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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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AnninGlos Report 18 Oct 2024 21:18

Hope you feel better tomorrow Mel, maybe after effects of the flu jab??

I thought I said We are having a night in a hotel near Portsmouth tomorrow and going to see the new great grandson. Maybe you missed it. So going home on Sunday.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Oct 2024 21:15

Mel thats probably the reaction from your flu and covid jabs ,they can give you cold like symptoms and make you feel off colour ,hope you feel better tomorrow.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Oct 2024 21:05

Safe journey home tomorrow Anng. Sounds like you had a really good time away and saw lots of places.

Mandy I did'nt cook in the end I did'nt feel too good. I was going to cook chicken mini fillets to make a chicken and broccoli plate for the freezer but did'nt in the end. I think I have a cod as I keep sneezing and have had a bit of a headache which unlike me.

I did'nt watch All Creatures last night so am going to see it this evening.


AnninGlos Report 18 Oct 2024 18:07

Friday 18 October very Misty first thing but it turned into a beautiful day and we drove to Lymington. We didn’t want to go far with needing to pack this afternoon. I had no idea which way we would go so was surprised to be driving through New Milton. Could have been embarrassing as I have a pen friend who lives there but I am almost sure that she is in Portugal at the moment.
We walked right through the town from where we parked near M& S food shop. I had forgotten it was hilly but it is a long time since I was last there. Lots of boats of course at the quay. And trains seemed to be quite frequent. Nice to see so many people sitting enjoying the sun.

We had lunch in the ship. Daughter and I had pork belly and scallops with broccoli, carrots and dauphinoise potatoes plus apple sauce and a lovely gravy, then we shared a very good and quite big apple tart tatin and ice cream. SiL is not often hungry mid day so he had chicken salad sandwiches and chips and a beer. Daughter and I had a white wine with our meal and we then had a cocktail each she had a espresso martini and I had a chocolate orange martini. It was a slow walk back up the hill to the car. Back then to pack.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Oct 2024 18:06

You certainly filled your day yesterday Anng ,oh it will be lovely for you to see your new great grandson ,hope you can get a few cuddles in .

Mel what did you cook this afternoon something for your meal tonight or something to freeze for when Stuart comes .

We had a good morning, we got the canopy down and packed away I did have to leave it in the sun for a while as it was quite wet with the heavy dew .
I got a couple of cuttings potted up a Geranium and a hydrangea and have got the seed from Gwyn in a tray .
I watered the toms in the greenhouse the toms are still ripening well so I'll leave them for another couple of weeks .
I got two lots of washing out and they all got dry so they are all away in the airing cupboard, never got round to hoovering but I can do that in the morning .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Oct 2024 14:02

YOu certainly crammed a lot in yesterday no wonder yu slept well last night. Sounds like you really enjoyed it. It will be so nice to meet the new great grandchild and perhaps give her a cudle.

Not done much this morning I did go up the post van with the two little parcels and had a natter to my neighbo0urs who were coming back from their dog walk on the way out and then when I stopped at the shop for some rolls and bread I saw Sheila our reader so we had a few words between car windows till someone came up behind me so I had to go.

I'm going to do some cooking this afternoon but just having a sandwich now.


AnninGlos Report 18 Oct 2024 09:07

Good morning all. I never go to bed early when I have had a bad night, was in bed at 1045 and must have been asleep by 11pm. Woke for the loo at 1.30 and went straight back to sleep and woke at 0715.
Mist this morning looks as though it is clearing now. It is dry anyway.
Last day, the week has gone very quickly but we do have an extra day as tomorrow we are staying at a hotel overnight near Portsmouth and going to meet the new great grandson.
We had a good day out yesterday r. Left accommodation at 0930 had a twenty five minute hold up in Lyndhurst, Then arrived at Beau-lie at 1105am. It was a lovely sunny day and warm in the sun. After a coffee we had a ride round the site on the mono railway. When we got off that we caught the vintage London bus to the house, where we had a good look round. Next we found the exhibition about the training in WW11 of Special Operation Executives which was very interesting. So many agents trained and many lost They were so brave. We next explored the old abbey buildings before having a picnic lunch. After lunch Lyn and I looked round the gardens. Our final visit was to the huge motor museum. It was a full, interesting and very tiring day.
Tuna jackets for our meal this evening.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Oct 2024 08:59

Morning all,

Suns shining it is clear one minute and quire misty the next a proper autumn morning ,trees are really turning now the one near the Bell tower of the church is getting very thin I can now see the sky through it .
We need to get the canopy of the gazebo down if we can ,it's a bit of a devil with the tiny screws that need to be undone son usually does it but he's so busy we thought we'd try to do it we can take our time but it's the reaching up that gets us even though we use the steps.

Hope you can find some nice fresh veg and salad Vera ,sometimes it looks like its been hanging about for a while .

Mel thats why we didn't want the two jabs together just in case they play us up ,hope your arms soon ease off so you can get your jobs done .

Better drink my tea now before it gets cold ,I like tea nice and hot .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Oct 2024 08:42

Morning all,

Bright morning here and it was misty when I got up for the bathroom at goodness knows wat hiour. Its 12 degrees and pc says mostly sunny rain by 4pm.

Yesterda I could'nt lift ither arm up properly and they still hurt this morning. I don't think its good having two together and the one that hurts the most is the one I lie on my right side.

I found loads out for the oseph Wilson but need to try and get some info on his surviving sisters as I don't think he had any children. The 1911 says his mother and father had 8 children 4 living so I think I need to see if any of those married and had children.


SuffolkVera Report 18 Oct 2024 07:59

Good morning ladies

Foggy here this morning but hopefully it will clear in the next couple of hours. I don’t have any plans for the day apart from a quick trip to one of the shops for some fresh veg, salad and milk. I hope you all slept well. I had a so-so night. I got some sleep but was awake and reading for quite a while in the middle of the night. Have a good day everyone.


Annx Report 17 Oct 2024 21:11

He was born at Exeter, Devon and in 1911c he was living at Withycombe Raleigh in Devon. His father, William Wilson was born in Jamaica and was a naval pensioner in 1911.


SuffolkVera Report 17 Oct 2024 21:06

That sounds like a good meal last night Mel and in good company too. I'm glad your jabs weren't too bad and hope the aches ease up quickly.

Sorry to hear you had a bad night AnnG but I hope you have had a nice day. Perhaps you can get an early night or sleep in a bit later tomorrow.

I hope you have a better night too Annx. It's annoying when firms don't give you a better idea of the time they will come. I know they can't give an exact time but you'd think they could narrow it down to morning or afternoon. I hope for your sake this is the last visit they have to make to fix your door.

Gosh, that bang must have startled you Mandy. It's always a bit worrying when you hear things like that and you don't know what has caused them. I smiled at the thought of Mr Squirrel hunting for his monkey nuts and wondering why he couldn't find them, though I think they forget where they have hidden a lot of the nuts they hoard. We are always pulling little walnut plants out of our tubs and pots where our visiting squirrel has hidden them and never come back for them.

We went out today as planned. My new back pain is giving me a bit of trouble and I've really struggled to get in and out of the car or even lift a leg to put some socks on, but walking around isn't too bad. When I'm walking it just aches and I can put up with that. At the outlet village some shops I liked have closed and others have opened up but M&S are still there and I managed to get 2 pairs of trousers. They are only everyday round the house or popping to the shops trousers, not for going out anywhere smart. I'd have liked a bit of colour but 1 pair is navy and the other dark grey but I'm not complaining as they were only £15 each and they fit me round the waist so I won't be constantly hoiking them up. I was so pleased to find something to fit but I definitely mustn't put on any weight as they are size 12 and there isn't any room for extra inches on my waist. I also got my 3 Secret Santa presents. The Ladies Club suggests a limit of £5 on their Secret Santa and in M&S I got a lovely hand wash and hand lotion set with a Christmassy design and nicely boxed for that price. The other 2 things I got were a set of 4 Christmas themed place mats and matching coasters and a nice mug that had printed on it "Oh no, not another mug". I'll put some tea bags with it. I also went in to my favourite cook shop there and for the first time ever came out without buying anything. Our whole morning's shopping cost less than £50.

Instead of using one of the eating places there we got back in the car and drove for a few minutes to a very nice pub we know. I had smoked haddock and spinach fishcakes which came with extra spinach, tenderstem broccoli, little potatoes and a dish of a creamy, slightly cheesy sauce. It was delicious and very filling so I couldn't manage a pud.

The weather has been good today as well. Slightly cooler than yesterday but still warm and quite sunny so it's been a very satisfying day.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Oct 2024 20:07

My jabs were'nt to bad but they both ached this fternoon and still do.

I want to see the photos of the toadstools Anng took. I love pics of fungi.

One of the people I watch on Youtube found a service medal and tried to look it up as they had the name and service number. I had a look but could'nt find anything at all about him. He was Joseph A Wilson 1899. Think he came from Devon have his service number and supposidly born 8th June 1899. They say he was Joseph Alexander Wilson and they had his assention record but I could'nt find that either.
He was in the Duke of CornwasllLight Infantryfrom Sept 1914.


MillymollyAmanda Report 17 Oct 2024 19:24

Ann I'm still finding monkey nuts in my pots that the squirrels have been hiding I feel a bit guilty digging them out the poor things will be hunting for them ,they will still have a dig as they won't know I've removed them .
Yes Max did bark when the boom went off ,I think because we both jumped up and said what the devil was that and had a look out the window.

I took my jeans and one top back to Bon Marche today and got some more ,one jumper was fine but the top I thought felt as if it was twisted when I had it on ,I didn't want to chance it again so got another jumper ,the jeans I needed a size up as I got the skinny leg ones ,I normally just have the straight leg ones ,anyway all good now .
It always seems a long day when your waiting for people to come ,hope they can sort the door without any problems .
Yes bil likes the scooter and Colin had a go on it as he has trouble walking for to long it would be handy for him if we need to go to town as its a bit uphill and is a bit of a drag .
Mel that sounded a nice meal you had and quite a party with all of you there , you'll have to write down things that you don't like and get Stuart to do the same that way neither of you will end up with something you don't like.

Hope you had a good day out Vera and your back didn't play you up to much .

Hope you have a better night's sleep tonight Anng and you've manage to last the day ,early night tonight me thinks .


Annx Report 17 Oct 2024 18:57

Evening All,

We were both tired so lay in this morning. It's been sunny and quite nice though. When we went to the chemist and shop there were two Squirrels gathering nuts from the grass under the tree this time. One was burying nuts in a flowerbed in the roadside verge.

My free delivery parcel came from Bon Marche this morning so that was quick work! I must open and check it is all there. Next I need to go on the Regatta Outlet site for a thin waterproof and see what fleece zip ups they have for wearing round the house. I like them as they dry so quickly which is good in the winter.

We need to be up early tomorrow as they are coming to see if the new door needs to be tsken out to replace the sill and also to replace the metal door strip on the opening edge. They only say between 8.00am and 5.00pm, so it could be a long day. OH was hoping I could give him a lift to the school in the village in the morning as the carpark is always full, but he's realised I will have to stay here in case the men come early, so is going to walk instead.

I didn't sleep well last night either AnnG so it's an early night for me and I hope you have a better night. I hope you had a nice day wherever you went.

Mel it seems to be working quite well to share a meal once a week. Quite a little party of you as you say. Were your jabs good this year too and no soreness or ache?

That loud bang must have been very scarey Mandy. Did it make Max bark? Does BIL like getting out and about on his mobility scooter? They are a good idea and I suspect it's something I might have to consider in the future, but at least it gets you out of the house and seeing people. I wonder whether our Frank ever got one?

I hope Vera managed to get some trousers and that her hip and back are improving.


MillymollyAmanda Report 17 Oct 2024 13:50

Afternoon all,

Another beautiful day with sunshine, its really warm out ,yesterday was lovely in the afternoon and the temp got to 21 degrees.
We went shopping this morning and the shops were so hot with the heating on I was glad to get out into the fresh air .
We sat a while ago and there was an almighty bang the whole house shook ,we think it was a sonic boom as reading on fb a typhoon jet was scrambled to intercept an air India flight that was in trouble ,we did wonder if it was a gas explosion it was such a bang .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Oct 2024 12:12

Em came for eggs just as I had my coat on to go for my jabs. Only had a little natter and then off I went. The carpark was chocker block as I knew it would be with a flu clinic on so I parked right at the end of the dead end and walked in. There were four people in front of me and I went down the corridor and there were four people in front of me again so I thought I'm going to be here for ages. Surprisingly I was the first name called and the other looked very put out! Quick jab in each arm and I was away.

Its a beautiful day here 15 degrees and pc says partly sunny but it well out at the mo with big white and grey cloudy and blue sky. I wonder how long it will last?

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Oct 2024 08:57

Morning Anng and all,

Nice bright morning here so far pc says 3 degrees and expect light rain tomorrow. Now is says partly sunny. I can see the sun and its very welcome after the dreary days we have had lately.

Covid and flu jab this morning so I better get on as I have to be there sor 11.15am.

Had a great meal last night at Stu's he did chicken and sausages, brocc, carrots, leeks new pots and sweet pots done in the oven and he made a Bar B Q sauce which was great. His girl was there and her dad who only lives down the road from me in another little village, and James his son so quite a party.


AnninGlos Report 17 Oct 2024 07:20

Good morning all. Bad night last night, only 2-3 hours sleep, going out at0930 so had to be up early. Now showered and hair washed but could easily crawl back into bed.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Oct 2024 17:44

Just lost it!!

I hope your back is better in a couple of days Vera as I know only to well about getting into bed witha bad back and hip.

I did a bit of spraying of some miniature sausepans etc up the caravan and forgot to ut gloves on so I have nice black patterns on my fingernails and fingers and it did'nt come off in the shower. I would try a bit of nail varnish remover if I could find it.

I am going to Stuart's but he did'nt say what the menu was so its going to be a surprise. He did tell me he's been shopping after the hospital appointment so I am wondering what its going to be. I don't always like surprises for dinners incase its something I don't like or can't eat.