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11 Jan 2025 12:31 |
Mel I could post you a dinner lol :-D I wonder if anyone has posted food like that through the post ,I bet someone's tried it .
Vera when I have to go trotting off to the shed to get anything out of the freeze I wrap up well to go down there ,I try to get things out in the morning even if it says cook from frozen can't be doing with going out later when it's dark .
Now its nearly lunch time, Colin wants cream cheese and cucumber sandwich don't know what I fancy .
11 Jan 2025 12:19 |
Very hard frost here again this morning and that horrible white freezing fog which is only clearing very slowly. I was outside for about 2 minutes wearing a coat and gloves and came in frozen. I only went to get something from the freezer in the garage and to put a pan of hot water on one of the birdbaths to melt the ice a bit for the birds. I might have to go out again to fill a bird feeder as it’s getting emptied so quickly at the moment.
I’ve been promising myself to clear out the hall cupboard for ages so I got going on that this morning. It houses all the valves and gubbins necessary for our underfloor heating but in there I also have a clothes airer, a steam cleaner, a big upright vacuum cleaner, a squeegee mop and a mop thingy for our wooden floor in the lounge, plus all my shopping bags and a coat for the garden. By the time I’d got everything out, swept down all the cobwebs from ceiling and walls and used my little vac on the floor, sorted everything out and put it all back I was exhausted! Why on earth did I have so many plastic shopping bags? I mostly use hessian ones anyway. Most of the plastic ones are in the garage now waiting to be filled with stuff to go to the tip.
Re. the nappy debate, most children can be toilet trained with persistence and lots of praise but a lot of modern mothers seem to think that it happens by magic. One young mother of my acquaintance said “he’ll ask for the potty when he’s ready”. I felt like screaming “No, he won’t if you haven’t taught him what the potty is for”.
I’ve had quite a long sit down so I’d better get on with another job. Enjoy the rest of the day, keep warm and, if you have to go out, be very careful.
Mel Fairy Godmother
11 Jan 2025 11:45 |
Thats sounds nice Mandy can I come please?
11 Jan 2025 09:54 |
Morning all, Very sharp frost here again too and early it was quite foggy but that soon cleared and now the sun is shining ,temperatures should come up next week .
Not doing much today certainly not going out that's for sure ,we thought we would have a roast today ,don't think we've had one since Christmas day so looking forward to that .
11 Jan 2025 08:40 |
Very hard frost here this morning and it is still -5. so I will not be going anywhere.
Mel Fairy Godmother
11 Jan 2025 08:31 |
Morning Anng and all,
Dark and dingy here this mroning but no frost its 2 degrees and pc says afternoon rain so thats something to look forward to for a change.
Just the usual to do on a Saturday morning, go and get my paper from the shop and anything else I fancy in the way of bits. I shall get in touch with BIL today as its not like him to not turn up on a Friday so I hope he's ok.
My son went to a playschool at the age of two and he was clean by then. It seems mothers just can't be bothered to do it these days and just bung another nappy on. Have you seen the price of nappies now? I used terry ones and woulkd boil them up every day. I used to time my son to see when he was likely to go and it worked a treat.
11 Jan 2025 07:26 |
Good morning all, hoping today will be a bit brighter and warmer but I don't think it will. Yesterday the sun came out in the afternoon more or less in time for it to start to set and there was a lovely sunset.
I have a man coming to look at the garage door today. It is a local firm who we have dealt with before and in fact they fitted the current door 10 years or so ago.
I feel very strongly about this nappy business. My youngest great granddaughter is 3 and is still in nappies. to the point she actually will say that her nappy needs changing. Her Mum is not out at work, home all day and just says she can't train her The older one was mainly trained by my daughter as she had her while her Mum worked. Mum suffers from some sort of anxiety/depression, thinks she is autistic. (You can tell I am not impressed).
Mel Fairy Godmother
10 Jan 2025 22:49 |
I saw that on the news about children going to school in nappies. Its disgusting. I did hear that next doors child of 2 and a half is'nt yet potty trained and she goes to a nursary school as Beccy is a music teacher at Shebbear colledge. They said some 8 year olds still were'nt trained and going to school.
10 Jan 2025 20:00 |
I’m coming to live with you Mel. It’s already -2 here and will go down more yet and for tomorrow we are promised similar temperatures and freezing fog to add to the fun.
I think most small towns are the same nowadays. We’ve lost our only department store and nearly all of our independent shops. The dept store is still empty but most of the other places have opened up as charity shops, nail bars and coffee shops. We have dozens of those!! We do still have a market on Thursday and Saturday. I do understand the need for the Council to manage their finances. The problem for us with paying for parking is that you can’t, for instance, go in once a week and do everything in one go, at least not if you want to take advantage of discounts and offers. I normally get my script on a Wednesday, Iceland have their discount for oldies on a Tuesday, Waitrose have their 20% off fish on a Friday and doctor’s appointments can be any day. Oh well, I shall just have to get a bit better organised and do as much as I can when I have to go to town.
Our Homebase has closed but the Range don’t want it so we don’t know what will happen there. B&Q also closed but we know that B&M are taking over at least part of the building and opening in a couple of weeks.
I think it’s horrifying that children are starting school in nappies. I realise that many parents have to work but pre-school their child is in someone’s care so they should discuss potty training with their childminder or discuss their policy with the nursery their child attends. As Annx said so many parents seem to think bringing up their children is someone else’s responsibility, usually the school’s. I think I am just turning into a grumpy old woman
Mandy, I am pleased you are feeling better. Just eat what you feel your tum can take but keep up the fluids.
It’s surprising the difference a few hours sleep can make. After sleeping for about 6 hours last night I’ve had a lot more energy and got on with some overdue cleaning. Let’s hope I sleep as well tonight, then I might be able to get some more jobs done. I’m on the iPad and it’s low on charge so I had better get it plugged in to charge up. Stay warm and sleep well everyone.
Mel Fairy Godmother
10 Jan 2025 18:30 |
A balmy 3 degrees here tonight and no frost at the moment but that could soon change. Done a little bit of painting today and not much else. I can't seem to settle into anything. I was expecting BIL today but he did'nt turn up.
Its the same with the shops in Holsworthy there is a few parking spaces in the square and a paying carpark within walking distance of the shops but when I moved down here we had 2 chemists four banks, a supermarket dress shopp and smaller dres shop two shoe shops a postoffice and books shop a hat shop 4 pubs2 butchersa mens wear shop (still there) two greengrocers a chippy and resturant co-op a gift shop jewelers (still there) and 2 electrical shops. Two chinese places and one did fish and chip as well an opticians, a curry house a cheap shop for alsorts of things a sweet shopp (still there) a pet shop and hardware shop and a couple of antique shops o and a florist and two funeral directors plus there must have been some I have forgotten about. It was always a busy little town with a market on a Wednesday but when you go in now its quite dead and most of the shops are closed by 4.30pm to 5pm. They call this progress!!! I don't think so. There was even a builder merchant which is still there and Mole Valley just down the road and it used to be Smerfields but is now Waitrose.
Ham egg peas and hash browns tonight.
10 Jan 2025 16:22 |
There was already a Range in Cheltenham but they took over the Home base building and closed the old one.
10 Jan 2025 16:06 |
It seems all the councils are doing the same to save money with the parking charges, but it doesn't help businesses and if they close the council loses the council tax which won't help them either.
I remember my teacher friend saying about the nappy changing and reading that some can't hold a pencil or spoon either. We shouldn't be paying teachers to do it. It must be more difficult these days when children go to nurseries as soon as their mothers go back to work, but it seems to be becoming a bigger problem. I suspect some parents are glued to their phones and not spending the time to do it. There does seem to be an expectation growing that children are everyone else's responsibility, even to feed. I don't mind a free hot meal being provided to all schoolchildren to be sure they get one, but they should then reduce the child benefit that's provided and not being used for it. I remember it being 'mother's pocket money' in some cases.
There's a Homebase and The Range here, both the same side of the city so I don't know who will take over the Homebase. It seems unlikely it will be another Range. They might use the old Homebase for The Range instead though as it is bigger and has a bigger carpark that's easier to access.
The road is still white over and I can only see that one neighbour has been out. OH is expecting few matches to be on tomorrow and isn't sure whether he wants to stand out in this cold anyway!
I was wondering whether Ros might move nearer family and find a home near there where she could visit him. The poor chap, it's something none of us want as we get older.
10 Jan 2025 14:43 |
0 degree here but doesn't feel any warmer. I did go out into the garden to feed the birds and because there is no wind it didn't seem too cold.
Mandy the Range does sell some outdoor type clothing. Our homebase is now the Range and in Workington the range are taking over dixons, a large department store that has closed.
10 Jan 2025 13:35 |
At the moment all the car parks in town are free ,some just have limited parking but later this year the biggest car park is going to be pay and display ,what annoyed everyone was the council were asking what people opinion about it going to pay and display ,but at that time the payment machines had already been put up so they were going to do it nomatter what people thought about it. I can see a lot of people parking round here on the estate ,and for some it will be all day as they park and go to Norwich on the bus to work . Our homebase is closing and everyone is hoping it will be The Range going in as they have bought a lot òf the homebase shoes ,iour nearest Range is Norwich ,don't know how this will effect Roys as will be close together although Roys sells clothes and I don't think the Range does .
Suns been nice but the car is still white as its in the shade .
Just seen on the news that schools in Wales are bringing in a policy that parents with children in nappies in school will have to come in to change their child the schools will no longer do it , what will someone do if they work, I know dil has to change several nappies in nursery class ,children seem to be wearing nappies a lot longer ,and potty training isn't being done at home as much ,perhaps they think schools will do it instead
10 Jan 2025 12:21 |
Good Morrow friends,
Yes I hope Mel has her bikini to hand! We have only just reached -2 degrees here. :-D It was a cold night, but the 2 fleece throws were cosy and warm. I wrapped OH's jimjams round a hot water bottle ready for him coming home from the school last night. He was perished and said he thought the heating there had been turned off. He said no gritting had been done on any of the roads on his longer trip either.
Vera they did the same here with the bigger village next to us. It had a thriving centre once with the surgery, chemists, greengrocer, a library, Iceland and Aldi, hairdresser, Post Office, newsagent, bakery, several banks and building societies, jewellers, hardware shop, Chippie and dry cleaners. All the carparks were free, then they introduced a 10p charge at the biggest carpark and we knew that would only be the start of increasing charges, then the library carpark became pay and display. Aldi had to introduce inputting your car reg in a machine in their store to park free as everyone was using their carpark. We only go to appointments at the surgery now and struggle to park there since they've halved the patient parking to 9 spaces. I think the charges have slowly driven people to the retail park and smaller villages or internet like they have us. The bank and building society branches that were there have gone, as have the drycleaners, one of the chemists and some shops are just empty. We are also staying in today. OH's bones and my knees wouldn't be good if we fall and we don't desperately need anything. The road up the close is still white over with frost.
I have a letter from HMRC that is going to take some fathoming with all the adjustments to my tax code for previous years and this year. I do wish they had left it so building societies deducted the tax from interest. It was simple for me then.
I'm glad you are feeling better than you did today Mandy even if your tum is still a bit fragile. Better get lunch now and the sun has managed to peep through the clouds just now.
10 Jan 2025 11:37 |
Morning all, Blue sky and sunshine here still very frosty the cars still while ,it was a very cold night .
That is sad about our dear Frank he was such a chatty and cheeky chap ,its good that he's going into a home it will be for his own safety and poor Ros must be worn out ,that's a lot of weight to lose probably through worrying about him ,I just hope it's close by although Ros did drive but it would be better if it was close by for her to visit.
I'm feeling a lot better but my tummy that feels so empty,just got to be careful what I eat today.
Ann lots hope the physio can give OH some exercises to help with the pain ,Colin has exercises for his back as he has Arthritis ,the doctor said its general wear and tear after being in the building trade all those years .
10 Jan 2025 11:26 |
Good morning all
It’s a white world out there this morning; not snow but the heaviest frost I’ve seen for a long, long while. Earlier I was reading Mel’s post saying it’s 2 degrees and thinking that’s nearly tropical. At the time it was -4 here. We have.gone up to -3 now. We were going into town but have decided to give it a miss. I’m so wary about slipping on an icy path.
We’ve always had 3 hours free parking in town but for years the district council have been trying to bring in charges and now they have succeeded. So, apart from shopping, every time we need to go to a bank or a solicitor or get a haircut or have an appointment at either of the 2 GP surgeries in town, it will cost us. The few remaining shops and businesses are not happy as it’s believed that people from the outlying villages come to our town because of the free parking. If they have to pay they might as well go to one of the nearby bigger towns with more shops etc. We are no more than 1.5 miles from the town centre, if that, but our elderly legs won’t let us walk there, shop and walk back carrying shopping. Buses are very few and far between.
I’d better stop moaning and get on with some h/w. I had a few hours sleep last night and so I’ve got a bit more energy today.
10 Jan 2025 09:29 |
Good morning all Very hard frost again and very dull/dark, heavy cloud cover. glad I don't have to go out. I didn't wake until 0855 it was so dark. -3 degrees out there now.
Mel Fairy Godmother
10 Jan 2025 08:51 |
Morning all,
Not a nice morning here and very cold still its 2 degrees but the frost gone off the windows of the car but is still on the roof.
Just have to check if I have the foot man today at 12.15am or if its next week.
Hope you slept well last night everyone. I went out like a light and only gt up once for the loo.
9 Jan 2025 22:38 |
Mel from a photo I think you are right about the flowers.
Vera hope you can sleep better tonight. I have been no further than the conservatory and that was cold enough.