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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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SuffolkVera Report 3 Oct 2024 10:00

I spoke too soon. No sun because it’s now raining. According to the forecast we shouldn’t be getting rain till Sunday so the forecasters got that wrong.


MillymollyAmanda Report 3 Oct 2024 09:42

Morning all,

Lovely sunshine here this morning so hopefully you'll soon get the sun Vera as we're not that far away from you.
Hairdresser comes this morning should have been last week but she rang to change it to this week ,don't mind as it works out better for the cut nearer Christmas.
Changed the bed this morning so thats on the line and hopefully will dry with the sun .


SuffolkVera Report 3 Oct 2024 08:40

Good morning

Dull and grey but at least it’s dry at the moment. Perhaps the sun will put in an appearance later. I haven’t got anything planned for today though I need a bit of shopping. I haven’t got a delivery booked and I’m almost out of fresh veg and milk. I expect we’ll go to the Thursday coffee meet as it’s in a coffee shop above Sainsbury’s so I can shop at the same time. I’m getting frustrated at the jobs that need doing in the house and garden but I shall have to wait till my back improves before tackling some of them.


AnninGlos Report 3 Oct 2024 08:05

Good morning all. so far nice and bright and looks like we might get some sun. which will be good as I have washing in the machine and no drier.
Slept ok but not constantly, seemed to wake up every 2 hours.
Nothing planned today except I must take some books back to Irene's.

Yesterday Jake and Riley did the easier jobs on the next list he has for me. the re-shaping of the rest of the garden and a bed in the front garden will be done after 22 October. Looking out of the window down on the garden it looks much lighter for having all the overgrown shrubs and climbing roses etc cut back. Hopefully I can get the rest done to get it ready for winter.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Oct 2024 08:04

Morning all,

Its nice and bright here this morning and its only 9 degrees and pc says partly sunny.

Must ring Stuart today and see if he's better apart from that I should do some casting or gardening.


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2024 21:22

Talking of Halloween Ann, I couldn’t believe it at the garden centre on Monday. There were all sorts of large Halloween shaped pots and ornaments for sale, pumpkins etc. why would you want to spend all that money for an ornament applicable to one day that still most people don’t celebrate.

But not just paying road tax, the rot ser in when they started closing banks, post offices soon followed? And we have seen the chaos that can be caused if a cyber attack hits the internet. So on line banking etc would be unavailable.
Yes Ann you are right, only 1st class stamps going up. Not sure how that will be cost effective.


SuffolkVera Report 2 Oct 2024 20:24

Here I am again - just like the bad penny I keep turning up :-D

Thanks for the reminder about the stamps Gwyn. I stocked up well just before the last increase and still have plenty left but I will get a few more 1st class as I'm inclined to forget to post birthday cards in time and end up putting 1st class stamps on them.

Annx, your OH is a glutton for punishment isn't he, possibly applying for more work.. He must be very good at what he does to be so much in demand. I'm very glad we haven't had the level of flooding that there has been round your way.

Did Jake arrive to sort out the jobs you still need doing AnnG? Is there a lot still to do? I must keep my eyes and ears open for a good general handyman as we will be needing someone sooner or later - OH won't be able to go on forever doing all the jobs. I had my heart in my mouth this morning when he was balancing near the top of a tall step-ladder to clear some guttering that was overflowing with the rain.

Yesterday I had a really bad day. I had no sleep the night before so was not only exhausted but developed a bad head, my back was feeling worse than ever and my dodgy tum decided that yesterday would be a good day to have the funny turn it has every few weeks. I ended up staying in bed all day. I was supposed to go to the chiropodists in the morning but OH had to ring and cancel it. Her paperwork/appointment cards etc all say appointments cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be charged but her receptionist told OH on the phone that there would be no charge.

I did get some sleep last night and managed to make my optician's appointment today. My heart sank when he said there was a slight change in the distant vision in both eyes as that would mean new varifocals and sunglasses and, as my lenses are quite complex, it gets really expensive. But, bless him, he actually said that the glasses are so expensive and mine seem to need changing quite often that he thought I would be able to get away with single vision distance glasses, just to use for some things, which would be a lot cheaper. He's told me when to use the varifocals and when to use the single vision ones. I already have single vision reading glasses so I will now have 4 pairs of glasses instead of 3 which is a bit of a pain but on the other hand only cost me about £130 as opposed to the £800 or so it cost me barely a year ago.

I am sure there was something I was going to tell you but it's gone right out of my head so I'll say goodnight. Sleep well everyone.


SuffolkVera Report 2 Oct 2024 17:49

Good evening

It’s rained on and off all day, though we only had one heavy downpour, the rest of the time it’s been light showers. There’s quite a cold wind which is making it feel a lot cooler than the actual temperature.

You had a long sleep Mel. As Mandy said you must have been tired. Yes, post offices do help with banking but not all post offices do the other things they used to do. Our town has a population of near enough 25,000. It had a good sized main post office which was always busy. That closed and we had a counter in W H Smith. That closed and we got a pop up P.O. Now we have a permanent one in a very small shop tucked away in a precinct, but you can’t get your road tax there or get your passport application checked, for example. For those you have to go to a village about 5 miles away. This place has a population of less than 1,500. How does that make sense? So, if you are unable to use the internet you are reliant on an infrequent and unreliable bus service or expensive taxis in order to pay your road tax.

Sorry, I got on my high horse there. I need to go and check on my casserole and get my roast potatoes in the oven but will probably bbl.


Annx Report 2 Oct 2024 15:52

Afternoon All

No rain today yet and no breeze that was forecast either. I could have done a wash like Mandy, but thought it would rain so I didn't!

Yes I tend to forget what the post offices do now, as two post offices in the nearby villages closed before the pandemic. Another moved into the Co-op in the village but I don't use that as the carpark is partly rented out to companies now and it is always full and the spaces are so tight. We have quite a few hole in the wall machines to withdraw cash, even one in a local garden centre. I haven't tried the service where the post office pick up your parcels yet Mel, but I had read about it as I print the labels online from their site now if a parcel needs returning. I must admit I don't find their website the easiest to use!

I think it is only the first class stamps that are going up in price this time and second class is staying the same.

OH was up at 6.30 am this morning to be showered and ready to go to a business breakfast meeting at the nearby council offices. One of the councillors pushed a leaflet in his hand about a panel they are looking for members for. He seems to tick all the boxes for what they are looking for and he sits on the same kind of panel for another council already so it looks like he will apply. These are usually very few meetings and no follow up work to do and it would only be 10 mins away by car so I expect he will apply.

We popped to a garden centre after OH's meeting and it was full of Halloween and Christmas decorations being made space for. The road was still flooded the full width on one of the roads and on the way home we went past my teenage home and the field opposite had water lying along the edge where the ditch was overflowing and I've never seen that field flood before. One person OH spoke to on the phone today that lives near the floods on the photo said floodwater had reached his garage door. Imagine having to try and move all your things inside just in case it got into your house. A nightmare!

Time for a COT methinks! :-D

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Oct 2024 14:44

Its put the whole day out having that sleep in. I have only just got hungry as I have been fiddling with my polyclay and its way past time for my pills so I am going to eat now.

Grey here too.


MillymollyAmanda Report 2 Oct 2024 13:27

Afternoon all,

Rainy first thing and we went shopping to tesco and aldi and to the farm to get eggs and they now have the big sacks of potatoes so we got one for us and one for son .
As we headed from the farm to aldi it tipped down ,now the suns out so I have hung washing out ,the slabs are dry so hopefully the washing will get dry but the sky is z bit grey in places .

Mel you did have a nice lay in this morning you must have been tired .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Oct 2024 12:34

Tthanks for that Gwyn I shall have to make a trip to the post van tomorrow to get some for sending my Christmas Cards.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 2 Oct 2024 12:06

Talking of the Post Office have you stocked up on stamps, which can still be used when the postage goes up next week?

We send 6 cards overseas at Christmas and we can't buy those stamps in advance, because they have a price printed on them, but normal postage stamps with the bar code to the side can be used when price increases even though they were bought at a lower price.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Oct 2024 11:06

Its easy to forget the post office but they really do do so much more now and without them we could all be stranded paying in cheques, or drawing cash out I use our local post van for all those things. People get their pensions there and pay bills. They will even pick up your parcels for posting if you go online and pay for them first the postman collects them and brings the post label and you don't even have to leave the house but I hav'nt done that yet as I have to work that one out but it would be good for me as the post van dos'nt come on a Tuesday.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Oct 2024 10:58

Hit the wrong thing. I will send some pics of the three deer in the orchard and the buzzars legs feet and tail but not till I have had my coffee and got myself together.

I had heard the buzzard yesterday so I knew it was around as when I corned the chickens I heard it calling. Also I had shot a rabbit and thrown it into the back field where it always gets taken by something be it the barn owl, crows or the Buzzard.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Oct 2024 10:56

Morning all,

I got up for the loo when it was really dark and then woke again at 10.40am !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I think I madeup for the other day.

Dull and dreary here today and its 14 degrees and mostly cloudy.

I am going to do some cooking for the freezer today but noy sure what yet but it will be something with mince.


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2024 07:42

Good morning all dull so far but early and still a bit dark reminding me of times to come :-( :-( I hate it when the clocks go back. Hopefully Jake is coming today to look at the jobs that need doing in the garden.


Annx Report 1 Oct 2024 22:25

I'd forgotten about the Post Office Mel, so thanks for the reminder and I will do that when the cheque comes. It's a shame about the Buzzard flying off before you got a full picture of it. It's not easy to always have a camera handy in time!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Oct 2024 19:09

Just had a buzzard sitting on one of my fence poles out the back came and got my camera and went to take a pic but it flew away and I only got a very blurry pair of claws and tail. The doe and its two fawns are in the orchard eating the fallen apples.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Oct 2024 19:04

Ann you do know you can bank cheques in the post office? You get envelopes to put them in. I do that as we hav'nt got a bank now anywhere near us.

Gosh reading the post its got dark!!

I have been ironing all afternoon, well a long while anyway. I had put some in the spare bedroom and had'nt realised. Most is ironed now so thats was a good job don.

I had to laugh about the cruise ship.