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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Annx Report 27 Dec 2024 18:37

Afternoon All,

OH had a bad night with his neck aching last night and I took 0ver 2 hours to drop off. So we had tea in bed this morning and got up at midday! I froze enough of the turkey for three meals yesterday, so we had lemon sole with mash, peas, and swede and carrot mash with hollandaise sauce for lunch and OH wants turkey with pork pie and gammon tonight. There won't be too much left then.

Late birthday greetings Gwyn and I hope you had a nice day.

I had a letter today from an old school friend whose husband passed away just before last Christmas. We don't have much contact these days, but she said she has only just come out of hospital, having had pnuemonia! She lives in what is now a busy part of the city with heavy traffic and is thinking of selling her house and downsizing to live near the field she owns and where she keeps her remaining two ponies. Having spent time with her ponies daily there for years she has friends in the area so it seems a good idea.

Ah so Range Rover have tried with a step AnnG, even if it isn't ideal for everyone. Our caravan had one years ago and all the horsedrawn coaches had them years ago. You are having a foggy/misty time, but it's spread down here now as OH said the pitch was misty at the match he was at yesterday and it's been misty all day here today.

Vera, what a journey for your daughter to register the death and having to make an appointment nowadays. MIL died in hospital over a Bank Holiday and we had to wait several days to get a certificate. The hospital didn't register her death, but I think things were likely different during covid. Something certainly needs doing as it isn't fair that the newly bereaved have to make long journeys to areas they likely aren't familiar with.

That was kind taking some meat to the neighbour on his own Mandy. I bet he enjoys them!


AnninGlos Report 27 Dec 2024 18:05

Mel at his funeral whiskey wa poured onto his coffin. At 8pm every 27th December a whisky toast is drunk to him. Yes the roses did look bright, all over the woodland site there were splashes of brightly coloured flowers. It is a very peaceful place.

We have cold gammon to eat tonight, we had it cooked last night, it was lovely. I doubt I will want much as I a m still full from lunch.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 27 Dec 2024 17:59

That was a nice thought to sprinkle his favorite drink on the grave. I bet the roses looked lovely and bright in the dimness of the day.

Had a lazy day here too. The postman came with a parcel and thats all the human company I have seen.

I cooked the gammon this afternoon and am going to have it with mustard mash and broccoli, may even do a little cheese sauce.


AnninGlos Report 27 Dec 2024 16:27

It has been foggy all day up here. We left to go south to Burton in Kendal to the woodland burial place at Dalton we got there in Ma out an hour and a half. It is Mosley winding and badly surfaced road. Grandson got there at 1,20. It was dry although Misty but a bit soggy where the leaves had fallen. It took a bit to find the grave as the little name slabs were covered in leaves luckily daughter and grandson knew more ir less where it was. Grandson had given us each a fed rise to lay on the grave, even our little three tear old put one down grandson the sprinkled the grave with Jon’s favourite drink (whiskey). We stayed quietly for about ten minutes and then left as it was getting too cold. Went to a hotel down the road for a very nice lunch fish and chips and shared lemon drizzle cheese cake and raspberry sorbet. Got home about 4pm.

Next job was to pack as leaving here tomorrow.


MillymollyAmanda Report 27 Dec 2024 14:11

Afternoon all,

Firstly belated birthday wishes to Gwyn for yesterday ,hope you had a lovely birthday .

Very foggy here again it didn't clear at all yesterday and I don't think it will today .

It sounds like everyone had a nice Christmas, we had two lovely days with the family but gosh it does tire us out I think its all the chatting.
Turkey was lovely and there's so much left ,I cut some off with some gammon and gave some to a neighbour across the road ,he lives on his own and he was so pleased I don't think he cooks much for himself.
We all said it was the best turkey we've had ,the beef and gammon were very good too.

We had some nice pressies chocolates ,books jigsaws ,I had some hand creams and lots of other bits and pieces .

We're just having a lazy day with not a lot of cooking lots of veggies were left over which we'll have a nice bubble and squeak with pickles and turkey tonight .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 27 Dec 2024 10:33

Morning all,

I decided to have a lie in this morning so did'nt rise till 10.10am. Still foggy here so I think we are in for another very dull day. Not doing anything today just staying in and will probably do some cooking. I did dinner in the airfryer again yesterday. It was lattice chips again and a steak slice but I was'nt too sure about the timing for that so it had to have three lots till it looked cooked properly. It was nice though and I bought them from Lidl.

Vera you'll have to draw a picture f what you want in future or at least write it down.

Hope you all slept well last night and are ready fr another day


AnninGlos Report 27 Dec 2024 09:04

Good morning all another thick fog start to the day. Hoping the fog will lift a bit as we are travelling about an hour south to visit the Woodland site where late son in law is buried. Then out to lunch with Grandson and family.

Vera another chuckle from your lovely OH I am sure he was really proud of himself for remembering ears. Be thankful you didn’t get ear muffs. I am sure the earring are pretty though.
I am pleased that the family got through Christmas But how awful that people are expected to travel so far to register a death. With T is was different, as he died in hospital I didn’t have to register his death, they did. Maybe it is time to extend the five days to seven which would open up more appointments.

Ann son’s Range Rover has a small half step above the main step which helps a bit if you are slightly agile but it is still a bit of a leap.


SuffolkVera Report 26 Dec 2024 21:28

It sounds as though everyone has had lots of good food and nice presents. I hope you have all had a very enjoyable time. Our Christmas was very pleasant. As you can imagine it was a bit quieter than normal and there were a few tears but also plenty of chat and laughter.

OH was running true to form. I seem to remember telling you that I had requested some bluetooth ear pods but that I wouldn't be surprised if he just remembered the ear bit and would buy earrings. How well I know him!! He knew that my pearl ear studs had fallen to bits and he was supposed to be buying me something to do with ears so I got a new pair of pearl studs. As someone else also bought me some pearl studs I now have a weekday and a Sunday pair :-) I also had a cardi, a beautiful set of hand care products and chocs. I know there are a couple of presents to come from people we haven't seen yet this Christmas. Oh, we also had a tree decoration from little great-granddaughter. I don't know if it was made at home or at nursery but it is a white plaster (I think) heart shape with her handprint on it in brown paint and then someone has painted some black antlers and a red nose on it, to make it look like Rudolph the reindeer.

Daughter now has the necessary paperwork to register the death. These days you have to have an appointment and you have to register the death within 5 days. There wasn't a single appointment available reasonably locally and she has been given one a good hour's drive away tomorrow.. She asked what they would do if she had been unable to drive and was told that, because of the time limit, they would have to cancel someone with a local appointment to register a birth and slot her in. It seems to me that the government needs to change the system or train and employ more registrars.

Gwyn, I wasn't able to post earlier to say Happy Birthday but I hope you have had a lovely day.

I am very tired now as I had hardly any sleep last night. OH was snoring and snorting and snuffling all night long and was fidgety because he was too hot. He kept throwing the bedclothes off himself and all over me. I ended up reading for a good part of the night and I was first up this morning as it seemed pointless to lay there any longer. I am quite pleased I am back in my own room tonight. Fingers crossed we all sleep well and wake up bright as a button tomorrow.


Annx Report 26 Dec 2024 14:20

Afternoon All,

Still misty and quite gloomy here. OH has gone to a match, but was going to an earlier one as well, but he had one of his headaches in the night that lasted two hours despite taking tablets so we weren't up early enough. So he had bacon, eggs, baked beans and toast with me instead. I've skipped going to the Boxing Day sale at Boundary Mill up the M1. It was a bit disappointing last time I went and it is over 40 miles awayseems to have gone even more upmarket with prices to match since the pandemic

It sounds like you have a full house with the family today Mandy so Max will be pleased with all the fuss he'll get and the young ones will be full of what Santa brought them for Christmas. :-D

AnnG I think these tall motors need a slide out step or an abseiling kit for us smaller people!! They put so many safety features on cars but no thought for everyone getting in and out of them safely. It sounds like you had a nice little walk to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. It doesn' seem the greatest day for a round the islands tripp for those trippers in their coats but it should blow away the cobwebs.

It sounds like you had another good outing and meal Mel. Some welcome and useful surprise presents too. Does BIL live near the beach?

I saved a job cleaning that big, heavy enamelled tin the turkey was cooked in. I've never had an occasion to spit roast anything since 2008 when we had the cooker, so I found a big used thick polythene delivery bag to seal it up in and it's going to the tip!! It's far wider than the kitchen sink so would have to have been cleaned in the bath and done our backs in bending over doing it. :-S

I've got my Santa Claus jigsaw out I never got round to doing last year to start now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 26 Dec 2024 14:00

No I did'nt stay over night BIL brought me home about 4.30pm to 5 pm.

Still got two pressies to open yet!!

Just had some toast and I am going to go and clean the girls out.


AnninGlos Report 26 Dec 2024 12:59

Sounds a good day Mel with everyone having some nice presents. And good food. Did you stay there overnight or did BiL take you home.

It is still foggy here but we drove down to the lake (Windermere) and parked out along the little road to Wray castle
We then walked until we had had enough, stopping to take photos and just look across to Bowness. Saw one launch that was full of trippers all huddled into their coats. We suspect it was a round the islands trip. Luckily although Misty away from the lake, the lake itself was clear. There was just one yacht under motor going down the lake to Ambleside.
It was a walk possibly three quarters of a mile but was good to get out into the air.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 26 Dec 2024 10:55

Morning all foggy here to and the boxing day shoot must have started as I just heard a lot of guns go off.

Had a lovely day yesterday at BIL's. I did a long post and lost the lot. Gave up as you can see.

BIL cooked the dinner we had tukey breast, carrots, sprouts, cauli, parsnips roasted and boiled same with the potatoes, broccoli, cheese sauce and yorkshires. I was stuffed to the gills. Even though he bought me my garden hoover/blower They bought me another little greenhouse and three boxes of my favorite cherry liquers and a magnifying glass that goes round my neck. I was'nt expecting any presents so that was a nice surprise. I gave SIL thorntons mint selection cos she oves mints and she had never seen those before and was delighted and a fleece throw with fir trees on it and a glass to match. BIL had one of those hoses that expends when you turn it on like I bought for the big pond when I do the filter. BIL rhought it was great so I got a similer one for him and a torch that expands and you can bend the end over and it has a magnet on it to pick up dropped nuts and bolts and it also had 4 extra tiny round batteries with it. Good company and great laughs all round. It was very gloomy yesterday so we did'nt go to the beach.


AnninGlos Report 26 Dec 2024 10:19

Good morning all very foggy here too but it has been like that off and on all week. Hopefully it will lift later. Nice for it not to be so cold but constant fog is very depressing.


MillymollyAmanda Report 26 Dec 2024 10:13

Morning all,

Very foggy here this morning seems to have come down since we got up about eight.
Hope everyone had a good day yesterday, must get on as family will be here soon .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Dec 2024 18:38


Lost the lot giving up.


AnninGlos Report 25 Dec 2024 15:33

:-D it is most ungainly getting into sons Range Rover I have to launch myself up into the front seat.

We will eat at 7 pm so just had cheese and biscuits etc for lunch.


Annx Report 25 Dec 2024 14:20

Afternoon All,

Dull here too and strangely quieter than usual with no car movements. We were up to put the turkey on just before you AnnG, but didn't get up till after 10.00am as we were so tired. We managed our planned manouvres with the big tin without hurting or burning ourselves and the turkey was one of the best we've had according to OH. As usual no room for any pud so we are both relaxing till the King's Speech now when OH has finished washing up what's left that doesn't go in the dishwasher. I may watch Terry later as he's playing from his lounge today then watch tv together. OH will have his nose in some of his new books!

Mel I hope you have room for another large meal today! It sounds like you had a good time yesterday and those high vehicles are hard for us little uns to get into. Remember the friend who took me to see her ponies in the snow and me hanging onto the seat and dashboard to climb in and then slithering to the ground hanging on to get out again. Hers was only a small 4x4 as well.


AnninGlos Report 25 Dec 2024 09:40

Sounds like you had a really lovely time Mel. Meal sounds delicious.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Dec 2024 09:02

<3 <3 <3 MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL <3 <3 <3

Has he been?

Dull and dreary here and 9 degrees. Hope you all have a lovely day with lots of pressies.

Get well wishes to SIL Anng. Hope he's not too bad on Christmas day.

BIL coming about 11 and I must get on as I promised pigs in blankets and did'nt get them done yesterday.

It was quite a walk in the pitch black last night to Kate's and Stu had a torch but it was not too good.We went in the BMW and I had a job to climb up in it as it was so high. Then the walk to Kate's and them two lots of steps up to the house. It was a lovely dinner and well worth the walk and climb. The turkey was so moist and delish, there was roast pots, squash, carrots, broccoli, leeks sprouts and stuffing and pigs in blankets and I took some too. They all got eaten. Lots of laughter and we could'nt start dinner till we had pulled the crackers.


AnninGlos Report 25 Dec 2024 08:27

Good morning all I am the only one up so far SiL has the cold now and he is always latest up anyway so hristmas day has not started here yet