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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 28 Oct 2024 07:27

Morning on this dull miserable wet day. Its 14 degrees here and that fine rain that get everywhere. Pc is saying near record for the temp.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 27 Oct 2024 17:32

Thanks for your answers about the postage stamp. It was a box that came to me without being franked and I wondered if I could use it to send on but I shall not chance it now.
Almost completely dark here now and its been a beautiful day with wall to wall sunshine and a few clouds towards the evening.

Dave called in with the poppies today and he always saves me the little metal enameled one as oh always bought me those. He said they were very short on that one this year.

Done a bit of craft fiddleing today and put two more lots on Ebay. Just brought the washing in and need to put it on the airers on the rads.

Had one of my BIG tomatoes for lunch with bacon, egg and toast it was delish so I have saved 5 seeds from it to grow next year. If any of you want a few seeds let me know as I have a few more to eat yet. They came from my neighbour last year and when I ate the big one I saved some seeds and they came true.

Hope the arms feeling better now Anng and the legs.

Annx I had an invite for that jab and it booked for for the 1st November which is the day I also have a breast screening at 9.50am.


AnninGlos Report 27 Oct 2024 17:26

Legs are still a bit achy, not sure why I think it is robsbly because the last couple of days I was pottering in the garden carrying around a few heavy ish rocks and also a large container. That always seems to affect my legs which is weird.
My right arm is not too bad, the left,nthe covidvarm is painful still probably because that is the side I sleep on.

Yes it said in the leaflet that this year it was modified to protect against the latest new additions to the virus


SuffolkVera Report 27 Oct 2024 16:40

Good afternoon ladies

It's been a lovely bright sunny day though not all that warm. At least it has been dry. I had to go down the road just now and the sun was so low in the sky that I couldn't see a thing. I was walking very carefully as the path is uneven and I didn't want to fall because I couldn't see. There was a helicopter going backwards and forwards and circling overhead. That often means someone is missing, usually an older person with dementia. I hope they find whoever it is before it gets dark.

Mel, you got 2 good jobs done while bil was there yesterday so that's a bit less to do now. Did you mean you want to send the box with the stamp to your friend? If it's unused there'll be no problem but check the size and weight of your box to make sure it fits the large letter restrictions. If it's small and not very heavy it should be fine but there is plenty of info on google.

Oh Annx, it is so sad when you come across an obituary of someone you knew. He sounds a real character and you obviously enjoyed his company at work.

I hope your arms (and legs) are feeling less sore now AnnG and you get a good night's sleep tonight. I've heard so many people say that they have had painful arms this time, even though they haven't had them before, that I am not looking forward to having my jabs.

This morning I potted up my cuttings and cleared 3 big troughs of annual begonias. It was a shame in a way as they were still blooming but I thought I'd better do some garden jobs while the weather was dry. I was going to pull up a clump of antirrhinums in one of the beds but they have new blooms opening so I'll leave them for a few more days. Then I went to put my beef joint in the oven this morning only to find I had forgotten to take it out of the freezer. I seem to be having more of these senior moments lately. So we ended up with meat pie. I can't manage potatoes and pastry together so I didn't do any spuds but did a big pan of mixed veg - carrots, leeks, peas and broccoli. It made a change from always having a roast on a Sunday and we both enjoyed it. The only problem is that with a roast there are leftovers for Monday which is always quite a busy day for us. Now I've got to sort out a dinner for us tomorrow.

I've just looked out of the window and the sun is already setting. It's only 4.30 :-(


Annx Report 27 Oct 2024 16:08

Aftenoon All,

You can't re-use a bar coded stamp now Mel, if that's what you mean? That's why they introduced bar coded stamps to stop people re-using them if they had no franking marks on them.

Well I felt no benefit from the extra hour this morning and now it's looking dull and will soon be dark! Just waiting for the food delivery with 2 subs that can both go back. A prawn pasta salad instead of a chicken and bacon one and I hate cold prawns and OH isn't that keen and some cheesy smoked bacon sausages instead of our salmon fishcakes. Health risks with anything smoked so we don't want those. I think it means a trip to the extended and improved Aldi in the morning as we enjoyed their chicken salad once before. No doubt we will come out with a trolley full of other things and I need some washing (tablets ideally which are hard to tind now ) so it probably means getting the liquid as I have problems with the plastic pod things! lol.

We have had the Spikevax jabs the past 2 years AnnG and I expect they are tweaked each year to keep up with the latest versions of the virus and we had sore arms last year ourselves, but not this year. I hope your arms and achey legs soon feel better. I seem to be the only one to have had the RSV vaccination, but it has only been offered to the 75-79 age group at the moment I think.

Better check how far away Dave is now. :-)


AnninGlos Report 27 Oct 2024 12:26

Do you mean it is an already been through the post stamp Mel. Or a stamp you have bought and is unused?

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 27 Oct 2024 12:08

The rose smell on these shampoo and conditioner smelt nothing like roses at all not like the ponds cream which smelt of roses.

Can anyone tell me if I can still use a large letter stamp with a bar code to send something as I have a little box with one on and want to send it to a friend but I have looked on line and not sure about it.


AnninGlos Report 27 Oct 2024 09:37

Mel, I love the natural smell of roses but hate any creams or shampoos etc that are supposed to be Rose perfumed as it is a chemical rose smell and not very pleasant to me.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 27 Oct 2024 08:52

Morning all,

Nice sunny morning here 9 degrees amdpc says partly sunny.

Sorry both arms ache this monrning Anng that just how mine were and they ached for a few days and then the right arm itched That was the covid one.

Think I may wash my hair today and try out this new conditioner. I bought the herbal essesenses rose shampoo and condit. but I could'nt stand the smell so I gave them both to Em so that was 12 quid down the drain now I am going to try thier Aloe something one and see if thats any better smell wise.


AnninGlos Report 27 Oct 2024 07:52

Good morning all. Not really unexpected but I didn't have a very good night. both arms are now quite painful so the covid one which I was laying on kept waking me up. Originally the flu one was worse but this morning the covid arm is very stiff and painful.
I eventually got up at just gone 0630 (which would have been 0730 so not too bad). For some reason my legs have come out in sympathy and ache as well.

It is only 8 degrees but is bright and looks like it might be a nice day.


AnninGlos Report 26 Oct 2024 20:28

Yes, it might be a pain trying to get an appointment at our surgery, but they do organise these mass vaccinations well. A desk at the entrance split between two alphabetically, then a queue leading down the long corridor eight (I think) office doors a chair opposite each two people moving the queue.. so 8 and people as directed move to chairs, so eight people vaccinating(& 8 vaccinated or more if couples go in at once. The queue moves quickly and people know to leave by the door down the corridor as it is the same every time. They were going all day from 0800 and were fully booked.


Annx Report 26 Oct 2024 18:59

Afternoon All,

It's been a mix of sun and cloud here and is quite chilly now so I've given the heating a blast.

I like the latest gnome Mandy and like Vera love his wonky hat! How many have you made now? Yes I think that's the earliest the paper has been about hot off the press! At least they were quiet unlike your milkman was. Our neighbour makes a din when they go on holiday in the small hours and seem to keep slamming car and boot doors umpteen times. Why they don't leave shutting the car doors till they go I don't know. Two of our Hostas have quite bright yellow leaves now, but we need to fill the garden bin anyway over the next few days ready for the collection which I must check as I think they stop the garden bin one over the winter.

I slept better last night and it's good you managed to get back to sleep as well AnnG. It's good your nose has healed now, but I think FIL's still improved in that the wound became flatter and less noticeable by the following year. It's good you still have your airer, but hopefully you will soon have your new dryer. Goodness your DIL's mother is doing well to reach 100 and will have been thrilled to get a card from the new King. She will even remember the old king!! We thought our jabs were speedy as they had us in together, but I think you were even quicker!

Yes the doctor is on the ball now after the previous delay Vera which is good. The city hospitals are huge with multiple carparks around them and long corridors that I couldn't manage, but we'll have to sort out the logistics when he has the details and appointment. The birthday meal was a good price, but a shame your salmon was dry. The yummy apple crumble on icecream sounds good though! :-D You've done well to get a lot of cuttings rooted, but be careful with your back doing the HW. I bet you were pleased to get it all done though.

Mel it's good the new vac is ok. Now you just need some sunshine to dry the leaves off. I expect they will make you some nice leafmould for next year. Did you see Monty Don's garden where the floods had crept in part of it?

There was an obituary in yesterday's local paper for a real character I used to work with years ago. He was gay and very camp and would come out with hilarious comments that would make even the most serious among us laugh. His clothes were spotless as was the bungalow he shared with his partner and he was always cleaning and cooking. I remember one day he had an appointment to see a physiotherapist in the afternoon and he turned up for work in the tightest leather trousers I have ever seen. I had to go in the toilets to compose myself. Bless you Doug for making work fun.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 26 Oct 2024 18:24

I went out after my last post and used the leaf hoover it worked ok on the dry leaves and I was having fun and then the battery ran out so it came in after emptying the leaves in the wheelbarrow and taking them round to the leaf dumpy bag.

Sometimes BIL rushes at things but he was very good with doing the fence and him being strong was able to bend the poles while I got the netting over them. We have put it all around the chickens run no so I can cut off what I want to use and the others tidy for when he mows. He did say that another day he was going to take the two sides off the grass box that the roller fit in and take them into work and they will make two new ones in stainless steel for him so thats got to be better than Stuart welding a bit on.

Nearly dark here now so I better go and get my solar lights out of the bedroom and bring them into the kitchen till I go to bed. I then put them in the hall and bathroom so I can see when I get up in the night.


AnninGlos Report 26 Oct 2024 17:46

I did a small wash this morning and it all dried in the conservatory, first with the door open then an hour with ut closed it has been a beautiful sunny day with clear blue skies and the sun is just going down now. Tomorrow, if out, it will be going down at 4.45. :-(
Pleased you had a good nights sleep Vera and got a lot done today.

I gave my leaf blower away to Andy when he did my garden. I was too heavy for me to lift.
Mel, it does seem it is two steps forward an five back with BiL. Does he try and rush at things? Still at least you have the leaf blower now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 26 Oct 2024 16:57

Hope you enjoyed your tree Vera. You got a lot done today so I hope you get another good amount of sleep tonight.

BIL came earlyish just after I had showered and got dressed. We nattered for a bit and I asked him if he would help me get the leccy chicken fence out of the lawnwhere he has been mowing around it. Anyway with the two of us we managed to sort it out and we have put it all around the chickens run nad to the nest box so I can go in and not worry they are going to rush out around the garden as its not easy to get them in now. I have to take something round we me to throw in the run so they all rush to it or they get under ny feet. I could now while I am round there lett them have a bit of grass before I feed them.

He put te garden vac blower thing together and promptly went out to try it and shoved it into a load of big wet leaves that have very long stalks and he bunged it up so had to take some of it apart again to free it up. I told him not to do wet leaves. Anyway it working now I just have to wait till the leaves are dry.

Its been a super sunny day and cos he came early I forgot to put the rest of the washing in ther machine so it going now with no time to dry it outside. But that was two good jobs done today, the vazac and the chickens fence. It would'nt have been in such a mess if he had'nt caught it with the mower int he first place but it did need two pairs of hands to sort it out I could'nt have done it on my own. Then we came in and I did cheese and pickle rolls. O first we were chatting and when I looked on the pc I had 5 mins to get to the shop for my paper. He took me he said do you want me to whiz you up there. Well talk about drive slow I could have got there quicker myself anyway I just made it.

Machine has just sung to me so thats another job done now but I don't think its going to do much drying out there now even thought the suns still fully out. Theres now wind today and still 14 degrees here.


SuffolkVera Report 26 Oct 2024 16:19

It was foggy again first thing but it sort of cleared after a while. I say sort of because, although there was no more actual fog, it has stayed murky and grey all day. We’ve also had drizzle on and off all day as well and it’s supposed to be 14 degrees but it feels colder to me. Probably because there hasn’t been even a gleam of sun since we got up this morning.

I’m glad you eventually managed to get some sleep AnnG and your jabs went well. We had SpikeVax last time so I expect it will be the same this time when we go. Great that your dil’s mother has reached her 100th birthday. It sounds as though she is having a lovely day. Today would have been my mother’s birthday. Sadly we lost her just over 50 years ago now and I still miss her. You never forget your mum, do you.

Mandy, garden gnome is another good one. I love his loppity hat. How many gnomes is that now? It must be annoying to be woken by the neighbour’s milkman. Our newspaper delivery often comes around 5 am but we’ve never had a delivery as early as Annx. Our delivery man comes by car but he’s very quiet. I sometimes hear him if I’m already awake but he’s never woken me up.

I hope your garden vac. didn’t have any broken bits this time Mel and bil has got it all put together for you. You’re going to need it over the next few weeks to gather up all the leaves that are falling.

It’s a nuisance that OH needs more tests Annx but a good thing that the doctor is really trying to find out what is wrong. The sooner the medics can pinpoint the problem the sooner they can start to put it right. I’m glad you found the car keys. That’s one less thing to worry about.

I had quite a good sleep last night. I woke a few times but got back to sleep quite quickly. So I had a bit more energy today and between us we tidied, dusted and hoovered the whole house and I’ve prepared tonight’s dinner. I’ve been deciding whether to go out to the bench in the garage and do some potting up of cuttings. but I feel a bit tired now so I think I’ll leave that till tomorrow. 2 or 3 weeks ago when I was in a rush I just chopped a dozen bits off some Argyranthemum and shoved them in a jar of water. 5 of them are no good and I have thrown them out today but the other 7 have all got good roots now so I am quite pleased.

Guess what I am going to do now. That’s right, I’m going to make a pot of tea. I haven’t had a cuppa since 1.30 and I’m getting withdrawal symptoms.


AnninGlos Report 26 Oct 2024 14:49

That is the jabs done. didn't feel either of the injections. Again super organised, I was 10 minutes early getting there. and was out 5 minutes after my booked time.
The covid jab is Spikevax JN1


AnninGlos Report 26 Oct 2024 13:30

My daughter in law's Mum is 100 years old today. Ruby has had a ride in a limo and a lovely tea put on by her residential home. She is my inspiration.


AnninGlos Report 26 Oct 2024 10:01

Mandy, yes it has healed as much as it is going to, I won't know any more until I get that replacement appointment.

Not sure an extra hour is going to make any difference to me. I seem to sleep a certain number of hours whatever time I go to bed.

It is not foggy here but is sort of misty. the sun is breaking through so I have put in a small wash that will dry in the conservatory. I have retrieved the folding airer which I had put away in the garage when using the tumble drier. Just waiting now for Paul to get the new one. It is on order.


MillymollyAmanda Report 26 Oct 2024 08:53

Morning all,

Foggy here again ,it is clearing a bit at times and the sun had a go at shining but has gone again now ,hoping to get out in the front garden to get the old leaves off the hostas in the pots and there's a few weeds to get up in the garden if the grass is not to wet .

Ann hope you managed a better night's sleep last night , what a time to deliver a paper we hear the milkman come to the house over the road sometimes, its one or two o'clock when he comes and he's not quiet he slams his door .

Anng good you managed to get to sleep in the end ,you'll be able to catch up with sleep tonight as the clocks go back and we get the extra hour .
I keep meaning to ask , has your nose op healed OK now .

Mel hope all the bits are in the box and bil can get the hoover together for you .

Vera that was a good price for two courses shame your salmon was a bit dry ,take it easy with the jobs today don't go and strain your back and side again .