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Genes Reunited for Dummies

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PeeEmm Report 10 Jun 2016 16:59

Well I don't get on here very often, but today I'm wondering if any of you lovely people can give me advice.
They used to be quite helpful to me early on, but now I find limited help from this direction. Is it because the number of pages I have is too large ?
These days I keep getting e-mails which indicate a new hot match, but as it is 'only one' hot match it does not show-up on my list.
I have 15 pages and the smallest number of matches is three. So I think single matches are now "unseen" by me!
If I'm right it would be nice to know what I should do, I don't want to "delete" any existing links I have to cut down on the number of pages. These contacts have been so helpful in the past it would be a shame to lose them.
Your help would be appreciated as I feel I may be missing something - could be old age creeping up on me :)
PS I have been a member since the year dot on this site and know many of the lovely helpful helpers ..........
Regards PeeEmm


PeeEmm Report 10 Jun 2016 17:00

... and thanks in advance


ArgyllGran Report 10 Jun 2016 18:23

Have you read the answers under Help (at top of page) > FAQ > Searching and matches ?

This one's undated, so don't know how old it is - could be years, or could be today!
Don't know if it's relevant to your problem.

"Why Haven't I Received Any Hot Matches?

We have had to stop running Hot Matches for a while as we had performance issues with the site.
Our development team have just started to run them again but they won't be run every 14 days. 50 names will be randomly selected from your tree and matches will be sent out with these names. They will match place of birth and you'll also get some super hot matches. The names Smith and Jones won't be included. It's a rolling program so it might take some time before you receive any."

Personally, I gave up looking at Hot Matches several years ago, as very few were actually matches. And a whole lot of actual matches disappeared overnight.

Just another of the several GR "features" which don't work.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jun 2016 19:59

Hi PeeEmm ............

GR is not what it was "back then"

We seem to be in a backwater, with most attention being given to fmp.

Staff is reduced to a minimum, Estelle and Phil moved to FMP, and Phil has now left there and set up his own business ................ and there seems not to be the support and development going on.

I haven't had a notice re a Hot Match for over a year, and I only have around 100 names on my tree!


PeeEmm Report 10 Jun 2016 21:07

thank you Argyllgran I did see this at the time - was quite a while ago and fitted in with general problems they were having.

Not good at that time

Thank you for posting - and no I did not look at the FAQ's must do better %3A-%28


PeeEmm Report 10 Jun 2016 21:20

Sylvia - Hello again and thanks for responding.

Sounds a bit gloomy.

I do get Hot Match notices quite often but can't find the people concerned when I follow the link to the Hot Match page, I assume that is because of my large collection of lovely people who have linked to my tree. I don't like to do a delete just because I have made contact and then copied over some of the info. I'm sure you understand.
I'm a bit of a horder so perhaps I should delete more %3B-%29

Thanks for your comments - watch this space




grannyfranny Report 11 Jun 2016 22:47

Are you managing to identify the 'new' hot matches? If you click on the new at the top of the column, twice I think, the new matches will come to the top, marked new.

I hang on to about 4 pages. If it gets out of hand, I look at at some of the '1's', and maybe delete a few.


Kense Report 12 Jun 2016 07:44

You can discard Hot Matches to remove them from the current Hot Matches, but you can see them again using the View Discarded Hot Matches button

You can also sort the Discarded Matches by clicking on any of the colum headers.
eg clicking on In My Contacts will put all those you are in contact with in front of the rest. A second click will reverse the order.


PeeEmm Report 12 Jun 2016 09:28

Frances - Hello and thank you.

You are 100% right %3A-%29
However as I have a few more than 4 pages it becomes slightly more difficult %3A-%29 the ones and two's didn't show !!!!!!!!!!
But now I realize that "discard" is not delete I have discarded a lot of the small numbers on the end of the file and hey presto! the new "ones" and "two's" have been revealed.
Thank you for your post




PeeEmm Report 12 Jun 2016 09:36


Thank you for your help.
You will see from the message above to "grannyfranny", that I have cracked-it ....... I've discarded lots of low numbers and then in come the more recent "1's" and "2's" which is just what I wanted.
I do appreciate you post it puts things into perspective.
And it solves my current query %3B-%29