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Good Morning

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'Emma' Report 24 Aug 2012 10:48

Morning all, just back from giving blood sample, so
thats it for another month unless something ain't
right. A few spots of rain through the wind today
but hasn't come to much so far. Have a good week-
end all, take care.

Emma %3A-%29


MarionfromScotland Report 24 Aug 2012 18:40

Hi all.
I hope you and yours are all well.

Joan..did you put your teeth under your pillow? lol


MarionfromScotland Report 24 Aug 2012 19:20

Maybe the fairies would like a bit of 'bling' lol

I'll never forget when my son found his tooth on the floor next am.
The silly fairy dropped it and didnt want to wake him up by putting the light on lol


'Emma' Report 27 Aug 2012 11:02

Morning all,

Very cold and windy out this morning and according to
the forecast we are all in for some bad weather.

Stay warm and enjoy your day. %3A-%29



'Emma' Report 31 Aug 2012 11:00


Good for you Joan, well done, I'm also a nervous wreck, dread the
6months check up when it comes around, bad memories of school
dentist or should say school butcher.

Have a good week-end all.



'Emma' Report 3 Sep 2012 10:26

Good morning all,

A lovely day here in Aberdeen. Hope you are
all well. Enjoy your day. %3A-%29



MarionfromScotland Report 3 Sep 2012 12:28

Morning everyone.

Its sunny here today and same yesterday.
I've had my heating on a few times and i'm now in my winter jammies lol.Not right now though I am up and about lol


'Emma' Report 4 Sep 2012 10:54

Morning all,

although a bit blowy the sun is shining and another
nice day.



MarionfromScotland Report 5 Sep 2012 16:56

Bit late to say morning so evening all.

I've been spening most of my time on here googling shoulder injuries.
Hurt mine in May,still not right.Still waiting to hear from Orthopaedic surgeon,could be Oct/Nov before I get seen.Mean time I now have a frozen shoulder.Been going to Physio,had to go private as waiting list is 10wks.Ended up also going private to see a orthopaedic surgeon last night,he has given me cortisone injection and back to physio next week.Got to get the frozen shoulder sorted ou first and take it from there.
I know its not life threatning and there people with worse than me waiting to get seen but.. %3A-%28
At the end of it all i still might need an operation.I hope not as it would mean weeks in a sling then months of physio.


Allan Report 13 Sep 2012 22:09

Hello all

Just a quick post to let you all know that Barbra will not be on the Boards until the end of next week. I believe that she will be away visiting rellies and not have access to a computer %3A-D


MarionfromScotland Report 20 Sep 2012 18:19

Hi all.
Hope you are keeping well and not too depressed with this horrible weather.



Barbra Report 24 Sep 2012 12:42

Hello All ,have been away to a family wedding .my neice`s very nice it was to .saw my sons .my brother & his wife are in the middle of moving home .sold there house ,so very busy .my eldest has got a westie now she is 8yrs old .we bought it for his birthday .she is a little love .very freindly .her past owner moving house,cant take her so she needed a home .Take care speak to you soon ~~~Rory ,,Barbra


'Emma' Report 24 Sep 2012 12:58

You certainly have been busy Barbra, how nice for your'
son, did he know he was getting a Westie?

Rory needs at some point to get an Op on his knee as it
keeps coming out of the joint, apparently terriers are prone
to this problem and when older could get arthiritis. %3A-%28

((((Hugs)))) from Rory.



Barbra Report 24 Sep 2012 22:11

Hello Emma saw the dog being advertised not far from him .so asked my neice to take him to meet the dog .they just got on ,so now she has a good home with my son .big hug ((((()))))) for Rory hope he is alright xx


'Emma' Report 25 Sep 2012 10:25

Morning Barbra ~~~~~~~all,

What a night and still going strong, wind and rain
started early evening and got worse. Still awake at 3.30
and then finally managed to get some sleep before I
awoke again at 5, gave up and read my book.

Stay safe all.



Barbra Report 25 Sep 2012 11:20

Hello Emma & All not bad on this side of southwest scotland nothing worse than strong winds during the night,, keep hold of wee Rory xx .have seen it on the news .look after yourselves & take care . just local shops today .for us .~~~~~Bye for now Barbra


Barbra Report 26 Sep 2012 10:41

Morning hope you are all well .not a bad day again must be sheltered here .(((hug))) Rory ,,Barbra %3A-%29


'Emma' Report 26 Sep 2012 11:40

Morning ~~~~~ lots calmer today still some heavy showers
now and again.



Barbra Report 27 Sep 2012 16:27

Hello .been out having the dogs clipped .they are nice & tidy now , did some shopping in M~~~sons .think there prices have gone up a bit .maybe try tes~~~o next time .everything seems to be getting a lot dearer these,days .dont know how young familys cope , its been sunshine & showers today .but chilly .glad to see the rivers receding a bit .its been a few bad days for many areas .hope you are all ok Emma Joan Hazel Marion .not seen you on here for a bit Bye for now Barbra %3A-%29


MarionfromScotland Report 27 Sep 2012 16:36

Bit late for good morning but hello to you all anyway.