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LaGooner Report 26 Dec 2009 08:33

Oh well seeing as you lazy lot are still snoozing I will get enthusiastic and clean Nutlodge. What a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You lot certainly had a good time while I have been away. Gloves on, feather duster at the ready, rev up the vacuum here we go. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Maybe catch you later, have a good day one and all x


AuntySherlock Report 26 Dec 2009 09:52

Welcome back LaGooner. So lovely to hear you firing on three and a half cylinders again. You certainly had us all very concerned. Really happy that the little ones are on the mend. And you are correct Nut Lodge is in need of a good clean out. Was was thinking more along the lines of a bulldozer than a feather duster.

Well that's Christmas 2009 done and dusted. We had a lovely meal and the weather was most kind to us. It was great to have the family all together even if only for one day. We sent them on their way with doggy bags full of leftovers. Spot protested a little. I think he still believes doggy bags are the property of sabre-toothed tigers. I wonder how many days lettuce eating I will have to undergo to wipe out all my misdemeanours from yesterday. Well one can't be a superior puddingista and not sample the wares.

Put the house back to normal today. Wonder how long it will be before the Easter Eggs start appearing in the shops. Spending some time tomorrow with my brother, sorting antique family photos (no cheek thank you) .

OH and I will be choofing off in about a week on a caravanning voyage of discovery. We have stuck a pin into the map and chosen a destination about 600 kilometres from here. You think I'm joking. No that's not the joke. The rolling around on the floor part comes when I tell you we are going in the same vehicle. I have my iPod filled with suitable Nut Lodge music so he can cruise the highway to his old time easy listening music.

Will call back a bit later and see if you need any further supervising with the Nut Lodge cleaning. So far you appear to have it under control. Cheerio for now.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Dec 2009 10:22

Good morning. You are doing a good job there LG. Good to see you raring to go – juust don’t over do it. You are scheduled to arrive here at 11.30 to commence a similar operation at the DET residence! Glad the girls were well enough to have good time yesterday. And what thoughtful presents your family gave you. (anyone want an unopened CD of ‘The Ultimate Collection’ by Katherine Jenkins (who??) ?????

Amongst our packages, we each received a stocking from our daughter overseas with the following letter.


Santa’s Workshop
(California Branch)

Dear (XXX) Family

As you have been good boys and girls this year, you have been chosen to receive Holiday/Christmas gifts from Santa (Father Christmas’s American Cousin) as well as your Holiday/Christmas gift distributor (Father Christmas).

The packaging was lovingly handcrafted in Santa’s Workshop (California Branch). Due to cuts in State Government funding (courtesy of ‘The Governator’ – one Mr Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has not been a good boy this year!), and recent layoffs, it was necessary for Fred the Elf to purchase gifts rather than hand make then. We hope th quality of the gifts will meet your satisfaction. Any complaints regarding the quality of production should be made to the Prime Minster of China and Taiwan.

After Rudolf, Dasher. Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen filed a class action lawsuit against Santa’s Workshop citing numerous nervous breakdowns including one on December 26, 2008, the Occupational Safety and Health Board (USA) and Health and Safety Executive (UK) rules that Reindeers should not be made to work more that 11 hours per shift. Therefore, Santa’s Workshop now delivers gifts via USPS and Royal Mail. We hope that the recent delivery strikes will not diminish the enjoyment of your gifts when you receive them in January!

Season’s Greetings/Happy Holidays/Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year to you all.

Kind regards.

P.S. (X’s) 49ers Shirt got sent to Santa’s Workshop in error, so please pass this on to him. Go Niners!


An impromptu touring vacation seems a good idea Aunty - wish we could be so 'disorganised' lol!

Off to prepare for Christmas Day mark II, to be transported to the ailing in laws tomorrow.


YG Report 26 Dec 2009 10:31

You're right LG!! I was still snoozing!! Slept in this morning till 9.40am. Shame on me!!

Aunty said use the bulldozer for cleaning Nut Lodge, not demolishing it LG!!!! You are getting too carried away now, just because you're going to the Emirates in your new shirt!!!!

Aunty, Easter Eggs are already in one supermarket here, I am told!!! They received an early order. Well, I for one, shall be totally ignoring them until Easter week.

Must get my skates on now and work some miracles to make myself look 'glam' for my visit to son's house. Youngest gdaughter has been poorly since Wednesday with a tummy bug/vomiting and was feeling very sorry for herself yesterday when they phoned me. I hope sh'e much better today. I will be down on all fours playing every game invented and with the new 'hamster' pets that are all the rage at the moment. Anyone got a hoist that I can borrow to get myself up of the floor when I've finished!!

Have a good day everyone.


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Dec 2009 11:30

morning all
am cleaning the oven wading through fourth load of washing ,cleaned hutches out got a load of leftovers ,
just spoken my mind lol so daughter is now stroppy it had to be said though , boyfriend is now sorting her out I thought she had grown up lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Dec 2009 13:29

They NEVER grow up....until they start looking at care homes for you lol!


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Dec 2009 14:51

nut lodge is a very welcome idea lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 26 Dec 2009 15:00

Hi everybody.

LG's done a really good job cleaning, the place is spotless.

Wonder where spot went!


Mazfromnorf Report 26 Dec 2009 16:20

my house could do with a clean here i have the goose carcus on boiling for soup , it was a lovely meal yesterday there is enough for a lunch before the lodgers go home tomorrow , we have had more snow overnight but it is wamer today and beginning to taw well ,
frog bought me a starbucks caffterre as thats where our first date was , i was out with him on wednesday and will be seeing him on monday weather permitting


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Dec 2009 21:49

I don't know if you are still CCOOLLDD over there at minus 4 (rolls around on the floor giggling) but if you are I'll let you use my monkey -

he does have a strong smell of nutmeg but you'll get used to that I'm sure.


AuntySherlock Report 26 Dec 2009 22:33

Oh very cute. And bears a striking resemblance to someone I have been living with for many years!! Lovely alternative to the old heat pack. The monkey ie not the person with whom I have been living etc etc.


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Dec 2009 22:42

You live with a monkey !!??!! Does he smell like nutmeg?


AuntySherlock Report 26 Dec 2009 23:15

Nope! Sort of an old spice/imperial leather/brylcreme/cigaretty potpourri. Nutmeg is probably a little too girly for him.


RockyMountainShy Report 26 Dec 2009 23:49

Except of this part - cigaretty - yours smells nice too.


AuntySherlock Report 27 Dec 2009 00:33

Well I had six months of non-cigaretty during which time he changed from monkeyish to full on godzilla the monsterish.

We had a deep and meaningful discussion in which I pointed out that he was not saving his health by giving up the ciggies because I was going to murder him anyway.

I have to admit he did smell beautiful in those six months. However smell is one thing, monster is unacceptable. So I have to add cigaretty onto the description of how he now smells and heave a great sigh of relief!!!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 07:26

Morning all, hope you have alll had a wonderful Xmas.
YG. OH has a trolley jack that might help you up from the floor or else we could send you the engine lift LOL.

Maz. A fresh cofee sounds good to me I have just finished this one !!

Aunty, Great fun sticking a pin in the map you never know what godforsaken place you end up in LOL.

DET. Sorry I could not get down to do your cleaning I will whisk over later on my broomstick while you are out and do the good fairy bit LOL

RMS> Doesn't the monkey play havoc with the Xmas tree and decorations ???? LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Dec 2009 09:08

LG you beat me lol i am getting later ,just got the coffee here too
Daughter goes home today I will miss them but am looking forward to a break now ,they dont do a lot and is very moody ,however i have enjoyed the time ,
I have got a jacket bolero style ordered in the sale 45 quid down to 12 it is ivory with a raspberry trim in the seams so it looked smart will see if it matches


YG Report 27 Dec 2009 09:14

Morning everyone. Are we all fit and fully charged or suffering the consequences of over-indulgence!!

There's me saying I need to start losing weight in the New Year sitting with 6 Walnut Whips, a bag of Jelly Babies, a box of Maltesers, a box of Belgian Chocolate Truffles and a thumping great box of L***t Dessert Chocs with Lemon Sorbet, Creme Brulee and Tiramisu to name but a few!!!

HELP!!!!!! Anyone want to come over and help me demolish them!!

Btw, you can now buy Jelly Geliatrics!! At least my friend only bought those for her mother and stuck with the 'baby' variety for me!!


LaGooner Report 27 Dec 2009 09:22

Is that you YG ?? Going in disguise LOL ???

Today will be restful. Little bit of shopping then settle down in front of TV for match.


AuntySherlock Report 27 Dec 2009 10:28

OK!! It has happened. I've broken. OMG I am doomed. Plump Aunty Sherlock here I come.

I know what you are talking about Yorkie. And pray tell what is this Yorkie business YG. I haven't noticed a "change of name" application on the Nut Lodge office desk. Explain yourself, and don't think I am going to call you duchess!!

Anyway back to the topic........................

I too have homemade truffles, macadamia chocolates, mint wafers, and a tin of those Pommy fruit and nut chocolates (I think it's Watkins brand - too full of chocolate to waddle out to the kitchen and check). I've decided the only way to get rid of them is to eat them. I've made enough people unhappy (well one at least) this Christmas with my eccentricities. So I really shouldn't give away these lovely chocolates.

So I've started. Oh the pile has not diminished very much and already I feel slightly queasy! Burp!!!