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Christian Thread

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PollyinBrum Report 13 Apr 2013 16:35

Cynthia you have nothing to worry about Johns' random ill thought out ramblings say far more about him than he imagines. Sometimes I find his comments amusing and contradictory and other times he is patronisng beyond belief, He seems to enjoy making a fool of himself, or perhaps it is the attention he enjoys.


Cynthia Report 13 Apr 2013 16:36

Probably enough quotes for one day John.


eRRolSheep Report 13 Apr 2013 16:37

Humility? Learn John, learn!


JustJohn Report 13 Apr 2013 19:04

It is very nice to see a lot of people posting today. Would it be rude of me to ask if you are a member of any church? If you are, it would be nice if you could write a little about that, about why and when you became a Christian.


eRRolSheep Report 13 Apr 2013 19:13

John you really must be the most thick skinned, unchristian, self-contradictory, self-centred person I have ever encountered. It is people like you that show why the church is in decline and highlight the few wonderful people like Cynthia


JustJohn Report 13 Apr 2013 19:17

Yes. Thanks for that ( I think), Errol . But what is answer to my question please?


'Emma' Report 13 Apr 2013 20:35

My answer to that question John is that
my religion along with my politics are my
business, no one else would be interested,
don't feel I need to shout them from the roof tops.

Emma :-)


eRRolSheep Report 13 Apr 2013 20:47

John take a step back and consider what you say - if you are indeed a christian then you would surely look inwardly before so openly criticising others outwardly and demanding answers.


Cynthia Report 13 Apr 2013 21:00

John, you really do push me sometimes!

Rather than it being 'rude' to ask that question, it is rather 'insensitive'.

If you have really been reading this thread, you could not help but notice that most (but not all) of the other folk who post on here have already stated that they are not particularly interested in religion or have lapsed in their faith, but that they enjoy a chat about such things now and then.

Personally, I don't give a toss as to whether or not the people who post on here have a faith or not - as long as they don't mind me talking through things and the tone remains pleasant.

Being 'holy' on one thread and vindictive on another, does not fool me - nor does it fool the others who pop in here.


JustJohn Report 13 Apr 2013 21:47

Being vindictive on another thread is in the eye of the beholder. I would say I was making realistic points. She (Lady T) had her good points and her bad points. And she was a respected Prime Minister. The thread was never meant to be pro-Mrs T, as I understood Errol's OP's.

And to say that anybody who has an anti-Thatcher view is vindictive might not be right. She caused a lot of division whilst in power, a lot of division since and will continue to be a controversial figure in history.

How I react to her as a person is very different to my anger for her actions in her political life. So I can pray for her family and an uplifting funeral on Wednesday.

I was not demanding any answers, Errol? I was asking you politely if you minded me asking in my first question. You only had to say "yes, I do mind you asking". No problem.


eRRolSheep Report 13 Apr 2013 21:52

john what on earth has Margaret Thatcher got to do with this thread?

I feel you were quite forceful in your question and would love to know why you are so angry with life, people etc


AnninGlos Report 13 Apr 2013 22:05

John I think the answer is that yes, most people do mind you asking. I have enjoyed this thread, it has given me things to think about and reminded me of things I may have forgotten. But you are spoiling it now that you have brought your political rantings on here.


'Emma' Report 13 Apr 2013 22:08

We're you not happy with my answer John?
You did ask and I replied, thought you meant
anyone not just Errol.


Still enjoy reading this thread Cynthia :-)


eRRolSheep Report 13 Apr 2013 22:16

I may have this wrong but I am sure that we are told to beware of false prophets.
I think, and I am paraphrasing now so forgive me if I am wrong, that we are told that in the "final days" there will be many false prophets.
Just a thought.


JustJohn Report 13 Apr 2013 22:16

There is a very false premise in your question, Errol. I would answer it by saying that, for 30 years or more, I have been the happiest of men. People seem to enjoy my company and I enjoy theirs. I am doing a job I like and living in the best part of the world with people and friends I love dearly. I have loved Jesus with all my heart for over 30 years and try my hardest to live and think like him. I love helping with my local chapel and believe I make a difference spiritually - many tell me that I do. I have been constantly assured of the love of Jesus.

And I try very hard not to judge anyone as a person. I may criticise actions or thoughts of a person, and am not slow in coming forward and telling them. And I am pleased that many people feel free to criticise me, as that is healthy. But I truly hold nothing against anybody personally.


AnninGlos Report 13 Apr 2013 22:23

Not happy with mine either Emma, John seems to want to 'take on' Errol. Hmm!


eRRolSheep Report 13 Apr 2013 22:27

I was not aware that I asked a question but if the cap fits I guess.

Ann of Gloucestershire I agree


JustJohn Report 13 Apr 2013 22:28

I did not bring any controversy relating to Lady T onto this thread. I said I would pray publicly tomorrow in a coal mining village for her family and her funeral. The comntroversial postings were on Errol's thread, which asked for opinions not eulogies, I believe.

Noone in that chapel tomorrow will have been a supporter of Mrs T, but it makes no matter. She has died and we will remember her family in our prayers.

In 30 years all my prayers have been answered. And I often pray for "friends" on chat who I sense need an interest in my prayer. And again, so far God has listened and answered my prayers. :-)


'Emma' Report 13 Apr 2013 22:29

Very rude of him Ann not to answer.
You must be like me at times....invisible.

Emma :-)


eRRolSheep Report 13 Apr 2013 22:38

John is it not presumptuous of you to say nobody in YOUR chapel is a supporter of Margaret Thatcher? Do you know each and every one of them so intimately?
Please now leave that topic off what used to be a wonderful thread and try to answer people when they ask you a genuine question