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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Annx Report 24 Dec 2024 10:59

Well I can't believe it! I was convinced I had a tin big enough for the Turkey crowns we have now and thought I'd used last year, but I think I must have imagined it! So plan b is to use the huge and extremely heavy big tin that came with the cooker for spit roasting and which slides in on the sides and fills the whole width of the cooker. I've never used it before, so it was squirrelled away and is covered in dust!! It's in the dishwasher now on a hot wash. I've warned OH it will take two of us to lift it out of the oven with the Turkey in it, so we'll have to mind our backs and that the Turkey doesn't end up on the floor!!


Annx Report 24 Dec 2024 10:03

Morning All,

Another dull but at least a dry morning.

That's good your daughter has support around her to help Vera. OH and I would each have to cope on our own. As soon as your daughter has the death certificate things can start to be organised and I can understand her wanting to be at home for Christmas where it's familiar and it will help for her to have company. Her daughter did well to tackle that 8 hour drive and it was kind of her son to get a stock of easy cook meals in. I think your OH is sensible to drive back in daylight. It's not pleasant driving on busy roads that are unlit in the dark now being blinded with those dazzling headlights on newer cars. Everyone seems to drive at the maximum speed limit too.

We were at the farm shop to pick up the Turkey at 7.50am and there was already a small queue waiting outside. All the new houses that have been built will mean more demand I suppose. Luckily they weren't all picking up meat, so I was second to be served! Then to the shop where we got a paper and more bits!

OH will do the veg after we have a brunch and I just need to get the Turkey ready and foiled and that's about it and we can relax then. He's been flying round with the hoover this morning.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 24 Dec 2024 08:45

Morning all,

Really miserable out there this morning. WhenI got up and look out the window to the west there was a mist lying about a yard off the ground it looked quite magical. Its 11 degrees and pc is telling me near record temps today.

Sounds like your getting well organised with lots of help from the family Vera. You'll all be together for oneof the hardest parts. Sending love and wishes. <3 <3

Must get on as I must get ready.


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2024 21:13

Pleased that your daughter is coping with the help of daughter and son Vera And you and she have Christmas under control. Hopefully the medical examiner will sign off for the death certificate fairly quickly as she will be wanting to get things sorted. Take care driving to your daughter and back again.wise to stick to daytime driving now.


SuffolkVera Report 23 Dec 2024 20:30

Thank you all for your messages of love and support which are much appreciated. My daughter is coping well in dealing with everything but now she is waiting on a call from the medical examiner before she can register the death and I doubt if he will call till after Christmas. Her daughter tackled an 8 hour drive and arrived at her mum's on Friday evening and is staying for a few days. Her son drove from Yorkshire after work on Friday. He had to go back last night but on Saturday took himself off to the shops and stocked his mum up with quick cook foods.

Daughter wants to have Christmas at her house so we are going there. Her partner's mother, who lives nearby will join us for dinner that day. We will stay overnight. OH has just decided that the time has come for him to give up driving after dark so we'll come home in daylight on Boxing Day.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 23 Dec 2024 20:02

Just done my pigs in blankets in the air fryer. Only took 10 mins. They said on the telly 6 mins but mine were'nt done enough so I upped the temp and gave them a few more mins. I am taking some to Kate's tomorrow and some to BILs on Christmas day.


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2024 16:52

I always have mixed feelings when we go to the museum cafe for coffee. The museum is right next to the time shares where we had a week in June for thirty years and a week in February for about six years. There is a river that runs through the time share (The Leven) and we would sit on our balcony looking out over the river. Sitting in the cafe looking out at the tuver brings back happy memories but it is hard. Driving there this morning through the forest there was a beautiful cock pheasant I a field standing watching us.


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2024 16:05

Yes full of energy as is Senua but Inara was not well before we came away so we won’t see her until they join us for lunch on the anniversary of daughters late OHs death. I am sure they are causing mayhem for the parents thus week they are both very excitable. It will seem strange not seeing them opening some of their presents.


Annx Report 23 Dec 2024 14:48

Afternoon All,

We were up just after 7.00am to shower and go to Sainsbury's for a few last bits before we had the coffee and bacon buttie offer at Costas on the retail park for when they opened at 9.00am. We were at Sainsbury's by 8.00am and it was already packed to the gills in the carpark so we drove straight out! Plan b we went to the big Co-op on the main road which was as quiet as normal and we got our few bits and made it back to Costa and parked easily as there are no food shops in that area of the retail park. Tomorrow will be an early start to pick up the Turkey Crown and other meat and no doubt more bits we see and that's it!

Mandy I didn't know you could get rolled Turkey Crowns, but it's a good idea as I imagine they would take less room up in the oven. I'm glad the tablets are working now. My doctor's always try and fob me off saying they won't help as it's a virus, but my wise old doctor, (now retired) would say wait 10 days and if it's no better would give me antibiotics which always worked. He said that although a virus causes it, after a while bacteria can set in as well which do need antibiotics. I see Jake has been putting the hours in, but I expect he will be pleased to get some extra pay. It's handy having him work at the butchers and I bet he sorts you some good cuts of meat.

That's good you have more things for the postie now Mel. The things you make seem to sell really well. I have visions of all the doll's houses having well stocked dining tables! :-D I seem to remember Jane putting conkers on windowsills to get rid of spiders.

I watch the roast potatoes I have for the same reason as you AnnG. I love them as well and roast parsnips which are just as bad! I expect Inara is very excited now. Is she still full of energy?


MillymollyAmanda Report 23 Dec 2024 13:53

Afternoon all,

Very overcast and grey today ,very chilly too.
Went out and took a few cards but we went in the car and just put them through the letter box ,called at sisters and gave them their presents and picked ours up then home for a nice cuppa to warm us up.
I have the gammon cooking in the oven half an hour more then I can glaze it ,while the ovens hot I'll make a few sausage rolls and get them in the oven.

I am feeling better now Mel I have one more tablet to take to finish the course .
My friend use to put conkers round the house but it didn't really work .

So there's no seeing the snow on the hills today then Anng ,car parks are going to be busy today I saw on fb that our Tesco's is gridlocked , I suppose some people have to leave their shopping till the last minute if moneys tight and they have to wait until pay day .


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2024 12:34

It was dry when we left for Ulverston this morning at 0900. The car park for Booths was pretty full but the shop was not too bad and we picked up the ordered meat and some extra bits and pieces. We didn’t attempt to go in their cafe for coffee but drove on the way bs k here, to the motor museum at Backbarrow where we used to have our time share. We knew they have a good cafe there so we had our coffee and daughter and I shared a scone.
Looking out of the window now the lake and valley have disappeared into the mist.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 23 Dec 2024 09:18

Morning all,

Much brighter here this morning and there a yellow thing in the sky that I don't know what it is and the winds dropped. Pc is telling me it feels colder 7 degrees but will feel colder today. Thats twice its told me.

I have the last few presents to do up and one to deliver and one to go tomorrow so thats what I am up to today. Still not got my lights up over the lounge doors either as sometimes I don't like to be onthe steps when there's nobody here.

I picked up 18 conkers inthe churchyard yesterday. Sheila our reader had a conker tree planted to commemerate her being ordained and she says that if you put conkers around the house it keeps spiders away. It dos'nt work but I always take her some from her tree if I see them.

Slept right through last night did'nt even get up for the loo in the night and thats the first time for ages.

Hope you all slept well too and that our Mandy feels a lot better today now she's on meds.

Love to Vera and family. <3


AnninGlos Report 23 Dec 2024 07:49

Good morning still dark out there but we have to be up early to drive to Ilverston to pick up Christmas meat.

Yes I do like roadrunner potatoes but these were huge and half the plate was covered with roasted chunks of swede, carrot and parsnip. All of that including potatoes is bad for raising blood sugar which I am trying to keep down. So I chose to leave the large potatoes.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Dec 2024 22:58

Gosh he is a hard worker and I know they value him a great deal. He will look forward to those two days off.I would have eaten all the roasty too Mandy.

Well its taken me a while but I have now sent two more parcels for the posty to collect tomorrow, thats three in all now and two of the small parcels are cheaper than at the van. One lady bought 4 lots over the past week so I sent an invoice and she paid right away.


MillymollyAmanda Report 22 Dec 2024 18:54

Anng what a lovely roast you had ,not sure I would have had room for a pud as I would have eaten all the roasties .
It must be nice to see the snow on Old man Coniston ,got to have snow at Christmas.

Jake came with our meat so thats all stored away there's a 2 and a half kilo piece of gammon which I'm going to cook in the oven and then glaze and a nice 5 kilo boneless rolled turkey crown ,never had a rolled one before its always been on the turkey breast bone ,son took the big piece of beef home for them to cook .
Jake was yawning away he was in work at six thirty yesterday and didn't finish until half eight last night ,he's had several days like that ,just two more days to work and then he has christmas day and boxing day off.


AnninGlos Report 22 Dec 2024 16:25

It was so nicely cooked so tasty, I did leave some, not much though. I said to daughter that I guess not many people my age would eat such a large meal. She left two potatoes that is all. She is eating more now that she has Ben put on insulin.

Well done on giving posture another chance. Worth remembering.

Ann I wouldn’t want to be on top of Coniston now, probably looks pretty but there is a very strong and gusty wind blowing.
Yes ten years ago, T and I drove out around the south lakes on Boxing Day an there was snow on all the hills. Yes so many memories in this area for both daughter and I.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Dec 2024 16:25

Just getting dark here now and I have been up the churchyard and put mums and OH's flowers on their graves. Had a little look in the church and none of the candles have been lit on the advent ring as the last service was canceled because of the wind so I expect they will light all the candles on Christmas day.

I am just about to make myself something to eat now as not had anything yet.

Will send pics of the flowers later as I have downloaded them so just have to send them. :-D


Annx Report 22 Dec 2024 16:04

That's good you tried the parcel collection service Mel. It saves you money on the postage, the time and the fuel. It's good your fingers have survived you finishing your table dec and posies or will you make more?

I bet it's cold on top of Old Man Coniston AnnG. Brrrr. It must have stirred memories seeing the snow there. Your lunch sounds lovely, but too much for me as well and I don't think I could have tackled a pud as well. You want want much else to eat today.


AnninGlos Report 22 Dec 2024 14:56

The snow didn’t lay here but looking out of the window we can see Old man Coniston which is covered in snow. So that looks Christmassy. It was the same ten years ago with snow on the surrounding hill and mountain tops. The sun is shining now.

Just been down to the local pub for a huge roast. Daughter and I both had lamb shank. Loads of veg, potatoes, roast, carrot, swede and parsnip and cauliflower and broccoli in a sauce plus large yorkshires. The potatoes were large roasties, three of the. I had to leave one. I did manage most of the roast and the. Daughter and I shared sticky toffee pudding.

Can’t move now. This was my treat. It was not cheap but well worth the money. Son in law is not keen on roasts so he had fish and chips.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Dec 2024 14:56

Just sent another parcel with a collection and the posty bringing a label.

Arn't I a clever girl and for a samll parcel 2nd signed it is cheaper than the post van. :-D