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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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AnninGlos Report 17 Nov 2024 10:06

Mandy yes it does have spiky leaves and this one should have creamy spiky flowers I think.


MillymollyAmanda Report 17 Nov 2024 09:38

Morning all,

We have sunshine ,lovely blue sky and trails from the planes going over .,must have had rain in the night as there's puddles on the road.

Glad you all liked the gnomes ,not sure if I'll sell any Mel ,I know dil wants some ,the Christmas ones I think .

I think I might have that plant with the yellow flowers in the front garden Anng ,does it have long leaves up to a spike and the leaves go really dark when they die off .
I have a pretty plant I bought for the trough in the back garden ,Vermillionaire I think its called ,its flowered all the summer since I bought it and still, has flowers on it ,I want to see if I can get another for the front ,I also think its draught resistant.

Not a lot planned for today but no doubt I'll do something

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Nov 2024 08:55

Morning all,

Brighter morning here than yesterday and we have a little sun coming up and pc says 9 degrees.

Nothing planned here today either so I may do the same as you Anng.


AnninGlos Report 17 Nov 2024 08:36

Good morning all 5 degrees here and a bit gloomy looking. Slept well last night and finally woke around 7am. Nothing planned for today so maybe write some cards and wrap some presents.


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2024 21:45

It gets more necessary each year to find draught resistant plants.


Annx Report 16 Nov 2024 21:41

Yes, till I looked I hadn't realised there were taller ones AnnG. They seem to flower for quite a few weeks, so yours should be nice in a pot. I want to put a smallish ceramic pot I bought a while ago at the side of the front door. I want to put houseleeks and other drought resistant alpine things in it and some of my purple ones would be good to add. Those kinds of plants won't need much watering but will add a bit of interest and colour.


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2024 20:19

Ann I am not sure but I think this is one of the taller variety.


Annx Report 16 Nov 2024 18:26

Evening All,

I thought I'd woken quite early this morning till I saw the clock. It's so dark in the mornings and gets dark so early too now. It was bit warmer this morning when I went to the shop. I jumped in my car to find the floormat right forward and the seat right back from the locksmith testing the key. I can only reach the seat adjuster with the end tips of my fingertips (men not designing things for us shorter women I expect!) and the seat is stiff to slide, so my back wasn't happy after all the effort to move it where it needs to be. The Egret was there alongside the brook today, but I couldn't get any close pics as I only had my phone with me. Cars driving by don't seem to bother it at all and I wonder with it being fairly tame whether it has escaped from Birdland a few miles away. An old boy came into view tottering along very slowly with a stick and stopping every half dozen steps. I decided to wait a while as he seemed really unsteady. He managed to get up the kerb onto the grass and made his way in fits and starts to the little footbridge across the brook where he held the rail and rested. I wondered if he was heading for the chemist the other side, so watched him and was ready to go and offer to fetch something for him if necessary. He just got to the middle of the bridge and spent a while looking up and down the brook, then tottered back and down the kerb and past my car the way he'd come. He was probably just getting a bit of exercise, but he didn't look safe with just a stick.

Mandy the latest gnomes are brilliant too! I love the one with Christmas lights, but they all have lovely little touches that make them individual and interesting.

I seem to have three of the rock type of Sisyrinchium, a bit taller one with spiky daffodil yellow flowers, then a short purple one and a violet one with variegated leaves. None of those are invasive and are easy to pull up if they do stray a bit. I may have lost the variegated one last summer and there is less of the purple one probably as we didn't get much watering done last year. There are a few bits of the yellow one left in the front garden after I stopped OH thinking they were weeds as he had already dug up the ones in the bottom border near the road thinking it was grass! I would think yours will be fine in a pot as you say AnnG.

Sorry you have had a bad night again Vera and I hope tonight will be better. Good idea to make a start on writing your cards a bit at a time. MIL had a tremor with her hands at times and found it a nuisance. I think with my scrawly writing people may think I've had one too many anyway! lol. You have reminded me I must check the posting dates for abroad and get those written and sent.


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2024 17:12

I am not actually worried about Windows 11 itself but I think I will not be able to run my picasa photo programme which I have used for many years to edit and store photos in albums.


SuffolkVera Report 16 Nov 2024 16:05

Thanks for the pictures of the gnomes Mandy. You must have quite a collection now and they just keep getting better. This time I particularly like the one with the green scarf (snowman gnome?) and the delicate pastel coloured one with her stripey hat.

AnnG, I am sure my brother had Sisyrinchium in his garden and I remember it as a medium height (at least knee height on me) pale yellow upright plant. I think it is inclined to self seed everywhere but you should be able to keep control of it in the planter. These computer companies can be a bit bullying at times and don't make it easy to say no, but stick to your guns and don't have Windows 11 till you feel ready for it or you have no option. We have had Windows 11 on both computers since it first came out and haven't found it a problem but it should be your choice. It sounds as though you have had a nice day at the Jet Age Museum.

It got to 10 degrees today so not cold for mid-November but it's been very cloudy and grey again all day. There was an amazing moon last night. I couldn't sleep again and went down to the kitchen to get some hot milk. The blinds were down but the room was so light that I opened the blinds to see what was going on and there was the brightest moon I've seen in years. It had a large, hazy halo all round it and looked just as though it had burnt a big hole through the clouds.

After only sleeping from about 5 am to 8 am I haven't had much energy today but we did pop to Sainsbury's for some fresh veg, salad and milk. I've also washed another king size duvet cover, moved some ornaments to different places around the house by way of a change and started on writing a few Christmas cards. I've only done 5 so far and none of them needed more than a couple of words of greeting. My intermittent hand tremor is getting more frequent and I never know when it is going to start so writing lots of cards etc can be a bit of a trial. I just try and make sure that the house number and the postcode are clear but I reckon some of the recipients will think I had had one over the eight when they try to read who the card is from.

We've got the remains of yesterday's stew to eat tonight so I'm now going to go and make some dumplings to go in it. Stay warm everyone.


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2024 15:45

I think when you have finished Mandy there should be a photo of a gnome convention. All the gnomes together in one photo.


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2024 15:34

Just been to the Jet Age Museum, It is 5 minutes by car from here and we never visited it. There were 4 of us from Churchdown and none of us had been there before. It was really interesting, lots to see, lots of information and some aircraft on display. And we has a 20 minute talk inside the front ens of a Trident passenger aircraft with half the talk in the passenger part (They flew until the 80s, and half the talk in the cockpit explaining how the plane was flown etc. Really interesting. Had a nice lunch before at the local pub. I had lasagne

As I said in the email Mandy, love all the new gnomes especially Father C.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Nov 2024 15:33

O Mandy thats my favorite one but they are all lovely. Are you going to sell them please?


MillymollyAmanda Report 16 Nov 2024 13:48

Afternoon all,

It's a bright day ,we had some sun for a while but its now clouded over ,didn't seem that cold when we went to sons for coffee .

We're having a nice roast chicken today with all the trimmings then we can have an easy meal tomorrow with the left overs .

Mel I have made some more gnomes ,there's one that has a string of Christmas lights ,I'll send a photo of them.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Nov 2024 12:56

Its getting darker by the minuet 11 degrees and cludy.


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2024 10:55

look at it on google Mel. Yes it is invasive but will be contained in the planter. I suppose it is a bit grass like but is not a rockery plant.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Nov 2024 09:52

Morning all I did'nt have to get up today so had a lie in.

its 11 degrees here and grey still no wind to speak of though.

Just the shop to do today and then I think the rest of the day is mine with no callers so I can do just what I want to.

The Sisyrinchium is that the little short one a bit like a rockery plant Anng, as you said grass like. If it is it van get invasive as you say.

Wonder how Mandy's getting on with the gnomes as we hav'nt heard anything about them lately.


AnninGlos Report 16 Nov 2024 06:28

Good morning all too dark to see what is happening outside but it is 7 degrees so probably no sign of a frost. I woke and couldn't get back to sleep so came in to check the PC. Then it decided it was time they asked me again re Windows 11 which I am not bothered about and will not be really necessary until October 2025. However they try to bully me into changing, making the wording really small so O have to look for the decline message. did it anyway so must be more awake than I thought. :-D

I always used to have London Pride in the garden but we have never had it here. I will see how that goes.

The other plant is Sisyrinchium (Pale yellow eyed grass. I am a bit dubious about it as it can get invasive but I think that is not too much of a problem in a separate planter. The flowers are pretty anyway.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Nov 2024 16:07

Its good your meds were ready it makes such a change not having to wait for them to be done up. Sounds like you had a good spend up for Christmas too and money off as well can't be bad, a good saving there then.

How good was that that the locksmith came early and left at 8.30am it gives you more time to do what you want instead of hanging around waiting for them to arrive or finish.
Asda don't do turkey crowns but I shall probably have a trip to Bideford to Morrisons andd see if they have a very small one or at least a chicken crown.

Anng I love my london pride I have it up the border and down here on the rockery bit outside the kitchen window. My kaffa lillies are flowering I have pink and a dark coral colour and more have come out since I put the wheelbarrow in front of them so the deer can't eat them.

Vera I must get my agapanthus in my shed for the winter. I have a blenheim Orange apple tree up the top garden if its still alive. I had one at the cottage in Suffolk and its a dual purpose apple eat or cook.

BIL came quite early znd the mower came home today so he has mowed all the grass but not picked any of it up. It looks like when they cut the silage. He is really pleased with the mower and can't get over how quiet it is since having the new engine and other bits done, you should have seen the smile on his face. :-D

I made a huge pot of soup while he was mowing and he had two big bowls of that and a nice roll before he left. I now have to go and see how much room I have in the garage. He washed the mower down with the hose before putting it in there.

I think I may do a bit of hoovering now and then feed the big girls then I can settle in for the evening.


SuffolkVera Report 15 Nov 2024 12:58

It's apparently 9 degrees but feels decidedly chilly to me and it's the sort of day that looks as though it will brighten up at any minute but somehow isn't getting any brighter.

Now don't lose that spare key Annx or, if you are like me, you will put it somewhere really safe and then forget where that is. It's good the locksmith came early. Much better to know you are free for the rest of the day than to have to hang around waiting for someone to turn up.

AnnG, I'm glad your garden meeting went well yesterday and the group could get to see all the work you have been doing outside.

You have done well with your shopping Mandy. I haven't started on Christmas shopping yet, apart from buying some cards and I have just printed out my Christmas card list. It's always sad going through last year's list and crossing off those we have lost during the year. This year we have had 4 deaths, one separation and 2 people whose dementia is now so severe that they don't really recognise people any more.

Yesterday our friends M & V picked us up and took us to a nice place a few miles away which has a large cafe and a lovely big farm shop. We all had different coffees. Mine was a latte which was really hot, and that's more than can be said for some places. Then we had a browse round the farm shop. They had some nice natural soaps and hand creams but, goodness, they were expensive. In the food section they had some old-fashioned varieties of apples. I saw Worcester, Russet and Blenheim Orange though I think there were others. They brought back a few memories of times past. I would have bought some but I have several apples at home and if I buy more they'll be going off before we can get around to eating them.

OH has tidied up my agapanthus plants this morning (under strict instruction) and covered them with fleece ready for the cold weather to come and I have done some household jobs and prepared a big stew that will feed us tonight and tomorrow.

Oh, better go. My in-house chef is calling out that lunch is ready.