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Gardening thread 2012

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JoyBoroAngel Report 23 Feb 2012 14:20

i am planting my broard beans today in my front garden
in the bedding section at the back

nobody will notice


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2012 14:26

I think it will be wait and see Puss, some will germinate and some won't now but may later, it depends on the weather. Better they stay under ground if it is likely to be frosty as once above ground the frost could kill them. Like I said, wait and see. %3A-D


Rambling Report 23 Feb 2012 14:30

Really lovely day here, and the internet was off all morning so I have been in the garden and tidied up a little bit, scratched my eye I think which is stinging lol, and my sciatica is kicking in, but ...I might go out again and try and get out some raspberries they took over while this house was empty and boy are they resistant!

current flower count, 4 purple crocus and a snowdrop and a few daffs in bud %3A-D


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2012 14:40

Oh but Rose. raspberries are so delicious. We were lucky enough to have some creep under the fence from our neighbour who planted them and we nurture them for the feed we have in the summer. I prefer raspberries to strawberries.

We have been into town, it was dull and chilly until lunch time but the sun has shown its face now. had it been out earlier we would have gone to Batsford arboretum to see the snowdrops. %3A-D


Merlin Report 23 Feb 2012 14:40

Had a look at the garden in the last house we had,wish I had,nt, talk about B Philestynes,they uprooted every fruit tree and the espelier of pears,where there were 5 seperate parts to the garden they,d flattened everything and grassed or paved it over,green houses gone and pool filled in.felt and still feel sick,I know they own it now but to do that to a garden that has matured over many years by many people with lots of trees and plants in it, they must be B mad and have no feelings for nature. %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S %3A-S


Rambling Report 23 Feb 2012 14:46

They are Ann, but one can only eat so many lol, and being such a small garden they have taken over one side of it leaving no room for flowers. They originally came in under the fence from next door I believe, who have now paved their entire garden lol so the raspberries HAVE to come up in mine..


Rambling Report 23 Feb 2012 14:49

Merlin, exactly the same happened to mine in Wales, all the plants and shrubs, my son's 'christening' cherry and apple trees, the little oak which he planted as an acorn...the 'woodland garden' with all the bulbs, violets and primroses...It does as you say make you feel physically sick %3A-%28


Merlin Report 23 Feb 2012 14:54

There was almost an Acre of garden,the hose is about 100 years old and had plants added to it over the years by previous owners,in less than 2 years they distroyed it all, %3A-S


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2012 14:56

Merlin/Rose, difficult to understand how some people's minds work isn't it? They do say never go back. I would hate to return to my parent's garden, it was always so beautiful yet a month after the bungalow was sold the front had been concreted over and large vans parked on it. My poor Mother would have been so upset, she loved her garden and was working on it the day before she died.

Rose, yes they do grow like weeds. You will need to get the roots out of the ones you want to get rid of.


Rambling Report 23 Feb 2012 15:36

when I get my breath %3A-S %3A-S I will type.... oh I used to be able to garden all day but now I hurt lol

I'm trying to get all the roots out Ann, legs have given way with it, but have also had to move out an hydrangea, it wasn't doing well and now I know why %3A-0 aside from being planted against a stone border edging it had no soil to get at because of the black bin bags containing........



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 23 Feb 2012 16:07

Not human bones I hope

%3A-D %3A-D %3A-D


Rambling Report 23 Feb 2012 16:12

Lesley, I am quite sure they're not human lol, cat I assume, the neighbour told me there was one buried in the far corner but seems there was at least one more %3A-%28


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2012 16:38

Oh yuk. As you don't know said cat I would take the bag to the dump.


ButtercupFields Report 23 Feb 2012 16:42

Did anyone watch that BBC2 programme last night, Bees Butterflies and Blooms? It was absolutely lovely, encouraging people to plant wildflowers to try and encourage our bees (who are in a sorry state) and other insects to get back to how it was. I didn't know that geraniums and begonias are of total disinterest to bees!


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2012 16:44

I didn't know that BC either. No didn't watch it. Which plants did they suggest?


ButtercupFields Report 23 Feb 2012 16:55

All kinds of mixed wildflowers, Ann, including poppy for great colour, thistle, cornflowers and others with Latin names which I cannot recall. I am going to get several packets and scatter them on my patio and see what happens!


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2012 17:03

Erm, they won't grow on concrete BC %3A-D

Might get a packet myself but never seem to have much luck with seeds, could be that the OH weeds regularly!!!!


Rambling Report 23 Feb 2012 17:08

I watched it BC %3A-D Interesting to see a former GR member on there lol,

Ann all single petal flowers, like cosmos, dahlias (not the fancy ones), wild poppies,'pot' marigolds not the French ones), ox-eye daisies, corncockles, flowers basically where you can see the pollen and the bees and insects can get at it easily

edited to specify Marigold type lol.


AnninGlos Report 23 Feb 2012 17:11

We get a lot of bees round Busy Lizzies and also strangely they seem to like fuchsias.


lorraineakapuss Report 23 Feb 2012 17:16

hope your sciatica is ok rose, oh gets that so i know how you feel, you try allsorts of weird positions just to get pain free but it never happens, sometimes he uses a water bottle xx

thanks Ann ive been asleep all day, didnt sleep a wink last night, so ive only got watering to do, if they need it, surprising how green houses etc dry out xx