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Mazfromnorf Report 21 Dec 2009 11:31

just realised LG has been AwOL hope things are OK

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Dec 2009 11:50

Hi everybody, DET you've made me feel guilty, I'll have to go and do some cleaning as well. I've got the decorators in one room but there's nothing stopping me from doing the other rooms. Well, I'm trying to think of something to stop me :o)


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Dec 2009 12:02

just text LG
both Emily and Ava have been poorly but hopefully on the mend so we need to be thinkin about them LG will be shattered no doubt


YG Report 21 Dec 2009 19:22

Got to work safely this morning and back home tonight. Main roads are pretty clear, it's all the side roads that are a problem. The gritting has caused the snow to thaw, but we have been left with a very wet surface and it is freezing over again.

The unmentionable done, apart from a quick hoover round on Thursday afternoon when I get home.

Still a few pressies to wrap, but feeling more organised today!

Council coming on Wed afternoon to sort out central heating, so I hope they don't make too much mess!!

Only one full day and two half days left to work!! Yiippee!!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Dec 2009 19:46

just got back in from the youth it is solid out there but not quite as cold
i have cleaned but you wouldnt know it lol


AuntySherlock Report 21 Dec 2009 20:13

I do so feel for you lot. We are hearing of the disruption and chaos the wintry weather is causing over there. People's holiday plans wrecked and the disruption to traffic and transport. Add that to the colds and flu that seem to go with the inclement weather and it must make it difficult.

Keep your collective chins up. Keep off the roads unless it's absolutely necessary and think of us over here roasting in 40 degrees tomorrow with 25 and showers for Christmas Day.


YG Report 21 Dec 2009 21:01

Kenny!!!!! Where are you?????

Go get Aunty!!!!!!!


AuntySherlock Report 21 Dec 2009 21:38

Aunty is down on her hands and knees. No, not begging your forgiveness, never!! She is scrubbing the walls in the passage and dining room where Spot often rests his mangy body. Incredible how many dirty marks one sabre-tooth tiger can deposit on walls.

Edit. Just had a look around the house with my glasses on. Shrieks in dismay. Strewth!! Knew I never should have done that. OK I have the bucket, the cloth and the spray cleaner. Off to housework hell for the next hour or two or three.

And you know what is going to happen! As soon as I clean one thing something else will need cleaning.


YG Report 21 Dec 2009 22:39

But of course!! That is the sheer joy of doing h*******k and the fun of it when Spot runs in with muddy feet and a wet coat and shakes it everywhere!!!!

What else are pets for!!

You wouldn't know what to do with your time if you didn't have that to do!!

Well I'm off to snuggle up with my hot water bottle under a lovely warm duvet while you are on your hands and knees scrubbing!! Nite nite Aunty xx


RockyMountainShy Report 21 Dec 2009 22:46

Serves you right !!! 40 degrees and rain


BY the way, I am not a nut cases. I just got to much pride to leave you people alone.


LaGooner Report 21 Dec 2009 23:10

Just popped in to say Hi. Both little ones are getting better slowly after we honestly thought we were losing Emily. I spent the whole weekend in hospital with her and Hailey as Jack had to do Ava's medication and I did not want to take responsibility for it as it is very complicated. Hailey is now very poorly with a chest infection so Xmas will probably be postponed for us as my Oh is ill and I am not to good either. Oh Joy Merry Xmas !!!!!! NOT. Off to bed noow as I am so shattered and having yet another long day tomorrow.


RockyMountainShy Report 21 Dec 2009 23:29

hibernation is always a good solution.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Dec 2009 23:48

Oh heavens LG. Hang in there. You all have each other and Christmas is supposed to be about people. Everything will keep for a few days. Rest yourself and try not to stress. Easy to say I know however we all wish you and yours the very best.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Dec 2009 23:55

OK ten minutes rest.

I suggested to OH that it would save me heaps of work if Spot was an outside sabre-tooth tiger. He said no and suggested that he and Spot were very happy together and that I might like to be the outside dweller. That wasn't too bad until Spot started dragging my pillow outside, and stood at the back door waving his paw at me.

Well I've got the message. I suppose a once over spot clean up once a year isn't too bad.

A piece of useless information on behalf of all the girls.

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.

Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring.

Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.

We should've known…...

ONLY women would be able to drag a fat-bottomed man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

By the way RMS. You don't have to collect the CPs we are sending them over to you. One way passage for just a couple of months. They should be there in time for Christmas. Hope you have Fort Canada ready.

Off to sleepy bobos all of you.


RockyMountainShy Report 22 Dec 2009 00:01


ONE WAY !!!!!


AuntySherlock Report 22 Dec 2009 05:37

Oh Yaaaaaay!! RMS. Does that mean a big YES!!!

Oh, how wonderful, the CPs are so excited.

I've packed all their little bags.

Off she goes happily singing. Wish them luck as I wave them goodbye!!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 22 Dec 2009 08:39

LG sorry that all is still chaos if we were all together at the lodge we can open the hospital wing for you all ,you can rest and recover in peace we promise not to wake you up with carols
We are all frozen solid here very cold
sons car wouldnt start last night AA went to him think its just the cold that has got in


Mazfromnorf Report 22 Dec 2009 10:50

lol DET
i cant get in anything outside all the locks are frozen up was going to check the animals .as one of the guinea pigs has died this week so will try again soon . son gets upset when he finds them


AuntySherlock Report 22 Dec 2009 11:03

Maz, DET may be able to answer this better than me. However, I thought you poured hot water over the locks to free them up.

If it's a key in the hole type lock, put some hottish water in a squirty bottle and squirt it in.


AuntySherlock Report 22 Dec 2009 11:13

This is for RMS. I hope you understand the question.

Was your presence ever acknowledged. You "sounded" so excited.