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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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MillymollyAmanda Report 1 Nov 2024 14:43

I got Anng's reply to Ann too but didn't get a photo of the pendant from Ann .

Still a murky old day haven't done much except a bit of repair sewing for my neighbour she was telling me that she thinks the lady that stole from my board is the same lady that shoplifted in poundland , I still haven't seen her go past .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Nov 2024 14:36

What a cracking pendant Ann has made I have replied in an email.

The other thing is I have had an email about it from Anng!! Did you put reply to all??

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Nov 2024 12:52

O I have forgotten when my next appointment is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked him to write it down for me and he did'nt. I know its not till Jan and its a friday I think at 2.15pm but what date I have no idea. Honestly I would leave my head behind if it was'nt screwed on. :-|

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Nov 2024 12:49

It realy makes you want to throw the blimmin pc out of the window. :-| :-| :-|

Went and had my jab but on entering the surgery a friend was in there so I told him I needed his son to look at the bathroom heater which is'nt working. He said he would send Nick out to have a look. Then his MIL came out and asked him for some money to pay Anton so he gacve her a twenty pound note and Anton came out with her change and I asked him if he could squeeze me in. He said he had 5 mins so I went through for the jab and Chris the nurse said go to Anton first and have the jab after. This is what I did and I had taken £12 with me just in case. So I have done so much today been to Holsworthy and had my sqashing been to the docs and had my feet seen to and my jab done and did'nt feel a thing and now I am going to have something to eat as I have built up an appitite. :-D

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Nov 2024 10:39

Back home at the mo BIL still here but I hav'nt seen him he must be up the top talking to Phil. The mower has gone and he got a twig out of the garden hoover for me too. He said he may not be here when I got back and I asked him to please wait till I was home.

My tum is grumbling so I may have something to eat now.

With all the talk BIL was doing I had forgotten to take my letter with me and had to pay £2 for the car park. They don't say on the letter that you can leave it in the car so you don't have to pay.


MillymollyAmanda Report 1 Nov 2024 09:02

Morning all,

Very dull here and I can't remember if it should get out or not ,it doesn't seem that warm but it is November goodness the year is going so quickly .
Hope you get on OK today Mel with no waiting about ,what will you do between appointments as you have quire a bit of time between each one .

You soon finished the pendant Ann looking forward to seeing it.


AnninGlos Report 1 Nov 2024 08:05

Good morning all. grey so far and 9 degrees. Not sure what I am doing today but must walk to Irene's and see if there are any books I fancy. took 6 back to her yesterday Hoping others have returned some I haven't read.

Vera, yes, that is why I took the photo, it looked very magical. The fairies stayed away yesterday the light was entirely different.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Nov 2024 08:04

Morning all can't stop have to get ready. BIL emailed me last night to tell me he is coming today and is having the mower picked up. I emailed him back and said he better be as I am out all morning.

Must go see you all later on I hope.


SuffolkVera Report 31 Oct 2024 21:14

Evening all

Lovely picture of your garden in that strange light AnnG. It looks like an enchanted garden from a fairytale book…..follow the stepping stones to a magic land ;-). Ignore me, I’m being silly.

I wish my nails would grow long but as I’ve grown older they have started to split and break all the time. My hairdresser tends to keep hers short but when she was away once I had another girl and, boy, her nails felt as though they were slicing into my head.

That business with the thyroid register sounds frustrating Annx. Phones not being answered or.getting suddenly cut off seems to be the norm these days. A scam call at that hour of the morning is very annoying Gwyn. I’m not surprised you shouted at the caller.

Mandy, I hope Colin’s cough improves quickly. There seem to be a lot of colds around. Take care of your back for a day or two, you don’t want the twinges to get any worse. I’m being very careful still though I’m hoping to do just a little in the garden tomorrow.

Mel, I hope your screening and jab are OK tomorrow. You need to keep your strength up and Corn Flakes don’t sound a very nourishing meal. If you don’t feel hungry could you at least manage a bowl of soup? My go-to when I don’t feel like eating is either porridge or scrambled eggs as they both take next to no time in the microwave.

I had a bad night again and didn’t get up till about 8.30, an hour or so later than usual so I’ve been behind hand all day. It was misty early this morning, then it cleared but stayed grey right up till late afternoon when we had about an hour of sun before it set.

We went to our usual coffee meet today. The 2 men there took themselves off to another table leaving 5 ladies to put the world to rights. I shopped for a few bits of salad and veg on the way back. This afternoon I spent a couple of hours on the computer doing the household admin. There are 2 of us here, both computer literate, so why is there only 1 of us apparently able to make sure the paper bill and the window cleaner get paid or capable of finding the details of a painter we used a couple of years ago? OH says it’s because I’m quicker, my answer is he’d be quicker if he got more practice.

Son rang to tell me his stepson and wife had a baby boy a couple of days ago so he is now a grandfather or a step-grandfather. It was lovely to get some good news so I think I’ll end on that happy note. Sleep well everyone.


Annx Report 31 Oct 2024 20:02

I hope you get done quickly tomorrow Mel. Do you have to travel far to have it? Then your jab too. I had absolutely no effect after mine so I hope yours will be the same. We don't have to have that one next year either.

Finished the pendant but will photograph it tomorrow as the artificial light is changing the colours.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 Oct 2024 18:56

I don't know what to eat tonight and I'm really not hungry so may just have a bowl of cornflakes. I have the screening tomorrow at 9.50am and then the other jab at 12.15pm so if BIL comes early I shan'nt be in.


Annx Report 31 Oct 2024 15:42

Afternoon All,

A dull day here, but dry and no cold. I think I saw somewhere that Americans call moons like that with pinky light a Wolf Moon. I thought it made a lovely tinge to your garden AnnG.

I had a similar thing when we were sent a new router Mel. We were told to send the old one back using the return label provided or would be charged £30...........only no label had been provided. I rang them and queued and queued and was told they would send me one in the post. Nothing arrived, so I sent a message on their chat bot and they said they would send a label. Nothing happened so after about 2 years we threw the old router away.

My hairdresser has very long nails and the head massage that comes with your shampoo can be quite painful when she catches you with any sharp bits or scrapes the pointy bits round your ears.

I've just tried notifying the Thyroid Register that I've already been tested since my last annual request they send, but isn't it annoying when you get out all your papers to find the exact dates and results to tell them to then get the message that no-one is available to answer your call?? I tried again an hour later and got the same so decided to leave a message and was just about to ask if I still needed to do their test and a voice said 'thank you for calling' and cut me off! so I still don't know! :-S

Shopping bags can be another problem when you are short like me. So many have long handles which means they can drag on the floor when you are short. Because of back trouble I used a small wheeled case at work instead of a briefcase most of the time when we started using laptops on our visits. When I took mum out or to do her shopping we used a wheeled trolley I had. We could buy much more that way, especially if I took her to Birmingham, as she loved the markets there. There was a fabulous selection of net curtains when they were fashionable and hundreds of rolls of lovely materials and buttons and trims you'd never see anywhere else.

I'd better find a clasp that will match and finish this pendant now. OH is out later.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 Oct 2024 13:02

I had BT email me this mornng telling me that as I hav'nt sent the box back I am going to be charged £30 on my next bill. I got on to BT right away and explained everything about me changing to EE then cancelling it so never got the box, anyway after speaking to two different peole the last very nice lady said she has marked it as returned so I should'nt get that bill again. This all takes ages out of your day and its nice and sunny and 15 degrees here. I have fished leaves out of the big pond this morning and washed up, boiled an egg for a sandwich and thats all I have done this morning, O and I fed the girls and birds.


AnninGlos Report 31 Oct 2024 12:46

You tell him Gwyn, hope it gave him earache.

It is a beautiful day here, sunny with clear blue skies. Which means I should be out in the garden. :-D

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 31 Oct 2024 09:27

Good morning all.
Yes thank you AnnG. I received the photo and replied. It looked lovely.
We have a lovely bright and sunny start to today.

I know what you mean about carrying bags. I go into town on the bus and it's very tempting to think 'I'll just get this, while I'm here' and before you know it there's a heavy weight. For this reason, if I'm on my own with no access to the car, I never use a trolley at the supermarket. I can feel a basket getting heavier and know I've still got to get a bus and then walk a fair distance from my destination bus stop :-|
I've been asked to bring 6 cooked jacket potatoes for a function in town at the weekend, so I will go to buy them today. I take a bag, which has long enough handles to put onto my shoulder and I find that helps to carry heavy items.

Not a good start to this morning. The phone rang just before 8 o'clock, which always makes me think a family member or my neighbour needs help.
No, it was someone telling me there was a problem with my internet connection and trouble with the power supply. I'm usually very calm, but I'm afraid I shouted at him to stop conning people, especially at that time of day.
He chose to ring the wrong person :-|


MillymollyAmanda Report 31 Oct 2024 09:20

Morning all,

We have a very murky morning here ,looks quite misty in the distance but it should get out and I think they said we might see a little sun .

Colin has a tickly cough so don't know where he's picked that up , he had the flu jab a week ago so I don't think it's to do with that , I'll need to pop out to get a lemon so he can have honey and lemon .

That was a strange pinky light Anng but it did give the garden a nice glow.

Was hoping to do a bit outside but my back is a bit twingy so I think I better rest it today


AnninGlos Report 31 Oct 2024 08:24

Good morning all, dry here so far and 9 degrees, not forecast to rain today but who knows? Still it stayed dry yesterday I have just put the bedding in the wash, been waiting until I had a working tumble drier so I will see how it copes with this load. So far i have been pleased with it.
Last night I still continued my sleep/awake mode. also had a stiff shoulder and neck. I never thing the bags I carry are heavy when walking round the shops but I think yesterday they must have been.

Yesterday evening there was a strange light at twilight. I took a photo as it all looked very pretty. I will try and remember to send it out to you. :-) I think I sent it but not sure if it worked as I am on the PC and the photo is on my phone.

My nails tend to grow quite long Mel and when they do I make a lot of mistakes when they hit keys I don't mean to press., then, as you say, it feels odd when I cut them. Sometimes you see these girls with very long nails, I so wonder how they manage with them.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 Oct 2024 08:20

Morning girls,

Its a lovely bright morning here in deepest Devon 9 degrees and its going to e partly sunny by the pc.

Cut my long nails off yesterday and typing is strange this morning.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 30 Oct 2024 19:59

Waiting to see this new pandant its such a long time since you showed us any beading.


Annx Report 30 Oct 2024 19:43

Yes I think she said increasing the minimum wage would entitle them to be enroled in the company pension scheme, so employers will have their share of that to pay as well as the extra wages plus extra employers NIC if the increase breaches the thresholds. They will have the extra NIC increase to pay on all their employees anyway. That will all be passed on to customers as you say AnnG, unless it makes them uncompetative enough to go out of busimess. When she said what they were going to spend on tax evasion OH said we could get our jobs back without needing much training! Now I'm wondering what they have hidden in the fine detail.

What lovely children AnnG and the little girl is at a really pretty stage isn't she and looked so pleased to be holding the baby.

Well at least I should finish the pendant tomorrow. I went wrong a few times, mainly because it was a pattern for lefthanded people, so harder to understand! Also I had to hunt for the rest of a particular bead as I knew I had some somewhere, but now I have them I can finish it tomorrow.