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LaGooner Report 24 Dec 2009 09:27

You lot better shift off my throne LOL. Hopefully will be looking back in this evening beforre Santa calls LOL. Everyone much improved so I am rushing off out now to do last minute shopping. Love to all. xxxxx


AuntySherlock Report 24 Dec 2009 11:11

Hi Everyone, Well it's time I put out the rat traps to see if I can catch this bloke who is reported to be lurking around the neighbourhood, breaking into people's houses via their chimneys and leaving his garbage behind.

Would you like to know what I did today. Well first of all I received two very nice e-cards. One was a little strange, but I do somehow recognize the characters. I have also discovered that since the upgrade my computer has no sound. Doesn't seem the same without sound, let me tell you. IT guru is visiting for lunch tomorrow, guess what he will be doing.

But I digress. What have I done today. An essay by Aunty Sherlock.
Dear Diary. Since this morning I have, checked my email, had breakfast, unwrapped the plum pudding, who hoo it worked,
made part of a salad, done a fitness class, taken the blonde one to do her Christmas shopping (and she was suffering from Russian beverage intake, poor dear), cooked the pork, cleaned out the pantry, cleaned out the fridge, put up the Christmas cards, helped OH put up the awning out from the verandah, wiped over the kitchen cupboards, had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, went to greengrocers where they had everything on special, moved everything from the verandah including OHs spare shoes which were full of cobwebs, hosed down verandah, chairs, table, (no not the shoes, but I was tempted) to remove leaves, dog hair (Spot again), spiders, spider webs, and other associated accumulations, put a cover over OHs this tool bench and assorted tools paint cans oil can and other manly type objects of importance which are on the verandah and can not be moved, bench, because we are having a three and a five year old visit tomorrow, think I had a meat pie for tea, found the foldable tables in the shed, at the back, next to the Christmas tree and tree decorations, cleaned the tables and put them up, put the cushions back on the chairs I had cleaned, decorated the apricot tree with Christmas decorations, put the Christmas tree back in the shed, unpacked the fruit and veg, cleaned the fruit stand and put the fruit in it, sighed each time I walked past the kitchen sink which sort of has our tea dishes and clean out the pantry plastic containers, all washed but waiting to be dried and put away, and there is no confounded way I am going to ask, was told not to do too much, because I'll be tired, there will be plenty of time tomorrow, took a family phone call, and sat down and started to type this.

Any part of this you do not understand, and if you are brave enough, please feel free to ask questions!!


AuntySherlock Report 24 Dec 2009 11:32

Ooh I do like the idea of the silver contrast for the wedding outfit. Very classy Maz!!

Pleased to see the boakins, the nessiemodo dragons, Kenny, Neckie, Glenn, Sweetpea, and the others have arrived safely in Canada. I wouldn't worry too much about the run in with the authorities. As soon as the boakins start talking about how they helped England win the Ashes from Australia the Canadians will know exactly what they are talking about and should let them into the country.

Hi Angie, thank you for your Chrissy wishes. They are returned with some sunshine and warm weather to brighten your day.

By the way. Does anyone over there want to discuss global warming. Ooops just checking!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Dec 2009 13:23

well the house is quiet cats are asleep
son is chatting a bank manager up lol
daughter has booked wedding and put banns up for reading have gone into darlington the snow is lovely deep and powdery i walked to iceland
i am eating soup home made cleaning the last areas our carol service has been cancelled due to the snow so will enjoy a tv day .


AuntySherlock Report 24 Dec 2009 14:11

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Australian themed Christmas cards are few and far between. Haven't found one I'd like to share and I'm sure not sending anymore snow and ice. I'll say it with words.

However you celebrate your Christmas I hope you have a wonderful time Enjoy the traditions, the celebrations, the festivities and being with those closest to you be they family or friends.

My Christmas wish is that you be surrounded by the warmth and happiness of this special day, and that the New Year is everything you wish to make you happy and contented.

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(Decorations by Pauline!! )

I am now off to bed. Just need to check out the roof first. Heard a loud clatter a few minutes ago, some swearing and I thought I heard, "Bl**%y Australians, thought they were supposed to have chimney's on their roofs."

Catchya later on.

PS. The speed of this site is as slow as waiting for Santa. Must be lots of cyber traffic.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Dec 2009 16:11

My day has been a little less energetic than Aunty's day, I can describe it in one line.

Sat with my feet up and watched DVD's all day.



YG Report 24 Dec 2009 17:11


I hope you have a wonderful day.

RMS - don't worry, the military guard will be very pleased to let the CPs go by the time they have had them there for a few hours and don't forget, Sweet Pea is there, so I don't hold out the chances of the guards holding them long!!

I'm sure they will arrive at your place in time for Christmas dinner. They don't have very big appetites! NOT!!


YG Report 24 Dec 2009 17:12

LG!! Good to hear everyone is on the mend!!!

You are almost up and running again!!! Quick, get back on the throne while Aunty is snoring!!!!!


AuntySherlock Report 24 Dec 2009 19:53

Good morning all. Santa has been. OH and I swapped presents like a couple of old pensioners. Spot undid his presents from Santa with great enthusiasm. There is now torn paper strewn from one side of the lounge to the oher. We have had a quiet word to him about allowing intruders into the house without barking. You still have a few more hours to go. I hope Santa has lots of pressies left by the time he reaches you.

Merry Christmas to you all. Hope all them that aren't well recover quickly and all those who are recovering are much weller. Potatoes and pumpkin peeled. Off to do the final bits before the family arrives. Wouldn't it be fun to do this every month instead of just once a year!!

Ducks and runs away very quickly!!!...................................~~~~~~~~~~~~


AuntySherlock Report 24 Dec 2009 19:59

Hey DET!! I've just killed the Couch Hiders Club thread. Oh my powers are improving so much!! Sits back on throne, looking warily from side to side, not to mention overhead!!!


YG Report 24 Dec 2009 20:02

Oh no you haven't!!


YG Report 24 Dec 2009 20:03

And you need to duck!! More than once a year!!



Mazfromnorf Report 24 Dec 2009 21:35

nite everyone have a lovely christmas


YG Report 25 Dec 2009 09:07




LaGooner Report 25 Dec 2009 10:57

Merry Christmas one and all. May God Bless you with a wonderful Xmas.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Dec 2009 16:28

Hello everyone love to all have a lovely christmas lovely to see you back LG


AuntySherlock Report 25 Dec 2009 20:52

Poor little thread. Languishing on page 2. They're all partying.


YG Report 25 Dec 2009 21:29

I'm here!!

I've had a lovely day at my friend's house and a delicious dinner!!

Suffering with over indulgence now, but it was worth it!!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas Day and good to see you back LG. You have been missed x


AuntySherlock Report 26 Dec 2009 01:44

Still haven't resolved the situation. Don't know how I managed to mother a blonde!!


LaGooner Report 26 Dec 2009 07:58

Good morning all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Who's in for a spot of boxing then LOL. I am not exactly fighting fit but feeling a lot better. Had a lovely day yesterday as I hardly lifted a finger. Best presents were to see my girls better and Ava unwrapping every present in sight (not all her own either LOL). I have 2 tickets to go and look round the Emirates oh joy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and another new team shirt.I thought I had died and gone to heaven