick?
When you went to fill your basket
You must pick, pick, pick.

If you’ve ever made a garment,
Here’s a fact you also know:
You were not then counting stitches;
It was sew, sew, sew.

Did you ever learn a lesson
Just by taking time to cry?
Or was this your resolution,
“I will try, try, try”?

Did you ever meet temptation
Like a lion in the way,
When you knew your only refuge
Was to pray, pray, pray?

Jesus is the way to heaven,
And if you get there, you must
Trust in his almighty power
Ever trust, trust, trust.

Cx %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 19 Apr 2024 09:43

Good morning %3A-%29

Planting a biblical garden.

At Tesco last week (other supermarkets are available!), olive trees in pots were selling for around £15. They were slightly cheaper at a garden centre, but they make for an attractive addition to any garden.

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever." (Psalm 52:8)

The olive tree holds significant symbolism in the Bible, representing peace, prosperity, and the presence of God. The olive tree is also a symbol of endurance and resilience, as it can live for centuries and withstand harsh conditions. In the quoted verse, the psalmist compares himself to an olive tree in God's house, expressing his trust in God's mercy and protection.

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Cynthia Report 18 Apr 2024 10:07

Good morning %3A-%29

Planting a biblical garden.

For those who have a larger garden, what about an Acacia tree?

In the bible, the acacia tree, known for its strength and durability, is often chosen as the building material for important structures such as the Ark of the Covenant. This carries a deeper symbolism representing God’s steadfastness and truth. Its resilience in harsh conditions serves as a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering faithfulness and His ability to provide stability and protection even in challenging circumstances.

Just as the acacia tree stands tall and unyielding in the harshest environments, so too does God stand firm in His commitment to His people, never wavering in His love, guidance, and provision.

It is rather a beautiful tree.

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Cynthia Report 17 Apr 2024 08:10

Good morning %3A-%29

Planting a biblical garden


This maybe an unusual choice but it's a plant beloved of royal brides since the 1850s.

"Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off." (Isaiah 55:13)

The myrtle tree is associated with peace, prosperity, and God's blessings. In the Bible, the myrtle is used to symbolize the transformation from a barren and harsh land to a fertile and prosperous one, reflecting God's promise of restoration and abundance. It has rather attractive flowers.

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Cynthia Report 16 Apr 2024 10:03

Good morning %3A-%29

Planting a biblical garden

The Rose

Roses in the Bible symbolize love, beauty, and spiritual devotion. They often represent God’s love and His creation’s beauty. In biblical stories, roses are associated with sacrifice and redemption, such as the sacrifice of Jesus and the redemption of mankind. The use of roses as a metaphor for love and desire is seen in the Song of Solomon, where the lover compares his beloved to a "lily among thorns" and "a rose of Sharon."

Tending to roses, with their thorns and blooms, symbolizes the challenges and rewards found in a devoted spiritual life.

Cx %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 15 Apr 2024 08:18

Good morning %3A-%29

That's a lovely hymn kandj and yes, it's very 'catchy', so I'm not surprised it was still going round in your head!! %3A-D

It’s Springtime and gardeners everywhere are thinking about what to plant and when to plant. The garden centres are packed with people peering at labels and examining foliage.

Many flowers are mentioned in the bible and there is a lot of interesting symbolism connected with them. Take, for example,

The Lily

"Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these"

Lilies are often associated with purity and innocence in the Bible. In the Song of Solomon, the lily is used as a metaphor for love and beauty. Lilies also represent resurrection and new life, as they bloom in the spring, symbolizing the promise of eternal life in Christianity.

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kandj Report 14 Apr 2024 21:45

Hello all

Tying in with the Collect for today, the last hymn in church this morning was........................

Allelulia, Allelulia give thanks to the risen Lord
Allelulia, Alelulia give praise to His name.

Jesus is Lord of all the earth
He is the King of creation..

Allelulian, Allelulian give thanks to the risen Lord
Allelulia, Alelulian give praise to His name.

Spread the good news o'er all the earth
Jesus has died and is risen.

Allelulia, Allelulia give thanks to the risen Lord
Allelulia, Allelulia give praise to His name.

Come, let us praise the living God
Joyfully sing to our Saviour.

Allelulia, Allelulia give thanks to the living Lord.
Allelulia, Allelulia all praise to His name.

So why do I have this beautiful hymn still going around and around in my head even now??

Good night and sweet dreams to everyone.


Cynthia Report 14 Apr 2024 08:18

Good morning %3A-D

The Collect (special prayer) for today:

Almighty Father,
who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples
with the sight of the risen Lord:
give us such knowledge of his presence with us,
that we may be strengthened and sustained by his risen life
and serve you continually in righteousness and truth;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen

Cx %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 13 Apr 2024 10:03

Good morning %3A-%29

I understand about the lilies kandj and I love the idea of everyone bringing a small posy with them. May mention that at our church!!

The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies. Kate McGahan.

Cx %3A-%29


kandj Report 12 Apr 2024 10:33

Hello all

I agree that having the church filled with flowers on Easter Sunday after bare window sills during Lent was a wonderful sight to see.

People were asked to bring along a small few flowers for the Easter Day service and lots of lovely people came with beautiful Spring flowers which made such a difference to our worship. Very uplifting on such a very special day.

Sorry Cynthia, I'm not a lover of lilies.... they remind me of funerals and I don't like the strong scent.

I've just seen bluebells flowering in my garden border this morning which is a big surprise as we don't normally have these out until May usually??

A chilly start so far but hopefully it will improve.

Sending Happy Friday blessings to everyone today.


Cynthia Report 12 Apr 2024 09:37

Good morning %3A-%29

One of the many glories of Easter in church life is the flowers. Those beautiful Easter lilies look absolutely stunning. We thank God for our talented flower arrangers.

The Easter lily whispers low
Of resurrection long ago.
Its petals soft, its message clear
Easter's promise, always near.

Cx %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 11 Apr 2024 10:00

Good morning %3A-%29

This is one of my favourite post-Easter stories.......

Jesus Makes Breakfast: A Poem about John 21:1-14

I could smell that charcoal fire a long way off
while we were still rowing far from shore.
As we got closer I could smell the fish cooking,
I imagined I could hear it sizzling.
When you're hungry, your mind works that way.

When the man by the fire called out asking us about our catch,
we held up the empty nets.
And his advice to throw the nets in once more
is something we might have ignored,
except for the smell of cooking fish…
this guy must know something about catching fish!

The catch took our breath away;
never in my life have we pulled so many in one heave.
I was concentrating on the catch,
but John wasn't even paying attention,
he was staring at the shore
as if his life depended on it.
Then he clutched my shoulder, crying,
"It is the Lord!"

Suddenly, everything came into focus,
the man, the catch, the voice,
and nothing could stop me,
I had to be with the Master.

There were no words at breakfast,
beyond, "Pass the fish,"
or "I'll have a bit more bread."
We sat there, eating our fill,
basking in the sunrise.
We didn't have to say anything.
Jesus just smiled and served.

And this is the man who, a few days before, was hanging dead on a cross.

Cx %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 10 Apr 2024 08:16

Good morning %3A-%29

Now that we have celebrated Easter Day and eaten our chocolate, we probably think that Easter is over until next year. Not so, we are still in the Easter season and should still be pondering on the amazing story of the Resurrection and what it means for us.

We often hear people, when talking about death, say “ I don’t know what to think, no one has ever come back to tell us what it’s like”. Erm………not true. JESUS DID. The Resurrection proves who Jesus is. No other faith has anyone who came back from the dead.

No one else has ever given their lives for a lost world and then returned from the dead. NO ONE.
Jesus Christ is the only one who holds the power over sin and death, and who offers us a fresh beginning and a new life.

Cx %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 9 Apr 2024 10:06

Good morning %3A-%29

Easter Day is the Sunday when it is hoped, that all those who say they are Christians, attend church. It is the main festival of the Church's year and, generally, attendance is higher than the rest of the year.

However, it is a different story the following Sunday. The 2nd Sunday in Easter is known as ‘Low Sunday’, one of the reasons being that numbers drop after all the festivities of Easter.
It’s also known as Quasimodo Sunday. Really? Everyone knows Quasimodo as the Bell-ringer at Notre Dame – the hunchback who hid himself away.

In the novel – Quasimodo, a poor deformed child is rejected by his parents and abandoned inside Notre Dame Cathedral. A Monseigneur Claude Frollo finds the child on ‘Quasimodo Sunday’ and calls him by that name.

Quasimodo is the Latin name for the Sunday following Easter. It is drawn from the first words of the chant for the day, which is sung as the priest approaches the altar for Mass. The chant begins with: "Like newborn infants," or, in Latin, "quasi modo geniti infantes."
So there we are. Hopefully, everyone had a very happy Quasimodo Sunday! ??

Cx %3A-%29


Cynthia Report 8 Apr 2024 08:28

Good morning %3A-%29

We've heard a lot about Doubting Thomas over the last couple of days.........we all have doubts at some stage.

Give us confidence in the depths of danger.
Give us hope when we are surrounded by fear.
Still our worries, calm the anxieties pressing
in on us from the world we live in.
Lord Jesus, give us Your peace.
Reassure us that You are with us when we seem alone.
Ease our doubting, as You did Thomas' doubt.
Lord Jesus, give us Your peace.
Guide our searching for peace,
so that we may not seek it where it is not to be found,
but we may seek it in You.
Lord Jesus, live in us and give us Your peace. Amen.

Cx %3A-%29


kandj Report 7 Apr 2024 08:51

Amen to the morning Collect for today.

I'll be blown away going into church this morning.

Take care and stay safe everyone.


Cynthia Report 7 Apr 2024 07:35

Good morning %3A-%29

Collect (special prayer) for today:
Almighty Father,
you have given your only Son to die for our sins
and to rise again for our justification:
grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness
that we may always serve you
in pureness of living and truth;
through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen

Today we hear the story of Doubting Thomas.

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Cynthia Report 6 Apr 2024 11:14

Good morning %3A-%29

After Easter, we hear the story of Doubting Thomas - the disciple who didn't believe Jesus was alive until he saw him for himself.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the story of Doubting Thomas, which serves as a reminder of Your patience and understanding with our doubts and questions. We ask for Your guidance and strength as we navigate our faith journey, especially during times of uncertainty

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Cynthia Report 5 Apr 2024 09:11

Good morning %3A-%29

I know what you mean kandj - it is a sort of 'wow' poem.

Over Easter, many churches will have created an Easter garden inside or outside the building. Children are often encouraged to make their little contributions out of stones, sticks and soil. They can be extremely imaginative at times! What about our own gardens - if we have one of course.

As I walk through my garden
On a sunny day in spring,
Flowers of every colour bloom
And birds begin to sing.

I’m reminded of a garden
Far away and long ago,
Where Jesus knelt and suffered
Through pain we’ll never know.

He suffered for our sins
To redeem all humankind.
He drank the bitter cup and said,
“Not my will, but thine.”

After Judas had betrayed Him,
Men nailed Him to a cross.
And when He died so meekly,
It seemed that all was lost.

But on Easter day He rose again
With new life and new breath.
He was the resurrected Lord,
Winning victory over death.

As I walk through my garden
On a sunny day in spring,
I think of the Atonement of
My Saviour, God, and King.

-Jamie Lawson

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