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Cynthia Report 10 Feb 2013 19:19

Very true caused quite a stir I can tell you . :-D


OllietheOwl Report 10 Feb 2013 22:05

We are having a pancake party with lots of different mixtures and fillings . I am going to put some mustard seeds in mine.

Trying to raise money for a good cause.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Feb 2013 22:39

I KNEW I had seen Mustard Seed as an organization

It is an organization in Victoria, Canada ..................... it's a non-profit organization fighting hunger and restoring faith in Greater Victoria.

The staff and volunteers provide many crucial services for any and all people in need, aiming to meet the physical, relational, and spiritual needs of the whole person.

There is a weekday drop-in center that offers all sorts of services such as chapel, hair cutting, nursing, a clothing bank, access to home starter kits, and more.

and they run the largest Food Bank on Vancouver Island, providing nutritious

The web site says how much more they do ..................... and includes this lovely statement

Above all, the Mustard Seed is a place of acceptance and unconditional love.

I'm not sure where The Mustard Seed originated, or where else it is found

But it's a lovely idea.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Feb 2013 22:44

We shall not be having pancakes on Tuesday :-(

I think that is the first we have ever missed having them since either of us was a child :-( :-( :-(

OH used to make them while at the Methodist school he went to in North Wales .......... it was one of the things they were allowed to do in "study time".

BUT we are instead going to stay with a friend who has recently been diagnosed with an untreatable cancer (in addition to having a dementia) ........................... they are Americans, and don't do Pancake Tuesday.


AnnCardiff Report 10 Feb 2013 23:14

my lovely Mum always made the pancakes - not had them since she passed away and I've never tried to make them myself :-(


JustJohn Report 10 Feb 2013 23:20

Olliethe Owl and Sylvia :-D

Lovely contributions. The little mustard seed is such a lovely emblem. Had never heard of them before in pancakes but sounds a lovely idea.

Sorry you are missing out on Tuesday, Sylvia. But your friends are so much more important at this particular time. And you can always have a belated pancake or two when you get home :-D :-D


Cynthia Report 11 Feb 2013 08:08

Hello Ollie, Sylvia and Ann.... :-D

Mustard seeds in a pancake should be interesting Ollie........let us know what they're like. I'm more of a sugar and lemon person myself. :-D

Hope you raise lots of money for your good there a prize for the most original ingredient?

I missed Hayley's post with a pancake recipe on and have asked her to come back and share it with us. It may be useful for Ollie.

Sylvia - that's a brilliant scheme and I bet it is well used too. The mustard seed name usually comes from the biblical stores where you only need a little faith to grow something wonderful.

I had a quick google about Pancake Day in the USA and see that they usually call it Mardi Gras which means 'Fat' or 'Grease' Tuesday. The website which Joy gave earlier also gives some interesting facts about how Shrove Tuesday is celebrated around the world. One lives and learns......... :-D

Had you thought of making some before you go to visit your friend and popping them into the freezer for when you get back?

Ann - go on - make some pancakes. You won't regret it..........much. They are so yummy that you may eat more than you should

By the way, you don't need to toss them, a simple flip over in the pan is fine... :-D

Hope everyone has a lovely day.........


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Feb 2013 08:28

oh, I know we could have them after we get back at the weekend,

it isn't the same though

pancakes for Lent should be eaten on Shrove Tuesday ........... otherwise they're just pancakes!

I don't toss them, but OH does ........ he's a cracker at doing that.

I only make them from scratch on the day we want to eat them, let the batter stand at either room temperature or in the fridge

AND iIve worked out how to make good pancakes using soy milk :-D


Cynthia Report 11 Feb 2013 08:41

I was going to suggest that you take some ready made ones with you to share when you arrived at your friends but I guess that's pushing it a bit....... :-D


JustJohn Report 11 Feb 2013 11:53

I note with some sadness that Pope Benedict has resigned and a new Pope will be elected shortly.

A huge break in tradition, but one can understand his decision, thank him for his leadership and pray that he will have a prayerful last few years. He deserves to be out of the spotlight now.

I am Protestant, yet I can understand how he has tried to unite Christian denominations and create an environment for Catholics and Protestants to hold hands in worship in these rapidly changing times.

Let us all pray for his successor.


JustJohn Report 11 Feb 2013 12:10

Pope Benedicts final words of resignation today are rather impressive:

"I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.

Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer."


Cynthia Report 11 Feb 2013 12:11

I've only just spotted it on another thread John.

His style of ministry certainly wasn't like that of John Paul and I think he took the RC church backwards rather than forwards but, given all that, the man is 85 and in poor health. I wonder if he is actually more ill than has been said. A brave and sensible decision to make.

The pressures he has faced and is still facing have been enormous for someone of any age, never mind someone approaching his 90's. I just hope and pray that his successor is younger and has the necessary skills to lead the RC church forwards in peace.


JustJohn Report 11 Feb 2013 12:20

Justin Welby has a similar task in front of him, Cynthia. Yes, agree with you that it needs a younger man - or at least a man of vigour and strength in old age.

It might be a signal for closer cooperation between the two major Christian traditions in this world. I think this might be a major challenge for both men as we go forward.

And perhaps in the next generation it might be a battle for two women. You never know :-)


Cynthia Report 11 Feb 2013 21:31

You never know indeed John... ;-)

I met Justin Welby a few years ago. Very nice chap with plenty of commonsense I thought. I certainly don't envy him his new role though - there are some massive challenges ahead of him. :-S


AnnCardiff Report 11 Feb 2013 21:38

I may very well have a go at some pancakes Cynthia - how hard can it be?

Met my vicar,, this morning, he is not too enamoured with the new Archbishop and when I suggested John Sentimu he didn't think much of that either - said those who work with him are no too keen on him


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Feb 2013 22:06


knowing how fast things posted on GR get onto the internet

was it really wise to publish the name of your vicar, and assign those thoughts to him??

much better to have probably left it as just "my vicar"


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Feb 2013 22:08

I have to say that I have been disgusted with what has been posted on another thread re the Pope's resignation.

At least this thread seems to have remained polite .......... at least the parts that I have read.

I congratulate you!


Cynthia Report 11 Feb 2013 22:22

Gee thanks Sylvia. Nice to know that we are all adults on here..... :-D

As I have posted on the other thread, I see that one of the few people the Pope confided in was his brother. This makes me wonder if he has been given some bad health news and turned to family for support and comfort.

Everything is just speculation at the moment and it may be that we will never know the real reason. Maybe it isn't for us to know either.


AnnCardiff Report 11 Feb 2013 22:43

I see yet again Sylvia you manage to pull me up on something - and does no one have a sense of humour any more? I get the distinct feeling that you don't approve of me and jump on me for most things I post - have I ever unwittingly offended you in some way? if I have it was not intentional I can assure you

I'm wondering why programmes such as The Vicar of Dibley, Father Ted and Oh Father had such wide audiences


supercrutch Report 11 Feb 2013 22:58

Dear disgustedinCanada

Please do C & P the offensive post on my thread which relates to the incumbent as I cannot find find it.

Thank you
