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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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AnninGlos Report 6 Dec 2024 12:39

Oh yes I hate and can't see the reason for the word sick meaning great either.
Glad you got some post Ann, second day running I have not seen any sign of a post person around. That is the only problem with going away on the 15th. Most of the cards I get arrive after I have left. something a bit sad about opening a pile of cards in January.

I have walked down too Irene's with a book and to collect some more as it is book stall weekend. I have also done the monthly bank account/credit card check and balance. As a lot of my presents fro son's family are bought on Amazon one credit card took a bit of a hammering. Still gets paid off in the month though.


Annx Report 6 Dec 2024 12:22

Afternoon All,

Weak sunshine and 7 degrees here. I was showered by 8.00am, as was OH and he's gone to a council meeting. I hoovered the main bedroom, hall and ensuite and noticed my beading thread wrapped around the bristles of the hoover so cut all of that off. We are having a salmon tray bake for a late lunch with peppers, button mushrooms, red onion, parsnip, courgette, cherry toms, garlic and I might also add a few small roast poptatoes as OH will be late and starving no doubt!

I've sent parcels I've weighed and printed labels for, but I assume they must check and weigh/ measure at least a percentage of them as some people could put too little postage on them deliberately. Maybe it is like letters and they would hold the parcel and ask the recipient to pay the extra due in order to receive the parcel?
It does save money doing it online doesn't it Mel.

We've actually had some post today, so thank you for your lovely card that's arrived AnnG! I've also had a card from Fitz today, so he's getting his cards sent too, so I must get cracking and write mine.

Mandy I've recorded the Greens!! I always like to watch them. Poor Max had a good going over at the vets didn't he, so no wonder he needed a nap afterwards. I'm not sure what the ferry lumps are?

Vera I think that phrase is becoming the 'in' thing. I don't like it at all and I hate the word 'sick' they use for something good nowadays too.

I'd better get the veg prepared for lunch next.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Dec 2024 10:18

Morning Anng and all,

Late on parade again as I woke at 10am. Nice bright morning too but I suppose now I am up it will go downhill all the way. Having just typed that the clouds are coming over from the north.

I have one of my BIG f;luffy jumpers on today they are really warm so will see how I go. PC is saying 7 degrees and mostly cloudy so I think I am going to need it.

Right coffee next.......BBL


AnninGlos Report 6 Dec 2024 08:33

Good morning all. dry so far but grey and 6 degrees.

Lots of small jobs to do today plus a walk to Irene's with a couple of bits for charity and Tesco due this afternoon.

Ann I actually had post yesterday the first for several days. Annoying Next we will get the usual 'a lot of sickness' excuse I suppose.

Vera I have not come across the phrase 'reaching out' yet. sounds like another Americanism doesn't it?

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 5 Dec 2024 22:11

O I meant to say you have to give the weight of your parcel and mine are usually sent in a 4 x 4 box which will go through a letterbox and I know they are £3.35 second signed. The other one was bigger but still a small parcel like I have sent before and that usually costs me £5.15 to send but paying online it cost me £4.60 second signed. I send them all second signed as one lady when I first started told me she had'nt recieved it so I had to send another and that was two lots of post charges and I think she may have got two things for the price of one and one postage cost too.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 5 Dec 2024 22:06

I did'nt go to Stu's in the end as he said his son had been ill today and had gone to bed a couple of times. He thought it was trapped wind but I did'nt want to chance it so stayed away and had a meal for one, sweet and sour chicken and egg fried rice. Its one of my favorites so I was happy. Had a nice shower first and have sat in my pj's since but I must put some socks on as my feet are cold.

Anng its good the roof is all finished now but a shame the door has gone wrong but at least its locked so safe for you to go away.

Hope you all sleep well tonight girls and boys.

The winds blowing a gale out there tonight and I have lashing rain with it but its still 10 degrees here but feels colder.


SuffolkVera Report 5 Dec 2024 18:45

Funny old weather we’re having. Today has been very grey and very wet but quite mild. I even changed one of my jumpers for a thinner shirt. We do have a yellow warning for wind so I’m expecting it to be quite blowy overnight.

It’s good your garage is watertight now AnnG. You won’t need to worry about it while you are away now. It’s a nuisance the door nechanism is damaged but at least you got it closed.

Mandy, young Jake has done well with that job and his boss obviously appreciates him.

It looks as though the parcel collection service will work well for you Mel but, like Mandy, I was wondering how the weight and payment is worked out. Do you weigh it yourself on your kitchen scales? Enjoy your dinner with Stu tonight.

I hope your OH had a better night yesterday Annx. I like your idea of sleeping like a bat. Perhaps I should try it sometime.

We went for our Thursday coffee this morning, 6 of us today. We didn’t get home till 1.30 so it was nearly 2 pm before we started lunch and nearer 3 before I got around to doing anything. I didn’t feel like h/w so it was an afternoon of admin. I got on to the council and they emailed me a new invoice for the garden waste collection which I paid, then I paid some other bills and sorted out some accounts for OH. I also emailed our newspaper delivery people to ask why they stopped sending invoices 3 months ago. I’ve been paying monthly but I have to go into their website to see what I owe and then arrange payment by bank transfer. I know they are trying to get everyone to pay by direct debit. We do use direct debit for a lot of payments but I am not going to be bullied into it.

Is “reaching out” the latest buzz word? The newspaper people sent an acknowledgment of my email saying “Thanks for reaching out”. And then 10 minutes later I had a reply to a text message I sent to a granddaughter saying “Thanks for reaching out Nan”. What is wrong with saying thank you for your text/email. I feel like yelling I DID NOT REACH OUT.

Our dinner is almost ready so I had better lay the table and dish up. Enjoy the rest of the evening.


MillymollyAmanda Report 5 Dec 2024 18:23

Ann I meant to say there's a christmas with the Greens a Yorkshire vet special on next Tuesday at nine on channel 5.


Annx Report 5 Dec 2024 17:59

Evening All,

Just lost a post after OH interrupted me and I forgot and closed the window.

Mel, the first thing we did was run the tap thinking it would clear and it's used every day in the ensuite. Thanks for your OH suggesting what our tap problem is caused by Vera. We'll get the boiler man back. I'm not the only one then that goes in a shop for something and comes out again having forgotten to look for it. Since we had trouble with our meds OH insists on checking them before we come home now. What a nuisance having to go back and after you had to queue as well. I would have enjoyed the coffee and walnut cake too and, whistful thoughts, used to make them years ago.

Well at least the garage roof is good now before you see your daughter AnnG, but like with us with the the boiler, one problem has led to another! At least they would be able to get the door open if needs be till they can fix it for you. No post here again today and a parcel that came was left on the doorstep. It was a good job OH thought he heard someone outside.

I hadn't thought about the weight and paying online Mandy. I imagine you weigh and measure your parcel, but unless they check it somehow, they wouldn't know you'd paid the right amount would they? Maybe Mel will be able to tell us.
It's good to hear Jake is doing so well at his job, even if the new recruits didn't last. His boss obviously appreciates him with giving him the beef for his mum. I watched Rueben I'd recorded and really enjoyed it. Kirstie next!

I was up early and made it to the Factory Shop and got some of the things with crystals to try in the windows and a new narrow baking tin I needed. I got the pack of 3 as they weren't scented. I was surprised how cheap they were and can last up to 6 weeks. If they work ok, the 3rd one might be good to try on top of my car dashboard as I get condensation on the windscreen.

Enjoy your dinner out Mel! I wonder what you will have this time.

It's lashing down with rain here now, just like it did last night.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 5 Dec 2024 14:51

Thank you for the card and seeds Mel, which arrived a short while ago.

Will catch up with threads later, as I have to pop back to school.


MillymollyAmanda Report 5 Dec 2024 13:40

Afternoon all,

Nice and bright for a while but now clouded up, 11 degrees out so quite mild again .
Son came with me to take Max to the vets for his yearly jab and kennel cough ,I have to go back for his flea and wormer tablets as they didn't have enough but should be in later today so I'll go in next week to get them ,she Che ked him over and check his ferry lumps he has they don't seem to trouble him and we did have them tested so nothing to worry about ,she also measured a small skin tag he has near his back leg and keep on eye on it to make sure it doesn't grow, think it wore him out as he's now snoring on the sofa .

Went to Aldi for some bits and into screwfix for a Christmas present for son.

Anng thats good your all water tight in the garage now, perhaps it's a spring gone one side on the up and over ,sister had to have hers done as it had gone on one side .

Mel it sounds like the postman collecting your parcels will be very handy ,how do you know how much to pay on the parcels as parcels are usually weighed so I don't understand how it works.

I'm waiting for a parcel to come ,we ordered Jake a rechargable torch for Christmas as we thought it would be handy for him to keep in his car .
He's now very busy at work and I don't think he will have his day off in the week now only Sundays off, he's trying to train someone to do his job so he can serve more in the shop but so far three young lads have started done a week or so then left ,the owner said to Jake is there anymore like you at home as your a good one .
The boss really looks after Jake his mum said can you bring some stewing beef home ,the boss gave him 2 kilos of beef for free ,Jake said it should have cost 23 pound .


AnninGlos Report 5 Dec 2024 12:55

Well that is the garage roof fixed and facias done.

Only problem now is that the garage door mechanism somehow got damaged. A wire is twisted on one side. They tried to fix it but it need doing properly. anyway and they had another job to get to, they have, with my help got it shut and locked. They will come in the New year when I come back and fix it free of charge.

It can stay locked but fingers crossed I don't need to access the boiler. I have told them, if I do I will call them out to open the door. It is not safe for me to do it as it twists as it opens. I don't need anything out there anyway.
So just one thing after another. I suspect the door must have been a bit weak on that side and they are not gentle when they open and shut it. If they can't fix it in the new year I will get the door people out.

My trouble is the time is going so quickly and there seems so much to do and clothes sorting packing will creep up on me I know. I seem to have lists everywhere.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 5 Dec 2024 12:22

Postmans been and done the parcels. He said he had 8 colklections with labels to do today. He said people are getting fed up with the post van not arriving. The thing is you can bank at the post van and get your money out and other things apart from posting parcels.

Vera hope you have a better day today and get you r meds sorted. I was told years ago when I had a lot of trouble with my back to do the ironing standing on a cushion. I did do it for a while and think it did help.

I am trying to do too many jobs at once today. I started by trying to get to the Christmas decs to get the card strings out but picked up a load of stuff off the floor and bunged it all in the washing machine, not turned it on yet!! Started getting a job lot of miniatures together but its so dark today the photos won't come out well. Was wasing up when the postman came and I did'nt see him coming down and he banged on the door so not finished the washing up. Better get on as I need to clean the kitchen windows too.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 5 Dec 2024 10:49

Morning all,

13 degrees here this morning and there a yellow wind warning.

I had a lie in as I had'nt had to get up for the post van but must be ready for when Tim the postman comes and I c ould write his card and give him his Christmas drink.

Your lunch sounds very nice Anng I would love the bacon and brie jacket and the mnce pie afterwards.


AnninGlos Report 5 Dec 2024 08:12

Good morning all goodness the temps are strange. this morning it is 11 degrees. It looks very cloudy at the moment and I really want it to stay dry so Jake and Riley can finish the facias

I slept quite heavily from about 1am and woke at 0700.

Mel shame when an expected meal is cancelled isn't it, I usually end up with eggs on toast or something. Sounds like you may have an answer to your posting of parcels then if that system works.

Ann yes it was good to have a long chat. We were not able to have a full lunch as there was only one chef and the restaurant/cafe was really busy. So we both had jacket potatoes with bacon, brie and mushrooms. I have had it before and it is nice but it showed the lack of chefs today, not quite as good as usual, a bit skimped with the filling. (Not cheap at £9.95. Still we had a nice mince pie with pouring cream afterwards. Louise's treat. We sat for 2 hours chatting so it was very pleasant. Just bought a packet of orange thins biscuits and another packet of cheesy nibbles. And a plaque for daughter's christmas can't remember what it said except it mentioned coffee and gin.

Vera it is the minor irritations that, added together, make for a frustrating day. Still I am sure that the coffee and walnut cake (my favourite) helped. I was just going to cheer at a complete prescription when I read on. So now you have to go back yet again. Oh, what a pity you forgot to look at the lights.
I hope your back has eased by this morning.


SuffolkVera Report 4 Dec 2024 21:48

Annx, probably a good idea to get your boiler chap to look at it in case it is something that needs fixing, but I remembered OH explaining it to me once when we had the same problem so I just asked him (before retirement he worked for the water authority). It's all to do with the oxygen in the water being released under pressure which gives that cloudy appearance that clears if it's left to stand. He got a bit technical for me but it sounds as if the pressure might be a bit high.

It's been one of those days again. It's been another grey day, just slightly damp, and pretty cold. We ought to expect it to be cold really - after all, it is winter.

I don't do much ironing but thought I had better clear what was there. Ironing is the worst thing for my back so that's been hurting all day. Then I went to pay the bill for the garden waste collection and I can't find it anywhere. I know how much it is and I can pay it online but I have to put the invoice number as a referernce so I shall have to contact the council tomorrow and will probably be sent from pillar to post.

Next we had an early lunch and went out to get some shopping and other jobs done. I liked the sound of the red berry lights that AnnG got from Tesco so we went there. I got all my shopping, and driving out of the car park realised I had forgotten to look for the lights which is why I had gone there in the first place. Doh!

Driving on into town we passed Homebase which is closing and selling everything off, so decided to stop and see if they had a little stool we want. No such luck there but OH did find some stuff that is supposed to clear the moss from the paved area in front of our house. Next it was into town to pick up my script. OH stayed in the car park while I walked to the pharmacy. He was just about to send out a search party when I eventually got back. There were plenty of staff working but they were so slow today and every customer seemed to be taking ages. When I got to the counter my meds were ready for me so I didn't have to wait for them to be made up. Our next job was to go to the bank but by now they were closed. Eventually we got home and I went to put my meds away only to find the pharmacy had left one of them out. The problem is I have the same tablet on my prescription twice as I have to have it in two different strengths and I think the pharmacist probably thought he'd already put the meds in the bag without noticing he had to put in a second lot with the same name. But it means I will have to go to town again to sort that out.

I had a quick swear and then a nice cup of tea with some coffee and walnut cake, courtesy of our next door neighbour, before preparing our dinner. Just as I got it on to cook son rang with various bits of family news so I was trying to stir pots, stop things from boiling over and hold the phone to my ear all at the same time. When we eventually finished talking and I got the table laid etc our chicken was a touch overcooked..

These were all minor irritations really but now my back is really sore and my head is aching so I am going to get a hottie and a wheat bag and sit up in bed with my book for a while. Sleep well everyone.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 4 Dec 2024 20:43

O that annoying Annx perhaps it just needs to be run for a while. If its not used much they could have flushed the pipes through as we get that sometimes.


Annx Report 4 Dec 2024 20:26

Oh that's handy if they give you an approximate time for collection then Mel. Good that one of your parcels was cheaper than the van which sounds surprising. So a saving on that and on the fuel. Saves a bit of time too if you are busy. It's a good idea to resell the things you don't want like that.

Since the new boiler was fitted the water from the tap nearest to the water meter where the water comes into the bungalow is milky till it stands for 10 minutes, so it seems to be bubbles. Not sure why though unless they changed the water pressure or something. It doesn't look appetising, so I'd better ring the boiler man. It runs clear from all the other taps.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 4 Dec 2024 18:49

They do tell you an about time the posty will come for your parcels and one was cheaper than taking it to the van so that was good. Both are signed for and tracked so I am happy with the way I have sent them. Both small job lots of things I bought for certain items and I just put the rest back on Ebay that way I get what I wnat and a bit back of the price I paid.

Wehad one small shower today the moment I stepped out the door to feed the chickens and by the time I got back indoors it stopped. I'm sure the weather knows when I am going out even if its not the same time every day.

Not going to Stu's tonight but tomorrow as he rang me so now I have to find something for dinner.


Annx Report 4 Dec 2024 18:11

Evening All,

We woke to thickish fog so I haven't been out today after all. OH has been working and we had F&C delivered so a nice lazy day. The washing's up to date now and I'm just clearing the decks at my desk! Where all the paper keeps coming from amazes me. I've ordered some new jeans in 25 inch length I've had before that don't need me to get the sewing machine out to alter and was pleased to see they were reduced by £9 so I ordered an extra pair. I've also changed 2 inks in the printer so OH can print some papers.

Mel that would be a saving if the postie could collect your parcels. I haven't tried that yet either but thought it could be useful. Not everyone is able to get to a collection or post office. I suppose the only downside might be not knowing what time of day they will come and having to stay in or be in earshot.

The craft fair might be worth popping in just to see if many are buying and if there are any interesting ideas. I hope Stu has a nice meal for tonight!

Thanks for the reminder about the progs Mandy. I'd forgotten to record Rueben and didn't know Kirstie was soon starting. :-D

You did well with your raffle and Secret Santa gifts at the Ladies' Group Vera. I would enjoy both of your prizes. What a horrid journey both ways to see your daughter and partner. I expect they were very pleased to see you though.

I hope you enjoyed your lunch at the garden centre with your friend/neighbour AnnG. Did you see anything to buy? I noticed where we went yesterday had Camellias in flower already. Not surprising, we had no post today.