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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jan 2025 19:04

I have watche dthe first pottery throwdown but not the next one. That man did do some great painting on his pots and I liked the sheeps face.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jan 2025 19:03

I was hoping someone would tell me their sunset times and thats why I put mine up. It did'nt actually get dark till 5pm.

I'll do it again tomorrow and see if its gone up.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jan 2025 19:01

I'm past that Mandy i'm 76 in February. I had my photo done for my driving licience in a travel agents. They tell you not to smile so that gave me the giggles to tart with. I look awful on my picture like an old witch or convict.


MillymollyAmanda Report 14 Jan 2025 18:44

Evening all,

It's been quire a dreary day here no sun today to cheer us up.

Vera sorry to read you have another migraine they must make you feel miserable I hope it soon eases for you and you feel better.

Ann that wasn't to bad for OH at the hospital they soon saw him and it sounds as though they are really doing the proper checks this time and I hope the drops give him some relief ,poor chaps really going through with one thing and another ,its going to fun and games having to do the drops every hour through the night .

I recorded the pottery throw for down this Sunday but we have seen the first one ,not sure if Mels seen it so won't say to much but I loved the first makes ,that chap can't remember his name did some lovely art work on his things .

Anng I was going to ask you the other day how your legs are but I see they didn't like your walk very much ,at least the aching eased when you got home .
You had a milder day to for getting your hair cut ,I always feel chilly round the neck k after a cut.
I think I've made a mistake on our next hair appointment, I usually count six or seven weeks between but when I looked on the calendar it's down for a date in February way over the seven weeks, but there if we'd had an appointment I would have had to cancel it anyway with Colin not well and then me .

Mel what a difference in the sunset times as here when I looked it up it was 11 minutes past four ,much later down your way .

We went shopping today and we used Colins card in the atm to get some money and it worked fine so I definitely need a new card ,I will get son to order me a new one , I also need him to do my driving licence as I have to have a photo licence in February when I'm 70 ,70!!!!!!! I want to go the other way I don't want a seven in the front of my age number :-(


Annx Report 14 Jan 2025 16:48

OH was home within 3 hours which was good. He said the doctor even had print outs of 2 of his previous visits with the same condition in front of him so that was efficient. He has 2 lots of drops and one is hourly for 2 days, then gradually less. He has to go back in a fortnight. We then called at our surgery on the way home and he's rebooked his physio visit, then we collected the rest of my scripts and called at the shop. He's not going to his meeting tonight but will write up someone else's notes for them instead.

Vera it's interesting to hear your OH had it too as it's considered rare! OH first had it in the 80s before I met him. I think the tests are to look for infection and inflammation elsewhere in the body, but brucellosis is an interesting one. As for the blood tests he did say they seemed to want an armful! I'm sorry you've had another migraine and hope your eyes soon clear properly.

I agree AnnG and hope we get some answers too. I think it delays diagnosis at times with GPs only dealing with 1 problem in an appointment. Sometimes another problem and symptoms can also cause the one you are seeing the doctor about! I think Covid was blamed for everything to do with poor service and that standard has become the norm now.

I don't mind the small Warburton's Wholememal loaf Mel. I have to break any bread for the birds quite small otherwise the Magpies and Pigeons carry it all off in no time.

Did you and Mandy see the last pottery throwdown? I won't say anything in case you've recorded it, but I thought James should have won this time! They are making some interesting things in this series.

I'm finding it hard to get into dancing on ice this time. Maybe it will get better.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jan 2025 14:31

Poor you Vera another migraine to spoil your day. I hope you feel more like yourself soon. Sending love and wishes. <3 <3

I have made chocolate brownies this morning and cleaned all the cooker top and it did'nt half need doing. Its in the dark corner of the kitchen and its one of those things I forget to do. It was so bad I could'nt see the white ring where the element is but I can see it now!!!! The big double ring is the next to be done but I have arm ache now so will leave that till another day.

Its 10 degrees here too now and nice and sunny blue sky but lots of thin clouds. sunset is 4.37pm I'm going to see what it is tomorrow as its certainly lighter for long down here.


AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2025 13:07

I am back from the hairdressers. it is sunny with a slight breeze and 10 degrees so was not cold at all walking round. My legs didn't like it though the only walk I have done is the 5 -10 minute walk to Irenes and todays is about 15 minutes each way. Still, by the time I got home they had stopped aching.

Oh dear Vera, do you think the cold affected your eyes which sparked the migraine? I hope to continue to improve and are better soon.


SuffolkVera Report 14 Jan 2025 13:01

It’s 7 degrees here now with intermittent sun so much more pleasant than it has been. I started yesterday well and even managed to spend 20 minutes in the garden but when I came in I started to get twirly patterns round my eyes and it wasn’t long before it was a full blown migraine so I didn’t eat after lunch. I managed some porridge this morning but still feel as though I’m wearing someone else’s head.

Annx, I hope OH’s iritis clears quickly. It’s a horrible thing to contend with. OH only had it once about 55 years ago but had it very severely. Our then local hospital X-Rayed most of his body, did blood tests galore and tested for just about every disease known to man, including brucellosis which we always thought was a disease of cattle. It was months before he was completely free from pain but, touch wood, the iritis has never returned. If all this could be done 55 years ago why didn’t your OH get the same care more recently.? I suppose the accountants at the top say it’s not cost effective :-|. I wish him all the best.

Can’t write more now as it’s affecting my eyes. Might bbl.


AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2025 13:00

gosh Mel that is awful.

The first BCC I had removed was over 20 years ago, it was in my 'trunk' just under my bust. At the time they were not as common place as they are now and I was referred to Oncology not Dermatology. I had a full anesthaetic to remove it with quite a few stitches. when I came round there was quite a panic, apparently I had come round once but they were panicking as somethings small that should be back on the tray with other tools was not there, they though it was left inside me, so they let me go off again and now the nurses were having trouble getting me to wake up. It was in the day centre but I was kept in over night. I never did know if they found the 'thing' and often wondered if the airport security scanner was going to go off. It never did.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jan 2025 12:02

I agree with that Anng. I had a friend from when I rang bells that had a kidney op and they left a swab inside him and he died. They found out when they did the postmortam.


AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2025 11:18

There seem to be so many 'if onlys' with dealings with NHS. Who knows why they didn't do Xray etc before Ann, I hope that maybe it brings some answers. the trouble is we read about it all the time where things were missed until too late and nothing seems to be done about improving things. Lessons are not learnt. I am sure things have been allowed to get worse since Covid. some of the care seems to have gone out of GP surgeries and hospital administration etc.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jan 2025 11:04

Its the little things that are so personal that you lose in a fire too. Like old family photos that you an never get back again. I remember our doctor inthe village lost his wife while his children were young and he had a fire and lost all the photos of his wife and their children young.

I wonder why G did'nt have the blood test and x-ray when he had it before? Lets hope it can be sorted and perhaps it is causing other problems. Give him my wishes please Annx.


Annx Report 14 Jan 2025 10:11

Morning All,

Warmer today at 6 degrees now. I dropped OH off near the hospital but what a horrid journey with roadworks and traffic gridlocked at islands and nose to tail crawl elsewhere plus roadworks! Yes AnnG, he is having a lot of trouble and was up again taking ibuprofen last night. I felt so sorry for him as he said his neck was agony, but this morning it seemed much better again. This Irititis in his eye causes inflammation and can cause blindness if not dealt with quickly and can be. We saw online that it can be connected with something that can cause head and other pains so he's going to mention it to them this morning and also to his GP. I hope it stays dry for your haircut.

He's just phoned and they've confirmed it is Iritis. The doctor has sent him for blood tests and an x-ray and said he was amazed that these weren't done when he's had it before.

I think I'm going to do some shredding of old papers, a nice mindless task that will be usefull and then clean the ensuite till he wants picking up.

I see they are concerned about wind that's forecast where the fires are in America causing embers to be blown and start more. Those poor people homeless with everything gone.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jan 2025 09:16

Morning Anng and all,

Dull and gloomy here but no frost and its 7 degrees with 15% rain. Whatever that means.

I have one sub on the shopping today, I ordered a small warburtons wholemeal as well as the large one hoping to get one of them. They have sent a Asda bakey wholemeal for the small loaf. I may try it and if I don't like it I know who will, the chickens and the wild birds. They love a slice ontop of the bird feeder pressed on the knob on top. Even the Long Tailed Tits eat that.

Enjoy your hair appointment Anng and I hope it dos'nt rain for you.

Did you all sleep well? Hope Mr Annx got his appointment this morning and has had his eye drops by now and its all over.


AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2025 08:21

good morning all very dark here this morning but dry, no frost and 5 degrees. Hair appointment at 12 otherwise nothing planned. Just hoping it doesn't rain.

Ann, that is a nuisance that your OH has to cancel his appointment. He seems to be getting a lot of problems at the moment doesn't he? Hope he got an appointment OK.


Annx Report 13 Jan 2025 20:36

Well done on dropping another dress size Mandy. I have been cutting back the past week and hope to lose some again. I must look at the Bonne Marche sale as I like some of their tops. Edinburgh Mill have a sale on too. That's a nuisance about your card. Have you tried it in a different ATM to see if it works? If you've already tried it a couple of times it might get swallowed though!

OH has had to cancel his Physio appointment in the morning as he has Iritis in his eye now that he's had one or two times before since I've known him and they tell him each time to go to Eye Casualty, so that's where we'll be heading in the morning to drop him off to get there for 8.00 am when they open! Hopefully he won't be as long then if he's one of the first. I'll come home and he'll phone me when he's ready to pick up again. He usually has to have steroid eye drops so that will be another job for me putting them in. I don't seem to be able to get started on much lately but I did clean the hob and microwave. I think he will cancel going to his meeting tomorrow night as it's a long way and driving on the dark country roads or writing notes won't be good after those strong eyedrops they will have to use to see in his eyes properly.


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2025 18:35

Yes both daughter and son in law read Mostly daughter and I like the same books and strangely SiL and I read some books the same we both like James Patterson and Lee Child’s and others similar but daughter doesn’t. I mostly read paperbacks but also read Kkndle books and our libraries are shareddaughter prefers to read the Kindle books these days so not many opportunities to exchange actual books. But I do sometimes swop with SiL


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jan 2025 16:59

Oh I see Anng ,is daughter a reader do you swap books or does she like different authors to you.

Well the sun disappeared after lunch and it got quite dark early ,I always go up and close all the curtains as it helps to keep the heat in .


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2025 14:50

Mandy the book stall is only once a month. the books I dropped off were ones I have read since the beginning of December. Mostly read at daughters when we were in a lot in the wet weather. Next book stall is 7th Februsry But I still have quite a few unread here.
I read 95 books last year. Mostly acquired at Irene's

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jan 2025 14:42

They had a good time out on the bit of grass outside their run yesterday too and this mroning when I went round to feed them.I just watched a Sherlock Holmes thing on the tv and it was one with David Burke as Watson. Did you know that he is the father of Tom Burke (Strike) and that his mother was also in Strike, Anne Calder-Marshall. His godfather was Alan Rickman.