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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jan 2010 15:44

We/I leave them until 6th or 7th Jan...12th Night. Strange how different families have different traditions.

Glad your son made it home safely, Maz. At the risk of setting RMS and others off into gales of hysterical laughter, how much laying snow do you still have?

Problem child phoned for a lift at 10.30. She and her friends caught the first train from London earlier....stop outs - lol! Beta Male is still supporting his uni friend, but the father is too weak to sign his Will. Not a good NY for that family, but I'm proud of BM for his compassion.


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jan 2010 16:31

they are down but cant be bothered to tidy up but will do before frog gets here tomorrow snow allowng .
at low levels we have 8 inches the dales are cut off it is still snowing ,RMS can laugh lol we cant cope here the roads are at a stand still


YG Report 1 Jan 2010 16:47

It is always the same in the UK regarding snow and the roads. We really are not equipped for it, yet I remember years ago the winters being much harsher and longer than they are now. Snow stayed around for weeks and we coped, although there are obviously many more cars on the roads in modern times.

Our chief exec got caught in the snow we had before Christmas. The office is only a five minute walk from KX, but everything had stopped running and it took her three hours to walk home!!!

Well done to your son, DET. Not the best way to spend the festive season, but I am sure his friend will never forget his support.

My mum always used to say that the decs needed to be down by mdnight on twelth night, 6th December and I always used to leave them till then as it was supposed to bring bad luck if taken down before. Haviing said that, mine are coming down tomorrow or Sunday so that I can call on son to put the tree box back in the loft for me if I find it too heavy.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Jan 2010 17:13

Well I don't know about Maz but we've got about 6 inches of snow here, it's quite deep. OK RMS, stop laughing, it's deep for this country.

We'd hadn't got rid of the snow and ice we had before Christmas, it was still here when it started again a couple of days ago. Don't think it's stopped since.


GRMarilyn Report 1 Jan 2010 17:21

* Happy New Year* ........ Chronicles !!

May you all continue to be Chronicles...and enjoy yourselves in 2010

Marilyn x

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Jan 2010 17:25

Hi Marilyn, Happy New Year to you as well.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jan 2010 17:29

Thanks Marilyn (`•¿•`)

You're welcome to join in when you feel like it.........its not a 'closed shop' lol!

See Aunty Sherlock for botty stamping, or run a mile. You can borrow the knicker elastic powered catapult if you like!


YG Report 1 Jan 2010 18:26

Hi Marilyn!! Happy New Year!!

You are more than welcome here. Just watch out for LG's broomstick!!

We will keep the chronicles going as long as the thread remains standing!!

Pauline, Happy New Year! The snow has started again here and is nicely covering the pavements!! Dread to think what it will be like tomorrow morning and I have an early appointment!!


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jan 2010 19:53

Well good evening all. I see we are all up and raring to go. Slept in a bit did we. Do you actually have snow which stays on the ground. Yick!! The only place in Oz that has snow that stays is a little island called Tasmania and part of the high country in Southern NSW and Victoria. I have seen snow once in my whole life, and was not impressed.

We are in for a cool day today 24C, then for the week we are away back up to 39C. Should be fun staying in a non airconditioned caravan at 39C. Look perhaps you can help. Just shovel some of that snow into a bucket and leave it near the catapult. When I need it I'll let you know and you can fling it over to me.

Glad you enjoyed your breakfast. Was bringing in afternoon tea of lamingtons and pavlova with lots of cream but thought you might all be starting on your 2010 healthy eating diets, so I here are your lettuce leaves for tea.

Greetings Marilyn. Lovely to see your smiling face on this sophisticated, intelligent, topical, inclusive, colourful, intellectual and thought provoking thread. Do you require your own suite in Nut Lodge and are you fond of designer cuisine, eg mole stew, pink custard and mushroom rissotto. Although I don't think Maz has whipped up a vat of pink custard for a while. The last lot was used in the cellar under the throne room for swimming activities.

YG. I have been seriously thinking about training a team of firemen to help with snow removal. Would you like to be the training coordinator?? Most of their fireman skills are wasted in this cold weather (notwithstanding stupid people setting fire to houses with candles etc). I thought we could have a quick response team which could assist with clearing snow away from highways, roads, paths, front door steps, hallways, stairs, entrances to bedroo.........................

OK I've got them this far now what???!!!


GRMarilyn Report 1 Jan 2010 20:06

Aunty Sherlock,

Although I am easily pleased, a suite would be would be on my wish list ,as I am very particular where I sleep and whats more need my privacy .....just a little bit....LOL

Pauline will tell you different ....because she always wants to share with me wherever I go ...

Forget the mole stew, but pink custard I LOVE see I'm easy !!

Oh by the way we have snow .....


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jan 2010 20:21

Keep the snow!!

Just pick which ever room you like and decorate it yourself. It is virtual so whatever you decide will be how it will look. We share the kitchen and the atrium. There is also a throne room for her Maj's throne. We all have our own thrones but well sometimes we share. Well LG shares, we borrow. The kitchen windows need to stay open for flying omelettes. The cyber pet compound is currently unoccupied. RMS has kindly offered to take care of all the cyber pets in Canada for an indefinite time. It's a case of don't call us we'll call you when we are ready to have them back at Nut Lodge. The SS ArsenalArk Royal is missing from the creek below the Lodge. It is moored somewhere up the St Lawrence River. And that's about it.

If you skim back over this thread you will find our flag, our anthem and the name of some obscure soccer team we all pretend to follow. Their colours are puce and beige.


LaGooner Report 1 Jan 2010 20:23

Auntie are you refering to my beloved winning team LOL ??? I am in residence so watch out for low flying rissotto and omelette I am getting in some belated target practice LOL


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jan 2010 20:40

LGeeeeeeee!! Bows low with only a hint of a smirk on the face.

Just about to enquire as your royal personnages well being. You have been absent from this here distinguished thread for a couple of pages.

Is everything OK. Hang on I'll google that "ahem" team and see what sort of mood you are in!!!


AuntySherlock Report 1 Jan 2010 20:46

Yes, I see. Well you must be floating about 6 inches off the ground. How far are you away from the never before reached dizzy heights of top of the ladder.

Didn't notice wonder boy in the list of goal scorers. Did he have a game off for good behaviour.

And put those buckets of red and white paint back in the shed. You can not paint the outside of Nut Lodge. I don't care if you like those colours. No!! We need some dignity and decorum around there. So sit on your throne and eat this red and white lollypop.

By the way update on the ankle biters and the rest of the family?

Whooops!! Nearly forgot. Would someone please show Marilyn where the tap is at the end of the pipe which carries the pink custard into the Nut Lodge kitchen.

Just let her know she does not need to lay underneath the pipe where the custard drips through the little hole. Memo for Sweetpea. Pipe needs fixing. And try tape please and not the arc welder.


YG Report 1 Jan 2010 21:06

Aunty, I have forbidden myself to have anything whatsoever to do with firemen.

I am now into air sea rescue teams lol!! Soooo much more exciting for the new year!

LG!!!!!!! Good to see you, your majesty!! And Aunty was getting excited thinking she was going to take over the throne!!


LaGooner Report 1 Jan 2010 21:07

Evening YG. How are you today ?


YG Report 1 Jan 2010 21:29

I'm not bad LG thanks!


LaGooner Report 1 Jan 2010 21:40

Thats good I guess reading back that you have snow !!!!


YG Report 1 Jan 2010 21:51

Yes, but nothing too serious. It caught me by surprise this afternoon, sneaking up on me!! There is only a thin covering, but don't know what is to come overnight. We are usually quite lucky here and avoid the extremities of the weather.

It has been known in the past to be wading knee deep in it, but not for some years now!!


RockyMountainShy Report 1 Jan 2010 21:54

OK who said snow is light and fluffy needs a good kick ......... in the snowbank!

All you people need are good W-I-N-T-E-R T-I-R-E-S they aren't much good on ice but in snow and slush they keep you on the road and moving. Maybe you should ask Tony Blair, or Margrant Th? if you can borrow some.

winter tires ----------check
sand or gravel -------check
shovel in case you slide off road --------check
emeremcy food for long drive --------check

winter tires ----------nope
sand or gravel -------maybe
shovel in case you slide off road --------nope
emeremcy food for long drive --------hmmmmmmm nope