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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Dec 2024 09:57

We now have high wind and lsashing hailstones pounding the windows.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Dec 2024 09:38

Morning all,

A bit brighter here this morning but the winds still blowing and its 7 degrees with a yellow wind warning. How nice when you have to go out and pick green stuff.

Thinking of our Vera and family today and my cousin Brenda, wife of my 2nd cousin Malcomb who I was informed died in May. He was quite close to me as we were together a lot when young him and I both only children. <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 22 Dec 2024 09:08

Ah that is fun. It is snowing :-D


AnninGlos Report 22 Dec 2024 09:03

Good morning all. Foggy here at the moment and cold as well but Inthink the wind has dropped.

<3 <3 <3 Vera


SuffolkVera Report 22 Dec 2024 08:45

Thank you everyone

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Dec 2024 23:56

So sad to hear your news and am sending you all my condolences and love too. You are all in my prayers.<3


AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2024 21:30

So sad for your daughter and for you and your OH too Vera.. my condolences and love to you all. Come back when you are ready. <3


Annx Report 21 Dec 2024 20:29

Oh that's so sad Vera, your poor daughter. My thoughts will be with your family. Love from me too. <3


MillymollyAmanda Report 21 Dec 2024 18:05

Oh Vera I'm so sorry my condolences to you all sending you lots of love <3


SuffolkVera Report 21 Dec 2024 17:49

I don’t know whether I will be posting for a few days. It’s with great sorrow that I have to tell you our daughter’s partner died peacefully in the hospice this afternoon. He was 54. RIP dear S.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Dec 2024 17:00

Hope you enjoy your evening with nibbles Vera and you have some good chatter, I'm sure you will.

I went out in the shed after corning the chickens and when I had had some lunch and BIL had gone and started back on the arrangment I was doing. I had wired all the 5 lots of holly berries and then had to attach them to some holly. I had picked very prickerly holly and on wiring them to the berries and a bit of varigated hollky I got sticky fingers again. I had to come in as I was bleeding over both hands from the holly prickles. I have a very sore left thumbjust above the creaseand pin pricks on other fingers andon my right hand I have prickled the finger I hurt last week and the one next to it. I know I should have worn gloves but its so difficult to wire thing right with gloves on. I don't always use the really prickly holly but boy has it spines this year.

Went down the shop for my paper and a couple of bits. I bought some of their nice granary bread as one of my subs this week was a Kingsmill wholemeal and its just like eating cardboard. It dos'nt make my mouth water to get it down either. The Warburtons is nice and soft and tasty and has no added sugar. Anyway They had sold one of the smaller arrangments so I was pleased about that. I shall finish this one and maybe do a small one and if they don't sell I can put them on mums and oh's graves or take them with me when I go to dinner with Kate and BIL. Still have to do a posy for mums grave though. I took her flowerpot posy off her grave inthe summer and threw it in the back foot well of the car where it stayed till the other day. There were four bit of my yellowish tree I use a lot of still in it as fresh as a daisy. I did wonder if it had rooted which would have been nice as the parent plant oh took the top out of and clipped it flat on the top it is now soooooo very wide and really needs to come out.

Time for a cuppa I think and a cake.


SuffolkVera Report 21 Dec 2024 16:37

It sounds a lovely place Ann even with its bittersweet memories. Fingers crossed that your cough will have disappeared by Christmas Day.

I hope your chest infection clears up quickly Mandy. Just don't overdo it, you need to conserve your energy a bit till you are properly better. I have made a note to look for that apricot cheesecake recipe after Chistmas. It's ages since I made it and it was an old recipe then but I am sure I will have it somewhere amongst all my recipe folders and files.

Annx, I am sure my OH and yours share some genes. Mine never knows where he has put anything either. Yesterday was an example when I was asked where he would have put the outside lights he was looking at a few days earlier. After looking in all the obvious places I had a think about where they were when I saw them last and remembered seeing them on top of a floor unit in the lounge. Once I remembered that, it didn't take much working out. That day we had an unexpected phone call to tell us visitors were coming in half an hour so I asked OH to clear up some of the rubbish lying around. He had shoved the lights straight in the deep drawer under the surface where they had been sitting. Men!!

Someone asked about our Secret Santa gifts at a club party last Monday. Years ago when we had a bigger membership with more men they took a man type gift, females took something for a lady and we marked which gender they were for. That seems to have gone by the board so anyone might get anything. OH got a parcel with a strange selection - a box of biscuits, a shopping bag that folds into a little square and an "Emergency Christmas Jumper Kit". This contained bobbles, motifs, glittery things and a string of lights to attach to any jumper, so that was a bit of fun. I got a large scented candle in a very nice green glass bowl. I've already got a drawer full of scented candles but I do like the attractive glass bowl.

Time to get on with some more jobs I think. We are invited, with the rest of the Close, to our next door neighbour for nibbles and drinks at 7 pm. Neither of us feel much like it but feel we should make the effort as I know there are at least a couple of people not going. Hopefully we will be able to get away without staying too long.


AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2024 15:35

I knew I had heard of bronco stop somewhere but forgot it was the linctus not the sweets. Would have been cheaper. Actually the cough is not too bad now (and I have not taken any medicine. I have to wait a bit longer since lunch to take it.

Mandy we are staying in accommodation called Sawrey Knotts at Far Sawrey. You can google it. It is a large old place, once a hotel, and in the early 19century the home of a Captain. In about 2010 our daughter and her husband bought one of the apartments it had two bedrooms and was called the writing room, bought as a holiday let. In about 2013 they decided to move in permanently and had it altered taking over the basement and making that a large bedroom with en suite. In 2014 sadly her OH died on 27 December from cancer. During the time of letting and of living here OH and I stayed here many times. Including the Christmas Jon died. The apartment they had was the one directly below this one. Which is called The Morning room. We also (the 3 of us) stayed in this one the first New Year after my O H died so we know the area very well.

We are staying here this year to commemorate the 10th anniversary of my late son In law’s death. A sad occasion with many laughs about the past. I should add T and I were staying in the basement bedroom the year Jon died and on the 24th December it was really torrential rain and it flooded so all over Christmas my OH was using a vax to soak up the water in the fitted carpet. It was a problem with the drainage. Daughter moved out in 2015 as it was too isolated for her so she sold it and bought other property.

No worries about flooding here as we are on the first floor.


MillymollyAmanda Report 21 Dec 2024 14:03

Afternoon all,

Raining when we got up but we had a glimpse of the sun late morning but it's raining here now and the wind seems to have got up.
Had a good wrapping session this morning, just two to do and then we're done .
Jake was going to get my meat order on Monday but I asked if he could get it for Sunday as I would like to cook the gammon on Monday and then the turkey crown on Tuesday, son is going to cook the beef which will ease it for me a bit .
I use to make desserts for Christmas but I now cheat and buy them ,I do make a nice trifle and the Christmas puds .

Yes Ann I think the antibiotics are now beginning to work ,they are the ones you said doxy something so I hope when I've finished the course I'll feel much better ,does take it out of you these chest infections.

Anng I haven't had the bronco stop ,I had Covonia which is vile tasting but if it helps I put up with it .
Must be a lovely view you have of the lakes is this somewhere you've stayed before

Mel you sound busy today ,what a shame the shop didn't say the lady wasn't making any wreaths ,you'd have thought he would have mentioned that when you go in to shop as you used to make them for the shop didn't you.

Vera those cheesecakes sound lovely especially the apricot one wouldn't mind the recipe for that sometime ,not now as there's lots to do but perhaps after Christmas when you have time .

Did you get the 8p veg Gwyn very handy for making soup ,I usually buy extra store it in the shed and it keeps for ages although the sprouts don't but the rest does .


SuffolkVera Report 21 Dec 2024 13:45

Ann, I think I might have mentioned Broncho Stop lozenges which are herbal and taste of thyme. I've found them very good for stopping a coughing fit, but I've never had their cough mixture. I hope your cough eases up soon.

Busy at the moment. Might bbl


AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2024 13:25

Well it did clear out and the lake is clear in the distance now. The sun is shining and the clouds are scudding across a pale blue sky in the extremely gusty wind. We have been to Hawkeshead and, as usual spent money in the Relish shop and the Regatta shop. A light fleece jacket and a light weight striped top in the latter, and jam and slow cooker sauce in the relish shop.

Visited the chemist for cough medicine, not sure about the one I bought but did somebody on here say they had broncho stop? Just trying to work out when to take it. All sorts of instructions like not to take an hour and a half before or after food. And take 4 times a day.


Annx Report 21 Dec 2024 12:07

Morning All,

It's bright sunshine here now but was quite breezy when I went to the shop with OH. He was up late and I wanted to be there early, but was then chivvying me along and I forgot my little shopping list. The roads seemed busy with people heading towards the retail park so I was glad we weren't going there.

I still need a few more bits I can get on Monday. I thought I must have forgotten to get a gammon joint, but found one in the freezer where OH put it away for me. I keep like things in the drawers together and put the Christmas food close together but OH just stuffs things any old where in there and had put the gammon away from the meat and Christmas food and underneath boxes of other things. :-S The trouble is if you ask him where he's put something he hasn't a clue. I've even known him to ask me where he's put things in the garage or bungalow, as if I would know! :-D

It's a shame it is so wet again for you AnnG and you can't see the nice view of the lake, but at least it's good you are feeling well enough to go out and potter round some shops. Having a good night's sleep helps too.

I'm not surprised you had a lie in after yesterday Mel and it sounds like you have another busy day today. Just keep that cut wrapped up to do your arrangement.

I wonder whether Mandy is starting to feel a bit better yet after starting the antibiotics. I hope so.

OH is off to footie in the sunshine soon and there still isn't much breeze here either YET. He's left me some of his financial stuff to sort for him and I want to have a tidy up in here too.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Dec 2024 10:11

Morning all.

Another windy wet miserable grey day here. Its so very dark I nearly need the light on.

Had a lie in after yesterdays hectic day. I have a couple of presents to do up and I want to make another one at least flower arrangment AND BIL is coming which may not let me get on and do the things I need to do.

Shame you can't see the lake Anng but perhaps it will clear a bit later. Glad the colds gone now you just need to get rid of the cough which would be nice in time for Christmas.


AnninGlos Report 21 Dec 2024 08:55

Good morning all. Heavy rain and fog here now, that is always sad as we can’t see the lake. Hopefully it will clear. Just going to Hawkeshead today but really need the rain to ease off a bit.
Cold has gone to a cough now. I don’t usually have a problem with coughs so hope this is the same.
I slept for eight hours last night with only one loo break.


Annx Report 20 Dec 2024 20:04

Evening All,

Dull and wet here again with gusty wind. I don't think tomorrow qill be any better either.

Vera I love the sound of your apricot cheesecake and often go for a lemon option if I buy one. I did used to make them and lemon meringue pies, but haven't for a long time now. I think mum and dad used to grow January King too but I can't remember there being Savoy cabbages in the garden. Our farm shop has both which is good. I hope your back recovers again soon. I used to get backache with ironing till OH started to do most of it. My back plays up if I start bending in the garden, but OH can't step in the bath to have a shower without wincing or get iin and out of his car easily. He is prone to getting sciatica, but he says this is higher up.

You got cracking doing the table decorations Mel, but it's disappointing the shop didn't let you know the other lady wasn't doing any. It sounds like you've had a busy day and spend up and sooner you than me driving in the dark. You'll have to make it a morning trip another time. It sounds like you will have a nice time and get together for dinner on Christmas Eve.

I hope you've had a nice rest today Mandy and that Coilin has been acting as your waiter! It's horrid when your energy goes like that and must admit my get up and go has gone, but not as draining or bad as you sound. I hadn't read about the new knitting prog so will look out for it next year. I don't watch her regularly but I do like Mary Berry and the kind of cooking she does. I've used those tins of lentils during the pandemic and added them to lamb mince and they would help thicken a soup I would think.

Some of your weather today sounded grim AnnG but at least it brightened a little later. I suspect it may be similar this way tomorrow. OH won't be surprised if the match is off. I hope you are feeling and getting better now.

I had 7 subs with the food delivery today! They thought Latte sachets would be a suitable sub for dried skimmed milk and Sherry for OH's Green Ginger wine which he decided to keep, salted peanuts instead of the dry roast ones I wanted, Smoked fishcakes, when we never eat smoked foods but we kept the milk swap and veg.

Early start to pop to the shop tomorrow as we expect it will be busy.