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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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SuffolkVera Report 15 Nov 2024 12:58

It's apparently 9 degrees but feels decidedly chilly to me and it's the sort of day that looks as though it will brighten up at any minute but somehow isn't getting any brighter.

Now don't lose that spare key Annx or, if you are like me, you will put it somewhere really safe and then forget where that is. It's good the locksmith came early. Much better to know you are free for the rest of the day than to have to hang around waiting for someone to turn up.

AnnG, I'm glad your garden meeting went well yesterday and the group could get to see all the work you have been doing outside.

You have done well with your shopping Mandy. I haven't started on Christmas shopping yet, apart from buying some cards and I have just printed out my Christmas card list. It's always sad going through last year's list and crossing off those we have lost during the year. This year we have had 4 deaths, one separation and 2 people whose dementia is now so severe that they don't really recognise people any more.

Yesterday our friends M & V picked us up and took us to a nice place a few miles away which has a large cafe and a lovely big farm shop. We all had different coffees. Mine was a latte which was really hot, and that's more than can be said for some places. Then we had a browse round the farm shop. They had some nice natural soaps and hand creams but, goodness, they were expensive. In the food section they had some old-fashioned varieties of apples. I saw Worcester, Russet and Blenheim Orange though I think there were others. They brought back a few memories of times past. I would have bought some but I have several apples at home and if I buy more they'll be going off before we can get around to eating them.

OH has tidied up my agapanthus plants this morning (under strict instruction) and covered them with fleece ready for the cold weather to come and I have done some household jobs and prepared a big stew that will feed us tonight and tomorrow.

Oh, better go. My in-house chef is calling out that lunch is ready.


AnninGlos Report 15 Nov 2024 12:57

sunny here now and 10 degrees. Good that the locksmith was early ann, gave you more free time without having to hang around

I have planted two plants I was given yesterday. One is London Pride and the other I have forgotten the name, I will let you know when I find out. Both are in the 2 planters. I have also shifted some pots on my top patio into the place where the barbecue used to stand as I think they will be more protected from frost and with warning I can throw fleece over them there.
This morning I have also made soup with carrot, tomato, basil and a small amount of already cooked caulflower. It tastes good. And that meant I could clean out the veg containers in the fridge. (after I disposed of a yucky cucumber and a really gone over lettuce.) Not into salads when the weather gets colder.

Mandy you got a lot done so you can feel virtuous.

Vera hope you slept ok and that you are feeling better today.

Mel, good that you are selling your stuff. Are you having to drive to the post van or is it walking distance. You could end up paying more for petrol than you are paid for the goods. Still it is nice to have a hobby that other people appreciate.


Annx Report 15 Nov 2024 11:09

Morning All,

Chilly this morning and only 5 degrees now but no sign of a frost. I was up at 7.00 am and the locksmith came nice and early and was finished by 8.30am, so it was good to be 'free' after that. I had to put the key people's no in my phone then and send them a copy of my motor cert of insurance and I hope I've put the spare key in a safe place!!! :-D I've also ordered a turkey crown from the farm shop to collect on Christmas Eve, so that's something else ticked off the list! ;-) I saw our nextdoor neighbour going up the close with the little ShihTzu that used to be so noisy in the garden, but is going quite deaf now so doesn't bark much. We don't see him often now and I felt quite sorry for him as he was walking very slowly and stiffly. I suppose it isn't surprising as he must be aged 14 now, so quite old, even for the breed.

It's good your group were able to see the garden AnnG and that they liked it. What is it you are planting? A bit more cleaning for me too I think. I will clean the other side of the kitchen window in the conservatory and then OH can move theings back so we have a clear path through the conservatory again. I need to wipe out the cupboard I emptied under the kitchen sink. I wonder if I can persuade OH to pop to The Range with me to check out their baskets?

Mandy that was quick service not having to wait for them to find and pack your meds. You got some good savings with your shopping and some Christmas shopping done as well. It sounds like you might have caught a wrong button at the 'hole in the wall', but it is a worry till you can check to see everything is ok.

Mel that sounds like a good frost you had this morning. You must be on first name terms with your Postie now with your regular parcels and it must be good to get rewarded for your efforts with your miniatures.


MillymollyAmanda Report 15 Nov 2024 09:37

Morning all,

Its a cloudy morning but bright ,we should get sunshine later ,yesterday we did shopping ,I called into boots first for our tablets it was the quickest time I've ever done as there was no queue and ths tablets were all ready ,then into Tesco's as they have 25% off all their clothes so I got some clothes for the grandchildren for Christmas and a nice top for dil I also had ten pound off a seventy pound spend so saved a good bit .I used the hole in the wall as Colin calls it to get some money out put my card in and the amount I wanted it shot my card out but no money so a bit of a worry until we got home to check if the amount had come out but it hadn't so I don't know what went wrong ,I did ask the security guard if he knew if anyone else had had any problems with it but he said its nothing to do with Tesco's and the machine was filled up the day before ,I did wonder if I pressed the wrong button .

A lazy day for us today, well I say lazy but no doubt we'll find something to do .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Nov 2024 09:13

Morning Anng and all,

We have had a frost here and at the mo its 6 degrees but there is still frost on my car. It looks like it could have made the car crew cut like it did once before as its standing up on the roof.

Need the post van again this morning as my Tudor prep kitchen items went yesterday and she paid straight away so I need to get htem off to her.


AnninGlos Report 15 Nov 2024 07:24

Good morning all 1 degree here now, very cloudy and no frost. Slept ok but woke at just after 0600 and couldn't get back to sleep. Not doing anything today although I do have a plant to put in one of the planters. so I had better do that. Might also finish cleaning the house as I could do with doing the bedrooms.


AnninGlos Report 14 Nov 2024 22:11

It ended up being a nice sunny day and not too cold. The meeting went off well. Not a lot of gardening to talk about but there was a lot of chat for two hours. They were able to get out to walk round the garden and they all liked what had been done with it.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Nov 2024 22:06

I have done a lot of nothing today. Feel very sad that Doctors has finished as I really liked that program at lunchtime.

Sold somehing else on Ebay today and they paid nice and quick so its another visit in the morning to the post van.

Hope all wet well with the garden visit Anng and they liked all your changes.

Vera take care of your poor back and don't do too much bending out in the garden or too much ironing. I do that till my back tells me its had enough.

I put washing in this morning and forgot to turn the machine on and I think that was the last straw as the only things I have done since is do up two parecels and ones not been paid for yet so I can't send it.

Well I am off now to watch a bit of telly and then to bed. see you all in the morning. Night night.


Annx Report 14 Nov 2024 16:21

Afternoon All,

It's been glorious sunshine here today. We were up early to go to Costa in Next to start the day with a bacon buttie and skinny latte. I had a quick look at the lighting after while OH did the same with Waterstones. Then OH dropped me off to pick my car up to go to the shop while he prepared for his interview this afternoon. It was at the council about a mile away, just a few meetings a year on one of their committees. Then I went to the dog charity shop and they have changed things round and you have to take things to the shop now instead of put things in their shed. They started to um and ah about books, but decided to have them. Their attitude was more that they were doing me a favour than me helping the charity. One did manage to say thank you as I left.

I've done some more hoovering under our radiators and must get a narrow dusting thing to clean the fluted backs of them in future. I've registered the boiler with another fast speaking foreign accent I found difficult to follow. I decided to look at the programming instructions then. Oh my word, do we all really want 5 A4 sheets of various instructions for something that was always much simpler. I'm sticking to ON and OFF for now! lol. A glass of water from the ensuite tap looks like milk now and takes ages to become clear. I assume it is because the water pressure has been changed with switching the water off and that is the first tap from the water meter.

I hope you had a nice garden group meeting AnnG and that the rain held off so they could see the garden and your latest changes. You had quite a houseful and made me wonder whether I have 9 mugs!

I hope Vera had a better night and her back is ok.

Early start again tomorrow as the man with my new spare car key could be here from 8.00am but not after lunchtime. The fob to attach to it arrived by post this morning. That gives a reward to anyone finding it if it gets lost.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Nov 2024 08:47

Morning all,

This is the first morning in a while when its been dull and dreary and it has picked today when I wanted to do some washing. Its 10 degrees here now but last night was really cold and I think there could have been a frost.

Need to go to the p[ost van this morning.


AnninGlos Report 14 Nov 2024 08:17

Good morning all 8 degrees this morning, that temp does go up and down at the moment. I assume it depends on whether there is cloud over night or if the sky is clear. Anyway looks a bit gloomy and I think we were forecast rain which is a nuisance as it means everyone arriving for the meeting with wet coats etc and they are not able to walk down the garden to see what is still growing.

I slept well last night, must have been all the activity, but there is still more to do today to get ready for the meeting. we are only 2 short today so there should be 9 of us. (9 mugs, two teapots, 2 milk jugs one plate of biscuits and nine seats to prepare then.. Better have two kettles on the go as well then).
So just regular housework on the list for this morning then.


Annx Report 13 Nov 2024 19:23

Evening All,
A bit better day today with some sunshine. I lay in quite late as I was so achey and weary after yesterday and my knees were zinging by the time I went to bed and had a hot water bottle on them. I felt better after a shower so we went out and had a tuna jacket where it doesn't get busy and then OH went on to his meeting.

Thank you for saying about that Mandy and I will look for it on the iplayer. It would have certainly caused delays for OH if it had turned out serious or if he hadn't followed it up and gone back. We were saying yesterday that his parents would have taken what the PA wrote as right and would have struggled on till things were much worse.

AnnG OH went outside and found the doormat this morning. It was round the corner at the end of the bungalow where the boiler man had probably moved it when he shifted things for the windowcleaner! My word you have done a lot today! I got in the habit of writing lists at work.......things that must be done today, things that must be done soon and not forgotten etc. and have carried on since. As you say it is satisfying crossing them off as you get things done.

Sorry you had such a bad night Vera. It makes you feel like a zombie the next day doesn't it, but at least you managed to finished the bulb planting. Sensisble to rest your back though.

Oh Mel it's horrid when the leccy is off and how annoying to find it had come back on without you knowing. I would have probably not thought to check the fuse box as well. The solar panels must be a big help with your leccy bills.

I had a text supposedly from my credit card provider a few days ago and assumed it was a scam so deleted it. Well I got a letter from them today about suspicious activity on my account and a temporary block on my card! What a palaver sorting it out as I didn't want to use the phone number on the letter in case it was a scam letter as it was different to any I could see on their website. They said a payment attempt had been made of £0.00 with my card which they would class as very suspicious. To be safe they are issuing a fresh card, but afterwards I remembered stopping a payment that was taking too long to go through.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Nov 2024 17:00

I have been without the electric since 1pm. They told us it would be off for three hours.I waited and waited for it to come back on till 4.43pm till I suddenly thought to look in the cupboard to see if the switch had gone off and it had. I don't know how long it had been like that and never thought to look and was getting darkish and I was cold. I have lost a lot on the solar as its been a beautiful sunny day.

I did'nt get any HW done cos I thought I will do some could'nt do that no leccy. I kept thinking of thing to do but thye all needed the leccy. It just goes to show how much we rely on it for most things. I was going to have some toast for lunch but had a sandwich instead.


SuffolkVera Report 13 Nov 2024 16:15

You really have done well AnnG and put me to shame today as I’ve not done much at all but……….bulbs are all planted at last :-D :-D. I ought to be getting on with the ironing but I’m giving my back a rest first. Strangely, ironing seems to cause the most pain. I don’t iron much but there are a few bits this week including a king size duvet cover.

Several of our group are on a Scottish coach trip this week so no coffee meeting tomorrow but 4 of us who turned down the trip decided to go for coffee at a nice farm place just a few miles away. We’re being picked up at 10.30 so I’ll need to get myself moving a bit more tomorrow.


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2024 13:12

I think I have done very well today so far. Have you noticed that, if you have a written list, you seem to do more jobs just so you can cross them off. I am now left with downstairs cleaning and tidying for after lunch. but I have emptied the airing cupboard cleaned thebathroom, tidied out the cupboard where I put all extra studd I buy on offer. filled the bird feeder changed the bed and washed and dried (in the drier) the bedding. changed the black ink on the PC and completed three outstanding printing jobs and sorted my next Tesco order. (I was up at 0730 so had a long morning. I had 19 jobs on my list. there are now 8 jobs left to do. (all cleaning and tidying except one.)


SuffolkVera Report 13 Nov 2024 12:47

I haven't got myself in gear yet after a dreadful night. I eventually fell asleep around 5 am and woke just after 8 but I can't seem to get myself moving. I've just been pottering about even though I've got lots to do. I have showered and washed and dried my hair. Hopefully after a bit of lunch I'll be motivated to do the ironing or finish planting the bulbs.

It's a wishy-washy sky today, not overcast enough to be called grey and not bright enough to be called blue. According to the weather on the computer it is 10 degrees and cloudy, according to the weather on my phone it is 11 degrees and sunny. I haven't checked the iPad but I expect that will say something different. One says 10 degrees but feels like 14 (no way), the other says 11 degrees but feels like 8. Just checked the iPad out of interest and that says 12 degrees, feeling like 10, and partly sunny. Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice, or you could just look out of the window ;-)

Mandy, I would be interested in that bit on Breakfast about PAs so thanks for mentioning it. I did have Breakfast on but think I turned it off about 9.10 so I will try to find it on iPlayer.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Nov 2024 12:39

Em's just been for eggs and we had a natter. The posty came while we were talking and I have had a letter from the breast screening and I am all clear!! I am so relieved as I hate having to wait for the results. :-D


AnninGlos Report 13 Nov 2024 10:35

7 degrees here. Just spent an hour doing admin catch up. My black ink needed replacing and it is a job I dislike so kept putting it off. Once I had done that I could get on with three printing jobs that were outstanding.

Airing cupboard next I think.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Nov 2024 09:55

Morning all,

Forgot to post when I got up. Its a beautiful morning and I think we had a frost but the suns shining and the temp is 8 degrees and not much in the way of a breeze.

Need to get to the post van this morning. Apart from that its HW as Iv'e not done any for a few days as been doing the miniatures.


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Nov 2024 09:26

Ann there was a bit on bbc breakfast about physician associates you might like to see ,you could catch it on the I player it was on about twenty past nine and they were saying that the pa's could put people's life at risk .