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Searching a selected member in my tree

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Alfred Report 5 Sep 2016 10:22

I am trying to see other trees in my family tree but cannot get access to them; has anyone out there any ideas, as it is driving me potty trying %3A-S


Ken2 Report 5 Sep 2016 10:28

Not sure exactly what you mean but just looked at my tree and can navigate without problems.

Maybe if you give an example of what you are trying to do and why you can't do it.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Sep 2016 10:45

You need to ask the tree owner for access. Once that's been given, Open your tree, then 'trees shared with me'. Select the tree you wish to look at. Once it's loaded, select 'search tree' (top right hand corner).

Rather than entering a yob and pob which may be slightly different to yours, just put in the name in the search box. Select the most likely entry. Repeat as necessary.


ArgyllGran Report 5 Sep 2016 15:48

If you mean branches you've already entered on your own tree, sprouting from someone in your tree -

in "Immediate Family" view, select the person who is at the root of their tree.
Then select "Pedigree" view, or "Ancestors" or Descendants" view, depending on how you want to view that person's relatives.