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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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MillymollyAmanda Report 14 Dec 2024 13:29

Afternoon all,

Nice and sunny now after a dull start so nice to see a blue sky ,not sure how cold it is as I haven't been out .
Son and dil dropped a bit of shopping in but didn't stop as they didn't want to catch what ever I have ,they said it was the schools christmas fayre yesterday and they raised just over two thousand pound which is a lot considering its so near christmas and everyone's buying christmas presents, I never even had any raffle tickets this year .

Mel my card from Ann was like yours they are pretty ones as everytime you look at it you see another animal.
What did you have for the big breakfast you sound full up now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Dec 2024 12:57

Just got back from the breakfast. Did'nt win anything on the raffle but BIL did. He won two cotton printed hankies with foxes on them and gave them to me. They will go in next times raffle.

BIL rang me first thign to say he had had a bad night and his knee and ankle were playing up so he would'nt be coming. I said thats ok I shall find someone there I know and then he turned up a little while later so we did go together in the end. Lots of chat and saw people I had'nt seen for a long while so it was a good morning all round. Full to the gunnels now and shall only need a sandwich tonight.

I must go up the shop for my paper now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Dec 2024 09:25

Morning all,

I did'nt sleep well either. went out like a light but woke at 4.48am for the loo and just could'nt get back to sleep. I even turned over onto my left side but still could'nt drop off again. Must have in the end and woke at 9.14am to sunshine coming through the bedroom window,

I must get on as I am not sure when BIL is coming as its big breakfast day.

Enjoy your visit with grandson and family Anng and give that lovely baby a cuddle from me.


AnninGlos Report 14 Dec 2024 08:37

good morning all. 4 degrees but fairly bright and dry. Not sure what time Grandson, wife and baby are coming to see us. sometime late morning I expect. depending on traffic. didn't sleep that well, could be due to prosecco and mince pies I suppose.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Dec 2024 22:15

6 degrees with rain now and its quite heavy.We had a right fight trying to get the mower off its pallet as it was a metal one that the front and back tyres fitted into. BIL and I found some longish 4" x 4" pieces of wood which he said to get under the front wheels while he lifted the font up. Did this sucessfully and was going to do the back the same way. I said we should chock up the front wheels but BIL said it would be ok. It was'nt. Em came round to help and BIL said for her to push the other bit of wood under and me to guide it the other side to where we wanted it. She shoved it so hard it caught my finger and cut it just under the nail on my right hand middle finger. Would it stop Ed had come home from work at 1pm so he and Em came round to help. Ed's a tall guy and we had got two pieces of heavy planks ready to put under the wheels to get it off the frame but the boys gave it a push and knocked it off the 4 x 4 wood jamming the back wheels in the frame too. With that Ed picked up one side of the frame and swivelled it roung so the mower was pointing out of the shed it was in as we'de done everything else with it across the the shed. We put the planks down in line with the tyres and the boys li, Em and I lift it forwards and down the ramp it went. BIL was so grateful and then Ed told him he had a degree in engineering. It made BIL laugh and said why did'nt you tell me that in the first place? So Ed and Em went off for their lunch next door and BIL drove the mower down the raod to my entrance left me with it and walked back to get his car. . I drove the new mower down here from the village hall carpark so he could fix the grass box on it and then drive it back up to Phil and Val's shed where it just fitted through the door of the wood shed where it shall now stay till the spring. I drove up after BIL to bring him back sown here after stowing the new mower.

We both came in and had some homemade soup I had made to warm us up. He loves my soups I make, a couple of slices of bread and off he went to pick his wife up from work.

He will be back tomorrow for the Big Breakfast in our village hall in aid of hall funds. I am going to see if he will cut some branches off the tree that came down too.

Thanks for your card Annx it came today. I seem to have a lot of cards with animals and birds on this year. Annx's is lovely I think it has most of the things on it that come in my garden. There a Robin, a squirrel, an owl, a stag and a deer, a hare, hedgehog and a male pheasent.toadstools, trees and holly. A beautiful full moon in a dark sky with lots of stars and snow.


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Dec 2024 15:19

Afternoon all,

Thank you Ann for your card ,what another dreary dark day it is again ,just a little bit of sun would be nice .

Heads a bit heavy and throbby today ,throat not so sore but my voice has almost gone now .
Mel I can see bil will be playing with his new toy just need the lawn to be a bit dryer so he could try it out .

Heads had enough ,hope to be on tomorrow.


AnninGlos Report 13 Dec 2024 12:27

Thank you Mandy and Ann for your cards. arrived with a big batch of cards (none yesterday) this morning.

Washing load done. slow cooker on with a butter chicken sauce chicken mushrooms carrot and onions.

Lyn about an hour and a half away.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Dec 2024 09:04

Morning all,

About the same here Anng dull and very grey 6 degrees and cloudy not very nice at all.

I know BIL has the docs this morning so he should'nt be here till after 10 something. I bet he goes straight over to see the mower and Phil. He won't come down to me first.

YOu asked what I had for dinner at Stu's the other night. We had pizza homemade with his chips. They are new pots cut up and roasted and he put a bit of garlic powder on them. He buys the thin pizze base and puts on red onion, tomatoes, pesto, cheese and what ever else he can find. I am not a great lover of pesto as I find it very strong but it all went together well even if the base is a bit hard to get your knife through. His dad was there and I had'nt seen him for years so that made a change. He also has parkinsons.

Better get in the shower now as I did'nt have one last night.


AnninGlos Report 13 Dec 2024 07:44

Good morning all dark out there still and 5 degrees, shall be glad once it starts getting lighter in the mornings.

Vera, hopefully the walk did your back some good. Strange isn't it? My back is the same fine once I start walking but painful when I sit. Usually ok when I lie down.. Mainly it is very painful when I go from sitting to standing.

Mel, hope you had a nice meal last night. That was a todo with the new lawn mower. glad you managed to get it somewhere safe.

Ann Oh not a nice message in that card. I am sorry to hear about the unexpected death, sad you were not informed at the time.

I am expecting daughter and son in law to arrive today so will be edgy until they get here.


SuffolkVera Report 12 Dec 2024 21:20

Evening ladies

I hope your meeting went well AnnG. I am sure everyone enjoyed your mince pies. I won't mention a skipping rope to OH as he'll probably find something in the garage he can use and will start skipping next. Last year I knew of something he wanted for Christmas but not wanting to get the wrong thing I got him a gift card to choose it himself. There was some money left on the card for him to spend. Most elderly gentlemen would have opted for slippers or a jumper. What did mine buy? A pair of weights !!!. He then added weight lifting to his exercise routine and terrifies me with the way he swings them around.

I am glad you are feeling a little better Mandy. Only do what you can comfortably manage so that you don't get overtired.

My goodness Mel, you had a bit of a panic with that mower but you seem to have got it all sorted out. What did you have to eat at Stu's?

I'm sorry to hear of the death of OH's rellie Annx. It's a shame the brother didn't tell you when it happened but families all approach these things differently.

I slept better last night but I'm tired now having had another busy day. I think I have finished the present buying and most of the card writing. As we won't be seeing family at Christmas I've had to think in terms of what can easily be posted so several are getting vouchers or gift cards but I've tried to find ones that are a bit different and can perhaps be spent on hobbies and interests.

I also walked to the nearest post office to post a package and I found that tiring. It's only just over a mile there and back but it was cold with that fine drizzly mist; the sort where you can't see that it's raining but you end up soaked in no time at all. Provided I keep going at a reasonable pace walking doesn't hurt my back much at all but it's quite painful now that I am just sitting at the desk typing.

I need to get some cooking done but I seem to be short on time. Tomorrow I have the chiropodist in the morning and then we are out in the afternoon so there won't be time to do any baking. Oh well, if I run out of time we'll just have to have everything shop bought.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Dec 2024 15:36

Hope the throat continues to improve Mandy. Keep up with the honey and lemon there's a good girl. We need you back in good health for wrapping all those presents. <3 <3 <3

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Dec 2024 15:34

I was just getting my lunch and half way through I had a call from a number I did'nt recognise but thought I would ring back to see who it was. I don't ususally do this but it was the lorry driver delivering the new mower. Panic panic. Rang Robert and asked if he was home and no he was at work and would'nt be home till about 8pm. I had told the driver to park in the village hall carpark and ring me from there and I would come up. Rang Val, Em's mum to see if they could help. They were'nt in so rang Em. She rang her mum and no answer so rang mum again and got through. Em's dad was on the way over as he was cutting up the tree that came down up the top by their holiday let and house they are having built. Em rang again and said she would go up there but she had to get to Hatherleigh and pick up her sausages and bacon. She came over and I drove up there and met them all in the car park. Em's dad arrived then too so Em had had a word and we arranged that the driver would put it on his pallett truck and drive it round to Phil's which he did so it now out of site in Phil's drive in lent to. Its all wrapped up in black polywrap and on a pallet in a wooden frame. Em took a picture of it with Phil and I behind it and sent it to BIL so he won't worry now. He is coming down tomorrow and Saturday as its the big breakfast on Saturday and we are going to that.

Fed the girls thier corn and now I am going to wsh my hair and relax...................


Annx Report 12 Dec 2024 14:33

Good to see you post Mandy and I'm glad your bad throat is easing. I didn't know all your tiredness was from long covid. How long is it since you had it? I know it can affect people for a very long time. I just looked up the last posting date for 2nd class and it is next wednesday, so plenty of time to do your cards. I still have more to write as well.

We had unexpected news in a Christmas card today. OH's mother had 2 cousins, not living locally, that we seemed to just meet at funerals, weddings and exchanged cards at Christmas. Well the card said his brother (the other cousin) passed away suddenly in September. OH is a bit shocked and a little miffed that no-one had let him know at the time, as he phoned and made sure they all knew when his own mum and dad passed away. The brothers were very different characters though and the one that's sadly passed away was very friendly and sociable to the point of being a little overbearing once you were his captive audience! The remaining brother was quiet and hardly spoke. I said to OH he probably didn't realise he hadn't let us know till he started writing his Christmas cards. So that's another name off our Christmas card list this year now.

We did our bit of shopping, filled the car at the garage and went to the chemist for our meds and OH went in while I sat outside in the car. A poor lady was really struggling with a stick along the pavement and then took ages to get up the step to the door to the chemist which was just out of my sight. Not for the first time there, I thought I was going to need to go and assist as ahe was ages at the door round the corner as I could see her back from the car. Then she moved forward out of sight. Apparently OH had spotted her from inside while waiting for them to make up his meds and gone to hold the door for her and then her arm. He is short on 2 of his meds and will have to go back again. :-S More ooohs and aahs from OH getting in and out of the car and he thinks carrying his briefcase last night didn't help so will see if he can take less things with him.

Didn't you do your parcels for collection this time Mel? I suppose they will go quicker if you take them to the van though. Yes it's nice that the ground is dryer now, but there were a few spits of rain while we were out.

I'd better pay some bills and write some more cards now. I have managed to hoover the lounge since we got back.


MillymollyAmanda Report 12 Dec 2024 10:10

Morning all,

Showery here and a little misty .

Still got my cough but my throat is a little better today ,it just seems to have drained all my energy again ,could still be my long covid, I suppose when I get a cold it doesn't help it .
Thank you Vera for your christmas card it came yesterday .

So much to do ,I haven't wrapped one present yet and there's more cards to write , oh well will have see what I can do today .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Dec 2024 10:10

Morning girls,

Dark and dingy here too this morning but it is dry so I should be thankful for that.

Iv'e had to do a parcel up this morning so two to post today so better get my skates on.

Glad the thumping and bumping was good and not oh getting angry with something Vera. You will be nice and Christmassy now as Annx said.



Annx Report 12 Dec 2024 08:38

Morning AnnG and All,

It's 6 degrees here but feels colder. We are popping to Costa for a bacon butty and latte and then to the garden centre and shop and to pick up our meds.

Not much to do to be ready for your gathering then AnnG and I fancy a mince pie now. I hope it stays fine for you. I see we may be due a drop of rain later.

That was good then Vera and now you have another little tree to make the place look Christmassy.

Better get going so BBL.


AnninGlos Report 12 Dec 2024 08:11

Good morning all only 4 degrees here, too dark still to see if there was a frost but it was not forecast. Looks like another dark day. I do hate those days when lights are needed indoors most of the day.

A relief that the banging was innocent then Vera (but not as exciting as skipping would be).

Meeting today here, tea and mince pies instead of biscuits otherwise just as normal. seems like there will be nine of us to seat. Just the kitchen to tidy and chairs to arrange.


SuffolkVera Report 11 Dec 2024 21:26

The thumping about was quite innocent. OH had got out the box with a Christmas tree and found a second smaller prelit one in the same box so was setting them up (noisily). I had forgotten the small one but I remember at one time having it on a little round table in the hall so we might put it there again.


Annx Report 11 Dec 2024 19:36

Oh Vera I didn't see your post till after I'd posted mine and it did make me laugh about your OH's cousin's Xmas card. Bless him, it was so kind and well meant by him but it was so amusing too! You got a lot done today as AnnG has said so be careful not to overdo things and set your back off. Mine's a bit twangy, but it's because I've saved OH doing some bending down things! I hope your OH wasn't moving furniture??

It's good your eyes cleared Mel and yes, tell us what the surpise meal was later. As long as it is nice it will be good not to have to get it yourself and be able to have a chat.


AnninGlos Report 11 Dec 2024 18:13

Yes Ann more or less under control now. Just the lounge floors to do in the morning.

Vera for somebody who was tired after only three hours sleep you got a lot done
Thinking of the bumps you could hear I had a mental vision of your OH weilding a skipping rope for some reason.

Pleased the eye dazzles went Mel. Enjoy your meal and chat.