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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 16:39

There was such a draught (sp) coming through the top of the front door I have stuck a s[pecial tape on it and put a draft excluder along the bottom of it. Its not been cold here today just extremly windy and gusty. There all leaves just outside the back door too.

Don't know what to get for dinner tonight and feel like I want to make cakes but I just can't get motivated to do anything. I shall be cross when there's not a cake in the house and I fancy one or two....... perhaps I should get my finger out and make some.

Annx its good oh is having a sloppy day I don't blame him he's always busy and with no matches to go to it time for him to rest. You were a naughty girl going out.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 16:29

Don't know about the wind dying down late afternoon its still blowing a right old hooly here. I have managed to get round to the chickens again to give them some corn and I put a bit of clean shavings inside the house as its very wet in there. So in now for the night. Not done a thing apart from the chickens today and fished a few leaves out of the big pond this morning. It was covered in leaves.


MillymollyAmanda Report 7 Dec 2024 14:55

Afternoon all,

Sounds very windy your way Mel, it's raining harder here now and a bit windy ,we nipped to sons this morning as its Katie's birthday today she's fifteen where has the time gone it only seems like yesterday she was the tiny one trying to get a look in behind Jake and Chelsea .
Yesterday we got the decorations up and the indoor tree decorated its looks nice and Christmasy now .

Ann I just put about Max's lump I don't know where the word ferry came from ,another word this tablet slipped in lol

I posted cards this morning so you should get them next week ,we see the postman most days ,we're quite close to the sorting office and we have different postmen each week but they are usually here first thing .

Hope everyone is OK in this stormy weather and nobody has any damage .


Annx Report 7 Dec 2024 14:40

Afternoon All,

No rain and not much wind here now but it was gusty wind and rain lashing down on the back of the bungalow earlier and a stream running down the road. The rain even came through the patio doors and made a puddle on the floor. OH's footie was cancelled but he found two alterative matches on artificial turf. One of those was cancelled half an hour later and after going out to the dustbin and seeing how wild it was, he decided to stay in. He's found a match on Monday night and another for Wednesday night only 20 minutes from his meeting so he's probably going to those instead. He usually showers just before he goes but has kept his jimjams and dressing gown on, fetched a box of Guylian chocs out of his wardrobe to share while he watches tv and is having a restful duvet day! :-D Meanwhile I nipped to the shop for a paper and few bits and a silly young woman in their carpark who was parked a few spaces along from me decided to reverse out of her space without looking. I had to stop or she would have hit me and saw she was looking down in her lap (mobile?) She didn't half jump when she looked up and saw how close I was. They've done anothe yarn bomb in the viillage, A life size Santa and his sleigh and reindeer with stars in the trees and some other bits and bobs.

Mel that's a shame about your Russet apple tree. (I like them although the skin is a bit rough). It sounds like it was at risk in winds though if it was a bit rotten. At least you are ok though and still have power which is good. You have reminded me my next job is to put more fat balls out. The last one still disappeared quite quickly so I don't know if the Squirrel has worked out how to get to them in the new position.

Thanks for your Christmas card Vera which came today. I need to dust the lounge next as we have had a few arrive now. What a nuisance having to make a third trip to the chemist now! We find the same sometimes that our medication comes in dribs and drabs meaning several visits. OH said last time that we ought to phone before we go to make sure they have everything. It seems they only look when we are there to collect and only then do they start to source what they don't have! I'm due to collect mine on Monday so watch this space! That's good you got some red lights after all and they should look good on your coffee plant We haven't any decorations up yet as neither of us are in a good enough state to get up the loft ladder and through the narrow hole yet!! Maybe later next week after the food delivery has come and been put away.

I hope you managed to go out and enjoy your lunch AnnG. It's less windy here now and I was surprised how little debris there was on the roads when I went out.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 14:34

The winds now blown the door open on my extracter fan in the kitchen and a gale is blowing through. I have just stuck a huge piece of bluetack in it to keep it closed. The bit that was in there has gone a bit hard.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 12:28

It has dropped a bit here but still gusty. I just went round to the girls to feed them and they were very pleased to see me.

Then I took a walk down to the shed as both doors were open and took string and tied it up to the best of my ability. Then I went up and had a look at the apple tree and I knew it was a bit rotton at the bottom and has been for years now since I lost the other Russet next to it. It had gone from the rotten bit and is going to take a lot of cutting up but it has'nt damage the Golden Delious not too far away.

Came back and got the wild bird food to puit out. They have three fat balls and seed in the bird tabel and fat stick and peanuts in the metal feeder. I broought the plastic feeder in as thats the one I put sunflower seeds in but it was blowing around so much I thought it safer to bring it in and I can give it a good wash out too.


AnninGlos Report 7 Dec 2024 11:33

Good idea Mel. supposed to drop here too although it was not that strong. However it has not dropped at all so far.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 10:39

My shed top door blew open so I had to go down and shut it. The little plastic greenhouse in now nearly completely down.

Hope you lot are ok.

I shan't go up the shop unless the wind drops by 11am as they have said it may. I shall ring them and ask them to save my paper till tomorrow if I can't get down there.


AnninGlos Report 7 Dec 2024 10:15

Shame about the apple tree Mel. Should you risk going up the shop, it sounds pretty wild. That was why you had the alert to tell you no to go out in it.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 09:46

Iv'e lost the Russet apple tree in the orchard. The bang was the dustbin going across the patio.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 09:27

Morning Anng and all,

O so windy here as the pc says and its 8 degrees.

Iv'e no damage as far as I can see but not been out yet. I have seen the chickens out this morning but only from the bedroom window. I am hoping it drops a, Wow something has just hit the front of the bungalow, bit so I can go up the shop.


AnninGlos Report 7 Dec 2024 07:41

Good morning all. still pitch black out there but 6 degrees so not cols. Raining but I can't see how windy it is and have not got my hearing aids in yet so can't hear it either.. We are not in the red zone (I think Mel is) so not expecting the worst of the weather but we are quite near the edge of it so who knows?
Hopefully going out to lunch today Only 5-10 minutes down the road but, as it is on the edge, inside of the local airport I am sure they will warn us if it is too bad to travel there.

I think I might have that warning alert disabled. I seem to remember we were able to do that when it was added to all mobiles but that is ages ago now, I think during covid, so I had forgotten all about it.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Dec 2024 00:15

Winds really up now and blowing in al directions with light rain too.


SuffolkVera Report 6 Dec 2024 20:52

I create a new folder in documents the same way as Annx. I'm sure you'll sort it out Mel. I bet the strange noise from your phone made you jump. I remember the alarm system being tested a while ago but my memory is so bad these days that I can't remember whether it worked on my phone or not. I know it didn't work for everybody.

We seem to be luckier than some of you with our post which definitely comes every day. We're in a tiny cul-de-sac of 6 dwellings and we see him going to other houses even when there is nothing for us so are certain we get a daily delivery.

I shall have to do the same as your OH, Annx, and check my meds before leaving the chemist. Our pharmacy used to be top class and when you all moaned about yours I was bragging about ours. Well, they have really gone downhill lately. Would you believe I went back today to tell them I hadn't got everything I should have had on Wednesday. The assistant looked on the computer and told me that I didn't get those particular tabs because they were out of stock but they should be in this weekend and I could get them on Monday or Tuesday. I did point out that if they had told me that when I picked up my script I wouldn't have had to make an unnecessary journey in to town today. Now I've got to go back for a third time. Grrr....

I got a few more cards written and a load posted this afternoon. Then I booked a Tesco delivery for Monday and got the order in, though I'll have to finalise it over the weekend. I did manage to order the red berry lights to come with the food delivery. I have a large coffee plant and I thought they might look nice in amongst the leaves of that.

I hope the weather doesn't get too bad for you Mel or any of you other ladies. I can really hear the wind getting up here and we are just on a yellow warning so it must be much worse for those on an amber or even red warning. Strong winds set off the security lights round here so it will be like sleeping in a fun fair with the lights going on and off all night. I hope you all manage to sleep well.


Annx Report 6 Dec 2024 20:36

That would have scared me too Mel as I hadn't heard about the alarm till I just looked online. I did see that there will be 90mph gusts in some places like the West and South Wales and risk of falling trees. It looks like you could have a windy early hours. Just be careful.


AnninGlos Report 6 Dec 2024 20:14

That was the danger alert alarm. They warned on the TV you would get it even if your phone was off. So best not to go out tomorrow .Mel if you got that warning.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Dec 2024 19:06

I shall have to have alook later and thanks for that girls.

I have just had a very funny noise. I knew it was on the table and wondered what it was. Its was my phone giving me a warning about weather conditions for tomorrow and advice on what to do. It frightened the life out of me when it went off. I thought to myself "whats gone wrong now?" it was like an alarm ring and Iv'e not got the heating on so I knew it was'nt that.

I have written some more cards and done some presents up this afternoon.


Annx Report 6 Dec 2024 15:21

Or if it's like my screen in docs it will say 'New' at the top left with a ittle arrow pointing down to click on and then on 'Folder'.


AnninGlos Report 6 Dec 2024 14:39

Mel when you look at your document in docs. at the top it should say new folder which will give you the opportunity to create a folder and name it. Is that what you want to know or is it more complicated?

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Dec 2024 12:50

BIL has been and gone. he wanted to get back as his loo is overflowing and he needs to see to that. He went up the shop and bought us pasties so we had those and he put up my card string for me over the pc desk as I can't reach that one so they are all up now and I jst hve to wait for the cards to arrive. I have mums little light up Christmas street ont he windowsill this year. It usually sits on the chest in the hall and i only have it on at Christmas but thought I hardly see it out there. I have been looking for a new garland for under the windowsill in the ktichen but not found one I really like and they are all about 9 foot long so too long for where I want it.

I did forget to ask BIL how to put my post office papers in a folder as I can't seem to download them. BIL has showed me but I forget!!! getting old....I also wanted to put my FIT payment details in a folder but only managed to get them into Docs.