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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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MillymollyAmanda Report 4 Nov 2024 13:50

Afternoon all,

Very dull here no sign of the sun ,I didn't bother to hang my washing out either Vera I said to Colin there's no wind and they will be as wet when I get them in as when I hung them out so they are now on ths airer.
I cleared the leaves off the hostas in the pots out in the front garden and did a bit of weeding so we could take the garden rubbish to the tip this morning , we also took a few bits into the Pack animal charity ,there was jigsaws that the children use to do and a couple of bags of toys that had been in the shed ,also a hard plastic dog bed ,I asked if they would take the exercise bike but they said no and that was the second place to say no so it wil have to go to the tip but in pieces as it's so heavy .
I spotted a nice big log basket in the Pact shop so bought that ,went with stuff and came home with a log basket .


AnninGlos Report 4 Nov 2024 10:46

Mel. I get the impression that between the chickens and the pond you don't have much time left over for gardening and it is such a large plot. Goodness knows how you would manage without your BiL.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 4 Nov 2024 09:10

Morning you lot,

Its 12 degrees here and dull and dreary with it but no wind so I suppose thats a bonus.

I have to go to the post van this morning so not staying long just wanted to catchup on the posts. I see you have been busy in the garden I do wish you'd come down and help me with mine. Iv'e hardly touched the border this year and its just gone wild.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 4 Nov 2024 08:58

Good morning all.
Just back from taking some bits and pieces to Reception class at school for junk models.
It seems quite mild, although laptop says 11, but it seemed warmer than that to me :-S It's dull, but sort of brighter dull towards the south east, so hopefully things will improve.
You do well Ann with your bursts of activity in the garden. You seem to get quite a bit done. Daughter did a bit in ours yesterday, while I was busy elsewhere, so at least we have made use of the bin collection service, which we pay for each year. It's out awaiting collection and then we can start to refill it ;-)

Today's wash load hanging on the inside airer, as I think it would just hang limp and not dry outside, as there's not a hint of breeze. Our back garden doesn't get much sun in the winter months and the heavy clay soil means it stays damp underfoot, so not the best drying area.


AnninGlos Report 4 Nov 2024 07:49

good morning all. another grey day out there and 9 degrees. How I would love to see a clear blue sky. No idea what I am going to be doing today. There is still some gardening to do but nothing really that can't wait.


AnninGlos Report 3 Nov 2024 22:28

Ann Daughter on a low carb diet won't eat lentils as they are high in carbs. Which sends her blood sugar up and put on weight.


Annx Report 3 Nov 2024 21:14

That's worth a try with the cue Mel. They do keep flowering late don't they, but it's surprising it's coped with no watering recently. You are lucky to still have a few toms. I could do me some veg soup like that to help lose some weight and I do add lentils to stews at times as they are good for us. Your BIL has found a way to have some healthy veg that are cheap to cook as well.

I do believe the fireworks have ceased now after starting at just past 6.00pm, so I can go to bed now. Early start tomorrow as the boiler man is due at 9.00am


AnninGlos Report 3 Nov 2024 21:07

Hope the beef was nice Vera I could almost smell your roast cooking!

I did go out for another short spell got some Ivy cut down but it was too cold so I came in and made some cards.

Ann I could really do with cleaning the inside of my kitchen windows three pains in a bow shape and across in front of the house behind the sink and work tops Too far for me to reach and necessitates getting half up on the work top. None of the lower windows open. I shall have to find a solution.

Mel a new mower might be a good idea. Hopefully it would not keep breaking down. But I guess it would be quite expensive.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Nov 2024 16:58

Done up a couple of parcels and am hoping one lady pays then I can post them both tomorrow morning.

Do you remember I told you that my cue plants had gone blind? Well I did'nt cut it down and hav'nt watered the toms that were in there with it as they still had toms on and I did'nt want them to split. I went there this morning to pick a couple more Sungold and low and behold the cue has grown and its as dry as a bone. The top growth looks quite lush so I gave it a water just to see if I would get another cue off it this year. Its got buds. We will probably get a hard frost now and that will put paid to that but its worth a try.

I am going to make a BIG pot of soup tomorrow just veg and pulses and that should do me for a while.

BIL tells me he dos'nt eat meat during the week only at weekends when he's home. He is trying to lose a bit of weight and says its going slowly. I know he eats lots of veg, he will eat a whole pack of trimmed sprouts before his dinner. He buys the things you can put in the micro in their packs as he stays with a friend when in Farmborough. He pays him rent and dos'nt like to use too much leccy.


Annx Report 3 Nov 2024 16:57

Afternoon All,

Grey and quite chilly here too. My word you have all been busy outside getting lots done, unlike me.

I have managed to clean the kitchen window that's behind the sink and awkward to do and hasn't been done for ages. I have a long handled thing with a nylon pad I use at times on the bath, so I used that and it worked a treat. Then after rinsing it with a cloth wrapped round it I wrapped a dry window cloth round it and it dried it. I seem to have saved too many polythene tubs I use for all kinds of things, so they went in the bin. I've also measured the cupboard under the sink so I know what size boxes will be useful. Even a couple on each shelf will help to be able to pull out with the smaller things in them and save some bending down.

Glad you enjoyed the quiz Mel, fancy neither you nor your neighbours knew both of you were going! You 'girls' did well to come third as well. Were there many people there? I think a new mower would save both you and BIL a lot of hassle and time as well as expense. You could keep the current one you use as a spare. Maybe you could borrow some of Dave's goats for a while and tether them on some of your grass. :-)

Better go, Terry starts soon.


SuffolkVera Report 3 Nov 2024 13:19

Another grey, slightly chilly day :-( but at least it’s dry :-)

It’s good you enjoyed the event yesterday evening Mel and met some new people. That was good to come 3rd and only a point behind 1st and 2nd. You’ve got a lot done this morning as well.

I think we all know what you mean AnnG when you talk about gardening in short spells. I don’t know how Mel manages to work outside for so long.

Annx I had misread your post about the dishwasher plugs. As I said mine is in a cupboard and I can reach it easily but I forget it’s there.

There was a really good firework display on the rec at the bottom of our Close last night and I could see most of it kneeling on my bed and watching through the window. I didn’t get cold and I didn’t have to pay. There was a big fire and a really cracking display of non stop fireworks for 30 minutes. I think it was probably computerised as there wasn’t a pause. It was organised by the local Scouts. Very impressive.

I slept well though I seemed to be dreaming non-stop. I won’t bore you with the dreams but they seemed to involve anyone I’ve ever known and were very odd. They must have been vivid as I can remember a lot of what was going on whereas I normally know I have been dreaming but can’t recall what I’ve been dreaming about.

After breakfast, shower and hairwash I got our dinner time beef in the oven in a slow pot roast and spent a little time in the garden. My back’s sore this morning so I didn’t want to be bending and stretching much but I could manage to use the hoe to clear some of the weeds and tiny seedlings that grow everywhere and I swept up a load more leaves. We only have 2 small trees in our little garden but everyone else’s leaves seem to make a beeline for us. I think OH felt guilty seeing me working outside and he is now out there digging up a small area of ground cover bugle and moss for us to plant up with other stuff. He is under strict instructions to avoid where the snowdrops I got from Anglesey Abbey in February are planted and under no account to dig up the polygonum. As he would never know the name I had to tell him to leave alone “that small variegated leaf thing by the heron” (heron is a metal sculpture).

Well, if we are going to eat today I had better get my roast tatties in the oven and check on the beef.


AnninGlos Report 3 Nov 2024 13:04

Well done Mel, glad you enjoyed your evening. I am sure that you will have had a laugh and that makes you feel good. And getting rid of 'stuff' makes you fell good as well. Still only 10degrees here. I have spend an hour in the garden cutting back a lot of stuff down the end of the garden Lemon balm grows really fast in this garden and it had all gone to seed but was huge so that took some cutting down. No hope of pulling it out. Still quite a lot to do out there but energy level and strength only lets me do an hour at a time before things start to ache. I did then go out and give cynth a bit of a hand as she was tidying the front and had come round where our gardens overlap so that is all tidy now as well.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Nov 2024 12:42

BIL been and gone but we got a lot done. He cut the fencing off that we put round the chickens run last week so I only have to take out one end to get to the run to feed them and when I clean the house out. We got the broken netting on the top of the run put back up and we did both pond filter. He tried to get the side panels off the grass collector but they had a lip on them so the guys at work could'nt do that so its a replacement grass collecter but we may get another mower. Just as he was going I asked if he could take two bags of stuff to the shop where his wife works as he has to pick her up today so I now have a clear hallway and not two big black sacks by the front door. My neighbour took three loads I cleared out so I feel I have done something this morning now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 3 Nov 2024 09:28

Morning all,

12 degrees here and cloudy much like it is with you Anng.

It was a good night last night I sat with 4 girls I did'nt know and one had a birthday that day. I think I knew Erica as she used to work as the cook in Black Torrington pub where we used to go after ringing. Julia was the birthday girl, then Sarah I think and Anna, all young to me and Julia called us the odds and ends. In the last lot of questions which was one liners there was Happy birthday and the whole room sang it to Julia.We had 69 points and two other teams had 70 so there was a tiebreaker and the queston was "How many goats have I got" they call him Dave the Goat. Its a shame we were'nt tin the tie breaker as I knew he had 24 goats. one team said 15 and one said 16 and that was my neighbours team who moved in in April. They are off around the globe today going off for the winter to warmer climes as they are still livving in the van with the house still not fitted out with a proper kitchen and bathroom or even has ceiling int he rooms.

Anyway we came third so not that bad.


AnninGlos Report 3 Nov 2024 07:23

Good morning all 10 degrees and looks like another grey day like yesterday. ok in the mornings but horrible afternoons as it gets so dark indoors. Again nothing planned for today but hopefully can get a bit more done in the garden if it doesn't rain.


Annx Report 2 Nov 2024 19:30

Vera, it was when the man pulled out the fitted dishwasher we saw the plug behind it was sooty. He said that was the problem with plugs that are fitted behind as the dishwasher gets very hot and it can almost be touching the plug. He'd been called to some where the plug had caught fire and of course being behind the dishwasher you wouldn't see the sooty signs of overheating. If yours is in the cupboard like ours is now it shouldn't be a problem. I should be able to switch ours off now and like you I switch the washer, microwave, cooker and toaster plugs off but hadn't thought about the dishwasher.

The fireworks have been going off for a few hours now.


SuffolkVera Report 2 Nov 2024 17:42

What a miserable day it’s been - mizzly, drizzly and cold. That’s when it hasn’t been raining harder, so neither of us has done anything outside. OH has spent most of the day reading and I have caught up on lots of silly little jobs that keep being put off.

We all seem to have had a good year with tomatoes. We are still eating the home grown ones but will finish them during the coming week.

Annx, you have made me think I ought to check on my dishwasher plug which is in the cupboard under the sink. I haven’t noticed it looking sooty round the plug but I should check as we don’t often turn that plug off. It’s strange because I always turn the washing machine and the dryer off at the machine and at the switch on the wall but the dishwasher usually only gets turned off at the machine. I suppose it’s because the plug is hidden in the cupboard. Out of sight, out of mind.

Mel, I hope you enjoy it tonight. I am sure there will be people you know there and if you end up sitting with strangers it will be a good chance to get to know them.

Meat pie tonight from the shop so I only have to put it in the oven. I don’t like potatoes and pastry together so no spuds but lots of other veg. I haven’t decided whether to make full use of the oven and roast most of the veg or microwave it which doesn’t take long or add much to the fuel bill.

I think I’ll go and put the oven on, get myself a glass of wine and read the paper while the pie is cooking.


AnninGlos Report 2 Nov 2024 17:10

Hopefully you will find somebody Mel, is there a limit on the numbers in a 'team' for the quiz. Get there early so that you are already sitting at a table then people will hopefully join you, better than getting there late and having to search for a seat.

It stayed dry but was horribly dark all day so gloomy. I got the bit of garden cleared I wanted to, Spent an hour sorting out at the top of the garden. Cutting down the peonie and weeding and clearing up to the gravel then making a path with 8 of the left over old stepping stones. If I complain of back ache tomorrow do remind me of what I did today. The stones were dumped round the garden by Jake when they dug them up so I had to collect them (about 6" square). then spent the afternoon making cards. Until Tesco came and I had that to put away.
raspberries and blueberries both dated for 3rd. Driver refunded without me saying anything. Actually he picked up the blueberries, I didn't. Blueberries they told me out of stock. I didn't cancel but did order some different ones and two lots came. Driver said it is happening a lot lately. Anyway have had confirmation that both refunds have gone through.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Nov 2024 17:04

Not done a thing again today but fish leaves out of the pond. I did do a little gold painting on a staff figurebut not varnished it yet.

I know I will know a lot of people there but its who I am put on a table with that worries me. Lets just hope its someone I do know.


Annx Report 2 Nov 2024 14:19

Afternoon All,

We've had that fine, soaks you through in no time rain here this morning but it's stopped now. It's still very dull and looks like there could be rain later. We went to buy some things OH can eat next week before he has his tests. It seems he can eat all the unhealthy stuff, so he will like that. We noticed the leaves off the trees fluttering down so gently too. All the lamp posts in the next village have poppies tied to them now and the Halloween Yarn Bomb hasn't been taken down yet and was looking a bit soggy and wet. Did you get to see your poppies in place Mandy?

Next I was going to empty the top shelf of the cupboard under the sink ready for the boiler man, but OH said he would do it. I wasn't keen, as he doesn't notice where to put things back so I know where to find them, but I left him to it. A bit later I found him emptying the bottom shelf and he said he thought he would empty the whole cupboard so it could all be sorted. Why do men do these things without saying anything? I wanted it to be a quick job without stuff all over the worktops till after the man has been on Monday. Anyway, he's made himself the job and moved all the contents into the conservatory out of the way for now. I've also decided to get some polythene baskets from the factory shop in the meantime, to make things easier to pull out from the shelves to see what we have. We seem to have quite a few duplicates/triplicates of things I obviously couldn't see or reach for at the back of the cupboard. On the positive side the leak doesn't seem to be with the pipework in the cupboard. I also rediscovered the dishwasher plug the fitter moved from behind the dishwasher to the cupboard for me as he said they can overheat and start fires there. The sooty mark round it convinced me! Now I can leave room to switch it off at the wall when not using it.

OH is on his way to a match so while he's out I've sorted the freezer part of the fridge freezer and bagged up what's to go in some polythene bags things were delivered in. I'll staple and seal the bags with sellotape so the bin will stay dry and it won't smell or get messy. He likes to leave these things till nearer the bin collection day, which is a good idea, but I need to do it while I'm in the mood!

Next I'll do a letter to send about my thyroid test as no-one seems to be answering their phone and I've made several attempts now.

That's strange Mandy. Did my email arrive at all or was it just the photo that wasn't there? It's good your back is ok and might have just been how you slept and good that Colin is coughing less. I see you have more gnomes in the pipeline and now you have your book so you can do some different ones. I thought of you yesterday as the WW had a page with some books with discounts off and there was one with patterns for knitted gnomes, but when I looked at the book online, the pictures showed them all in browny and beige shades and I thought they weren't half as nice as the ones you have been making.

It's good your back held up well after the gardening Vera, but perhaps it's as well it's too wet to do more out there today and will give it a rest.

I hope it stays dry for you out there AnnG.

Have a nice time at the quiz tonight Mel. It helps when you already know some that will be there but you will soon make new friends if not. A change of routine does us good as well.

My father would have been aged 104 today, possible, but not likely. Instead he didn't reach much more than half that.