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JustJohn Report 11 Feb 2013 23:00

The leading contenders are likely to be:
Cardinal Oullet of Quebec
Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria
Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana
Cardinal Angelo Scolo of Milan
Cardinal Leonardo Sandri of Argentine

Scolo is an expert in Islam, and the Pope got into serious problems over an early text criticising the prophet Mohammmed. So an expert in that area might be timely as Pontiff.

And Oullet is a great diplomat and is emerging as favourite.


George Report 11 Feb 2013 23:13

I personally couldn't give a hoot who the Catholics get as their next pope, just hope he cleans up all the covering up of the priests who abuse children.

what a two faced bunch these holy Joes are.



JoyBoroAngel Report 11 Feb 2013 23:18

well said George :-( :-(


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Feb 2013 01:05

I don't think Ouellet will succeed ............... too recently moved to Rome, and too Canadian

don't forget that the largest voting block of cardinals are still European .............. and while they have elected 2 non-Italian popes in succession, I don't think they are ready to move out of the European sphere.

they're also probably not yet ready for an African pope


supercrutch Report 12 Feb 2013 02:10


I have reported your post on my thread as you C & Pd posts from THIS thread onto mine which have absolutely nothing to do with my thread.

Should GR not uphold my complaint I will happily delete my thread as I will not allow it to be used as a platform for you to cross contaminate.



SylviaInCanada Report 12 Feb 2013 03:37

Dear Athiest in Wales

I responded on the other thread because that was where the original remarks were made ............ and because I wanted to keep controversy off this thread. It has managed to remain non-controversial for almost the whole time since it was started ...... largely due I believe to the efforts of Cynthia who is held in high regard by most, if not all, GR members, including myself.

but perhaps not you?

As you have RR'd my posting from your thread ................ I will reply to your demand.

I found your juvenile joking about the possible variation in electing a new Pope extremely disrespectful to the Catholic religion, and to the members of the Catholic Church.

I am not religious,a s I have stated many times, but I do believe in respect for ALL religions, including athiest and Wiccan, etc, and in respect for all members of those religions.

That disrespect is what disgusted me!


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Feb 2013 03:37


I do apologise for the way in which your thread has been affected, and hi-jacked this evening.

I did not intend it to be so.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Feb 2013 03:38

I have copied my post over to the thread where it belongs ............... so people reading that thread will also be able to see what I objected to.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Feb 2013 04:49

I will post here that we will be away from Tuesday morning until some time on Friday.

I will not be using any computer while away, thus not accessing any internet sites

Therefore, the fact that I do not respond to any comments from anyone merely means that I have not seen it, and to nothing else!


Kay???? Report 12 Feb 2013 06:11

I supose this may mean he could leave the Vatican and go to be near his family I belive he has a brother and sister.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Feb 2013 06:25


most of the rumours seem to be saying that he will go to the Pope's Summer Home, Castel Gandolfo (??sp) initially. Then he will move in to an old convent in the Vatican City, which is currently undergoing renovation. And that he will then spend his time in prayer and contemplation.


Guinevere Report 12 Feb 2013 06:45

From what I've been reading he was a very reluctant pope in the first place. If it's become too much for him then good on him for stepping aside.

It establishes a precedent and will make it easier for future popes to step down when the job becomes too onerous which can only be a good thing.


Cynthia Report 12 Feb 2013 08:12

I have the sincere hope that everyone who is joining in this discussion re the Pope's sudden departure from office, will be able to remain on affable terms.

John, I have to plead ignorance and say that I don't know anything about the possible candidates - I didn't think to look at possibilities. Interesting selection though. Whoever it is, they are certainly going to have their work cut out dealing with the dreadful abuse scandal and the interfaith relationships.

Does anyone remember the old film "The Shoes of the Fisherman"? It starred Anthony Quinn and David Janson I think. It was about the death of the Pope and the election of a new one. Anthony Quinn played a very humble Russian cardinal named Kyril who got duly elected to the post despite his protestations.

Shortly before his enthronement, he sneaked away from the Vatican because he knew that his future would be so limited and enclosed. He found himself in some tenements in Rome.......and moved around the homes seeing the poverty and was very moving.

Guinevere, I think yours is a valid point - there comes a time in everyone's life when enough is enough.

I admit to feeling sorry for priests when they are old and sick as they generally have no family left to care for them and they simply move into a home with other old priests. I understand why whichever Pope it was declared that priests should be celibate but I think it's caused more problems than it has solved.


JustJohn Report 12 Feb 2013 08:48

Sylvia I do hope you have a good trip and enjoy the mutual good company. :-) :-)
Very interesting what you say about Ouellet, but many could not see Welby at one time in Canterbury. York was the big favourite. And London was well in running.

Durham has been a see of controversy over the years. Bishop Westcott (who was responsible for the poor (imo) Greek Revised Translation of Bible in 1881, Bishop Jenkins recently who caused (imo) great problems for those of simple faith. So I just hope and pray that Welby is very different - and I think he is.

Personally, it sounds from what I have heard (and what many including Cynthia are wanting) that a diplomat who is deeply concerned about the image of the Roman Catholic Church might be the right man at the right time for the see of Rome.

One of the strengths of Anglicanism and Methodism has been that priests have been encouraged to be married and usually the wife is as important (more important often) than the clerk in orders. I think parishes, circuits, individual churches should be more welcoming of single men and women and not try quite so hard to get young men (in particular) to marry. There is nothing wrong in being a celibate, and there are still many young people who want to be married to Christ entirely and not have the complications of a worldly relationship.

Edit. But that works in reverse. I think Dr Kildare in Thornbirds would have been just as effective if allowed to marry:-D ;-)


Kense Report 12 Feb 2013 09:36

Since they allow ex Anglican priests to become Catholic priests and remain married it can't be too much of a step to allow any priests to marry. Can it?


Island Report 12 Feb 2013 10:40

KenSe, if a married Anglican becomes an RC priest the marriage is a done deal.
Allowing RC priests to marry would involve meeting and wooing a lady, all too time consuming for a man who has given himself to god and parishioners.

I 'think' former AC married priests have to lead a celibate life as an RC. :-0 :-S


Kense Report 12 Feb 2013 10:49

Thank you Island. I didn't realise they had to practice celibacy. That must be tough.


Island Report 12 Feb 2013 10:59

I doubt a vow of celibacy would be a first night suprise Ken :-D


Rambling Report 12 Feb 2013 11:55

Cynthia, I remember 'The Shoes of the fisherman' with Anthony Quinn, It was, if I remember rightly, adapted from a book by Morris West ( I'll check in a minute and edit if I'm wrong, but I did read it after having seen the film). :-)


Cynthia Report 12 Feb 2013 12:28

That's it Rose.....I couldn't think who had written it. Thanks. :-)

Island, I've had a look but can't find anything about married clergy converts to catholicism having to be celibate - there is probably an exemption or somesuch.

Would you Adam and Eve it? Just as I was about to embark on bedmaking this morning, the doorbell goes and in pops our RC priest friend - his first words were "It's okay, I haven't had a letter yet".......he had called to pass on his copy of Private Eye to me.

Naturally, the chat was on the Pope's resignation and it was good to discuss it with someone who knows more about it than we do. He was surprised but not overly shocked and said how the Pope seems to have deteriorated quite quickly.

He went on to explain why and how various things within the election process etc will probably happen. This was done with a lot of humour and we were roaring with laughter at some points he made - but it was all respectful.

I was surprised to learn that GB will not have a representative to send to the voting process because Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor is now 80 and not eligible to vote.

At one point, I glanced at his feet. He was wearing his Mr. Naughty socks...:-D :-D