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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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SuffolkVera Report 16 Oct 2024 17:03

It's been a beautiful day, sunny and warm though very breezy, but for some reason I've had the shivers all day. Even with the heating on and the sun streaming through the windows I've been wearing 2 jumpers. I feel OK so I expect it will pass.

Yesterday I decided to deal with the last big pot of geraniums in the garden and managed to strain my back in a different place. It's not too bad till I lift my right leg to get in the car or on the bed etc, then the air can be a bit blue. It's annoying but I'm not worried about it as it just feels like an awkward strain that will be better in a couple of days. I've trimmed the plants right back and potted them up individually into the mini greenhouse and also managed to get some cuttings from them though I am not sure they will take. I then saw on the ground by our back fence 2 roof tiles, one whole and one smashed to bits and found they are from the shed in one of the gardens that back onto ours. OH has been round and told the wife and given her the tile that's still in one piece.

Mel, enjoy your meal with Stuart wherever you have it. It sounds as though you have been getting on well with your Tudor bits and pieces.

I'm glad the rain held off for you today AnnG. I like the sound of your peachy coloured sweater. We're going shopping tomorrow to Freeport which is a retail outlet centre. I am hoping to get some trousers that actually fit me though I am not optimistic. There is a small M&S shop so I'll try there first. I used to buy a lot of my shoes at the Hotter shop there but that closed, as did Cotton Traders. That's the problem, you never know what shops you are going to find. There is a lovely cookware place that I usually get something in. If I get nothing else I'll probably be able to find some Secret Santa gifts. I've got 3 to get. I'll also get lunch out so I won't have to cook tomorrow night.

I had to cancel a chiropody appointment I had 2 weeks ago as I was unwell and rebooked it for today so I've been there this afternoon. My feet feel a lot more comfortable now.

I'd better get on. I need to ring a friend to wish her well with an eye op she is having tomorrow morning and then it'll be time to start getting our meal ready.


AnninGlos Report 16 Oct 2024 15:33

Forecast wet today so we drove to a large shopping centre near Bournemouth. Had a coffee and shared a lemon muffin with Daughter, then had a look round several shops. My good watch ‘s battery has stopped so I bought a cheap watch in Next. Always good to have a second watch. Also bought a thick pale peachy coloured sweater in M&S. stopped at Waitrose to buy stuff for our meal tonight. Back to Northern Byre to read and it has not really rained at all just a bit of drizzle.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Oct 2024 13:24

Hi Ann nice to know you're both ok but have been out and about. That was good oh did'nt buy the book and then saw it in The Works. Yes the oil smell seems to have gone now and the pipe that was leaking looks dry so I am hoping I have no more trouble with that.

Interest has gone down on Nationwide and the bank where I have some saving had a letter telling me this morning.

Don't know if I am going to Stu's tonight or if he's coming to me. When I rang only his yungest son was there and he said dad would be back in an hour and that was 1pm so I have to ring again after two. I like to know if I am cooking to get it over and ready if he's coming or if I go to him and take something with me.

I have varnished some miniatures this morning and painted a table top and two Tudor benches and a small table to dress with witchy things so a good mornings work.

It was so wet everywhere this morning but not raining until about 11.30am.

Better get something to eat now as I'm hungry only having salad last night.


Annx Report 16 Oct 2024 11:15

Morning All,

It's 14 degrees with rain forecast at teatime so not too bad. We are fine thanks Mel. I did a post yesterday evening and then lost it, and also the will to do it all again! I'll start afresh today. I hope the oil smell is disappearing since yesterday's visit by the boiler man.

You seem to be finding plenty to see AnnG and are being lucky to have no rain. Also some places for nice meals. How's the leg doing with the walking........sometimes it can help? That was lucky to get some fungi photos for your next meeting too.

Mandy thanks for the mention of Bon Marche with 20% off. I ordered some nightdresses and bras yesterday. :-D I might go back to EWM as they had a couple of tops I liked. When we went yesterday, we called for a coffee at Costas in the building with Next and Waterstones. OH saw Boris's new book in there but decided to wait till it comes down in price. When we then popped in EWM at the garden centre on the way back and he looked in The Works there he was surprised to see the same book at half the price so he got it! Then we had to go back to Costas as he'd left his cap on a seat there. Luckily it was still there!

I'd better get on now and pop to the shop for a few bits. OH has 2 meetings and also a zoom today so it better be something quick for lunch.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Oct 2024 09:59

Morning girls,

Dull and dreary here thin morning but its not cold as its 16 degrees. As I had two very early starts waiting for the boiler an I had a lie in this morning. Woke at 8.13am and had an hours lie in till 9.10am.

Not sure whats happening tonight with Stu, whether I'm going there or he's coming here. Think I'll make a chicken and broccoli plate anyway.

No Annx yesterday hope they were just busy and not flooded out or anything nasty.


MillymollyAmanda Report 16 Oct 2024 09:20

Morning all,

Looks like it could rain the sky is very cloudy but I think it should be dry with even a little sun later ,it's suppose to be getting to 21 degrees so much milder .

Sister and bil should be coming this morning ,bil has a mobility scooter now so he's coming on that ,they only live about twenty minutes walk away so not far for sister to walk .

You've done well with the weather so far Anng so hope it's not going to be to wet today for you.


AnninGlos Report 16 Oct 2024 08:28

Good morning all. Dry but quite dark with grey skies. Rain forecast for today so a shop visit planned to keep dry. So far we have had three dry days so can’t complain.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Oct 2024 19:23

Its been quite nice here today but it did start to rain about 5pm and is stil raining now.

Iv'e been fishing leaves out of the big pond many times today as the breeze has been bowing them the wrong way into the pond. The fish think every time I fish them out they are going to be fed.

Paid the leccy bills today but spoke to someone to do it.

I have done some painting of 6 mini loaves of bread, two leaf dishes and a wheatsheif today so feel I have done something. I also put the shopping away and emptied the rabbit trap, third one in two weeks.

Going to have a salad tonight with nice boiled eggs, beetroot, cue, lettuce, and toms from the garden.

Your meal sounded nice Anng and daughters and SIL's. I hav'nt had fish and chips for ages now maybe treat myself tomorrow when the van comes.


AnninGlos Report 15 Oct 2024 15:40

Today we drove out to a car park at Hengistbury point visitor centre and had a coffee before walking almost to Mudford Point and back via a lovely woodland walk with views across to Christchurch. We had a good look round the visitor centre and part of the museum, although we were tired by now having walked just under two miles.Drove the car back to the barn and then walked round to The Woolpackfor a lovely meal I had slow cooked bridket on mashed potatoes with a nice sauce, followed by bread and butter pudding and custard. Everything is cooked fresh on the premises with as far as possible locally sourced ingredients. It was really nice as was, apparently Daughters liver on mashed potatoes with greens and gravy. SiL had fish and chips.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 15 Oct 2024 15:35

Thank you Vera for forwarding the photos.
The church is very impressive and I love the picture of the amazing ceiling.

That's lucky AnnG that you were able to get some photographs for November's subject.
I remember visiting Exbury gardens when they were bright and colourful with azaleas and rhododendrons, for which they are renowned, I believe.
I look forward to reading about more of your days out.

Quite a pleasant day here, bright and dry. I've looked out for the comet on several evenings, but haven't been lucky so far. Too much cloud most days.
Maybe tonight ?


SuffolkVera Report 15 Oct 2024 12:25

Good afternoon ladies (and men if any look in)

A grey, mizzly day. It’s that rain in the air with an occasional light shower so you get soaked if you go outside and the paths are permanently wet. I hope it’s nicer where you are AnnG.

OH has steam cleaned all the tiled floors for me which is a big help. When the light catches them I can still see marks on the kitchen bit of the floor but I don’t think any amount of cleaning will remove them now. The dining section and the hall are OK, as are the uti, little cloakroom and conservatory. I’d really like to have new tiled floors laid but it involves such a big area that I don’t think I could justify the enormous cost and I don’t want the upheaval. I have wondered whether to talk to OH about having a wood floor laid in the hall which would match our lounge but that would be an expensive option as well. I’ve just got him to agree to getting a bit of work done on the outside of the house and getting it repainted in the Spring so I’d better not suggest too much at once ;-)

I’ve had an easy morning while OH has been cleaning so I’d better spoil him a bit and get him something nice for his lunch

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Oct 2024 09:53

He's been so lets see if we have no leaks this time. Kitchen stinks of oil again so I have the window open. He went at 9.22am.


MillymollyAmanda Report 15 Oct 2024 09:18

Morning all,

Very overcast and dull this morning but so far its dry .

Vera thanks for Anng's photos, I thought what a big church it was too ,I wonder how many went or should I say were put on the ducking stool .

I want to go into Bon Marche today and get a couple of pairs of jeans as mine are a big big since I lost a bit of weight they have 20% off everything for the next three days so that will be a saving .
I had a better night with no fidgets ,I think I was just so tired I went out like a light .
I enjoyed the Owens too ,I wonder how much has been done as that was filmed last October.
A new series of Ben Fogle life in the wild tonight ,we like that so I've put that to record.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Oct 2024 07:24

Just had an email to say I have one sub and its my loaf they have sent Hovis wholemeal uinstead of Warburtons and I find Hovis sweet now so thats going back.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Oct 2024 07:17

Morning Anng and all,

Yes I was going to say that was a big church it looked huge but very clean lines.

Pc is saying expect light rain about 5.30pm and its 13 degrees.

I have very stiff fingers this morning on my left and right hands.

Going to get dressed now before the boiler man comes.BBL


AnninGlos Report 15 Oct 2024 06:57

Good morning all.
Many thanks Vera for forwarding the photos for me..

As you could see that was o days visit to Christchurch. A pleasant little town with a very large church.

Monday we visited Exbury gardens, not far from Southampton. Lovely trees to see and November photography is fungi so got a few photos of that. Went out at ten and got back at 3.15. Dry all day not too cold but only a very little sun.
Daughter went in the hot tub. Not really my scene might make an effort one day.

Today I am awake quite early but not yet dressed. Not driving too far todsy, just visiting somewhere on the coast for a short walk. Yesterday was 2.5 miles.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Oct 2024 22:44

Vera thanks for forwarding Anng's photos.

Ann thats not a good policy to not let oh know when they cancel something and put it to a later date. As you say its not only that place he works for but others too and may have a appointment booked for the day they pick.

Enjoyed the Owen's family program but what an awful lot of work its going to take. I did'nt think it was a good idea to let the smaller children go in with all those huge loose slates.


Annx Report 14 Oct 2024 19:42

I missed you there Vera. We have lost EWM in some of the garden centres too, so I am glad we still have two left with one only half a mile away. I'm surprised that one has survived till now as it is tucked away in a corner and not very visible and so not very busy. My Bank Branch is now a Trendy Barbers that does those fancy carved hairstyles young men have, the old Santander branch is Domino's Pizza and cafes seem to be springing up in all of our local villages and being used instead of dearer restaurants.

Mandy I can understand you not wanting both jabs at once after your nephew's experience. I don't know why but our jabs this time didn't even give us an achey arm or a hot bump where the jabs went. We forgot we'd had them the day afterwards.

Yes Mel the tech changes all the time are such a nuisance. I have at last managed to disable my adblocker for just the Youtube site so I can keep watching Terry and other videos. I have to have an adblocker since the data breach with my provider as it was loading adverts so fast my emails wouldn't open. There must have been a glitch they've now sorted as following the instructions hasn't worked until today. It isn't safe having just one password as anyone who manages to work it out can enter everything and empty your bank account, buy stuff on amazon and ebay etc. Having a little book helps, but where do you then hide it when not in use in case someone breaks in and when yu are on holiday. There are password managers online where you can save them, but it must be a faff to open that site to find them when you are ready to enter a password and have limited time before they time you out. I defy any youngster to remember all my passwords! I expect most use password managers. I find it hard to remember reams of instructions for the next time and have to write things down. I wish we still had paper instruction books for things so you could have it open at the side of you.
I did see a good app on tv this morning. A father whose daughter was murdered had been involved in developing it. You enter people's phone numbers who you would want to notify if you felt unsafe anywhere, particularly at night or if you were on your own. If you then found yourself in an unsafe situation you just pressed an alert button on your phone and it would not only let them know but it would show them a map and highlight your exact location. It said some of the Police were using it for their own safety too.

That's annoying about the changed phone number Mel, but there seems to be more incompetence than ever these days. OH is supposed to take part in a meeting this Thursday, but had heard nothing more, so he had to email to see if it was going ahead. He had a reply to say it wasn't, but that it had been rebooked for a future date, but they never said what the future date was, so he then had to email them again! This not only happens all the time, they never consider that he could have booked other work for the day, if they'd kept him informed that they'd cancelled a meeting or that delaying to notify him might mean he is no longer available for their new date.

I'm getting the new beads out now and have decided to start the it again with other different beads to go with the new ones.

I hope AnnG had a dry day and was able to enjoy the garden visit today.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Oct 2024 16:48

I know why they want to put a new meter in its for the potting shed and I never go up there anymore and don't use any leccy and each time I send the meter reaading in its the same as last time and they think its gone wrong and I have credit on that account too..

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Oct 2024 16:45

AND it has now just got worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had an email to say they want to put a new leccy meter in and to book an appointment and given a number to ring. Guess what? They have updated their site and that number is no longer used, so why send it to me then? The automated voice said the number so quickly and I had'nt got a pen handy and she repeated it and still I had'nt got a pen so now I don't know who to ring. Why not put the new number on the email instead of putitng the old one on there?????