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17 Jan 2025 20:54 |
Thank you ladies for the offer ,Gwyn has kindly found it for me .
Mel Fairy Godmother
17 Jan 2025 20:44 |
I think he should have got in touch with the hospital right away.
Mandy I still have ancestry.
17 Jan 2025 20:41 |
Mandy, if you can send me a few details such as name, birth year and likely area to look in I'll see if I can find anything on Ancestry for you.
17 Jan 2025 20:19 |
Sorry Mandy I am not on Ancestry any more gave up quite a while ago now.
I won’t go to bed any earlier as I like to keep to routine
So he is getting the run around for the drops Ann. Why am I not surprised.
17 Jan 2025 18:36 |
The surgery has sent the prescription now OH has taken the bottle to them, but when OH rang the chemist shortly after, they had the prescription, but not the eyedrops!! They need to order them and they won't be there till Monday afternoon now. OH has meetings on Monday, but if they aren't there he will have to go to the hospital for some. Taking them has to be tapered off gradually, you can't just stop them if you run out. How on earth will we cope with all this palaver when we get older and don't have transport!
Mel you may not remember now, but when he needed more a couple of years ago when he had this with his eye, we went to over half a dozen chemists to try and get some of the same drops as there was a national shortage and ended up going back to the hospital for some then.
That's good things are getting sorted for your daughter Vera and that the funeral arrangements are in place now. It's a good idea to stop over on the day as besides saving a drive back in the dark, I expect your daughter will be feeling quite emotional.
I did have to smile a little at the lady who won't do anything about her hearing and shrieks! You wouldn't want that with a fuzzy head. So many, especially women, shriek after a glass or two of wine when you eat out these days. Fitz got us moved to another table last time we met. We couldn't hear ourselves think for all the din.
I think our big TV is about 42inch and it overlaps the stand a little each side. We can't have anything bigger where it is or it would overlap the patio door. The bedroom ones are both on the wall but nowhere near the ceiling, so there's no neckache watching those but I see what you mean about sitting in a chair to watch AnnG. I'd like the big tv on the wall as it keeps the floor easy to get at to clean, but then there's the sky box to put somewhere and I still have my old Wii connected up. The viewing angles might be tricky too with us using a settee each. I mostly watch the smaller bedroom ones anyway, but nature and landscapes of under the sea does look good on a bigger screen and OH likes watching sport on it.
I think we are having a really early night tonight and I hope I don't dream about that monster fish again. I hope you have a better night too AnnG
17 Jan 2025 17:58 |
Evening all,
Mel I'm OK, I did a post this afternoon and it whooshed away so I gave up .
Try again , we had a morning at Colin's sisters as its her 80th today, lots of her friends dropping in for a cuppa and cake and it was nice to see one of her daughters and son the other daughter was at work so she wasn't going yo be there until this afternoon.
Anng your going yo be very tired and ready for an early night ,I hope you sleep better tonight.
Ann do you think it was the cold bacon that gave you hiccups, not so easy to digest if it's cold and hard .
Vera thats a big TV ,you'll need help to get that up on your wall., sounds as if your daughter is coping OK and getting things sorted ,not an easy time for her bless her.
Now I'm going to be a bit cheeky and ask if anyone has Ancestry as I see the 1921 census is now on there and I would love to see if my dad was with his mum on there ,it was said that he lived with someone else for a while but we don't know who and he never knew his father but I often wonder if his father's name was Evans as that was his middle name .
Mel Fairy Godmother
17 Jan 2025 16:54 |
Mum had those eye drops but I managed to get more at our then doc surgery in Shebbear. You would think they would let you have more to start with if its 1 drop every hour.
Done both oond filter today so thats another job off the list. Had toast and bovril for a late lunch and need to look in the freezer for something for tonight now. It will probably be a meal for one which is quick to do.
Vera I do hope everything can work out ok for your daughter. My partner left a will so it was quite straight forward but its still very stressful with sorting out bank accounts and their pensions plus any outstanding purchases etc.
No Mandy today?? hope she's ok.
Well I better go and do a bit more now so if I don't get back on here I wish you all a good and pleasent night.
17 Jan 2025 16:32 |
I think I ran out of steam after this morning AnnG. I've cooked some chicken and deleted old emails, tidied a bit and that's about it.
I did warn him he might miss his eye and so use more, so run out even sooner and that he wouldn't get any over the weekend. We thought there wouldn't be enough after the first day, but couldn't remember how full the tiny bottle was before any was used.
I've rung the chemist to check they have the prescription and have the drops and they told me they haven't had it yet. I then rang the surgery and they said their pharmacist can't send it without seeing the bottle or a picture of it for the duration etc and they are closed tomorrow, as is the chemist. (when were they going to let him know this I wonder as he told them this morning it was urgent!). Anyway, just as I was txting OH to let him know, luckily he turned up 2 hours earlier than expected, so I sent him off to the doctor's with the bottle!
17 Jan 2025 16:10 |
Ah yes, the 29th is looming. It does get a bit easier every year and then there is the funeral date in February so I really don't like these two months. I am pleased that your daughter is getting everything sorted Vera. It sounds as if she gets on OK with his ex wife which will help. That will be a long day and I hope it doesn't rain for the woodland part. We had a January date for Jon's woodland burial in the Lake district, it was dry and not over cold and that was non religious as well and was really nice and peaceful.
50 inch TVs are great for anything to do with animals or nature. T always wanted to upgrade ours which is about 44 inch but we couldn't really take a 50. I suppose looking forward as you get older you may well want to watch more TV for entertainment if you can't get out and 50 would be good for historical documentaries. I am not sure I would want one on the wall as looking up at it I would find uncomfortable on my neck.
17 Jan 2025 15:50 |
Good afternoon all Sorry to hear you had a bad night AnnG. It does leave you feeling drained the next day. I hope you have a better night tonight. Your U3A talk on nursery rhymes sounded interesting. I know that the rhymes often have hidden meanings but the only one I really knew about was Ring A Ring of Roses
Fancy getting your appointments in a muddle Mel. What are you like? But well done on getting your shower head sorted. Your temperature is better than ours. It’s 5 degrees here and that’s the highest it is supposed to get. It’s been very dull and grey and murky all day. I’ve just checked tomorrow’s weather- and it is supposed to be foggy all day with a top temperature of 4 degrees. I can’t wait!
I hope your OH manages to apply all his eye drops today Annx. It must be very difficult if he is at a meeting. Thank you, daughter is managing quite well in getting through all the necessary processes at this difficult time. She has had some legal advice about matters relating to her partner’s finances and it looks as though things will be simpler to deal with than she first feared. You are right about us all being paperless now – well, in theory. What happens here is I see something on a pensions or our banking site and think I ought to keep a copy so I end up printing it out and filing it. So we’re still using paper etc. except that now it’s MY paper and ink being used.
My head is so-so now. It’s still woozy but I’m OK. We had our usual meet-up for coffee yesterday. It’s very casual, people come and go as they please so I knew if it got too much for my head I could just leave. Also I knew that one particular lady wasn’t going to be there. She is a lovely person but she is getting hard of hearing and won’t do anything about it. Consequently she talks very loudly and absolutely shrieks when she laughs and I can’t cope with that when I’ve had a bad head. Anyway it all went OK.
After lunch daughter and granddaughter came. It was lovely to see them both. Granddaughter came with a Firestick she had bought for us but they were also lugging a HUGE television, well a 50” one which looks enormous to me. Daughter and partner had chosen a new TV they planned to buy but never got around to doing, so she has bought it now anyway and thought her Dad might like her old one as he had mentioned wanting a bigger screen. He would, her Mum wouldn’t!! Our current TV stand was just a fraction too small for it so it is sitting on a chunk of wood on top of the stand while we consider whether to keep it. If we do we will try to put it on the wall but there may be a problem with that and I won’t go into the technical details. Anyway the thing is set up so that just about every programme known to man is available to us, most of which we will never, ever use. I don’t watch a lot of television at all and OH only watches for a couple of hours in the evening so goodness knows how we’ll get on. I suspect that by the time OH has decided which of a million programmes he wants to watch he’ll have already missed half of them, but we’ll give it a go.
AnnG, you asked about the funeral. I hadn’t mentioned the date because it will be a day of memories for you – it’s 29th January and, in our grief, I will be sparing a thought for you. It’s going to be a long day for all of us as trying to organize the little that was known of S’s wishes and what my daughter and his ex-wife thought fitting hasn’t been easy. There is a chapel at the funeral directors which holds 100 so there is going to be a non-religious service there for anyone to attend, then there is a half hour drive to a woodland burial which is for family and close friends only, which includes us, then a half hour drive back to another place for a reception/wake. It does mean anyone who is going to the service but isn’t included in the burial will have about an hour and a half to kill but that is the only way it could be done on one day so that those coming a distance didn’t have to stay somewhere overnight. We will drive down very early to daughter’s house and granddaughter will take us in her car for the rest of the day and we will stay overnight at daughter’s so OH doesn’t have to drive home from there in the dark.
Well, I think I’ve gone on for long enough now so I’d better say goodbye for now. Sleep well everyone and stay warm.
17 Jan 2025 15:01 |
I am not moving very fast today, everything seems to take ages. lack of sleep I assume.
Ann Maybe when OH did his eye drops he used more than he should have which is why he ordered more. It is always disappointing when breakfasts are not as good as they should be. And I really dislike hard bacon. It means it was cooked a while ago and kept warm (ish).
I hope I am not tempting fate but I have not had hiccups for ages. I can remember getting them quite a lot when I was a child.
Mel Fairy Godmother
17 Jan 2025 14:22 |
I hav'nt had hic ups for ages I wonder why you are getting them now? Have you eaten today if not you may be hungry or may have eaten too much!!!
Its 9 degrees here now and there's hardly a breath of wiind so feels quite warm out.
BIL not arrived today but I have just made a huge pot of soup so if he comees tomorrow there will be plenty for him to have two big bowls.
Had two eggs again today and yesterday so they are on the way to production again now the days are getting longer. May have a poached egg on toast for lunch as I hav'nt eaten yet just a milky coffee and a glass of water with a pill.
17 Jan 2025 13:00 |
Morning All,
No fog but dull and 6 degrees here. I didn't have a great night, one of those where you seem to wake up every 2 hours or so. I know I was dreaming about being at my previous house visiting the new owners and the garden had been rewilded and looked like a jungle. I was warned not to get close to the pond and thought they'd think I would fall in, so I did get closer. It was a much bigger pond and the water was swirling and a huge fish as big as me rose out of the water and opened a huge mouth full of long teeth. It's no wonder I kept waking up is it.
OH was up at 6.00 am getting ready to leave before 8.00am and found his laptop would switch on but not load the screen to enter his pin, so it looks like both our laptops will need to be taken to the firm in the village now.
I wasn't happy about him going to this all day meeting with needing all these eyedrops doing and reminded him he has one eye described as like a building site by the surgeon who did the lasering and he could be risking having a white stick if he doesn't stick to the regime to treat the other. I watched hiim just about manage to do one himself before he went and I must have hit home as he rang the hospital about more drops as soon as he got to Grantham and then on their advice our surgery and they have sent a prescription to our chemist straightaway for more eyedrops. Hopefully he has enough to last till he gets them.
I changed the bed, then went to the shop. I bought something on the reduced shelf yesterday and they charged me full price for it, so they refunded me today. It makes you wonder how often that happens! I was already halfway to a garden centre I like by then so I carried on there. Their cafe will swap breakfast items so I had an extra egg instead of the sausage. It was disappointing and not good value for the money though, the bacon cold and hard and just a hash brown, mushrooms and beans with it and no tomato like they used to do. They were awash with christmas decs everywhere and I looked in Edinburgh Mill and got some pens and notebooks from The Works. I came back through the Yarn Bomb village and the Egret was right next to the brook and road and standing on a pile of strawlike stuff as far as I could tell so I wonder if it was a nest? I couldn't see a mate and the ducks and Moorhens were in the water and on the grass close by. I couldn't see anywhere to park or I would have stopped and took a photo.
I've got hiccups now. Do you find that once you get them, you get them a few times! I'm sure I had them yesterday as well.
17 Jan 2025 12:43 |
all I have done so far is write a reminder to the photography group members re next weeks meeting and finish off my Tesco order for tomorrow.
Mel Fairy Godmother
17 Jan 2025 10:52 |
Morning all,
Quite bright here this morning and its 8 degrees with not much wind.
I think I must have slept for you Anng as I got up just as the sun was rising and the sky to the east wasbeautiful, went back to bed and wok again and it must have been about ten as I lay there for a while and when I got up it was 10.24am. We have blue sky but theres a lot of clouds in it.
As I came out to make my coffee and I went to blow my nose I had a nose bleed so am being very gentle with it at the mo, I shal have to put some cream up it so BBL.
17 Jan 2025 08:47 |
good morning all. that was the worst night I have had in months. Just recently, since New year really, I have been sleeping really well. I was awake the whole of last night, just laying there, no reason. Just managed about 40 minutes after 6am. It is going to be a long day. Good job I have no plans.
6 degrees here, very dull so far but dry.
Mel Fairy Godmother
16 Jan 2025 21:46 |
I think I got muddle with my appointment with the toe doctor in March thats ususally 12noon and he changed it to 11am. That must have been on my mind but I got a nice lot done today with going early.
Hope you al sleep well and the Vera's head feels more like her own tomorrow. <3
16 Jan 2025 20:30 |
Evening All,
A foggy start here but it brightened up later and a weak sun came out.
Yesterday and today I was Nurse Gladys administering eyedrops every hour and an added 3 times with different drops. Since lunchtime today we are down to every 2 hours with the main drops which is better and I think we have 3 days doing that and then it's every 3 hours etc! The daft thing is, the hospital haven't given him enough eyedrops to last the course when we worked out how many more doses he needs compared with how many he has had so it looks like I will have to drop him off at the hospital again next week to get more. Yet he has way more than enough of the other eyedrops! They are doing the trick though which is the main thing! Tomorrow he has a meeting at Grantham where he will be giving an opinion on some things, so he is going to do his own if he can.
Yesterday I had a call from Anglian wanting to give us a quote for more work! I said not while we still have problems with the door, so he's booked an engineer to come again! I still wouldn't have them again though.
I hope you get a good night's sleep Vera. These migraine headaches are so draining. I hope you enjoyed your coffee meet and meet up with family. Is your daughter managing to work her way through all the tasks that have to be done at these times and just when you really may not feel up to it. I realised the other day that OH is mostly paperless now with some payments and he has auto renew on some subscriptions. I said to him that we need to do a list for each other, so we both know what would need cancelling or swapping to the other if anything happened to either of us, as there would be no paper reminders in the post.
I need to do some HW too Mandy, but other things keep cropping up that need doing. Did you bake a nice cake? :-)
I remember being shocked at the meaning of Ring a ring of roses AnnG. Some nursery rymes are quite gruesome for a child really, all that chopping tails off mice!
Mel fancy you getting your appointment time wrong! I have to check and double check things these days as things go clean out of my head. Well done getting those jobs done. It makes you feel better doesn't it!
I can't decide whether to go to the factory shop first thing tomorrow while I get chance with not being on eyedrop duty after 8.00am when OH sets off. He gets a free lunch too so I only need to feed myself. I could call in a garden centre on the way back and have a late, small brekkie. I'll see how tired I am first as I might have a bad night.
16 Jan 2025 16:11 |
Well done Mel
Mel Fairy Godmother
16 Jan 2025 15:22 |
Just fixed the bath shower. Got the old leaky pipe off and put another one on but it is'nt as tidy as the old one as this one is covered in plastic. Its off the old shower I think. Theen I have sewn the zip back at the bottom of a fleece so thats working better now when I try to do it up. Thats 2 jobs off the long list.