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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jan 2025 09:15

Morning all,

Looks as though it may be another nice day today. Its 6 degrees but pc says it feels like -1. It quite bright but not as nice as yesterday as there are grey clouds to the north today.

Just adjusted my Asda order and thiungs keep going up at a fast rate. Butter was £2 for ages now it £2.40 so what the excuse now I wonder? They've blamed it on the war, they blamed it on the price of deisel and petrol going up, so whats the excuse now?


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jan 2025 08:45

Morning all,

No frost here this morning we have sunshine again but it's still quite cold ,we should get to 5 or 6 degrees today .

Oh thank you Vera you shouldn't have gone out in the cold to post it anytime would have done but its very kind of you.


SuffolkVera Report 13 Jan 2025 08:32

Good morning all
Not nearly so frosty this morning, no fog and it’s 0 degrees. It’s supposed to reach 5 degrees this afternoon. We haven’t seen the temperature that high for a few days. I haven’t got any plans today, just boring washing and h/w.

Mandy I have posted that recipe to you.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Jan 2025 20:49

I sleep with a wheat bag between my knees and that help sometimes I use a pillow but I only lay on my right side all night, have done for years now. I must admit my toes have been acheing badly lately.

It was a paving slab I had to lift to put some gravely stuff underneath but the chickens thought it was a great thing as they spied worms and they kept getting in the way. They are all tucked up tonight in a nice clean house with plenty of woodshavings on the floor. They've been walking around with platform soles on lately with all the mud in the run.


MillymollyAmanda Report 12 Jan 2025 17:58

That's a long time to have to wait for test results Gwyn ,our doctors only ring if they have any concerns ,they say no need to ring us well ring you .
I have to go in and make an appointment for the yearly check on my kidney disease, blood pressure and diabetes, I might as well go in and make one as I need a urine bottle.

Ann has OH tried laying with a pillow between his knees in bed ,Colin finds it helps his back and hips .


Annx Report 12 Jan 2025 17:17

You've achieved quite a lot today AnnG and got a few jobs off your list. Yes the doctor is treating OH's pains as arthritis so he has to go for physio this week and see if that helps. He does sleep awkwardly though on a mountain of pillows!

We've experienced the same Gwyn where our ssurgery has had results back but a doctor hasn't considered them yet. you would think that would be a priority in case further action was urgent.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Jan 2025 16:01

Lovely sunshine shining here, but it is still very cold.
We went out in the car earlier and pavements and parts of side roads are still white from overnight frost, but where it is south-facing, surfaces are clear and dry.
Still no sign of snow, although places no far away have had some.

When I walked to school this week, at no time did I feel uneasy about the pavements being slippery, but last night's frost seems to have lingered longer. The birdbath was frozen again too.

During the week, I went into town and called in the doctor's surgery to ask about routine annual blood test results. Would you believe, they are still waiting 'for a clinician to comment ' on some of the results?
I couldn't believe that it takes over a month to get results. The test was 5th December.
Our surgery has set themselves up as a hub for the area and when it comes to seasonal vaccinations they are super efficient. For routine appointments and test results it's a different matter :-| Taking on more patients would be OK, as long as present patients don't suffer from lack of staff time.


AnninGlos Report 12 Jan 2025 15:51

Well I have remade my bed, cut up some cards to use on next years cards, written out a resume of the meeting on thursday for those that couldn't be here, put away the Tesco shop and filed some papers that have been sitting on top of the fireproof safe waiting to be filed since before Christmas plus some papers from LV that came a couple of days ago. That doesn't seem a lot but,except for lunch and a coffee break I have been on the go all day so far.

Is the pain in OH's neck arthritis Ann? Or did he sleep awkwardly because of his headache? Good idea not to go out in the cold.


MillymollyAmanda Report 12 Jan 2025 15:49

That was lovely blue sky Mel just like we had but we still have the frost where the sun didn't catch it .
Be careful you don't hurt your back moving the stone if it's a big one .

Yes Ann Lewis loved his bike and son said there's no scratches on it as he's really looking after it ,son could hardly get in the front door the other day as he had brought it into the hall .
Colin has the snooker on but he hasn't any Christmas cake as I didn't make one for us this year ,he has had some shortbread out of the tin though.

Vera the cold on your face can be painful when it's so cold it stings ,thank goodness we don't get the chilblains any more .
I bet the porks smelling good ,we had our roast yesterday and I cooked the veg in with the chicken .

The sky's looking very strange now very grey more like a snow sky .


Annx Report 12 Jan 2025 14:36

Afternoon All,

It's 4 degrees here now, just a bit of frost in the shade but no sunshine. We didn't get the snow that was so close last night and the cars are free of frost and ice now. OH had a bad night with a headache and aches in his neck as well so we were up late.

Thanks for the pics Mel. It looks quite springlike with all that sunshine and the flower arrangements look so bright and colourful.

I've done a wash as well AnnG and we are staying in too. I need to get back to the bathroom catalogue and do some admin and OH is watching footie with a piece of christmas cake and my old fleece scarf round his neck!

It's a good time of year for young Lewis with presents isn't it Mandy. :-) Did he love his bike he had for Christmas? Good idea for your DIL to keep her cold away from you both. I think you've had enough bugs to deal with lately. That's handy if son can pick up a sack of potatoes for you too.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Jan 2025 14:34

Still sunny but theres clouds in the sky now. Done the girls just going to sort out a stone outside their run where a rat dug under it. Every time I tread on it it wobbles so I am going to lift it and put some gravely stuff under it.


SuffolkVera Report 12 Jan 2025 13:43

Thanks for the pictures Mel. The flowers are lovely and that sky is such a bright blue. The fog cleared and we did get a bit of sun this morning but it wasn’t out long enough to melt the frost. One app is telling me it’s 2 degrees now and the other says 3 degrees but they both say that’s the top temperature today. I walked down the road to post a couple of letters and wrapped up really well but the cold on my face was bringing on a migraine so I was glad to get home. It eased once I warmed up again.

Better get my pork out of the oven and turn the veg over as we want to eat about 2 pm. Everything is roasting in the oven today; potatoes, carrots, parsnips and wedges of cabbage. It’s smelling good and I’m just enjoying a pre lunch glass of wine :-D


AnninGlos Report 12 Jan 2025 12:59

Ooh going up, 7 now.
thanks for the photos Mel!
Lovely blue sky Mel, lucky you.
Your floral displays are lovely too. I know two went on graves but what did you do with the others. did you manage to sell them?


AnninGlos Report 12 Jan 2025 12:03

6 degrees here now Mel but no sun. :-(

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Jan 2025 11:43

Think I have the best weather today I have wall to wall sunshine and clear blue sky and its 7 degrees. It makes you want to do things. I need to clean the girls out so think I will do that this morning or whats left of it.

I have just taken a pic so will send you some sunshine.


AnninGlos Report 12 Jan 2025 11:05

I think I saw Gwyn on the chit cat thread earlier Mandy, (ah that was yesterday). It is 3 degrees here now, the heating is off indoors and outside is bright but no sun. Not really cold indoors at the moment as it has been.


MillymollyAmanda Report 12 Jan 2025 09:44

Morning all,

Sharp frost again no fog and the suns shining so at least it's bright so much better than those dull dreary days.

Son should pop in with Lewis today so he can have his birthday presents ready for Wednesday it will save us turning out in the dark on Wednesday as he will be at school during the day so it would mean turning out later in the day.
Dil won't come as she has a bit of a cold so thought we don't want to get it .
Son also has a sack of potatoes for us that he got from the farm in the week as its right near the other school he goes to .

Hope Gwyn is OK we haven't heard from her lately.

Hope everyone has kept warm and be careful of the paths if you have to go out today .


SuffolkVera Report 12 Jan 2025 09:06

Morning all

There’s a heavy frost again and still some fog lingering and it’s -4 but, in spite of that, it does seem a bit brighter today. I haven’t got any plans but I expect I’ll find plenty to keep me busy. Roast loin of pork for dinner today.


AnninGlos Report 12 Jan 2025 08:51

Good morning Mel and all. Slept well last night, only up once about 4am then woke at about 630 and lay dozing for an hour. Bedding is in the wash. I don't think there was a frost as all the bushes were still white yesterday evening but it has all gone now and is 2 degrees. feels a bit warmer but the sky looks a bit threatening, could be snow!
Still not going anywhere, may walk down with some books for Irene if I can be bothered. still got lots of small jobs to clear up. they do mount up when left for three weeks.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Jan 2025 08:07

Morning all,

frosty morning here and pc says 4 degrees but feels like 0.

Supposed to have the men coming today to look at what tree I want down so I am up early to get myself ready.

Cars covered in frosty patterns today and although the suns coming up its quite bright out the back and there's a funny glow to the north.