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Canning Town, East London

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Silverbirch Report 10 Mar 2011 21:07


Does anyone know this area well?

My dad went to Clarkston Street School in the late 1920s/early 1930s. I've found on the net that the school was demolished in 1955 but I can't even find the street on googlemaps or There is one but in E2,which can't be right as I'd expected it to be in E16 or E13. Does anyone know where it is and what happened to it? Did it get re-named?
Many thanks for any information.


Silverbirch Report 10 Mar 2011 21:07

Sorry, that should be Clarkson Street School.


PomPom Report 10 Mar 2011 21:29

I have found a Clarkson Road, Canning Town E16 could this be the one you were looking for.


Silverbirch Report 10 Mar 2011 21:48

I'm not sure.... It's in the right area so it has to be a possibility but I was fairly certain it was Clarkson Street. My dad is no longer with us to ask.
Thanks very much for your reply though.
Best wishes


Elizabethofseasons Report 10 Mar 2011 22:50

Dear Silver Birch and Christine


Hope you are okay.

Have you tried contacting the archive and local history service for the area?

Perhaps they could give guidance and offer map locations and details:

Newham's History at the Newham Archives and Local Studies Library located at Stratford Library.

Stratford Library can be found at 3 The Grove, Stratford E15 1EL.

Contact: Jenni Munro-Collins and Richard Durack
Tel: 020 3373 6881

Please telephone for an appointment.


Services and collections at the Local Studies Library:

Local Newspapers
Council Archives
Historical Local Maps
Census Records
Electoral Registers
Parish Registers
Local Developments


Canning Town area records would be absorbed into the Newham district for archives.


There is also the postal code map on the GENUKI website:


Hope this helps

Take gentle care
Best wishes


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 10 Mar 2011 23:42

I know Clarkston Street e16
the hole eara is now being demolshied its in a regenarashion prodget

i dont no nothink about a school being there a little befor my time

going to send you a pm


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 10 Mar 2011 23:59

try this link will show you Clarkston Street e16,-clarkson-road,-canning-town,-london,-e16-1ey.htm


Silverbirch Report 11 Mar 2011 00:12

Hi Elizabeth and Shelly

Thank you both so much for the information, which is really helpful.

Elizabeth - I haven't tried Newham Library but I will email them. Thanks for the details. It sounds like they have a lot of info there. It was very kind of you to write it all out for me.

Shelly - thanks for the link and the pm. Will reply to your pm too.

Best wishes


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 11 Mar 2011 00:23

iv been doing some digging and think this form site also maybe of some help
the man Stan Dyson seem to no alot of history and he has his own web site called

Stans Gallery' photo site

maby you could try and get in tuch with hime

good luck shelly xx


Bobtanian Report 11 Mar 2011 01:43

I posted this question on a east londoners' group, and this is the first response........

Hi Bob ,
I went to that school and it is (was in Clarkson St ) at the back of Raffy .
(edit :Rathbone street market)
Clarkson St ran into Montesquieu St where I lived .Not very much left after the war just three houses at one end and the school ,the rest was all debris right over to the Imperial and Liverpool Arms
My Mum was rehoused from there in 1960 to the flats on the site of the Trinity Church .Jean P.( another lurker ) .


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 11 Mar 2011 09:02

Its funny bob we say at the back of raffy market
and realy it is the other side of the motor way

and raffy market is no longer there its being demoish as i typ
the hole eara is being demolish even me im whating to be move
so any old photos or info now must be tresherd


Bobtanian Report 11 Mar 2011 09:16

LOL Shelly, I spent many years in Mortlake road, half of which was demolished to build a tower block.......and they made a short circuit to join mortlake to varley roads.......



Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 11 Mar 2011 10:05

Bob all tower block. are now gone only one left is ferrier point
and thay have done that one up and you could nether loss your way now as thay have but a nice blue light all the way round the top

mortlake road come under coustom house
ha and i bet you skip school and went swimming in the lido
and after paying to get in you probley only had anuth money left for a hot botheral and a penny chue LOL


Silverbirch Report 11 Mar 2011 11:03

Wow thanks so much Shelly and Bob. What a lot of helpful information. I must go and visit the area before it's demolished any more. Would like to see roughly where the school was even though it's no longer there.


Bobtanian Report 11 Mar 2011 14:43

Shelly, you're right we did...never skipped school,.... but during the school holidays, when we had REAL summers, and the six week holiday went on forever, In the morning armed with a bottle of tea and a couple of jam sandwiches we'd go to the lido. and stay all day.......its a wonder I didn't grow Gills.....the width which was 33 yards I was easily able to swim underwater...and we were so suntanned we were described as Sa***'s
and the stone paving was like a storage heater, stayed warm for ages........

on the internet,there are some wartime photo's (I have a couple of those)taken from German bombers over the area, and can see quite clearly the custom house area, west ham speedway stadium,and the bomb damaged Lido.......and others showing the docks areas burning...

I can just about remember the old style buses with the staircase on the back and seeing military vehicles travelling along the old A13......1943 ish time...


ValerieM Report 11 Mar 2011 15:24

It's interesting reading this as my mother and her family came from Canning Town/Custom House. Unfortunately, I do not know very much about the area. When my mother was born, the family were living in Queens Road. They moved out of the area during the war because of the bombing.

Walter John

Walter John Report 9 Oct 2021 19:25

I've only just joined Genes Reunited and seen your message of ten years ago.If I'm not too late, I know Clarkson Street school as I went there until my house was bombed on September 7th. 1940


Island Report 9 Oct 2021 20:09

Hi Walter

Welcome to GR. It might be worth contacting Silverbirch direct by clicking on her name and sending a private message. She is still registered but there is no way of knowing if the message will be picked up. Worth a try though
Good luck


Bobtanian Report 9 Oct 2021 20:15

Hullo Walter John,
don't often get responses 10 years after the last post but Welcome Matey....