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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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AnninGlos Report 7 Nov 2024 15:29

It was coming home I was inside and we were on the first seat that is elevated downstairs. the road is very bad as well as it is a diverted rout due to a closed road bridge. So the narrow lanes don't normally carry double decked buses. Going in first think I had an older driver and I was upstairs, it is still very bumpy but he was much more sedate.


MillymollyAmanda Report 7 Nov 2024 15:14

Oh goodness Anng was that going or coming back ,that wasn't good if it was after a lunch being swung about like that ,I can remember going to Norwich once on the bus with a driver like that I was on the inside seat and had to really hold on when he went round a roundabout had to brace myself with my feet lol


AnninGlos Report 7 Nov 2024 14:29

Strange that Mel. If I leave my cameras on charge they just switch off fully charged.

Back home now. That was the bus journey to rival a fairground switch back. Driver looked about 15 and seemed to think he was driving a BMW round really windy country lanes. Good job I am already grey. Nice lunch, as usual too much pasta but very tasty.Four of us today one dropped out.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Nov 2024 09:48

We just had alittle bit of sun which was a treat but it did'nt last long. Its 13 degrees here and pc says mostly cloudy so no change there then.

I did a silly thing I left the camera on charge last night when I turned the pc off so it was completely flat this morning. Makes me cross as if I leave other things on they are ok. I wanted to take a pic of the garden before all the leaves fall and the colour goes. O its just gone green so I am off to take a couple of pics.


AnninGlos Report 7 Nov 2024 09:41

Mandy yes, if I can get to a garden centre I will do that. It is getting there is a problem.


MillymollyAmanda Report 7 Nov 2024 09:30

Morning all,
Dull here again and its shopping day but at least its dry .
Vera I wasn't looking forward to the jab after several people had said their arms were really sore after but so far my arm feels ok just feels like a bruise when you touch it , the flu jab was worse I could hardly lift my arm , Colins arm is ok too but we both said feel a bit weary this morning .

Anng the new planter is a good size it will good with Hostas in ,could you plant a few bulbs in it for a bit of colour in the spring , enjoy your lunch today.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Nov 2024 08:34

Morning all,

Just caught up with yesterdays posts as I was cooking in the afternoon and Stuart came to dinner and we talked a lot and he showed me pics of his holiday with youngest daughter in Mexico. I ws so tired by the time he left I just watched a bit of telly but fell asleep in it so went off to bed.

Yes as to the stoat I had one years ago and that turned white in the winter but we did see it when just half of it was white and the other half sto blotchy brown. I thought I had'nt seen many rabbits inthe garden lately and yes some month ago I caught one in the rabbit trap and let it out hoping it would keep the rabbit population down. What with that and the buzzard I think I am doing quite well lately rabbit wise.


AnninGlos Report 7 Nov 2024 08:12

Good morning all 10 degrees and still grey. Off to Cheltenham today to meet friends for lunch in an Italian restaurant (not very large and quite noisy but good fun). So better get on and shower etc.

Vera yes Jake has now finished all my jobs and I probably won't see him now until the new year early spring when no doubt all the shrubs will have grown and need cutting down again. Yesterday they cut back two wild honeysuckles which will re-grow next year, tidied the end of a small piece of trellis that kept catching me as i got to the compost bin, pinned back to a post the main trellis down the garden that was moving in the wind. And Jake's Dad made me a large 2 foot X 5 foot X 2 foot deep planter in nice wood. It now stands on what was the slate hosta bed. they also filled it with good top soil and compost and I will try hostas in there and Heucheras next year. It looks strange now as it is empty but I am sure it will save a lot of hassle weeding and look much tidier.


SuffolkVera Report 6 Nov 2024 20:40

Another grey, miserable day with plenty of mizzle, if you know what I mean I couldn’t see or hear any rain falling but everything was wet, including me. Not a nice day at all.

I am sure the school appreciated the loan of your poppies Gwyn. “Props” like that all help to flesh out the story and make it more interesting for the children. We used to have a lady in the village where we lived before make a house-to-house poppy collection but it’s never happened in the 11 years we have lived here. Perhaps it’s not allowed nowadays.

I hope your aching legs eased during the day AnnG. Has Jake nearly finished his jobs for you? I’m pleased you were able to order some liver but, like you say, who knows if Tesco will still have it in stock when your order gets picked. I did a Tesco order today for delivery tomorrow afternoon and I was surprised how much is currently out of stock. I am sure their website is programmed by a robot. Today I wanted a carton of mixed green veg with a ready meal. It was out of stock but the site suggested I might like to substitute it with mixed berry trifle. Well, that’ll taste good with the wild garlic butter and the gravy. It’s as though some artificial intelligence has just lighted on the word “mixed”.

Mandy, it’s good you didn’t have to hang around and wait for your jab. We always go in together. I hope your arms aren’t too sore. Our jabs are on Saturday and I’m not really looking forward to it. Your apple crumble sounds good, it’s one of my favourites.

Great to see the stoat Mel but you’ll need to be handy with your camera to capture it. They can move pretty fast. Isn’t it the stoat that turns white and becomes ermine in the winter, at least in colder areas? I’d love to see that.

I got to the Ladies Club meeting last night. Unfortunately the speaker from the local police had dropped out at the last minute. Someone had found a speaker prepared to come at the drop of a hat and talk about the Women’s Land Army in WW1 and WW2. The core of her talk was interesting but she didn’t present it in a very good way and was dodging about all over the place. At one point she seemed to start giving a talk on genealogy and suddenly put up a slide of a page of the 1939 register for no reason that I could see. At the end we all gave her a good clap as at least she turned out and drove a few miles to help us out. When I got home at 10 pm I found OH had forgotten to take the bin down the road for today’s collection so I ended up trundling it back down the road to the rec myself. That was the perfect finish to the frustrating day I had yesterday. I was glad to get to bed.

OH took my mini tulip bulbs that usually go in several low pots and planted them in a space he had cleared in a bed but decided he needed more so off we had to go to the garden centre. He wanted me to go too which was just as well as he’s not always good at visualizing how things will look and his choices were either too tall or the wrong colour. Eventually we agreed on a little yellow one called Honky Tonk that should only grow 6-8” high and OH bought 3 packs of 10 bulbs which will fill out the space a bit. Now we’ve got to think of something else to go in there that will come up in the summer as the tulips have died down.

I think it’s time to go and make a drink and sit down with the crossword. We all seem to be having bad nights so fingers crossed we all have a good sleep tonight.


MillymollyAmanda Report 6 Nov 2024 17:57

Oh my goodness I'm so full ,I made an Apple Crumble and custard and it was so good ,we don't usually have a pud just a piece of fruit and there's enough for tomorrow night too.
I was really dark early tonight and its been a miserable day .


MillymollyAmanda Report 6 Nov 2024 14:09

Got our jabs and she did both of us together so I didn't have to hang about for mine ,I asked what it was and it's the Maderna we had this time .
Yes Gwyn we managed to get to the butchers so all stocked up again ,I asked if Jake was about but he'd gone to take a delivery to the Bull pub five minutes from the butchers ,but as I left the shop he came in so had a quick word and then got stopped outside the shop by a friend so stood chatting for a while .

Oh Mel a Stoat ,didn't you see one a few weeks ago in the garden , hope you can get a photo.


AnninGlos Report 6 Nov 2024 13:04

Just checked Vera and they have got lambs liver, nothing else. I have ordered some, however there are three days for them to sell out before my order is due.


AnninGlos Report 6 Nov 2024 12:56

camera shy Mel

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Nov 2024 12:54

Iv'e just had a stoat run through the garden I was fishing leaves out of the opond put the net back and it ran past me into the back garden. By the time I had the camera and went back out it had run onto the edge of my pond and then on the decking and I tried to get a pic but it was just too quick. It then ran across the lawn and back out the front and I hav'nt seen it since.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 6 Nov 2024 12:08

The poppies are fabric, Ann, sort of silky material and quite realistic.

I remember many moons ago, my mother had a tiny spray of silk poppies, which she'd kept from when they were sold for Remembrance Sunday. It was always in a tiny vase on the mantlepiece in my parents' bedroom.
She always bought a new poppy each year, in fact for many years she was a poppy seller locally and back then there were collections house to house and everyone gave willingly, but the little spray was still kept.


AnninGlos Report 6 Nov 2024 11:01

Gwyn I am sure that the school were pleased with the poppies. I assume not real but paper?, Metal?
It is horribly damp here and very annoying as Jake was going to do the weed killing exercise. In the end I told him to get on and do it anyway(already paid for) as I didn't want it to just get lost in time so that has been done and a post attached to a very unstable trellis pole which is much stronger now. and they have gone off to cost up wood for making a planter and the soil to put in it. I assume (they didn't say) that is going to be done this afternoon with a couple of other small jobs. then that will be the garden finished for winter I think.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 6 Nov 2024 09:20

Dull, damp and dismal here.
Not raining, but rather dampness in the air and it's looking very misty over the distant hills.
I popped over school earlier to take some lovely field poppies, which we bought from the National Arboretum. They'd look nice here, but the Year 6 children are learning about the War, so they can borrow them.

I hope all goes well with your next phase of the garden project AnnG.and hoping your legs are less painful as the day goes on.

A shame the lady hasn't paid yet, Mel, so you could get her purchases off to her, while already at the post van.
Thinking of you today <3

Mandy. You are a busy bee!
I hope your son has a good birthday and that Colin is well enough for your vaccines. My Covid jab was painless and trouble free, so I hope yours is as good.

It is a good idea to have the basis of some meals ready in the freezer with the winter months coming. We try and make the oven worth putting on, when we cook and sometimes have cooked a chicken hotpot and just diced beef and onions in another casserole dish in the same oven. We can then freeze the latter ready for adding fresh vegetables another day. Sometimes we roast various veg. instead,
then use that for warming soup.
I hope you get time to visit the butchers today.


MillymollyAmanda Report 6 Nov 2024 09:01

Morning all,

Another dreary start to the day and quite chilly .
I couldn't get off to sleep last night either , I was still awake at 1 o'clock then nodded off but got out a couple of times for the loo.
Need to have a hoover round and do dome ironing and then off for the jab ,if its not to late we might call at the butchers to see Jake and stock the freezer with some meat .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Nov 2024 08:09

Morning Anng and all,

Sorry you had a bad night but perhap[s with Jake coming it was on your mind to be ready in time.

Its 12 degrees here cloudy and dark as usual amd I am getting fed up with winter all ready.

Have to go to the post van this morning and one lady still not paid.


AnninGlos Report 6 Nov 2024 07:23

Mine was sore but bearable Mandy

Good morning all, another grey day no break in the solid cloud and 10 degrees. Didn't have a brilliant night. stayed awake until 2AM, then slept until 6AM. Didn't then want to go back to sleep as Jake is coming this morning. When I woke up my legs were really aching.