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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Annx Report 18 Nov 2024 16:08

AnnG they start at 8.00am for the morning appointments, but once they are all gone they won't then book any afternoon appointments until 11.00am. It seems to work quite well and we've noticed the phone queues are smaller at 11.00am. I hope you got on ok with your back and managed to finish what you wanted to get done with the wrapping and writing. I'll send you a message about the camera as it is a bit of a saga!


SuffolkVera Report 18 Nov 2024 15:57

That sounds a lovely day Gwyn, even though you were meeting on a sad occasion. Thanks for the link. It looks a peaceful spot and the castle has an interesting history.

Annx, every GP surgery seems to have a different system for allocating appointments but it’s very good to go in at 11 am and get an appointment that afternoon. Have fun looking for your new camera. I hope you find what you want. Btw, I love my iPad and use it all the time for everything. I’m on it now. I don’t think you can plug in a mouse. Mine is very easy to type on though it is a fairly large one. I had a first generation iPad Air but after several years it no longer supported some of the features I wanted so for my last birthday OH bought me an iPad 5. The only downside I found was that there was nowhere to plug in my headphones. I have to have these Bluetooth ear pods but I have made a request to Santa for some. The trouble is my particular Santa might have only heard the word ears so I could end up with earrings, ear muffs or anything else to do with ears.

Poor you AnnG. You have my sympathy; I hope your back pain improves very quickly. Don’t be tempted to overdo it.

It has only got to about 5 degrees here. It was sunny this morning but has been getting more and more gloomy since lunchtime and it’s supposed to rain all evening from about 5 o’clock on. It rained for a good part of yesterday as well. This morning I washed 3 loads in the machine and did 3 jumpers by hand. For the last week or two I’ve had a blanket over my thin summer duvet so I managed to change it for a thicker one.. I found doing that made my back ache. Then I happened to look in the diary and realised we have a Club meeting tonight, apparently it’s someone talking about the Burren. I’ll have to get our dinner early tonight. Luckily it’s an easy meal.

I haven’t managed to write any more cards. I intended to spend a little while yesterday on them but my hand was shaking too much.

The window cleaners have just been. They prefer an online payment and I usually do it the same day as the windows are cleaned, otherwise I forget so I shall go and do that now. Stay warm everyone.


AnninGlos Report 18 Nov 2024 14:42

That is a good idea Ann to have two appointment release times.

was that link there earlier Gwyn. I didn't mention Portchester as I didn't know if you wanted it mentioned but it is in the link. That keep is one of the only times I got T to go anywhere up high like that. We had my sister with us who was about 9 or 10 at the time so I guess he didn't want to admit to a fear of heights in front of her.

Have I missed something ann, I didn't know that you were going to buy a new camera. Which one are you getting? And what is wrong with your old one? I envy you I used to love buying a new camera.


Annx Report 18 Nov 2024 14:16

Afternoon Everyone.

I slept well and felt more lively this morning but I didn't take long to run out of steam.

It sounds as if yesterday was a good day despite the sad purpose Gwyn. I've never been there but looking at the link the castle is in a great spot with lovely views. The weather was good and you got to catch up with family too.

OH had to have an urgent chat on line with someone first thing, so I didn't get to The Range or the Farm Shop. We nipped to the big Co-op after his zoom and then he popped to the surgery in time for the release of the 11.00am appointments in the afternoon. A lady, also waiting said she was 34th in the queue on the phone this morning so decided to come to the surgery to book instead. OH's appointment is later this afternoon and then he has a meeting.

My new card has come and so I'm going to order my new camera today. I nearly ordered it yesterday on my debit card, then remembered there's more protection with my credit card.

It's only managed to reach 5 degrees here Mel. I was going to wash the bedding, but it can wait I think as we might have snow here tomorrow.The birds are getting more hungry here too and I need to put more fat balls out. I think the Magpies have been stabbing them through the cage and breaking them up and I have seen them desperately hanging on to the feeder. One of the Pigeons was on the middle bed pecking away at the Violas, so I need to keep an eye on the poor plant one was decimating for a nest earlier in the year.

What a nuisance with your back AnnG. I hope it doesn't stop you writing your cards and getting your presents wrapped.

Better get a hot chocolate next and a tidy up in here.


AnninGlos Report 18 Nov 2024 10:44

Gwyn It is always uplifting to have a good family get together. What a lovely last resting place. A long time since I visited but it is a beautiful area. And what a great choice for your lunch too. I think there is more than one pub there. Once when I was 18/19 T and I caught the bus up the hill and had lunch there, then walked right across the hill until we came to a path down that led us down to catch the bus on the A27 to home. I still remember that that was a long walk.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Nov 2024 10:16

Sounds like you had a great day even if it was a sad occasion. Its always good to meet up with family you hav'nt seen for a long wile.

I really must get myself into gear and get some HW done. I need to wipe down the doors as I noticed they are very dusty but I can only see it when the suns shines so that the first job after I have washed up.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Nov 2024 10:10

Now its raining and its 10 degrees. It dos'nt give you any insentive to get things done. :-S

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 18 Nov 2024 09:58

Good morning all, a bright and sunny start to the day here.
I hope Ann that your pain eases and you are able to get on with your day and that everyone had a reasonable night.

Unlike some of you, I had a really busy day yesterday.
Elder daughter arrived about 8 a.m and we set off with other daughter driving on our long journey. The motorways were not too bad, although as usual a lot of foreign lorries on the M20 having arrived by Dover or Channel Tunnel. It was gloomy, but after a while there was just a glimpse of blue sky and then gradually more of that, so by the time we arrived near Portsmouth, it was quite a pleasant sunny morning.
We were in time to meet family for the meaningful committal service of my sister-in-law's ashes in the parish churchyard within the castle grounds (AnnG knows where I mean).

The church kindly opened their adjoining tearoom so that we could have a welcome family cuppa, while a gentleman attended to the grave, then we went back to lay flowers.
Later we met with yet more family for a planned meal at a pub/ restaurant on the hill overlooking Portsmouth, - lovely clear views yesterday across the Solent to the Isle of Wight too. Great to see everyone and have chance to chat together. Grandson drove down from Lake District to join us so that was lovely <3 The last time we were all together was August 2016, although 2s and 3s or so have met several times since.It was sad that our son couldn't join us due to work committments to complete the family groups :-(
Plenty of chat, as you can imagine until we left for home and the long journey back about 5.30pm.

Back to another beautiful day here, so will make a quick trip into town for some items while the weather holds and post the first of my Christmas cards. I know it's a bit early, but a family member in New Zealand has a birthday early December, so if I choose wisely, I can slip a Christmas card in the envelope too and get away with one lot of postage.
I bought 7 Christmas stamps for my overseas cards on Saturday and the postmaster apologised as he told me the cost, £19.60 :-0 :-0


AnninGlos Report 18 Nov 2024 08:48

Good morning all, up a bit later today and moving very carefully as back is still not right. It is a nuisance as it does slow me down wrapping presents and writing cards. 6 degrees at the moment and semi bright.

I like my Ipad Anne I have a mini these days but started with the larger one. I also have an Iphone and they are paired, so photos taken on my phone automatically show on my Ipad. I find the Ipad easier to write with than the phone as the keys are a bit bigger. When I go to daughters I use it more as at home I use my desk top PC.

I have Wolfe Hall recorded Mel, just got to get in the mood to watch it. My evening watching tends to be easy watches like Midsummer Murder DI Ray, Endeavour, Gently Grace. I guess you can see a theme here. :-D

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Nov 2024 08:29

Morning all,

Dull and dreary here this morning and its that funny light. The wild birds are eating me out of house and home at the moment so I am wondering if they know something I don't.

I'll have another go with the video today but if I can't send it you will have to wait till BIL comes next weekend.

I have an ipad but don't use it much at all.


Annx Report 17 Nov 2024 21:41

I know! This predictive text where it guesses what you want to write is a pain isn't it! lol. I wrote something to someone with the surname 'Woodhouse' once and it wrote the name as 'Woodlouse'. Luckily I spotted it and changed it. :-)

I must tell OH where you got the plant Mandy. He will smile as he has a memory like an Elephant for anything football related.......not so for where things are in the kitchen though.

Yes the 'smallish' box of chocs are gone now. I think the replacements will have to go on a higher shelf in the cupboard!

Yes have another go Mel as it would be nice to see it.

How do you get on with your ipads AnnG and Mandy? OH is going to be issued with one for some of the work he does and I foresee 'blue air' if it is anything like an old other make that I have and no longer use. Are they easy to type on and can you plug in a mouse, as we are used to laptops using a mouse plugged in?


AnninGlos Report 17 Nov 2024 20:51

Yes my IPad is very good at guessing wrong if Intype one letter wrong in a word. Of course I meant drought. :-D

I wrapped a few presents and wrote about six cards did a bit of admin plus had a Tesco delivery. Other than that I didn’t do much. I have had Vera’s back problem today and have no idea what has caused it. Hoping it will have improved by tomorrow.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Nov 2024 20:42

Its not a new video its one taken when the bird was here but it gone now quite a wile ago. I still am having trouble sending it. I'll try again tomorrow.

Going to watch Wolf Hall now and have a bowl of cornflakes and some grapes.


MillymollyAmanda Report 17 Nov 2024 20:41

Oh Ann lol its this blooming I pad it puts in letters and makes it's own words lol if I'm not careful its going to get me in trouble :-0

Ann the plant is pretty and I got it from the plant man at the football ground where OH went to a match once .

Oh well you can only eat the chocolates once but its when you get another box to replace it that will put on the pounds :-D


Annx Report 17 Nov 2024 20:07

Evening All,

A chilly day here and rain like Mandy has had. I still haven't been in the mood to get to grips with the new heating controls so it's just ON and OFF for now, but I have managed to increase the temperature, although it seems to default to the cooler setting again once it goes off.

I didn't want draught proof plants that withstand cold draughts around them, it was drought proof ones I want to use that don't need much water. lol. I might pop to the garden centre in the village if I can manage to get up early tomorrow and see what they have in stock as their prices are less than the bigger garden centres. I looked up your plant Mandy and it is a very pretty member of the cigar plant family. I might get one next year too, as I really like how unusual it is, but have a look as I think it might need some winter protection. Oh well done getting your puddings made! More nice smells in the kitchen!

I see the bird is still around then Mel. I bet your BIL was pleased to be able to get a video of it and hear it call.

Apart from get our lunch I have done very little today. I decided not to change the bed with the forecast of more cold and snow further north, so just tinkered with my family tree. OH led me into temptation by getting down a box of our Christmas chocs to have!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 17 Nov 2024 16:09

Puddings all cooked and it's raining here now .


AnninGlos Report 17 Nov 2024 14:48

I expect mine could be pale yellow as well Mandy. Shall have to wait until next year to see.


MillymollyAmanda Report 17 Nov 2024 13:59

I have made two Christmas puddings so they are now steaming away ,and rather than make one big one I make two smaller ones so they don't take so long to steam .

Suns still shining but there is a little cloud now .

Anng mine has pale yellow flowers and I've had them in the garden for several years now and they haven't spread very much but you should be fine having them in a pot .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Nov 2024 11:30

Having trouble with the email will try later.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Nov 2024 11:24

BIL has been and gone but he brought me a video he took of the Great Northan diver so I am going to see if I can send it. Its only short but it does call on the video.

Mandy I only asked as one would have been nice for my neighbours little baby girl.