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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Annx Report 21 Jan 2025 14:41

Yes the toilet rolls get smaller don't they or I've noticed a bigger middle put in some instead. My dentist told me I couldn't have implants either for the same reason. I think a lot of people who have them might have trouble with them as they get older as bones change for all of us.

Well I filled my car with fuel, which OH started doing in the pandemic and the screens are different on the pumps now. I must do it myself sometimes in future as things change so fast these days. I packed a carrier bag and put his newspaper in and stuck a label on the bag with his name and where he is and drove to the hospital, found the main entrance and managed to get a drop off spot with 20 minutes time. I saw a nurse walking in and asked her and she said they had volunteers that would help at the reception desk. Brilliant and they were so helpful I felt a bit teary! He's texted since to say he's got everything and will phone me in the morning as they are doing a scan next. If I hadn't managed to hand the bag in Mandy I was going to tell him to ask if they had a charger.

On the way back I posted a parcel that needed returning so that was a job out of the way. I printed the return label and expected to pay, but they just gave me the cert of posting, so my brain might be addled.

I've had 2 poached eggs with toast and a COT and do feel a bit better.

Yes I've not been used to it being so quiet at night since he retired AnnG. I keep checking the doors are locked and that I've switched things off.

I'm going to order one of those power banks now while it's on my mind.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jan 2025 12:43

Iv'e ordered the wrong toilet rolls and they are getting smaller and smaller.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jan 2025 10:39

Morning Anng and all,

Got up to sunshine about 10am !! so put the washing machine on right away. Its very frosty out there and pc says 4 degrees and partly sunny with a 7% risk of rain.

Shopping comes today and I have no subs what a change.

Hope our Ann has heard from her oh again and has managed to eat something and get a bit of sleep. All three things would do her the world of good. Sending (((hug))) and love <3


Annx Report 21 Jan 2025 10:38

Morning All,

It's a bit foggy and damp here and only 3 degrees. I slept a bit more last night but was mostly awake after 3.00am. I managed to get the bin back up the drive after the bin men came at 7.00am, but realised my hands were still shaky, but that's probably still the shock too. Tummy feels a bit better so I'll have something to eat later this morning. OH hasd just phoned and he may be going on a ward today, but they need to get him out of bed and see how he is first. The phone bank is a good idea to have and I meant to get one after Mandy mentioned them to me before, so thank you for the reminder Mel.. I've got a few things together for him including the charger and am going to see if someone can take them to him if I leave them at reception. I can park in a drop off space right outside for a few minutes.


AnninGlos Report 21 Jan 2025 08:21

Good morning all 1 degree here so colder again over night. I was warm in bed though as I covered the duvet with a crocheted blanket. I slept well until 0515 then dosed until 0745.
Ann, hope you managed to sleep a bit if not all night. I am sure your brain was working overtime as you are not used to being alone in the house.

Yes, I keep meaning to buy myself one of those small portable chargers. Useful for power cuts as well. You can get them on Amazon.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Jan 2025 23:39

You can get battery pack chargers for phones I used to use one to charge my cd player. I have two of them one I bought for oh and one he bought for me.

Yes make sure you eat something little and often to keep your blood sugars up as the others have said.

The dentist said he wanted to take the two lower pointy ones out. One is very loose and one not too loose. He spoke about inplants of those two teeth to hold the plate in but said it would be thousands so I declined. I told him I had bone degeneration and the other dentist said I could'nt have inplants because of that. So I am staying the same and when I have tohave them out he will make me new plates.

Hope you all sleep better tonight. <3


MillymollyAmanda Report 20 Jan 2025 21:15

That tummy churn is probably shock Ann ,it's not nice to see your loved one so poorly but he's in the right place and they must be happy with how things are if they say he could be home by the end of the week .
Has he asked if they have a charger on the ward ,they might have one that's been left by someone you never know .


Annx Report 20 Jan 2025 19:37

I know you are all right that keeping my strength up will only help. It's the churning tummy that doesn't help, but I will have some poached eggs on small toast tomorrow as I like those and have a few small snacks through the day as Mandy says to keep blood sugar steady and the mindless tv will help as well. All are good suggestions and as you all say I can come on here to chat or message.

He's been using one of the nurse's landline phones they bring to him up to now as there's no signal for his mobile plus the paramedics left his charger behind and I'd put it with his meds for them. I'm going to see if I can get that to him as he thinks when he can potter around ok he might get a signal near one of the windows. A neighbour who popped over this morning to ask what had happened has a son who works there and he might be able to collect it and take it if he still lives nearby.

What did the dentist decide Mel?


MillymollyAmanda Report 20 Jan 2025 17:57

Ann I was the same when Colin went into hospital I didn't want to eat much but son said you must eat mum you need to be OK when dad comes home so I did ,try and eat little and often that way your helping your sugars.
It's at times like this where mobiles are very handy as you can keep in touch and know how things are going just hearing his voice can buck you up .
I hope things keep going in the right direction and he's soon back home <3
We're all here if you need to chat ,one of us is sure to be looking in .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Jan 2025 17:32

Got back from the dentist about just after 5 and it was still not really dark but the chickens had gone in so thye have gone to bed with no supper. On the way to Torrington they had the road shut off for 4 weeks so I had to go all aruond the lanes to get there and it seemed to take ages.

Went on to Lidl and treated myself to a lamb shank for dinner and some other bits not a great deal.

Must turn the heating on as it is now feeling chilly in here and sort dinner. I did get two nice fresh packs of tenderstream broccoli which I will cook and pop in the freezer as what they sent me from Asda last week stank and was going yellow when it arrived. I did get a refund and the chickens don't seem to mind it but cooking it stinks the house out. Looked fro braising steak and they had every other kind of steak you could think of but not braising or stewing. I see I shall have to go to Morrisons again as I got some there just before Christmas and it was lovely.

Ann do try to eat something I know just what you mean about not wanting to eat by you must keep your strength up. Try something you really like , a bacon butty???? or just egg and bacon will do you the world of good.


AnninGlos Report 20 Jan 2025 17:09

You know what I am going to say. You need to keep your strength up. Choose something light, poached egg or something you enjoy on toast. Try not to worry, watch mindless TV and try and have a good nights sleep.
Come on here in the evening if you need to chat or message me.
Will be thinking of you and G.



Annx Report 20 Jan 2025 17:05

Thank you Mel and all you ladies for your kind wishes which I'll pass on to OH.

He seemed to be quite happy about being kept in a bit longer AnnG. Normally he would be itching to go home as you say, but I think he wants to be reassured everything is ok too.

I don't feel like eating, but better have something now as I had very little yesterday.


AnninGlos Report 20 Jan 2025 16:00

Oh goodness Ann, that was a shock and worry for you, pleased that he got to hospital quickly and the stent will, it seems, have sorted the problem. Pleased to hear that he is on the mend but you will worry until he can be home again with you. Hopefully that won't be too long for him to wait. I guess once he feels better he won't want to stay there too long. But it may be they will want to do some more tests before letting him home. All the best to him and try not to worry too much he is in the right place now. <3

I went in to town early and had a coffee and a cinnamon whirl then had a wander round the shops. I had a M&S gift card from son in law for Christmas and also had two small M&S vouchers to spend sI bought a pair of pull on fairly smart black trousers, high waist, straight legs I got a size up and regular length and they fit well but how they are long enough to be regular fit I don't know as they are just log enough for me. Bought a couple of artist type bits in TK Max for the present drawer but nothing else. Plaice and chips for lunch was very nice and the chat with five of us was good we were there two hours.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Jan 2025 14:04

Love and wishes from me too. <3 <3 <3 <3

Don't forget what I told you ring me any time day or night if you need me.xx

Gentle (((hug))).


SuffolkVera Report 20 Jan 2025 13:47

Oh Ann, I'm so sorry to hear this. It must be such a worry for you but it's good you got help quickly and your OH is beginning to feel better. I hope he is home again very soon. Sending love and best wishes <3


MillymollyAmanda Report 20 Jan 2025 13:08

Oh Ann what a worry for you both ,good to see he's feeling a little better and thank goodness you got the ambulance quickly ,love to you both <3

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 20 Jan 2025 12:51

Oh my goodness Annx.
How awful. :-0

Good to read that he seems much better today and I hope he is soon safely back home.
Thinking of you both <3


Annx Report 20 Jan 2025 12:47

Afternoon All,

I don't need to get OH's eyedrops now. He's been in intensive care since yesterday morning and they will be issuing him with some. I had to phone for an ambulance as he was deteriorating quickly and becoming unresponsive. They took him to intensive care at the heart hospital, but I was told it was very serious. The hospital kept me informed and they x-rayed him and put a stent in one of the heart arteries straightaway. The good news is that it all went well and he has phoned me and had some breakfast this morning and that he will hopefully be discharged later this week. He doesn't want me coming to the hospital because of the flu and covid cases and me having had pneumonia twice. Also I would struggle with all the walking there is.

Just when I could do without it the front door lock is playing up again.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Jan 2025 10:48

7 degrees here now and the suns out but its still bitter out there.

Yes enjoy your outing Anng a bit of retail therapy does you a power of good.

Hi to Mandy I need to get some washing in too but I don't think it will dry outside much.


MillymollyAmanda Report 20 Jan 2025 09:24

Morning all,

Another dull day but no frost ,I see by the end of the week it should get very windy and wet .

Enjoy your lunch out today Anng I expect there will still be sales on you might get a few bargains .

Got some ironing to do this morning and a bit of washing to put in the machine .

Ann hope OH can get his drops ok today .